
Chapter 185: Precarious wind and rain


Although for the "Shadow", which is about to reach its extreme speed, which is one-tenth the speed of light, the distance of several thousand kilometers is a blink of an eye. However, due to the limitation of the theory of relativity, it is very important for Lin Feng and others on the "Shadow". In general, this is a relatively long period of time.

Just as it was about to hit the Canglong battleship, a dazzling beam shot out from the "Shadow" and directed straight at the Canglong battleship.

This beam of light seems familiar!

Lin Feng was startled at first, and then suddenly thought that a few months ago, Yang Yi and others escaped from the Lava Star in a spacecraft, and encountered such a beam when they encountered a fighter plane piloted by the warlord of the Silicon Charm Alliance. It's just that, in comparison, the beam from the "Shadow" is now much sharper.

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly understood.

"Everyone has it, output at full speed."

Lin Feng didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately connected the weapon system and defense system through the "Shadow" optical brain, taking away dozens of soldiers from the original energy exerted on the weapon and defense system, and all of them were applied to the propulsion system. , Let the "Shadow" continue to accelerate the flight.

Of course, the effect is not obvious.

The "Dark Shadow" can only reach one-tenth the speed of light at the fastest. Even if it inputs more original energy and is limited by the maximum rated power of the propulsion system, it cannot fly faster. Because the "Shadow" hasn't reached the fastest speed yet, inputting more is just to increase the acceleration.

In a blink of an eye, the beam shot from the "Shadow" hit the Canglong battleship.

The light beam did not dissipate, but continuously applied the surging original energy to the Canglong battleship, forcibly burned a huge hole in the ship's body.

A hole large enough for the "Shadow" to pass through!

Immediately afterwards, the "Shadow" went through.

Almost at the same time, the light beam disappeared.

There is a spaceport ahead. How dare Lin Feng immediately activate the anti-propulsion system, to be precise, to turn the "Shadow" propulsion system over and slow the "Shadow".

The spaceport is a satellite of the Green Star, not only much larger than the Canglong battleship, but also much stronger.

Obviously, no matter how powerful Yang Yi is, it is impossible to penetrate the spaceport.

At the same time, Shen Chengwen and other soldiers regained control of the weapon system and started firing at the enemy planes chasing from the rear.

The "Shadow" decelerated rapidly and was also rapidly approaching the spaceport.

When the hornet-like fire bat fighters chased up, several teams of fighters flew out of the spaceport and flew toward the "Shadow".

Allen had contacted the defenders of the spaceport and notified the whereabouts of the "Shadow".

In fact, even if the defenders were not contacted, when the "Shadow" penetrated the Canglong battleship, the defenders of the spaceport should know that it was a friendly ship.

Not many fighters came to respond, but the pilots were very good.

More importantly, the pierced Canglong battleship has lost control, to be precise, it is dead. Although the huge hull did not explode, the pierced part fell off in a large area, and a large number of fragments were shaken off, scattered behind the "Shadow", posing a serious threat to the chasing firebat warfare mechanism.

Lin Feng could see clearly that more than half of the Firebat fighters were hit by the falling debris from the Canglong battleship.

Although there were still many Firebat fighters that avoided casually, they had to slow down and steer in the process of avoiding, and distanced themselves from the "Shadow". When these fire bat fighters speeded up to catch up again, the fighters that came to pick up the "Shadow" had arrived.

Under the cover of these fighters, the "Shadow" got rid of the enemy aircraft.

"Allen, you control it."

Lin Feng floated down, took off the control helmet, and rushed to the power cabin behind him.

Although the "Shadow" has broken through the blockade of the Silicon Charm fleet, after penetrating the Canglong battleship, Yang Yi was silent.

What worries Lin Feng even more is that the propulsion power of the "Shadow" has returned to normal.

In other words, Yang Yi no longer provided the original power for the "Shadow".

She knew that Yang Yi had tried his best to penetrate the Canglong battleship, and he might have collapsed.

In the power cabin, Yang Yi was lying on the floor, his eyes closed tightly.

"A Yi!" Lin Feng rushed up and hugged Yang Yi. "A Yi, what's the matter with you? You wake up soon, don't have anything to do, don't scare me..."

Lin Feng felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and lost control of his emotions, clinging to Yang Yi and refused to let go.

"Xiaofeng, you... No matter how hard you try, I... I'm going to be strangled to death by you, you..."

Lin Feng was taken aback, and quickly let go. Yang Yi struggled to raise his head and took a deep breath. His face flushed and he looked almost suffocated. Lin Feng really tried too hard, and he didn't care about it at first, and put Yang Yi's head in front of his chest and sandwiched it between another huge chest. Not to mention that Yang Yi was exhausted, even in normal times, he would be suffocated. Fortunately, he made a sound in time.

"you… "

"I'm fine, I'm just too tired."

"You dead ghost, it's okay, why do you pretend to be dead?"

"Where did I pretend to be dead?"

"You still quibble, I ignore you."

Yang Yi was speechless, but he knew that Lin Feng was angry because he had eaten tofu, and Lin Feng was really worried about him at first.

Feeling ashamed, Yang Yi didn't say much.

