
Chapter 194: Facing difficulties


After agreeing to introduce Yang Yi to the elder as soon as possible, Mendozo left.

When Lin Feng and the others came back, Yang Yi roughly recounted what Mendozo had said. Jackson and Shen Chengwen were both surprised, but Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

In fact, after knowing that Princess Xijia had given the "source of life" to Yang Yi, Lin Feng had expected it. What she didn't expect was that the Lei Ling clan was involved in this matter, and Prince Toman even talked to Yang Yi for a duel. If you really want to get there, it is not as simple as personal grievances.

Of course, this is not an issue that needs to be considered now.

Although Mendozo did not mention when to take Yang Yi to see the Great Elder, he was willing to come forward and promised to introduce Yang Yi to the Great Elder, which was already very good. In any case, at least more reliable than Becca. For Yang Yi and the others, they still have to wait patiently.

It just doesn't take long to wait.

When Yang Yi and the others heard the noise and went out of the tree hole, the alone people outside were standing in the open space and basking in the sun.

The scene was chaotic, as if a catastrophe was imminent, and everyone was in a panic.

Seeing Bella rushing over, Yang Yi and others immediately guessed what had happened.

"We have to get out of here."


"Yes, right now." Bella's expression was flustered. "The enemy's spacecraft has landed, and the landing site is not far away. It will soon be attacked."

"and many more… "

"If you don't leave again..."

"Where can I escape?"

Bella was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Yang Yi, then glanced at the others.

"Before, when in the spaceport, Colonel Powan told us that the spacecraft is equipped with a device to transform the environment, which is the secret weapon of the Silicon Magic Alliance. If the device is activated, the environment of Green Star will be destroyed. Sexual destruction, where can we escape?"

"But… "

Yang Yichang exhaled and said, "It's not too late, at least it can prevent the enemy from starting the equipment."

"Stop it!?" Bella's eyes widened and looked at Yang Yi in disbelief.

"Yes, if you miss this opportunity, Green Star will fall." Lin Feng stepped forward and said, "Silicon Magic Alliance will definitely transform Green Star to achieve the purpose of long-term occupation, and even make Green Star into the army. The forward base in the central area of the Southern Alpha Galaxy. However, the transformation of a planet is an extremely large project that cannot be accomplished overnight. In addition, the enemy may have to spend some time to assemble the equipment. This is our last chance, we must rush Counterattack before the enemy activates the equipment and completely destroy the equipment. Only in this way can the Green Star be kept. If we run away now, then soon, the Green Star will become a new lava star."

Bella was silent. She understood Lin Feng's meaning, but she was a little scared.

"Where is the landing place of the spacecraft?"

"This direction." Bella pointed her finger.

Yang Yi glanced over there and said, "You quickly retreat with other people. I will take people to destroy the spacecraft and destroy the enemy's equipment. After seeing the big explosion, you come here to join us. Of course, if we don't arrive in time , You don’t have to wait too long."

"But… "

"Although Green Star is not our home, we are soldiers. Our mission is to guard Green Star." Yang Yi smiled faintly and said, "If we fail, you have to do your best to convince the elder. Anyway, only Only by living can we defeat the enemy."

Bella was taken aback for a moment, her eyes moistened.

Although it was not tears, but a physiological reaction of the unique person when emotionally excited, it was clear that Bella's mood at this time was very complicated.

"Hurry up." Lin Feng walked over and patted Bella on the shoulder.

"I will come back and wait for you, no matter how long."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, Bella didn't say much, turned around and ran away.

"It's not too late to leave on the'Shadow'." Shen Chengwen stepped forward and said, "Destroying a spaceship is one thing, fighting on the ground is another. At least in the current situation, it is impossible for you to pilot a fighter plane. Fighting on the ground, the hope of winning is very slim."


"You don't need to say it so badly, just retreat when it's difficult."

Yang Yi shook his head, and noticed that Jackson and others also meant the same.

"I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want to die worthless." Shen Chengwen exclaimed, "It is a large spacecraft comparable to the S-class battleship. In addition to carrying equipment to transform the environment, it can also carry tens of thousands of silicon. Charm Warrior. In addition, with lessons learned from the past, the Silicon Charm Legion will inevitably strengthen its defenses. Maybe there will be warlords and warlords with them. Even if we rush over, we may not be able to change anything."

"So, what can you change by running away?"

"At least let the outside world know that Green Star has fallen."

"Green Star has not fallen, and we are soldiers." Yang Yi glanced at Shen Chengwen and said, "There is no such word as'retreat' in our dictionary. I don't want to force you. After all, this is not the home galaxy, it's not us. The homeland that must be defended to the death, and the battle waiting for the meeting must be nine deaths, or even ten deaths. Those who are willing to stay, fight side by side with me, will be comrades in life and death in the future. If you want to go, go to the "Shadow" now, Take the news back and report to the theater headquarters of the battle that took place here. Go or stay, make a decision as soon as possible, there is no need to continue to waste time on this issue."

