
Chapter 186: Suicide attack


"Four people, please wait a moment."

Although Lin Feng urged Yang Yi and others to negotiate with Shen Chengwen, Lin Feng brought Yang Yi and Jackson to the commander of the spaceport.

Along the way, the four of them felt very heavy.

Compared with this, the camp of Prometheus Star Garrison can be said to be a scenic resort. Among other things, the garrison of Prometheus can at least move on the ground. The spaceport was built on Green Star’s satellites, and hundreds of years of continuous expansion have almost hollowed out the entire satellite. To put it more vividly, the spaceport is a three-dimensional city with a honeycomb structure supported by a high-strength frame.

The command center is located on the side facing the Green Star, and the straight-line distance to the hangar is almost 1,000 kilometers.

Relying on the circular rail transit facilities extending in all directions, Yang Yi and the others arrived at the command center in just over ten minutes. Although the situation is better than that in the hangar, at least there are no dying wounded lying on the floor, and there are no various medical wastes that were thrown away. However, the guards guarding outside the command center were all injured, and some of them were still injured. Very heavy. Obviously, the life of the defenders was extremely difficult.

After the receiving officer entered, the gate of the command center was not closed.

This is an electric door, but the electric power assist device has been closed and it takes a lot of effort to open it, and the guards at the door seem to be too lazy to move.

The reception officer walked straight to a burly senior officer and whispered in the senior officer's ear for a while. The senior officer looked back at Lin Feng and the other four who were standing outside the door, waved to the reception officer, turned his head and stared at the big screen in front of him.

The screen shows the situation around the spaceport.

A battle is going on, not on the side where the "Shadow" arrives, but on the side facing the green star. Hundreds of fighters are blocking a huge warship, but it is besieged by a large number of enemy aircraft. The fighting was fierce, and it can even be described as tragic. In order to prevent the warship from approaching the Green Star, some fighter planes were repeatedly hit by gunfire fired by enemy planes when they tried to approach.

It was not an ordinary warship, it looked more like a transport ship and a landing ship, but it was definitely not a landing force.

The reception officer walked back, looking a little embarrassed.

"Four people, I'm sorry, please wait a while."

Lin Feng nodded, expressing understanding. The attention of Yang Yi and others is on the big screen, and the battle is still going on, so I don't mind waiting for a while.

After more than half of the fighters were shot down, the remaining fighters gathered together to launch a final impact on the enemy ship. The surrounding enemy planes rushed up like mad dogs, shooting a dense rain of bullets at the impacting planes. Fighters were hit continuously, but other fighters did not evade or slow down. Just when the last few fighters were hit by artillery fire, the fighter at the center of the fleet fired at the enemy ship.

Not firing, but hitting directly.

Suicide attack!

There was an explosion on the enemy ship, and it was very violent. It was just an ordinary space fighter, not a legendary fighter like the "Ice Tiger". In the violent explosion, the enemy ship lost control, crashed into the atmosphere of the Green Star, and broke into fragments during the fall. The Green Star’s atmosphere is hundreds of kilometers thick and contains extremely high oxygen. The debris of the enemy ship will be completely burnt during the fall.

There is no doubt that the fighter piloting the fighter is a soldier with a primitive energy converter. When it hits an enemy ship, the pilot detonated the primitive energy converter, thereby destroying the enemy ship.

Hundreds of fighters, just to shoot down an enemy ship!

At this moment, the image on the big screen disappeared, and the burly senior officer also turned around and walked towards Lin Feng and the others at the door.

Is a big colonel.

"Hello, sir!" Lin Feng knew the rules, and immediately stood up and saluted.

Shen Chengwen and Jackson also saluted the colonel immediately. Yang Yi was looking at each other. After seeing the actions of Lin Feng and others, he stood up and saluted.

"You are welcome, are you reinforcements sent by the Human Federation?" The colonel returned a gift casually.

Lin Feng nodded without saying much. Although there are still dozens of soldiers, compared with the current situation, this force is almost a drop in the bucket, so I am embarrassed to say it.

"I am Poonman, the current supreme commander of the Green Star garrison and the fourth commander. My predecessor just died in the battle."

Yang Yi's brows jumped a few times. Could it be the former commander who started driving the fighter plane into the enemy ship

Lin Feng and the others were also surprised, and they also heard the implication of Colonel Pengwan.

"He didn't sacrifice in vain. At least he smashed an enemy attack and won us a few hours." Colonel Powan smiled reluctantly and said, "Let's go, go to my office, this is not the place to talk. You are welcome. There is no need to be polite at this time."

Under the leadership of Colonel Powan, everyone came to a not-so-spacious office.

Obviously, this is where Poonman's office is located, but it is not the office of the commander. After all, Poonman was not the commander before the war broke out.

Next, Lin Feng briefly introduced the situation.

