
Chapter 192: Landing in Green Star


When the "Shadow" entered the atmosphere of the Green Star, during its landing, Yang Yi and others discovered that the Green Star was a different one.

Looking down from space, the green star is just like its name, it's a green planet.

In fact, this is how the "Green Star" came. In the Dumen, the green star is called "Catalhas", which means "the mother who breeds life".

However, the green star is not green.

To be precise, green is just the color of the green star.

As seen in space, the green star is completely covered by vegetation. It is all land and no ocean. Although there are many rivers and lakes, they are all covered by dense vegetation and cannot be seen in space. However, only the top of these plants covered with green stars is green, and the bottom is colorful.

The cause of this phenomenon is the main sequence star of the star system where the green star is located, that is, the star.

This is a relatively young star that has existed for less than a billion years and is in the puberty of life. It not only emits more sufficient light, but also is dominated by ultraviolet light. As a result, although the dense vegetation absorbs most of the sunlight, a lot of light still shines on the ground through the top canopy of the dense forest, which provides the light energy needed for the growth of the plants below, and also creates the underside of the top canopy. The colorful world.

Standing on the ground and looking up at the sky is another scene.

Simply put, the green star is a translucent planet, and the dense top canopy does not block all sunlight, but it interferes with the line of sight.

Of course, this is a very peculiar phenomenon.

In addition, after stepping off the "Dark Shadow", Yang Yi was not in the mood to look up at the sky.

The "Shadow" landed on an empty space that was artificially cleared, and when Yang Yi and others followed Bella down, it was surrounded by hundreds of "armed men".

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are armed natives.

The body shape of the uncle is similar to that of human beings. Because they admire nature and have the ability of photosynthesis, the life of the uncle is very primitive. It can be said that even without modern technology, a unique person can still survive and get everything needed for life from nature.

To put it more vividly, the natives are similar to primitive tribes.

The one-man who surrounds the "Shadow" is holding weapons such as bows and arrows and spears, which are almost completely integrated with the surrounding environment. If they weren't gathered together, and deliberately exposed to Yang Yi and the others, showing the weapons in their hands, Yang Yi and the others would definitely not be able to tell at a glance.

"You stay here, don't walk around. I will negotiate, and I will come to you later."

Before Yang Yi could answer, Bella walked out, to be precise, she jumped out, because there was no way at all, and she seemed to be more accustomed to jumping and walking.

Yang Yi didn't dare to be careless, and immediately gave Shen Chengwen and Jackson a look to raise their vigilance.

Although the equipment of these unique fighters is very backward, it does not mean that there is no threat. According to relevant information provided by the Theater Command, there are many plants on Green Star that humans don’t understand, most of which are highly toxic, and some also contain very rare neurotoxins. Although the threat to combat soldiers is not great, it is a fatal threat to ordinary people, and it can also kill combat soldiers in the case of sneak attacks.

With a simple hand, an arrow coated with neurotoxin can kill a human warrior.

Although he came to cooperate with the unique family, Yang Yi didn't want to be calculated for carelessness, let alone be looked down upon by the unique family.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

More than ten minutes later, Bella jumped back. The look is not very good, it seems that the initial negotiations did not achieve the desired result.

Of course, Yang Yi doesn't know exactly what her look is, because in Yang Yi's eyes, Bella's look is always the same.

"I'll take you to the place to stay first." Bella was obviously a little embarrassed. "I have already reported you about the destruction of the spaceship, but the elders have not made a decision yet, so I cannot take you to the Holy Land for the time being. Of course, there is nothing to worry about, just some patience is required."

"How long do you have to wait?"

"I don't know either, I will know when the time comes."

Yang Yi was a little speechless, but he nodded slightly and let Bella lead the way.

In any case, I have come to Green Star and I have also met the unique person. All I need is waiting. What Yang Yi worries is that I am afraid that there is not much time for them to waste.

While following Bella into the dense forest, a sound from the rear caught the attention of Yang Yi and others.

The "Shadow" did not leave, and there was no other place to go. Lin Feng gave Allen the order to wait in place. Only after Yang Yi and the others left, the sparsely scattered plants around the "Shadow" began to grow wildly, and in a blink of an eye the "Shadow" was covered, filling the landing site of the "Shadow". If you look down from the sky, there is no difference at all.

Seeing this, Yang Yi and others were secretly surprised.

Obviously, the weapons of the Dumen are not only the bows and spears in the hands of warriors, but also more powerful forces, such as the ability to control plants.

In fact, this is also the reason why unique people are welcomed by advanced civilizations.

