
Chapter 182: Unique race


"Actually, it's nothing good, just remember a little bit."

When Shen Chengwen said these words, Yang Yi was looking at relevant information about the Dumen clan. Although Shen Chengwen said casually, Yang Yi looked up at him.

"The destination is the Green Star, which is the home planet of the Unique Clan, a planet completely covered by jungle, like a green hell."

"Green hell?"

Shen Chengwen nodded, threw a piece of chewing gum to Yang Yi, and said: "The Dumen is a fifth-class civilization, and the home planet is a little farther away from the Greenwich meteorite belt. However, this civilization is not strong, and it does not rely on military strength. Not advanced science and technology, but a special ability."

"What ability?" Yang Yizheng wanted to understand this civilization. Since there is a living dictionary of Shen Chengwen, there is no need to look through those boring materials.

"The ability to influence and change the natural environment."

In Yang Yi's surprised eyes, Shen Chengwen briefly introduced the Dumen tribe.

Although like humans, the Dumen are also carbon-based life, but they are very different from humans. Simply put, the Dumen are creatures with both animal characteristics and plant characteristics. According to Shen Chengwen's understanding, the Dumen tribe evolved from a plant that has the ability to move. Only tens of thousands of years ago, that is, when the Milky Way was still living and multiplying, the Dumen tribe had a major and far-reaching change, with earth-shaking changes taking place, animal characteristics were highlighted, and plant characteristics were suppressed. However, after this sudden change, the unique abilities of the Dumen race did not disappear, but instead became the foundation of the Galactic Alliance family.

This is, the unique person's skin contains chlorophyll, which can carry out photosynthesis!

The Dumen are also the only group in the Galactic Alliance with this ability.

This special ability has made the Dumen very popular. Apart from other things, the advanced civilizations of the Galactic Alliance, including the seven top civilizations, all treat the Dumen, such as allowing Dumen to settle in their native galaxies, which greatly extends the freedom of movement of the Dumen. In addition, in some special fields, such as the development of a colonial planet with an extremely harsh environment, unique people also have irreplaceable value.

In fact, this is the main way of survival for the unique.

In the early days when the Galactic Alliance settled in the Southern Alpha Galaxy, including the Human Federation, after discovering a planet that is rich in resources, but with a harsh environment and suitable for survival, it will hire a single person and let the single person settle on the planet, relying on its unique Ability to change the planet’s environment, especially the composition of the atmosphere. After the environment becomes suitable for the survival of other carbon-based life, the colonists will be transported to the planet.

To this end, the Dumen set up a special organization to provide services to other civilizations.

Although the Galactic Alliance has long completed the exploration of the Southern Alpha Galaxy, and all known planets have been developed, the value of the unique man has not diminished. That is, as long as there are places where unique people settle, the environment is guaranteed, and there is no need to spend great efforts to maintain the environment.

This characteristic has also had a great impact on the cultural concept of the Dumen.

Although it is a fifth-class civilization, the Dumen have almost no planets colonized, and they are not a bit aggressive. It can be said that in the Galactic Alliance, the Dumen are the most peaceful civilization. However, it is interesting that the Dumen are one of the biggest beneficiaries of the five Greenwich wars. This is, after the Five Greenwich Wars, civilizations devastated by the war will look for the Dumen to help restore the natural environment of the colonized planet. What is even more ironic is that the Dumen are very closed and are very hostile to other civilizations of the Galactic Alliance, especially the Human Federation. According to external rumors, the Dumen people have always believed that the existence of human civilization is destroying the natural environment, rather than maintaining it.

Obviously, the relationship between the Dumen and the Human Federation is not very good.

Although in the Fifth Greenwich War, it was the Human Federation who fought bloody and defended the homeland galaxy, and the invading army of the Silicon Magic Alliance failed to continue to advance to the center of the Southern Alpha Galaxy. The main beneficiary. Simply put, based on the situation at the time, if the homeland galaxy is lost, the human federation is finished, and the next one to be wiped out by the Silicon Charm Alliance is the Dumen. However, the Dumen did not thank the Human Federation for this. Instead, they severed diplomatic relations with the Human Federation after the war, and did not even help the Human Federation restore the destroyed colonial planet. For the next thousand years, the Dumen also banned humans from going to Green Star.

"To be honest, if it weren't for the same galaxy alliance, and the seven top civilizations value the Dumen tribe, we would have turned our faces with the Dumen tribe." Shen Chengwen smiled coldly and said, "You know, the Green Star is going to the center of the home galaxy. On the necessary routes in the region, the Dumen only need to turn off the spatial coordinate indicator on the route to cut off this route and cut off our communication with other civilizations."

"so serious?"