After speaking, Yang Yi walked in the direction Bella started pointing.

Lin Feng sighed secretly, and took the lead to keep up with Yang Yi's pace.

Jackson and Justin glanced at each other, then glanced at Buck and others, and then followed.

Shen Chengwen was a little embarrassed, but when he noticed the looks of other officers and soldiers, he immediately made a decision. They are officers and soldiers of the strategic squadron of the special reconnaissance squadron, all of them are experienced soldiers. A novice who has only joined the special investigation team for a few months dares to face a powerful enemy. If they leave, even if they can return to their home galaxy alive, they will probably not be able to raise their heads in the future, let alone the face to live.

Seeing Shen Chengwen and others following up, Yang Yi just nodded and didn't say much.

In fact, Yang Yi knew that Shen Chengwen would not leave with the officers and soldiers of the strategic squadron. He said that at first, but didn't want everyone to die.

In the special investigation brigade, there are no soldiers who are afraid of death, not to mention that Shen Chengwen and others are veterans.

"We just have so many people, how do we fight?" Lin Feng asked.

"The situation is urgent, and we don't have any preparations, so we can only go head-to-head." Yang Yi glanced at Lin Feng and said, "Fighting the enemy is a surprise."


Yang Yi nodded slightly and said: "The Green Star is so big, the enemy must have never thought that we are so close to the landing site of the spacecraft. Even if we know that we are on the Green Star, and we know that we are soldiers, it may not be done in time. Combat preparation. In addition, after landing, the enemy needs to spend some time rectifying the troops, and then have to assemble the equipment that transforms the environment. The defense of the landing field must be very lax."

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully, indicating that he understood what Yang Yi meant.

"Even so, we must make tactical arrangements." Shen Chengwen said.

"It's not necessary." Yang Yi smiled faintly, and said, "We are soldiers, and the enemy may not be all soldiers. We kill them directly, turn them upside down, and retreat immediately after destroying the equipment. Simply put, we are. The goal is not to kill the Silicon Charm soldiers who landed, but to destroy the equipment that transforms the environment without having to entangle with the enemy. Of course, you have to kill the enemy as much as possible during the battle."

"Come to disarm?" Jackson said.

Yang Yi nodded and said: "We can't stop the enemy from sending spacecraft to Green Star, but we can make the enemy scruples. Just know that we are on Green Star, know that we are capable of destroying the equipment that transforms the environment, and know that we are not. It can be defeated so easily, then the enemy will have some concerns before sending a spaceship over next time, and maybe they will send an army to capture Green Star first."

"This… "

"Obviously, it takes much more time to occupy the Green Star than to transform the environment of the Green Star with a super device. If the Silicon Magic army does not assemble the landing troops in advance, it will take some time to complete the deployment adjustment. For us, What we can do now is to buy time as much as possible."

When Yang Yi said this, everyone else understood.

Although it is more difficult to attack, the effect is more obvious. As Yang Yi said, as long as the equipment on the spacecraft can be destroyed in one fell swoop, it will have a shocking effect, forcing the enemy to modify the attack plan and allowing the enemy to spend a lot of time preparing for the attack on the Green Star.

"Wait, I am in the middle with Lin Feng. Jackson, you are on the left. Old Shen, you are on the right. Your task is to attract the enemy's attention as much as possible and cover Lin Feng and me. If the enemy concentrates on To stop Lin Feng and me, you have to attack from the flanks."

"Understood." Jackson agreed.

"Don't worry, I know how to fight." Shen Chengwen also agreed.

Although Yang Yi is only an eighth-level soldier, and Lin Feng is only a tenth-level soldier, and his combat power is not as powerful as Shen Chengwen and Jackson, both of them know that the equipment that can transform a planet must be huge, and it must be. Driven by the original energy, maybe equipped with a large original energy converter. To destroy such a device, the only way is to destroy the original energy converter that drives the device, and the original energy converter will explode after being destroyed. If it is an S-class primary energy converter, the energy released by the explosion is enough to destroy a green star. Yang Yi's ability to control the original energy is above everyone, and only he can control the energy released when the original energy converter explodes. More importantly, he and Lin Feng have a legendary fighter plane. Even if the situation is out of control, he and Lin Feng can flee with the legendary fighter plane. Although Shen Chengwen and Jackson have strong combat capabilities, relying on their own abilities, it is still difficult to escape the explosion of the original energy converter.

The key to victory in this battle depends on Yang Yi's performance.