It is conceivable that Colonel Poonman's face has become even more ugly. Although the Dumen are not very friendly to the Human Federation, Pengwan is not a Dumen, but a mercenary who takes money to work for the Dumen. After receiving the news that the Human Federation had sent reinforcements, he must have held great hopes. Unfortunately, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. He certainly did not expect that the reinforcements were only a few dozen officers and soldiers.

"College, we are officers and soldiers of the Special Reconnaissance Brigade of the Third Theater, our people...

"The special reconnaissance team is famous, I know you are soldiers."

Although Pengwan interrupted, Lin Feng was not angry. From another angle, if Lin Feng was standing in Pengwan's position, he would have been angry at this time.

"What are you doing here, or what can you do?" Pengwan glanced at Lin Feng up and down, and then glanced over Yang Yi and others. "At the beginning, General Habs led the last elite fleet to intercept the enemy transport ships. That was our last mobile force. Now that you are here, I am not afraid to tell you. I have no soldiers in my hand. It is available, and the rest are all ground troops. As long as the enemy sends a transport ship again, the Green Star will fall. Even if you are soldiers of the special reconnaissance brigade, you also bring a reconnaissance ship, nothing can change. I admire you The courage, but now, you are not needed here."

"We can participate in the battle to guard the spaceport." Shen Chengwen said.

Colonel Pengwan was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled bitterly, so that Shen Chengwen felt a little hairy in his heart.

"College, our task is to assist you in guarding the Green Star, and what we have received is a death order, which means that even if we die here, we will not run away."

"Colonel, do you think it makes sense?" Pengwan took a look at Lin Feng, put a smile away, and said, "Don't say, you think the enemy is fighting to occupy Green Star or to occupy the spaceport."

Lin Feng's brows jumped a few times, and he looked at Pengwan not quite clearly.

Although the intelligence provided by the Theater Command is very limited, one thing is clear. The Silicon Magic Alliance attacked the Green Star to occupy the Green Star, at least to control the spaceport, cut off the route of the Human Federation to the central area of the Southern Alpha Galaxy, and complete the human confederation. Blockade.

"If the enemy's purpose was to occupy the spaceport, this battle would have ended long ago. When you came over, you should have noticed that the enemy did not land in the spaceport." Homomanga exhaled, and said, "The enemy is targeting It doesn’t matter if the unique people come from the Green Star and Spaceport."

Lin Feng was surprised secretly, the theater command did not mention this.

"Why?" Yang Yi asked suddenly.

Pengwan looked at Yang Yi without explaining. Obviously, Pengwan did not treat Yang Yi as a human being. After all, Yang Yi was only an eighth-level soldier. Besides, on Yang Yi's shoulder are the epaulettes of the major, and the other three are colonels, making Pengwan feel that Yang Yi is an entourage.

"What is on that transport ship, the landing force, or what destructive weapon?" Yang Yi asked again.

Pengwan's brows jumped a few times, and he looked at Yang Yi more this time, because before then, neither Lin Feng nor Shen Chengwen had noticed this problem.

"College, we are allies, and we are here to fight with you. Not to say whether we can turn things around in one fell swoop, unless you order us to be driven out, otherwise we will have to fight the common enemy together, so we need to understand The battlefield situation knows the enemy’s intentions."

"What do you want to know?" Pengwan began to attach importance to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi narrowed his mouth and didn't say much. He had already asked two questions.

"Why the enemy came to the unique family? I don't know. Those stubborn wooden heads will never tell an outsider the biggest secret of the ethnic group, not to mention that I am a mercenary who works for money. As for the transport ship. What, I don’t know, but it’s definitely not the landing force. I just did my best to prevent the landing ship from landing on the Green Star in accordance with the order issued by the elder of the Dumen clan."


Tomoman nodded slightly and said: "My people are all in the spaceport, but according to the findings from previous observations, the transport ship should contain a secret weapon that has never been encountered before, and it is a large weapon with The amazing power is a fatal threat to the Dumen."

Yang Yi frowned, this was his expression when he thought about the problem seriously.

"What is the first one?" Lin Feng asked Yang Yi.

"Fifth ship." Tomowan said with a squishy mouth, "Obviously, it will not be the last ship. According to the previous rule, the sixth transport ship will arrive in about six hours. I have already told you. We lost the last fleet and can no longer prevent the transport ship from landing on the Green Star. Of course, if you have a way, please tell us right away. Six hours is not too long, and it will pass in a blink of an eye."

Lin Feng turned his head to avoid Pengwan's gaze.

The others didn't say a word either, because they were only soldiers, and only the "Shadow" could be dispatched, and the "Shadow" was a small reconnaissance ship and couldn't deal with the large transport ships of the Silicon Magic Alliance at all. In addition, there are still six hours, at least to consult before making a decision.