
Chapter 183: Work together


The green star is a vibrant planet that can be seen even from far away, and the entire planet is covered with green forests. Although there are no oceans on the planet, there are mountains, rivers, and lakes, but they are all hidden under dense forests that are a little too dense.

The green star now looks different.

Because the news was received long ago, when the "Shadow" rushed out of the space channel, it was still about 50 million kilometers away from the green star, and it happened to be called "Cassius", which means "in unique language". Behind the satellite that means "Children of the Forest" was not discovered by the Silicon Magic fleet outside the Green Star.

The battle is still going on, and the Simei fleet is besieging the spaceport on the green star's synchronous orbit, which is also the only space fortress near the green star.

Although the one-man loves peace, there is also a large army.

However, this army is full of mercenaries from other civilizations.

After the end of the First Greenwich War, the Galactic Alliance Council passed a resolution clearly stipulating that each civilization must form an army according to its level and participate in combat operations after the alliance enters a state of war. Because this is a resolution of a legal nature passed by the Union Parliament, as long as it is a member of the Union, it must abide by it. The Dumen are no exception, regardless of whether they want to form an army according to the regulations.

For this reason, the Dumen tribes formed an army, but there are very few Dumen who are willing to serve, so they can only hire mercenaries from other civilizations.

However, the size of the army of the Dumen tribe is not very large, it can't be compared with the human army at all, and its status relative to the fifth-class civilization is obviously small. This army has a total of only 100,000 officers and soldiers, which is the lower limit of the military strength of the fifth-class civilizations stipulated by the alliance. In peacetime, the main mission of this army is to maintain the route from the central area of the Southern Alpha Galaxy to the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, which is also the Federal Territory of Mankind, and combat pirates on the route. Because the Dumen have almost no enemies within the alliance, and there is only one colonizing planet, which is still very close, that is, a blue star a few light years away, the Dumen do not need to rely on the army to maintain the safety of the home planet and the colonizing planet.

Obviously, this army is more like a police force that maintains public order.

The spaceport under siege by the Simei fleet is actually a satellite of Green Star, the fourth largest among the five natural satellites of Green Star, and the closest to Green Star. Because the Human Federation developed and grown in the Five Greenwich Wars, it became the civilization near the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, which is the largest jurisdiction in the Northern Fourth District, and assumed the heavy responsibility of guarding the Greenwich Line, especially after the Fifth Greenwich War. It became the only surviving civilization in the Northern Fourth District, so the route from the Human Federation to the central area of the Southern Alpha Galaxy became lively, and the hub of this route, the spaceport transformed from a satellite, also benefited from it.

Here, in addition to a 100,000 garrison, a wharf that can accommodate tens of thousands of spaceships, a warehouse that stocks billions of tons of goods and complete living and entertainment facilities, there are also tens of thousands of branches and offices of large enterprises, as well as from Merchants of various civilizations in the Southern Alpha Galaxy.

Although the Dumen banned humans from going to the Green Star, due to the relevant alliance treaties, the Dumen did not prohibit humans from going to the spaceport for commercial activities.

Of course, there is no way to prohibit it.

To put it bluntly, this spaceport is the foundation for the survival and development of the Dumen.

Although guarding the lifeline of the Human Federation, the Green Star is still very remote in the Southern Alpha Galaxy, and after the Fifth Greenwich War, other civilizations adjacent to the Greenwich Meteor Belt have been extinct, and only the Human Federation has survived. This route is not only the lifeline of the human federation, but also the source of wealth for the Dumen. To put it simply, half of the Dumen’s fiscal revenue comes from taxes on operating routes and spaceports. If humans are prohibited from conducting commercial activities in the spaceport, the Dumen will go bankrupt. Even if the unique person is withdrawn, the requirements for life are not very high, and there is not enough financial income, and it is impossible to establish a foothold in the Galactic Alliance.

In fact, it was precisely for this tax that the Independents invested heavily in expanding the size of the spaceport after the Fifth Greenwich War, and spent money to hire more mercenaries to expand the size of the army to 100,000. Spend more energy on operating this spaceport.

The development of the past millennium is enough to turn the spaceport into a prosperous space city.

Although he has never been here before, Yang Yi learned from the information provided by the Theater Command that a few months ago, it was the most prosperous commercial and trade center near the North Fourth District. Thousands of large cargo ships set off from here every day. Going to the central area of the Homeland Galaxy or the Southern Alpha Galaxy, there are more than 10 million tons of goods coming and going from here every hour, and there are countless people entering and leaving the spaceport.

Only now, prosperity is no longer there.

Even tens of millions of kilometers away, you can still see the fireball produced by the explosion on the spaceport.

Although the satellite on which the spaceport is located is not large, with a diameter of only about one thousand kilometers, it still far exceeds that of a human-built spaceport.

