
Chapter 200: Straightforward


"The key is, what can we do?" Shen Chengwen exhaled and said, "Don't talk about Dibab, our manpower can deal with tens of thousands of Silicon Charm fighters at most. If there are hundreds of legions, don't say defend. Green Star, whether it can insist on sending reinforcements to the theater headquarters is a question."

"Yes, it's just that we can't do anything now."

Shen Chengwen was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't quite understand why Yang Yi said that.

"At least until we meet the Grand Elder, we can't do anything."

"What can we do after meeting the great elder?"

Yang Yi smiled faintly, and said: "Mendozuo did not mention the original crystal for no reason. Although he was very embarrassed when he mentioned the original crystal, it was obvious that it was pretended. At least I think he was pretending to be. It came out. Obviously, he was testing us in this way. More importantly, why did Mendozo test us? If there is another way, he obviously has no reason to tell us about the original crystal."

"You mean..."

"Obviously, the Dumen have nowhere to go. Maybe, before coming to see us, Mendozo sent out a signal for help from other civilizations, even the Hidden Spirits, but didn't get a response. Now, it can help the Dumen and can compete with the Dumen. We are the only ones fighting side by side."

"In this case, the elder must be more sincere."

Yang Yi smiled and shook his head. He didn't comment on Shen Chengwen's words. He just said, "Anyway, let's make a decision after meeting the great elder."

Although it was only Yang Yi's guess, no one opposed it.

The truth is there, everyone understands.

The original crystal is the most precious strategic material. For thousands of years, the ability to produce the original crystal has been in the hands of the top civilizations, and only the Thunderling, Hidden Spirit and Star Weavers export the original crystal to other civilizations. The original crystal, the original crystals produced by the other four top civilizations are all for their own use. If there are naturally occurring protocrystals on the green star, and there are a large number of them, let alone being known by the Silicon Magic Alliance, as long as the news comes out, they will probably be wiped out by the top civilization. To put it bluntly, the Dumen tribe are just ordinary civilizations, and they don't have the qualifications to possess the original crystal. Why did Mendozo tell Yang Yi about such a big secret? If the Dumen have the ability to hold the Green Star and withstand the Silicon Charm army, they will not reveal the slightest rumors. Only when faced with the threat of extinction, and there is no other choice, do you use this to test Yang Yi and others.

Although Yang Yi didn't say it, everyone thought that after gaining the trust of the Great Elder, he would definitely get more information about the original crystal.

That's why Yang Yi proposed to make a decision after meeting the great elder.

In addition, there is another point that Yang Yi didn't mention, and there is no need to mention it. This is, as long as it is proved that Mendozo's initial words are not false, that there are a large number of original crystals on the green star, and in the hands of the Dumen, then no matter how much the price is paid, the original crystals cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy.

You know, one gram of the original crystal can make one hundred S-level original energy converters and arm one hundred top combatants.

If the original crystal on the green star falls into the hands of the Silicon Charm Alliance, it means that the Silicon Charm Alliance has added hundreds of warriors, and they are top warriors.

Of course, it is also possible to be the King of War, or even a stronger King of War.

As for whether it can be used by the Human Federation, it is a secondary issue. Of course, it would be better if it could be used by the human federation.

Fortunately, Mendozo did not let Yang Yi and the others wait for a long time this time.

A few hours later, Mendozo returned. He did not invite Lin Feng and others, but mentioned that the Great Elder only agreed to meet Yang Yi alone. Yang Yi has no objection, after all, this is the territory of the Dumen tribe. In addition, the great elder's willingness to see Yang Yi is already considered to be very face-to-face.

Following Mendozo to leave the cave, Yang Yi noticed that the night on the green star was not dark.

Because there are several natural satellites, the day and night of a green star is not very obvious. Even in the middle of the night, there is a brighter moonlight in the sky. It is this peculiar natural environment that has created the Dumen. On the Green Star, photosynthesis can be carried out at any time. The difference between day and night is that the light during the day is brighter and the efficiency of photosynthesis is higher, which is more suitable for growth and survival.

Before they went far, the two came near a giant tree.

Although there were no roads in the forest, and no one had the habit of building roads, Yang Yi was very puzzled and didn't understand why Mendozo brought him here.

"It's here." Mendozo turned around and looked at Yang Yi carefully. "I'm not suspicious of you, but I must figure out a problem before taking you to see the great elder."

Yang Yi didn't say a word, his expression didn't change at all, waiting for Mendozo to continue.

"I must know the purpose of your coming to Green Star."

"Just ask any questions, and I will answer them truthfully."

"Don't be so troublesome"

In Yang Yi's puzzled gaze, Mendozo took out a seed. "This is the'honest fruit', a peculiar fruit that can make people tell the truth."

