
Chapter 205: A capable person


Although Yang Yi is a soldier and a major officer of the special reconnaissance squadron, he has experienced many battles before and has not too little actual combat experience, but when it comes to marching battles, especially commanding corps-level battles, Yang Yi is completely Blank, not even have a say.

Of course, he can't be blamed for this.

Under normal circumstances, after Yang Yi joined the special reconnaissance team, in addition to receiving basic combat training, he would also spend half a year to go to the military academy for further studies and become a grassroots commander. Simply put, the soldiers of the special reconnaissance brigade are not only powerful soldiers, but also grassroots commanders. In the past few wars, the soldiers were the backbone of the army, and they must have the most basic command ability if they were responsible for organizing the battle.

Unfortunately, Yang Yi did not join the special investigation team in a normal way.

Fortunately, it is not only Yang Yi who came to Green Star, but also the officers and soldiers of the strategic squadron such as Shen Chengwen, all of whom have received training in the military academy. In addition, Jackson used to be the commander of the mercenary army, commanding the mercenary army operations, and has a wealth of practical experience.

In accordance with Yang Yi's request, Mendozo contacted Bella and asked Bella to take Lin Feng and others to the legion camp.

In fact, Lin Feng is not an excellent commander. Don't forget, she is only eighteen years old, has joined the special reconnaissance team for two years, and has never commanded a battle.

Soon after Yang Yi and Mendozo arrived at the barracks, Lin Feng and others also followed Bella.

When Mendozo organized the unique fighters in the barracks, let alone Yang Yi, even Shen Chengwen and others were hit, feeling that there was no hope at all.

Nominally, there are ten legions stationed here, but only less than 10,000 soldiers are truly armed.

What was even more disappointing to Yang Yi and others was that these unique fighters were in a terrible state. Although they were equipped with firearms and other weapons, they knew at first glance that they had no experience in actual combat. Apart from other things, it can be seen from the speed of the lineup and the lineup that they don't even have the most basic qualities.

Compared with human soldiers, these unique soldiers are not soldiers at all, but a group of mobs.

"Mendozo, I want to see an officer of the legion, can you arrange it for me?"

"No problem, I'll make arrangements."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, Mendozo was not wordy, knowing that Yang Yi was asking him to leave.

After Mendozo left, Yang Yi gathered everyone together.

"Everyone has any ideas, let's talk about it." Yang Yi grinned reluctantly and said, "Anyway, there are at least 10,000 soldiers."

"Are they fighters?" Shen Chengwen rolled his eyes. "To be honest, I would rather face the Silicon Magic army alone than fight side by side with these unique people."

Yang Yi did not refute, but looked at Jackson.

"On the battlefield, these unique fighters are just cannon fodder even if they won't drag us down." Jackson sighed. "Even if they have the courage and fighting spirit to defend their homeland, they will fight to the end, but they may not pose a threat to the enemy. If you really fight, you can't count on them."

"It's more than that." Justin murmured.

Yang Yi looked at Justin and asked Justin to finish.

"In addition to combat effectiveness, actual combat experience, weapons and equipment, morale is a big issue."


Justin nodded slightly and said: "Although they will fight to the end in order to defend their homeland, 10,000 people have 10,000 ideas. On the battlefield, facing powerful enemies, they may not have the courage to die. Retreating alone will have a chain reaction, leading to unpredictable consequences. If the battle front collapses as a result, even if we go to battle, we may not be able to reverse the situation."

Yang Yi nodded thoughtfully, showing that he understood what Justin meant.

"If it doesn't work, don't rely on these unique fighters. We fight by ourselves." Lin Feng said.

Shen Chengwen nodded, but Jackson did not object. In any case, dozens of soldiers fought side by side, at least able to advance and retreat freely.

"This is the Green Star, the home of the unique family." Yang Yichang exhaled and said, "Justin is right. Morale is indeed a big problem, especially on the battlefield. Can these unique fighters face death calmly? It’s a big question whether we can maintain our courage in the face of powerful enemies. But if we leave them behind, even if we win, can we make them braver and more confident?"

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and she didn't know what to say.

"It's not just unique people, even we are not soldiers when we were born. Real soldiers are born in the flames of war."

"what do you mean… "

Yang Yi glanced at Lin Feng and said: "The uncle is not a fighting race, but I believe that any race will bravely face a strong enemy for its own homeland. The low combat power of the uncle is not unsuitable for fighting, but I have never experienced the flames of war and have never had the opportunity to exercise. I believe even more that after experiencing the baptism of the flames of war, even if there will be great sacrifices, even if most of the unique people will lose their fighting spirit, even if there will be serious consequences. There are also some unique fighters who have grown up and become real soldiers, who can fight side by side with us. Not only will they not drag us down, but they can also make great contributions!"

