
Chapter 193: People are afraid of being famous


Yang Yi didn't fall asleep, but didn't want everyone to affect morale by discussing meaningless topics.

In fact, after coming to Green Star, Yang Yi felt a little strange. Although Bella's status in the Dumen is not necessarily high, the Dumen don't seem to be nervous at the moment of the enemy. Take this village as an example. The unique people who live here still lead a peaceful life. It seems that the war is thousands of miles away and has nothing to do with them. As for that armed force, it's also ineffective.

Although he has not experienced the Fifth Greenwich War, Yang Yi knows that after the homeland galaxy was besieged by the invading army of the Silicon Charm Alliance, the human federation was violent and everyone wanted to escape, even when Xiao Wentian stepped forward, There are still many people who believe that the homeland galaxy will soon fall, and the human federation will suffer annihilation. Only by escaping from the homeland galaxy can they have a chance to survive.

Obviously, the situation on Green Star is completely different.

Could it be said that the one-man is really a pacifist through and through

Even when the homeland is threatened and is about to be destroyed, one should be aware of it, and at least should fight to defend the homeland.

Of course, Yang Yi was just surprised.

In any case, Dumen is another intelligent civilization. Although Dumen are also carbon-based lives, there are very obvious differences between different civilizations. Perhaps the unique person's worldview is completely different from that of human beings and does not have a strong sense of self like human beings.

While Yang Yi was thinking about this issue, Bella hurried back and brought a person.

Mendozo, one of the youngest elders of the Dumen tribe, is also a direct descendant of the elder Curtis, and is Bella's uncle in blood relationship. Only in the Dumen ethnic group, the kinship based on blood relationship is not very clear, and the relationship between relatives is also very plain. In addition, he is Curtis’s designated successor, that is, the next elder of the unique clan, but he may have to wait hundreds of years before he has a chance to sit in the position of elder. Prior to this, he was only a member of the Presbyterian Church who exercised the privileges of elder elders on behalf of Curtis. Of course, this status is very noble, and he can be regarded as under one person and over ten thousand people among the Dumen, and he is still very young.

After Bella gave a brief introduction, Yang Yi asked Mendozo to sit down.

"Can we talk alone?" Mendozo was very polite, except that he spoke the lingua franca of the Galactic Alliance, and should not speak the language of the Human Federation.

Yang Yi nodded slightly, gave Lin Feng and the others a look, and asked them to avoid it temporarily.

Obviously, Bella had already explained the situation of Yang Yi and others to Mendozo, especially Yang Yi, so Mendozo approached Yang Yi directly and ignored Lin Feng and others. As for the identities of Lin Feng and others, Mendozo certainly didn't care, after all, the relationship between the Dumen and the Human Federation was not harmonious.

After Lin Feng and others left, Mendozo said, "Bella has already told me about you. I came here to make sure that what she said is the truth."

Yang Yi smiled faintly, did not explain much, took out the "source of life" placed in his body and placed it on his palm.

Seeing "The Source of Life", Mendozo's eyes straightened suddenly, completely ignoring Yang Yi. It seemed that in his eyes, there was only the sacred artifact that exudes a soft light.

"Believe what she said now?"

"Please wait a moment." When Yang Yi was about to put away the "source of life", Mendozo suddenly recovered, and at the same time took out a walnut-sized object and handed it to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi looked at Mendozo very suspiciously, not understanding what he meant.

"Can you pour a little bit into this seed?"

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, drew a trace of primordial energy from the "source of life", and carefully poured the seed in Dozo's hand.

It is indeed a seed.

After contacting the original energy of the "source of life", the seed immediately changed, a sprout emerged, and a few roots appeared at the bottom, and it plunged into the hands of Dozo. After absorbing all the original energy, the seed has grown into a small sapling half a meter high.

"this is… "

"Yes, this is indeed the'source of life' of the Hidden Spirit Race." Mendozo smiled faintly and asked for the young sapling. "Only the original energy from the sacred vessel can make the'Flower of Life' come to life. Thank you for your help. Now I can be sure that you are that person."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment. He had already noticed that Mendozo had a storage device on his body.

Of course, this is nothing strange. Mendozo is the elder of the Dumen tribe with a lofty status, and the Dumen tribe maintains a good relationship with many higher civilizations, so getting some space storage is not a problem. However, what made Yang Yi strange was that the seed would actually take root and sprout under the original moisture. You know, the original energy is a kind of energy, and there is no direct and necessary relationship with any carbon-based life.

Could it be that it is not an ordinary seed

"When the time is right, I will introduce you to the Great Elder. In return for the help you started, I have to remind you that it is best not to let more people know that you are that person."

"What's the meaning?"

Mendozo was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Why, don't you know?"

Yang Yi looked at Mendozo in surprise, and didn't understand what Mendozo was talking about.

"It seems that you really don't know." Mendozo sighed, and said: "We have a proverb from the unique family that the seeds of Wulinghua can't become Luo Tianshu."

