
Chapter 189: Praying man arm as a car


The "Shadow" is controlled by Allen. What Yang Yi and the others need to consider is how to get in touch with the Dumen and how to gain the trust and support of the Dumen after reaching the Green Star. As for exploring the secrets hidden on the Green Star, that is an issue that needs to be considered later.

It's just that this problem leaves everyone at a loss.

Not to mention Yang Yi, even Shen Chengwen and Jackson have no hope for this.

The key is that the Dumen have always been xenophobic and hostile to the human federation. In Shen Chengwen's words, after arriving at the Green Star, it is fortunate not to be caught by the Dumen.

"Anyway, we have to fight to gain the trust of the unique people."

Everyone looked at Yang Yi, no one said a word, and probably thought Yang Yi's thoughts were a bit naive. In any case, the terrible relationship between the Human Federation and the Dumen tribe has been maintained for thousands of years. Even if the enemy is present, the Dumen tribe may not have forgotten their resentment for thousands of years.

"Speak up any thoughts, I need your opinions."

Yang Yi was also sighing, but now, there is no other choice.

Still no one said anything, not that I didn't want to express an opinion, but there was really nothing to say. It’s very simple. Even Shen Chengwen, who has worked in the special investigation team for more than 100 years, has only been to Green Star twice. It was a secret operation. The time spent on Green Star was very short. This is especially true of the clan. As for Jackson, although he has been to Green Star, his understanding of Green Star is not as good as Shen Chengwen.

Regardless of whether you can get the trust of the Dumen, how to communicate with the Dumen is a problem.

In Shen Chengwen's words, even if the enemy is currently, the Dumen clan temporarily put aside their resentment towards the human federation, they may not take the initiative to contact them. When the time comes, the unique people are likely to hide and observe them in secret. Because I don't understand Green Star, the chance of finding a unique person is almost zero. If you can't find a unique person, even if you get to the Green Star, it doesn't make any sense, at best you'll just wait for death there.

After a while, seeing that everyone did not speak, Shen Chengwen said: "These things are uncertain now. Let's make a decision when we arrive at Green Star."

Shen Chengwen said so, and Yang Yi didn't have much to say.

Seeing this, Lin Feng was not very comfortable either.

It is undeniable that for Jackson and others, Yang Yi has the absolute prestige to say nothing. But for the officers and soldiers of the strategic squadron such as Shen Chengwen, Yang Yi's prestige is far from enough. Although Yang Yi has won the trust and respect of Shen Chengwen and others after the battle of Prometheus, it takes more and more significant victories for Yang Yi to convince Shen Chengwen and other veterans and establish their prestige.

Although it is the rank and position that determine the status of a soldier, what a soldier values is ability and strength.

Obviously, Yang Yi hasn't got enough opportunities for him to show off his strength.

Everyone was thinking about things, and at this moment, the alarm sounded.

"Alan, what's the matter?" Lin Feng reacted first.

"Detected spatial fluctuations, near the green star, less than 100,000 kilometers away from us."


"Jump the channel."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood.

A few hours ago, when they arrived at the spaceport, the defenders were attacking a Silicon Magic Alliance spacecraft. According to Colonel Homoman, the Silicon Magic Alliance would launch a similar attack every six hours. In order to prevent the Simei Alliance spacecraft from landing on Green Star, the defenders paid a heavy price.

It's just that two hours have passed since the last attack.

At this time, Allen displayed the detected image.

That's right, the spaceship of the Silicon Magic Alliance is almost exactly the same as the one shot down two hours ago, and the destination is Green Star.

"Is there a response from the spaceport?"

"Several space fighters were dispatched, but there were too few."

When Allen said this, he showed the image of the spaceport.

Six space fighters flew out of the spaceport, none of them were very fast, indicating that the pilots were ordinary pilots, not soldiers with original energy converters. Outside the spaceport, a large group of Firebat fighters from the Silicon Magic Alliance are approaching at high speed. There are not one thousand, but eight hundred. Obviously, the six fighters flying out of the spaceport are definitely not the opponents of so many enemy planes, let alone preventing the spacecraft of the Silicon Magic Alliance from landing on Green Star.

Poonman mentioned that the spacecraft is not carrying landing troops, but a secret weapon, perhaps equipment used to change the natural environment. If the spacecraft is allowed to land on the Green Star and the ecological environment of the Green Star is destroyed, even if the Silicon Charm fleet is repelled, the Dumen will also suffer annihilation. In addition, human beings are also carbon-based life, which is not suitable for the living environment of unique people, nor is it suitable for human existence.

"We haven't been found yet. Colonel, do you go ahead or..."

Lin Feng did not rush to make a decision, but looked at Yang Yi. Before he knew it, Lin Feng had formed the habit of Yang Yi making up his mind.

Yang Yi did not immediately decide, but glanced at Shen Chengwen.

"It's a blessing or a misfortune, it's a misfortune that can't be avoided." Shen Chengwen smiled lightly and said, "Even if it is a mantis arm as a car, you have to try it before you know."