"Is this necessary?" Yang Yi felt dumbfounded.

"I said, I didn't doubt you, but I had to make sure nothing went wrong." Mendozo let out a long breath. "I hope you can understand. After all, the relationship between the Dumen and humans has not been harmonious in the past thousands of years. Although I believe that you are here to fight our common enemy, you will come into contact with the Dumen next time. The biggest secret is related to the survival of the Dumen. From another perspective, if you stand in my position, you will definitely be more cautious."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, without saying anything, and took the fruit from Mendozo's hand.

Small, the size of a peanut, looks more like a seed. However, after starting, Yang Yi immediately felt abnormal.

"Just swallow it."

"No need to chew?"

Mendozo grinned reluctantly, thinking that Yang Yi was joking with him.

Yang Yi also smiled and threw honesty into his mouth.

The abnormal feeling at the beginning is not wrong, this is not an ordinary seed, not even a seed. After entering Yang Yi's mouth, there was a surge of original energy in the honesty fruit, which was very pure and extremely powerful. If Yang Yi were an ordinary person, these original abilities would immediately kill him.

However, when preparing to control those original energies, Yang Yi discovered that the original energies were not out of control.

At the same time, the little bit hidden in the space storage reacted, as if he was about to smell food.

This is not an ordinary instinct!

After having this idea, Yang Yi immediately gave up the idea of controlling the original energy, and at the same time tightened the space storage, not letting the small point be messed up.

In a blink of an eye, the original energy was integrated into Yang Yi's body.

Although the original energy did not have the slightest impact on Yang Yi, don't forget that Yang Yi's physique is different, but Yang Yi noticed at this time that Mendozo had been staring at him, as if waiting for something to happen. After thinking about it carefully, Yang Yi understood, and closed his eyes, pretending to faint.

Even if Yang Yi is a soldier, suddenly there is so much original energy pouring into his body, he has to concentrate on experiencing and coping, so it is a matter of course to fall into a coma at this time. Obviously, what Mendozo gave Yang Yi was not an honest fruit to tell the truth, but a Mongolian sweat medicine.

Of course, Yang Yi just pretended to be unconscious.

After a while, Yang Yi felt his body float up. Although he could not see the outside world, Yang Yi clearly felt that Mendozo led him into the big tree. It was true, but instead of crashing into it directly, a passage appeared on the trunk of the big tree.

However, after entering the tree, Yang Yi lost his sense of orientation.

Obviously, this is a space completely isolated from the outside world, and this space is full of original energy, which is still very pure original energy.

A space debris!

Just when Yang Yi hesitated to open his eyes, a bright light suddenly appeared, and the surrounding area became white.

The change came suddenly, but Yang Yi was sure that he still closed his eyes.

Gradually, the light dimmed a little.

It is indeed a separate space, giving people a very weird feeling. It seems that this space is illusory and does not actually exist.

"Welcome, Yang Yi, Major Yang."

The sudden voice frightened Yang Yi. When he heard the sound, he turned his head and found that there was a person standing behind him, and it was a woman.

A female human!

"Don't be surprised, this is not the real world, it's just a space of consciousness."


"Yes, this is a space formed by your and my consciousness. Of course, I am not like this. This is just to make our communication easier."

Yang Yi was a bit speechless, and didn't understand why the other party wanted to appear as a woman.

"Please sit down, please understand if there is any lack of hospitality."

During the words, a chair appeared behind Yang Yi.

Yang Yi was not polite, and sat down. Very comfortable, at least much better than standing. Of course, this is just a false feeling.

"Are you the elder Curtis?" Yang Yi asked after sitting down, very directly.

"Yes, I am Curtis."

"One thing, I don't understand."

The other party smiled faintly and asked Yang Yi to speak out.

"Since you are willing to see me, why do you want to be so mysterious? Is it possible that you are dead, this is just the consciousness you left behind?"

"You think so?"

"Undoubtedly, if you are willing to see me, you definitely want something. To put it more directly, the Dumen tribe is facing a disaster, and the green star may be destroyed. It is between the past of humans and the Dumen tribe, if there are other Choose, you will not meet a human soldier. No matter how beautiful Mendozo said, it can only prove that you have no other choice. Since you are asking for help, you should be sincere." Yang Yi smiled faintly. Said, "With us, tricking guests into taking poison is definitely not the way to treat VIPs."

"You are very direct and frank, even if you don't give face."

"No way, I'm this kind of person. Of course, I am a large number of people, and I don't care about Xiao Xiaozhi, but I don't like talking to a shadow."

At this point, Yang Yi didn't say more, he had said it clearly enough.