Shen Chengwen nodded slightly, and said: "Although there are other routes, they are longer and the safety is not very good. After the war, we once proposed in the Union Parliament to obtain a military base on the Green Star to guard the routes. .Unfortunately, at that time, all the major civilizations were pleased with the Dumen tribe, no one supported us, even the hidden spirit tribe remained silent. To say anything, the Dumen tribe was fairly honest and did not cause us trouble on the route. Of course. , This does not mean that the Dumen clan welcomes us to Green Star."

"Have you been to Green Star?"

Shen Chengwen glanced at Yang Yi, nodded slightly, and said: "Before joining the strategic squadron, I have been there three times, all of which were secret operations."

"What action?"

"Explore the space coordinate nodes on the route to prepare for the opening of a new route."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Shen Chengwen very puzzled.

"During peace, the Dumen will not be our enemies. The problem is that during the war, the Dumen will probably close their routes in order to protect themselves." Shen Chengwen exclaimed, "Although the Silicon Magic Alliance will not be due to its special abilities. Special treatment for the Dumen will instead eradicate the Dumen. After all, the living environment of silicon-based life is very different from ours. The Dumen’s special abilities are not only worthless, but are huge harm. But the Dumen are not a fighting race, military strength. It is also very weak, and has not played much role in the previous Greenwich Wars. More importantly, the unique person can survive in almost any environment, and the adaptability is extremely amazing. To put it bluntly, even if the parent star is lost, as long as there is a planet that has not been The Si-Magic Alliance can only survive. Obviously, even if we are defeated in the war, the Si-Magic Alliance will not be able to capture the entire Southern Alpha galaxy immediately. There is always a place for the unique people to settle down. Besides, except for the Southern Alpha galaxy, the universe There are still many star systems in China, and some of them are places for unique people to thrive."

After Shen Chengwen finished speaking in one breath, Yang Yi was silent.

"So, don't have too much hope for this action. When we arrive at Green Star, we will definitely not be treated as saviors by unique people."

"We are not the enemy of the Dumen."

Shen Chengwen smiled faintly, and said: "We think so, but the unique people may not think of us like that. Anyway, it's better to be careful."

Yang Yi exhaled and said, "Could it be possible that we have to guard against unique people?"

"The heart of harm is indispensable, and the heart of defensiveness is indispensable." Shen Chengwen paused for a while, and then said, "Do you think, why did you think it sent us to Green Star to save the Dumen? You know, if there were no other high-level Civilization intervention, we have long sent troops to Green Star. If the only people are extinct, only the Human Federation can take over the Green Star. It is obviously better to control the route to the rear in your own hands than to be threatened by others."

Yang Yi frowned, and he couldn't refute Shen Chengwen's point of view.

"To put it bluntly, our task is to keep the course. The Silicon Charm Alliance sent Green Stars not to deal with the Dumen, but to cut off our lifeline. As for the survival of the Dumen, it is not a matter of concern to the above, nor is it us. The main task of this operation."

"Old Shen, I don't think so."

"What do you think?"

Yang Yi thought for a while before he said: "Your view is not wrong, but with the current situation, we can bypass the Dumen clan to control the Green Star and control the lifeline?"

"The Dumen are not a fighting race, at all..."

"How many troops do we have available, and how many troops can we send to Green Star in the short term?"

Shen Chengwen was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't answer at once.

"If the army can be sent to the Green Star, we will not be sent there. So far, the Federation has not completed the war mobilization, and it can even be said to be indefinitely. We rely on the dozens of officers and soldiers to hold the Green Star at all. The above sent us to help the Dumen ethnic group. This is in mind. Also, after the war broke out, other civilizations believed that we ignited the war and caused the Silicon Magic Alliance to launch an offensive. Although this is not the case, it is necessary to prove that, We have to do something. Saving the Dumen is the action we must take. If I’m not mistaken, the above is just to prove that the human federation is the defender of the Galactic Alliance through this action, so as to obtain other civilizations, especially the seven tops. The support of civilization allows the Galactic Alliance to make a war decision as soon as possible."

When Yang Yi said this, Shen Chengwen kept looking at him with a strange look.

"Why, I was wrong?"

"Brother Yang, I really underestimated you." Shen Chengwen chuckled and said, "To be honest, you should go to the theater headquarters as a staff officer, not work in the special investigation team."

"Are you admiring me, or are you taunting me?"

"Of course it is praise." Shen Chengwen smiled and shook his head, and said, "You are right, I want to make it simple. But, I'm afraid this is not a good thing."

When Shen Chengwen said so, Yang Yi sighed.

Indeed, if it was just for the route to the central area of the Southern Alpha Galaxy, this operation would not be too complicated. However, relying on their dozens of officers and soldiers, if you want to help the Dumen to resist the attack of the Silicon Magic army, it is simply an impossible task.