Lin Feng didn't say much, Yang Yi had said it clearly enough.

Shen Chengwen talked to himself secretly. Although he did not agree with Yang Yi's point of view, he had to admit that unique talents were the protagonists of this war.

"In this case, we need a victory." Jackson said, "There is no suspense at one time, and the casualties are minor. It can boost morale and give recruits a victory for training opportunities."

Yang Yi nodded slightly and said, "Obviously, this is what we have to consider now."

Without Yang Yi's instructions, Lin Feng projected the battlefield map.

The battlefield map was provided by Mendozo. Although the Dumen do not have decent military power, in order to maintain social order, the Dumen have placed a large number of sensors and detectors on the Green Star. In addition, the one-man can also detect the situation on the battlefield by controlling the plants.

In fact, Mendozo figured out the situation of the spacecraft in this way.

Of course, this is also the advantage of local operations. In any case, the unique person's understanding of Green Star is far better than that of the enemy, so he can more easily obtain battlefield information and grasp every move of the enemy.

Facing the projected battlefield map, everyone was silent.

Quite simply, the situation is extremely severe.

Taking the spacecraft as the dot, the radius of the landing site has exceeded 500 kilometers, and it is extending outward at a speed of nearly 100 kilometers per hour. Although the Silicon Charm army has launched an offensive, all the legions that come out of the spacecraft remain in the landing field, but as long as the scope of the landing field continues to expand, at most ten days can cover half a green star. At that time, the natural environment of Green Star will be devastated and will no longer be suitable for carbon-based life. In other words, even if the Silicon Charm Corps has been standing still, Green Star will fall in ten days. The only way to turn the tide of the battle is to destroy the spacecraft and prevent the landing field from expanding. This means taking the initiative to attack.

Obviously, this is the biggest problem.

It must be admitted that Dibabu, who commanded the Simei army to fight, was extremely shrewd and indeed the most strategically minded warlord.

You know, let alone those unique fighters, even Yang Yi and other soldiers, in the harsh environment of the landing field, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

From a military point of view, the steadily advancing tactic adopted by Dibab has no flaws at all.

To take the initiative to attack, you need to face hundreds of legions. As the scope of the landing site expands, it will take more time to reach the spacecraft. In other words, even if Yang Yi and the others launch a surprise attack, the Silicon Charm army guarding the landing field will have enough time to adjust its deployment. In this way, what Yang Yi and the others have to face is not a few legions in a certain direction, but all the enemies swarming from all directions.


After serious thinking, Yang Yi gave up this idea.

Very simple, if there are enough troops, this is a good way. The problem is that Shengdong hits the west and has to disperse the forces, but Yang Yi and the others are dozens of people, and they are already short of troops. Dispersion operations are more likely to be annihilated by the enemy. At that time, not only did it fail to achieve the goal of making a noise, it also became an initiative to die. Besides, if Dibab is in command, the scattered operations are more likely to be caught and destroyed by him.

Sneak attack

With the lessons learned from the last time, it obviously doesn't work.

Besides, the range of the landing field has been expanded by more than ten times, but the enemy's force density has not been significantly reduced. There are a large number of legions in all directions, and there is no chance for a sneak attack. Even if the sneak attack is successful, it will only eliminate a few enemies and fail to achieve the goal of defeating the enemy.

"We must try to draw the enemy out and fight this battle where we choose."

Shen Chengwen broke the silence, and Yang Yi looked up at him.

"If you fight the enemy on the landing field, even if you don't think about us, those unique fighters will be restricted and it will be difficult to exert their combat effectiveness." Shen Cheng squashed his mouth and said, "Although we don't expect to rely on unique fighters to win, but I can't let them go to death."

"Old Shen is right. You have to try to draw the enemy out." Jackson nodded slightly and said, "The question is, what to use to draw the enemy out? How to say, a decoy with enough weight is needed to let the enemy leave. Go to the landing field and fight where we choose."

"Obviously, bait is a problem."

Jackson sighed and said nothing more.

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

Both Shen Chengwen and Jackson were taken aback, because Yang Yi's appearance made them feel that this was not a problem at all.

"Brothers, you are really experienced fighters. You solved the problem in one go." Yang Yi smiled, "Yes, you really need a bait, and it's a heavy bait, to catch a big fish. Of course, we are not fishing for Dibab."

"Do you have a way?"

Yang Yi nodded slightly and said, "This matter is on my body. The question now is how to deal with this big fish."

Both Shen Chengwen and Jackson were a little confused, but Yang Yi refused to say more, and the two did not ask much. After all, Yang Yi had too many secrets.