The Simei fleet surrounded the spaceport and was bombarding the spaceport wildly.

The defenders of the spaceport did not surrender and were still resisting, but the firepower for the counterattack was very weak, and there were very few fighters to launch into the air.

It's not that the mercenaries are not brave enough, but that they don't have the right weapons at all.

After the Fifth Greenwich War, the Human Federation took over the North Fourth District and independently assumed the responsibility of guarding the Greenwich Line. Because in the previous Greenwich Wars, the Silicon Magic Alliance launched an offensive from the Greenwich Meteorite Belt. First, it had to sweep the star system in the North 4th District, and then advance south, which is equivalent to saying that the Human Federation is blocking the front of the Dumen. As long as the Human Federation guards the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, the Simei Legion will not be able to reach the Green Star and will not be a threat to the Dumen. If the Human Federation did not hold the Greenwich meteorite belt, even if the whole people of the Dumen tribe were all soldiers, they would not be able to resist the pace of the Simei Army. Therefore, in the past thousand years, the Dumen did not pay much attention to the defense construction of the space port, and the mercenaries hired were only responsible for maintaining the order of the space port and combating pirates that threatened the route. Obviously, dealing with illegal pirates and the like does not require very advanced weapons and equipment. Besides, even the most powerful pirate army did not have the guts to attack a space fortress, and naturally there was no need to deploy heavy weapons on the fortress.

Obviously, the weapons and equipment used to deal with pirates are fire sticks in front of the Silicon Charm fleet.

The mercenaries guarding the spaceport did not run away, but continued to fight, which is already very remarkable.

Perhaps, those mercenaries just didn't get the chance to escape.

While Yang Yi and the others were observing the battlefield situation, Allen used the battlefield information collected by the "Shadow" to analyze the next actions.

The Green Star has been surrounded. Although the Silicon Magic fleet is focusing on attacking the spaceport, there are many patrol ships. It is impossible for the "Shadow" to reach the Green Star without being discovered. Simply put, as long as the "Shadow" flies out of the shadow area of the "Cassius" satellite, it will be spotted by the enemy patrol ship. Although the "Shadow" is very fast, it is absolutely unable to break through the interception of the Silicon Charm fleet.

what to do

"Go to the spaceport first, and then find a way to go to Green Star." Shen Chengwen put forward his own ideas. "The enemy is besieging the spaceport and the situation is chaotic. We can take the opportunity to slip over and try our best to get close to the spaceport. If the enemy finds out, we will force a breakthrough and try to land on the spaceport before being shot down by the enemy. We are all soldiers. , As long as we get close enough, even if the'Shadow' is destroyed, we can reach the spaceport. The key is that we must get close enough, at least to enter the gravitational field of the spaceport. If we can contact the defenders of the spaceport, When we attack the enemy’s blockade, provide support and cover, and the probability of success is even greater."

"Allen?" Lin Feng was not wordy, and immediately asked Allen to evaluate Shen Chengwen's proposal.

After a while, Allen gave the evaluation result.

Even under the most ideal circumstances, the plan proposed by Shen Chengwen has a success rate of less than 10%, and it requires the support and cooperation of the spaceport defenders. If there is no contact with the defenders of the spaceport, and the defenders mistakenly attacked the spaceport while being besieged by the Simei fleet at the same time, the probability of success would be even lower, not even 5%. However, this is the only feasible solution. According to the evaluation results given by Allen, only this set of plans has a chance of success, and any other plans are not even feasible.

Lin Feng did not hesitate and immediately made arrangements.

Shen Chengwen led the officers and soldiers of the strategic squadron to control the weapons of the "Shadow", Jackson and others were responsible for the control of the "Shadow" defensive equipment, Lin Feng personally piloted the "Shadow", and Yang Yi went to the "Shadow" power cabin. During the assault, let the "Shadow" power converter reach its maximum power.

Don't forget, Yang Yi used the "source of life" to drive the spacecraft when he broke through the lava star.

The "Shadow" is just a reconnaissance ship, equipped with an A-class primordial energy converter. When driving the weapon system and defense equipment at the same time, the power that can be used on the propulsion system is very limited. In order to break through the interception of the Silicon Magic fleet, it is necessary to provide additional power to the "Shadow".

Obviously, only Yang Yi has this ability.

Of course, this is not to say that other people are not important.

Everyone is on the "Shadow". It can be said that they are on the same ship. Everyone has an important role. Only by working together can we break through the enemy's blockade. It is also an army. For dozens of officers and soldiers such as Yang Yi, there is no distinction between important and secondary.

At this time, all officers and soldiers knew that only if everyone worked hard to win the battle.

In fact, this is also the most fundamental difference between an army and a rogue, a soldier and a ranger. On the battlefield, the army is an unbreakable whole!