After a while, Lin Feng turned his head. "You start..."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, but didn't explain much. Lin Feng knew all the secrets in him, including the immortal and immortal combat skills learned from Princess Sijia.

In the beginning, the trick that penetrated the Canglong battleship was the "life, death and seizure" of the immortal battle skills.

Although it is only the second layer of tricks, but the power is extremely amazing. A few months ago, Yang Yi used this trick, and he knew it best, but he was limited by his own combat power at the time, and his power was extremely limited. Now, Yang Yi has not only fully grasped the "source of life", but the level of the original body has also been improved. Moreover, when his life is at stake, his power is naturally different.

In fact, it just happened to penetrate the Canglong battleship.

If Yang Yi didn't shoot with all his strength, but had reservations, he would not be able to penetrate the Canglong battleship, and the "Shadow" would hit it head-on.

Obviously, Yang Yi is not confident, but has no choice.

Based on the situation at the time, if the "Shadow" turned to evasive, its speed would slow down. Not only would it not be able to get rid of the enemy aircraft, it would also be surrounded by incoming enemy ships. In the midst of a heavy siege, even if there are dozens of soldiers fighting with all their strength, the "Shadow" cannot reach the spaceport.

Seeing Yang Yi's exhausted look, Lin Feng didn't ask any more, and helped him up.

When the two arrived in the cockpit, Shen Chengwen, Jackson and others had already rushed over.

In the rear, the fighters of both sides were still fighting, but most of the Fire Bat fighters had been withdrawn or were shot down, and the enemy did not dispatch more fighters.

The "Shadow" has broken through the blockade, and there is no point in continuing to pursue it.

Besides, the defenders of the spaceport did not surrender, they were still fighting. The firebat fighter's ground attack ability is not strong, and it is easy to be shot down when entering the attack area of defensive firepower.

Under Allen's control, the "Shadow" was flying to an underground hangar.

The spaceport has thousands of docks and can dock at most tens of thousands of large cargo spacecraft, but after being attacked, the defenders abandoned all docks.

The exposed docks are extremely vulnerable to attack.

Besides, before the "Shadow" arrived, most of the spaceport's docks and many cargo ships that had not had time to leave were destroyed by enemy ships.

As the "Dark Shadow" approached, Yang Yi and others could clearly see the tragic scene on the surface of the spaceport.

It's really tragic.

On the surface of the spaceport, there are countless craters densely distributed, and some of the craters are still blazing, indicating that they have just been bombed. In fact, when the "Shadow" flew to the spaceport, from time to time huge bombs were thrown from several large battleships nearby.

The existence of those warships was the key to the defenders' abandoning their positions on the surface and turning them underground.

Obviously, as long as the bombardment continues, even if the spaceport cannot be captured, the Silicon Magic fleet can destroy the spaceport, rendering the remaining defenders completely incapable of combat.

In this regard, Yang Yi and Lin Feng also looked at each other.

Yang Yi's ability to penetrate a Canglong battleship with "life, death and seizure" does not mean that he can use the same method to kill all enemy ships entrenched near the green star.

To put it bluntly, even if you do it again, Yang Yi can't do it.

Besides, those enemy ships won't stay there all the time, acting as Yang Yi's targets.

Soon, an open passage appeared in front of the "Shadow". It's not very spacious, barely allowing the "Shadow" to pass.

The two defenders' fighter planes flew over, flapping their wings, and signaled the "Shadow" to keep up, and then flew to the front, first getting into the tunnel.

"Wait, I will negotiate with Squadron Shen. Everyone should pay attention to this. This is the territory of the Dumen Clan."

In fact, even if Lin Feng didn't remind him, others would pay attention to his words and deeds. The xenophobia of the Dumen is not a secret, nor is it a secret to be hostile to humans. Not only did the officers and soldiers of the strategic squadron know, Jackson also knew very well, after all, they used to be interstellar mercenaries.

"You follow me, don't talk nonsense later." Lin Feng exhorted Yang Yi again.

Yang Yi nodded, showing that he understood what Lin Feng meant.

Lin Feng sighed secretly, gave Shen Chengwen a look, then turned and left the cockpit.

In fact, Lin Feng knew very well that the real trouble had not yet come. That is, it is not the unique people who guard the spaceport, but the mercenaries hired by the unique people. Dealing with mercenaries won't be too much of a problem. After all, they want to survive, so naturally they won't be slow to wait for reinforcements coming from thousands of miles away. The problem is that the spaceport is about to fall, and the mission of the mercenaries is only to guard the spaceport, not to guard the home planet of the Dumen.

The real trouble is dealing with the Dumen through mercenaries.

To put it more straightforwardly, even if you can get the trust and assistance of the defenders, you may not be able to contact the Dumen, or even go to Green Star.

Lin Feng didn't know what to do next.

It is naturally better to be able to hold the spaceport and repulse the Silicon Charm fleet here. The problem is that after experiencing the battle to break through the blockade of the Silicon Magic fleet, and knowing the size of the Silicon Magic fleet, let alone defeating the Silicon Magic fleet, how long you can stay in the spaceport is unknown.

If the spaceport falls, you have to go to Green Star.

The Dumen will continue to resist, will fight to the end with the Silicon Magic army, will welcome the soldiers of the Human Federation, will they cooperate with Lin Feng and the others!