The unique person not only has the ability to improve the environment, but can also revitalize a planet by controlling plants, creating a fairyland-like ecological environment. What's more peculiar is that the unique person has extremely strong vitality, and can pass this strong vitality to green plants.

Obviously, on the Green Star, this ability of the one-man has been amplified.

You know, it was just a blink of an eye at the beginning, and the rapidly growing plants filled the landing site of the "Shadow" and completely covered the "Shadow". It was just a plant. As far as Yang Yi knew, even the Earth Dragon of the Silicon Charm Alliance did not grow so fast.

Could it be that…

The sudden thoughts shocked Yang Yi. At the same time, he noticed that Lin Feng, Shen Chengwen, and Jackson were also shocked and probably had similar thoughts.

Of course, none of them showed it.

After walking through the dense forest for several hours, Yang Yi and other talents followed Bella to a village, which is exactly a place where single people live.

Like the information provided by the theater command, the independent people have no habit of building. They all live in trees. Only when they are resting do they descend from the trees and stand on the ground. Many rhizome-like protrusions emerge from the lower limbs. The soil absorbs water and trace elements needed for photosynthesis. At the same time, the first half of the life is naturally spread out, so as to maximize the absorption of light energy.

It can be said that this is the real appearance of the unique man, and the appearance shown in normal times, the form shown by Bella is just for the convenience of action. In fact, this is exactly the evolutionary process of the uncle, that is, the uncle is more like a plant before gaining wisdom. After becoming intelligent beings, unique talents have evolved the ability to leave the earth, carry out free activities, and even no longer rely on photosynthesis. According to the information provided by the theater command, if they can get enough nutrients, they can, like animals, get the energy they need to survive through food. In fact, almost all unique people on other planets exist in this way.

Of course, on Green Star, the one-man maintains the original way of living.

When Yang Yi and others arrived, most of the unique people in the village were standing on the ground, looking like a tall cornfield.

Because they obtain nutrients through photosynthesis, solo people generally rest during the day.

However, on the green star, because there are several satellites, the difference between day and night is not very obvious.

"You rest here." Bella took Yang Yi and the others into a huge tree hole. "Wait, I will send someone to deliver the food. There is nothing particularly important, you'd better not leave this tree hole. I will explain your intentions to the elders as soon as possible, and I hope you can have some patience. Anyway, Thousands of grievances between the Dumen and the Human Federation cannot be resolved overnight."

Yang Yi smiled and nodded, expressing his understanding of Bella's situation.

However, after Bella went out, Yang Yi immediately signaled to Jackson to isolate the tree hole with an energy barrier.

"What do you think?"

"Obviously, Bella's status is not very high." Shen Cheng squatted and said, "The reproductive method of a single person is completely different from that of us humans. If there are no restrictions, a pair of adult single people can multiply thousands of people in their lifetime. Tens of thousands, even millions of descendants. Even if Bella is a direct descendant of the Great Elder of the Dumen tribe, it may not be the only one, obviously not comparable to Princess Xijia of the Hidden Spirit tribe."

Yang Yi rolled his eyes, knowing that Shen Chengwen was mocking him.

Of course, Yang Yi didn't get angry, after all, he didn't tell Shen Chengwen about Princess Xijia.

"It's just that, judging from the current situation, there is no other way but to wait patiently."

"The question is, do we have time to wait?" Lin Feng said. In fact, this is also a problem that Yang Yi worries about, and it's just that Lin Feng said it.

"No, what can I do?" Shen Chengwen glanced at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sighed. If there was a way, she would have said it.

"Why don't we find a chance to sneak out and have a look?" Jackson put forward his idea.

"Old Jie, do you think this is a way?"

Jackson narrowed his mouth and didn't take Shen Chengwen's nickname seriously.

Of course, Jackson also knew that it was not a way. The unique people everywhere outside, as long as they leave the tree hole, they will definitely be found.

"In that case, let's be patient and cultivate our spirits."

When Yang Yi said this, everyone else looked at him.

"Why are you looking at me?" Yang Yi was very surprised. "Is there any time for us to wait? We will know in a few hours. This is Green Star. It is the unique people who are threatened, not us, or at least not human beings. No one is in a hurry, what are we anxious about?"

After leaving this sentence, Yang Yi lay down and closed his eyes.

Can this kid really fall asleep

Shen Chengwen and Jackson were speechless, but they also lay on the ground and closed their eyes. In any case, Yang Yi is right, the unique people are not in a hurry, what are they anxious for