
Chapter 202: Sincerely apologize


Later, Yang Yi learned that the Dumen tribe could discover the secrets hidden in the depths of the green star, which had a great relationship with mankind, that is, the war a thousand years ago.

At the beginning of the Fifth Greenwich War, the Galactic Alliance was caught off guard. Within a few years, the Northern Fourth District was almost completely occupied, and only the Human Federation still persisted. Although under the leadership of Xiao Wentian, the Human Federation launched an evocative defense battle on Beacon Star, but in the early days of the Beacon Star offensive and defensive war, no one believed that the Human Federation could persist in the face of the invading army of the Silicon Magic Alliance. Humans don't believe it. From the perspective of the time, the persistence of the Human Federation on Beacon Star is more like a final struggle. The Dumen are no exception. They believe that the homeland galaxy will soon fall, and Green Star will be the enemy’s next goal on the only way for the Silicon Charm army to enter the Southern Alpha Galaxy, and the Dumen will enter other intelligent civilizations. Follow in the footsteps.

Unlike the human federation at that time, the Dumen did not intend to defend their homeland.

Of course, the Dumen did not choose to flee.

The key is that the Dumen have a unique life form. Most notably, the one-man reproduces offspring through seeds. Although it has long evolved into intelligent life, the unique man maintains the original way of reproduction. This is that all the uncles reproduce their offspring by "planting", and the uncles in the developing state are more like plants. After they have matured, they can move freely from the earth.

This unique way of multiplying gives the unique person a strong vitality, which is precisely the ability to maintain the race.

Simply put, as long as one seed is preserved, the Dumen can be revived at some point in the future, and it is obviously much easier to preserve the seed than to preserve the mature individual.

When the Human Federation separated and fought against the Silicon Charm army, the Dumen Clan also launched operations. This is, under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church, the Dumen tribe selected the best batch of seeds, preserved them in special containers, and then buried them deeply underground. These seeds can be stored in containers for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. If they are unearthed one day in the future, they can take root and sprout as long as they are in contact with water and buried in the soil.

At that time, the Dumen tribe made 10,000 containers, and each container contained ten seeds.

It only takes a one-tenth chance, that is, as long as one container is preserved in the war, the unique people will be able to rejuvenate at some point in the future.

For the sake of safety, the Dumen decided to bury these containers deep underground, the deeper the better.

This is also understandable. If the Green Star falls, it will definitely be transformed by the Silicon Magic Alliance, and the environment will become very harsh, and it will last for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. If it is buried too shallow, it may be exposed to harsh environments, and it may be damaged or discovered.

To this end, the Dumen started a huge project, that is, marching towards the center of the earth.

It was at this time that the Dumen Clan discovered the secret in the depths of the Green Star.

It must be admitted that the Dumen are very lucky.

At that time, several of the deepest drilled wells had penetrated the crust and entered the mantle. When the Dumen engineers inspected the equipment, they found that the drilling energy consumed far more than expected, and the equipment was wearing more severely. Later, the Dumen clan discovered that the space inside the green star had an abnormal stacking phenomenon, which could not be explained by any straightforward theory. If in the past, the Dumen would definitely ask for help from advanced civilizations, such as telling the hidden spirits to the problems they found, and letting the hidden spirits help them solve them. Only at that time, affected by the war, the Dumen were unable to contact other civilizations smoothly, so they did not spread the news. More importantly, the practice of the Dumen tribe is sluggish war, which is contrary to the war resolution made by the Galactic Alliance Council. If the top civilization is informed, it will inevitably be severely punished.

Until they drilled into the center of the earth and found the first original crystal, the only people knew that they guarded a golden mountain, but lived the life of the poor.

Of course, this discovery explains all the anomalies before.

In addition, this also explains why Green Star has such a unique natural environment. For example, the crust of a green star is a solid whole, with almost no geological activity, while any other similar planet has geological activity, and no solid planet has a complete crust.

"After this discovery, we made an extremely important decision."

"What decision?"

"Keep the secret, try your best to collect the original crystal, and hide the original crystal, never give it to any foreigners, or even let them know."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Curtis without understanding.

If it is the Silicon Charm Alliance, it still makes sense. The problem is that Curtis is talking about "foreign races", which includes the intelligent civilization of the Galactic Alliance.

"Before, I said that the Dumen clan can have today, thanks to the gift of the hidden spirit clan. Do you understand now?"

Yang Yi shook his head, he really didn't understand.

Curtis grinned reluctantly and said: "Although it is just a guess, it is not too wrong. According to our speculation, before coming to the Southern Alpha galaxy, the Dumen did not exist at all, or just a very low-level life. , Has basic wisdom, but it is far from being compared with the present. In addition, the existence of unique people is only to serve the hidden spirits and create a comfortable and comfortable living environment for the hidden spirits."