Yang Yi still didn't understand what Mendozo meant.

"Obviously, it was not you that was at fault, but Princess Xijia of the Hidden Spirit Race. She gave you this sacred artifact not to help you, but to harm you."


Mendozo grinned reluctantly and told what he knew.

Although the Hidden Spirit Royal Family kept secrets about Princess Amy giving the sacred "source of life" to a human being, there is no impermeable wall in the world. Soon after Princess Si Jia followed the Holy Emperor to return to the Hidden Spirit Star , The news came out, and there was a lot of trouble.

The key is not the "source of life", but the implication of Princess Sijia's move.

To put it bluntly, Princess Signia is the auspicious daughter of the Heavenly Sage Emperor. She had a great mission on the day she was born, and she had a unique position.

This is, Princess Xijia is a sacrifice under the marriage system of the hidden spirit tribe and the Leiling tribe.

Although genetically determined, marriages between different races will not have any results, but standing at the height of the royal family of the hidden spirits and the royal family of the Leiling family, the marriage itself does not require results, or more importantly is the incidental to the marriage Influence, that is, the influence on the two top civilizations.

For five thousand years, the Yinling and Leiling tribes have been able to live in peace and jointly maintain the unity and stability of the Galactic Alliance, which has nothing to do with the political marriage that has lasted for five thousand years. You know, the Heavenly Sage Emperor has a wife of the Lei Ling clan, or the legal queen of the hidden spirit clan. Although this queen from the Lei Ling clan has no inheritance rights, nor has he given birth to a male or a half daughter for the Heavenly Sage Emperor, she shares the wealth of the Hidden Spirit Clan's royal family with the Heavenly Sage Emperor. In addition, her presence also ensures the relationship between the Heavenly Sage Emperor and the Wanluo Battle Emperor, allowing the two powerhouses of the Galactic Alliance to coexist peacefully. Her influence in the Hidden Spirit Race and the Lei Ling Race has kept the friendly relationship between these two top civilizations for thousands of years.

According to the agreement, the Heavenly Sage Emperor wanted to marry a daughter to the son of the Wanluo War Emperor and become the next queen of the Lei Ling clan.

This daughter is Princess Signia.

The problem is that what Princess Signia has done is tantamount to slapping the Heavenly Sage Emperor.

This is, "The Source of Life" is Princess Sijia's personal belongings and her status symbol. Gifting the "Source of Life" is equal to privately setting a lifetime.

Regardless of whether Princess Sija meant it or not, in the eyes of the outside world, she gave the "source of life" to a human being, and she was a male, which was tantamount to a marriage with this person. Although the Heavenly Sage Emperor has several daughters, in the eyes of the Lei Ling clan and Wan Luo War Emperor, Princess Xi Jia's move is tantamount to humiliating the Lei Ling clan. As for the person who has obtained the "source of life", he obviously cannot let it continue to exist.

For this reason, Toman, the son of the Emperor Wanluo, let out a word to fight the man who usurped the "source of life".

Fortunately, the hidden spirit family did not disclose the relevant information. The outside world only knows that the "source of life" is in the hands of a human, but they do not know who this person is. Although the Lei Ling Clan is the head of the seven top civilizations, and Toman is also very powerful, even surpassing Lei Sha in the past, but the Southern Alpha Galaxy has tens of millions of star systems, and the Human Federation rules thousands of star systems. And the Sixth Greenwich War is imminent. More importantly, the relationship between the Human Federation and the Hidden Spirit Race is unusual, and the Heavenly Sovereign is also obviously biased towards Princess Sija, so Toman didn’t come to the door, but just let out a word that he would be with that damn human in the future. Fight against each other.

The problem is, it's not just Prince Toman of the Lei Ling tribe who is causing trouble.

Although affected by the general situation, Leisha made it clear that he would not care about an ant-like human, but there are not many people who want to please the Leiling clan and the royal family of the Leiling clan. After Toman's words came out, there were a lot of people asking for money. The desperate interstellar mercenary went to the home galaxy of the Human Federation, looking for the guy who took away Princess Syca's heart. Obviously, in the eyes of these people, the person who can win the favor of Princess Signia must be a person with a good face, maybe a member of a big family, maybe a young and promising military officer or politician, living in a comfortable home galaxy. It is definitely not an eighteen-year-old stunned boy, and it is not even an unknown soldier.

Obviously, they went to the wrong place.

After hearing Mendozo's words, Yang Yi was completely speechless.

What he never expected was that in just a few months, he became a celebrity in the galaxy, and even Prince Toman of the Lei Ling clan wanted him to fight.

Of course, if he knew this would be the case, Yang Yi would never accept the "source of life".

It is not that there is no confidence in defeating Toman, but that he is afraid of trouble.

Besides, what can we do if we defeat Prince Toman? Yang Yi treats Amy as a friend, it is impossible to replace Toman and Amy in a political marriage!