"Ready to fight." Yang Yi nodded slightly, and said, "I and Lin Feng piloted fighter planes to intercept enemy ships. You will take the Shadow to support those fighter planes. If we fail, you will leave here immediately. Return to the home galaxy and report combat operations to the theater command."

"brother… "

"This is an order." Yang Yi glanced at Jackson and said, "If we succeed, we will meet you again."

Jackson gritted his teeth, not knowing what to say.

"Go and act."

At the moment of the enemy, Yang Yi took the lead to leave the cockpit without much fuss. Lin Fengchao and Shen Chengwen nodded slightly and followed Yang Yi's pace.

Shen Chengwen did not oppose Yang Yi's deployment, and there is no reason to oppose it.

If Yang Yi and Lin Feng fail to intercept the Silicon Charm Alliance spacecraft, there is no point in going to Green Star, and there is no need to stay to fight. Obviously, Yang Yi said it was a fighter opportunity for them to assist the defenders, but in fact it was for them to seize the opportunity to escape the battlefield when the situation was unfavorable.

After a while, Yang Yi and Lin Feng flew out of the "Shadow" in the "Hard Ice Snow Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix".

In fact, the state of these two fighters is very bad.

Before going to Prometheus, the "Ice Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix" suffered heavy losses and have not been repaired, and there is no time for normal maintenance. If it were not that he had no choice, Yang Yi would not use the "Holding Snow Tiger" at this time.

However, there is little hope of intercepting a spaceship equivalent to an S-class battleship by two fighters.

Although it was just a spaceship, it was escorted by hundreds of warplanes, and the Silicon Magic fleet was not far away. The warlords and warlords in the fleet could rush over to join the battle at any time.

"A Yi?"

"I have a way, trust me."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment. Although Yang Yi spoke with confidence, in her opinion, Yang Yi just wanted to make her feel at ease.

"Wait, I will attack the spaceship, and you will deal with the escorted fighter. Help me buy some time, half a minute at most."

"But… "

"Trust me, as long as you can get close to the spaceship, one attack is enough."

"Okay, I'm responsible for covering." Lin Feng didn't say more, because she had already understood.

Not long ago, when the "Shadow" broke through the blockade of the Silicon Charm fleet, Yang Yi used the combat skills learned from Princess Signia to attack the enemy ship that came to intercept and destroyed the enemy ship in one fell swoop. Although Yang Yi also exhausted his original energy for this, it was better than being killed by the enemy.

One hundred thousand kilometers, not too close.

Although the speed of the two legendary fighters is not slow, they can reach one-tenth the speed of light at the fastest, but after severe damage, they can no longer fly at the fastest speed. Besides, the spacecraft of the Silicon Magic Alliance is too close to the green star, and the speed is too fast, and it is easy to fall into the atmosphere of the green star. Even a legendary fighter plane, if it crashes into the atmosphere quickly, it will be severely damaged due to the high temperature generated by friction with the air.

At this time, the "Shadow" has turned to fly towards the spaceport.

Relatively speaking, the speed of the "Shadow" is much faster.

Because it is dealing with firebat fighters, not powerful warships, there is no need to rely on combat troops to output primitive energy to enhance energy supply. The primitive energy converter of the "Shadow" is sufficient. As before, the officers and soldiers of the strategic squadron such as Shen Chengwen are still responsible for the control of the weapons, Jackson and others are responsible for driving the powerful protective shield, and Allen is driving the "Shadow". After just a few minutes, the "Shadow" was killed and returned.

However, this speed is still not fast enough.

When the "Shadow" returned, the six space fighters flying out of the spaceport had already exchanged fire with the enemy. To be precise, they were besieged by nearly a thousand firebat fighters. The six space fighters were divided into two formations. Although they were not shot down, they could only defend themselves against a much larger number of enemy aircraft.

Fortunately, the "Shadow" came very timely.

Although the "Shadow" is far from being comparable to fighters in terms of mobility, as a reconnaissance ship, the "Shadow" has far more firepower than any space fighter. More importantly, at this time, the "Shadow" was controlled by dozens of soldiers with original energy converters.

To put it simply, the "Shadow" is a firepower platform that can move quickly.

The firepower of the Firebat fighter is not fierce, unable to penetrate the powerful protective shield supported by Jackson and others, even if it hits, it does not pose a serious threat to the "Shadow". On the contrary, the energy weapons controlled by Shen Chengwen and others can easily penetrate the armor of the Fire Bat fighter, and shoot down and destroy the Fire Bat fighter.

From a distance, the "Shadow" that entered the enemy aircraft group was like an iron tortoise with a thorny body.

After a while, all enemy aircraft within tens of kilometers around the "Shadow" were shot down. Although there were still many Firebat fighters, in the face of the "Shadow" that could not be dealt with, the pilots of these enemy fighters wisely chose to retreat, and let go of the six space fighters flying out of the spaceport.