"This… "

"In other words, in the eyes of the Hidden Spirit, there is no difference between a unique man and a tool, except that he has life and can reproduce on his own."

Yang Yi closed his mouth, he could not refute Curtis's point of view.

"Actually, after coming to the Southern Alpha Galaxy, the Hidden Spirit Race also treats unique people in this way, otherwise they won't let us transform the planet's environment."

"What then?" Yang Yi sighed to himself, this is indeed true.

"Obviously, those lofty guys of the Hidden Spirit Race did not expect that the unique people would have evolved high-level wisdom in just a few thousand years, and by virtue of their unique abilities, they have obtained the Lei Ling Race and the Star Weaver Race. Inside, the identification of many advanced civilizations has become a member of the Galactic Alliance, and thus obtained the right to independent development. Although we still need to rely on the Hidden Spirit Race, it is no longer a tool of the Hidden Spirit Race.” Curtis With a cold smile, he turned to say, "Obviously, if the Hidden Spirit Race knows the secrets on the Green Star, and knows that the unique people have evolved advanced wisdom through the original crystals on the Green Star, then the news will reach the Holy Emperor's ears. At that moment, the Dumen clan will suffer an extinction. Of course, if Wanluo Battle Emperor and Star Soul Queen know about it, the result will be the same.”

Yang Yi sighed secretly, this is also true, at least such a result will appear.

"In addition, there is the Silicon Charm Alliance." Curtis smiled faintly and said, "Here, I want to express my sincerest apologies to you and the Human Federation."


Curtis nodded and said, "If the human federation does not fight to resist the homeland galaxy and block the advancement of the Silicon Charm army, the Green Star will definitely fall, and the Silicon Charm Alliance will discover the secrets on the Green Star. Although we I have already prepared for this, but I don’t know that there is a naturally occurring pronucleus on the Green Star, so as long as the Silicon Magic Alliance takes over the Green Star, the Dumen will suffer a disaster.

"It's just that your apology came too late, right?"

"Trust me, this was not intentional, and it was necessary."


Curtis nodded again, and said seriously: "Imagine if we were grateful to the Human Federation a thousand years ago, what would be the result?"

"This… "

"This secret is really amazing. Only by keeping a distance can we ensure the safety of our two civilizations. For the time being, let's not say whether it will arouse suspicion of the top civilization, but walking too close is dangerous enough." Curtis reluctantly He smiled and said, "Don’t forget, after the Fifth Greenwich War, the Human Federation was the only remaining civilization in the North Fourth District and became the de facto ruler of the North Fourth District. Although the Human Federation is only a sixth-class civilization. , And in many respects need to rely on the support of higher civilizations such as the Hidden Spirit Race, but the Human Federation has military power second only to the top civilization, and the Green Star is on the route to the center of the Southern Alpha Galaxy. If we two civilizations The relationship is too close. The first thing that feels threatened is not the Silicon Magic Alliance, but the civilizations entrenched in the central area."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't expect this situation.

"Of course, it would be even more abnormal if the human confederation rapidly develops and has military strength that exceeds the top civilization, and even exceeds the sum of the seven top civilizations."

Yang Yi was surprised and looked at Curtis in disbelief.

"Why, do you think I just talked casually?"

"Wait..." Yang Yi pressed his hand and said, "Your words are too amazing, I can't react to them at once. What do you mean..."

"Yes, you already thought about it."

"But… "

"Don't you think that the situation now is the same as it was a thousand years ago?" Curtis smiled faintly and said, "Of course, it is more severe. At least, the current human federation does not have a super power like Xiao Wentian, silicon The Charm League’s offensive methods have also undergone earth-shaking changes. It’s not that I underestimated the Human Federation, but based on the current situation, we can expect only miracles."

Yang Yi was silent, Curtis spoke very tactfully, but the meaning was very clear.

"Of course, our expectations will not fail." Curtis grinned reluctantly. "Like thousands of years ago, if the human federation is defeated, the Dumen tribe will be destroyed. Only if the human federation wins, the Dumen tribe will have a ray of life. Simply put, we are in the same boat."

Yang Yi sighed secretly, Curtis was right.

"The most important thing is that the Human Federation needs a leader like Xiao Wentian, and it must be a benevolent and tolerant leader."

"I'm not the kind of person you are talking about."

"Do you think so?" Curtis said with a faint smile, "Because there is no other choice, so whether you are or not, there is no way."

Yang Yi was a bit speechless, but did not refute.