
Chapter 206: Ambition swells


Inside the "Munro" spacecraft, there is a huge cabin, and the temperature inside has been kept at about 3,000 degrees Celsius for a long time.

This is Dibab's cabin. With such a high temperature, let alone carbon-based life, even ordinary Silicon Charm fighters can't stand it for a long time. Only a powerful existence that has the original energy converter and can protect itself with an energy barrier can withstand it and absorb energy from the environment.

In fact, this is not only Dibab’s cabin, but also a place for his practice.

Although in the Silicon Magic Alliance, Dibab is known for being able to fight righteously, relatively speaking, his personal combat power is often overlooked, at least not as good as Kutum, but those who really know Dibab know that Dibab It's not just the brain that is powerful, but also the powerful combat power that is never under Kutum.

However, in the past thousands of years, Dibab has not been given the opportunity to show his combat power.

In the Fifth Greenwich War, Dibab has been strategizing in the rear, guarding the Greenwich meteorite belt, and providing logistical support for the Silicon Charm army fighting forward. Although at the end of the war, the Galactic Alliance launched a counterattack and burned the war to the Northern Alpha Galaxy, but in the decisive "Peace Dawn" campaign, Dibab did not command the Simei army in the "Kon-Barion Fortress", but rather Under the order of the Emperor of War, he returned to the rear to plan and deploy a new line of defense. As a result, until the end of the war, Dibab did not get a chance to play, let alone the chance to fight against the strong of the Galactic Alliance, such as Marshal Zhan Ruilin of the Human Federation.

Although after the war, Dibab was not underestimated because he had never been to the front line, but because of his outstanding contributions to the rear, he became a member of the Silicon Magic Alliance, and he was on par with the seven warlords including Kutum. , But Dibab has always felt that it is a lifetime regret not to fight against the strong of the Galaxy Alliance. In addition, it is precisely because of this that Dibab's position in the Silicon Magic Alliance has always been inferior to Kutum.

Of course, for Dibab, all it takes is to wait patiently and make himself stronger before the next war arrives.

You know, the King of War almost has an infinite life span.

Although in the past five thousand years, no warlord has experienced three Greenwich wars, either died on the battlefield, or was eradicated because of ambitions, but theoretically, as long as he did not die by his life, the warlord had an infinite lifespan. And combat power will increase with lifespan.

It can be said that even if Dibab does nothing, as long as he lives, he will get stronger and stronger.

However, this natural growth rate is too slow.

Like the other seven warlords, Dibab has been practicing for the past thousand years, has been improving his combat power, and has been preparing for the next Greenwich War.

The "Munro" was prepared by Dibab for cultivation.

This is a spaceship and also a huge silicon beast. Like other spaceships of the Silicon Charm Alliance, the "Munro" is a mutant silicon beast cultivated by the genes of the Earth Dragon. The difference is that this spacecraft was built by Dibab personally and has unique features that other spacecraft do not have.

For example, this cabin can generate higher temperature and pressure through the original energy.

In a sense, the "Monroe" is a nest that Dibab created for himself that can fly in space and overcome interstellar barriers.

However, it was not Dibabu's intention to come to Green Star with the "Munro".

In this situation, the guy named Yang Yi is all to blame!

Although Dibabu received intelligence as early as hundreds of years ago and learned that there are naturally formed protocrystals on the Green Star, and the reserves are surprisingly large, Dibabu is not the kind of warlord who likes to work slowly in Kutum. , And very smart. After receiving the news, he immediately realized that if he attacked the Green Star with great fanfare, not only would he not be able to obtain the original crystal on the Green Star, he would also get into trouble and even lose his life.

To put it bluntly, as long as the news spreads, then it is not just him who is eyeing Green Star, not even the warlord.

In order to obtain the original crystal on the green star, Dibabe secretly probed for hundreds of years, quietly prepared for hundreds of years, and waited patiently for hundreds of years.

Over the past few hundred years, Dibab has not been in vain.

Most importantly, under his impetus, the Silicon Magic Alliance has developed a space technology that can cross the Greenwich Meteorite Belt and directly enter the hinterland of the Southern Alpha Galaxy.

Of course, there is a problem that cannot be solved by technical means, that is, the reason for attacking Green Star.

Although this technology allows Dibab to bypass other warlords, especially Kutum, and directly enter the Southern Alpha Galaxy and attack the Green Star, there is no reason to launch an attack. In addition to the charge of causing war, it will also Will make Kutum and other war kings suspicious.

In this regard, Dibab's only option is to wait patiently.

Fortunately, waiting will eventually result.

As the warlord who participated in the Fifth Greenwich War, Dibabe knew very well that the ceasefire agreement signed with the Galactic Alliance that year was actually just a piece of waste paper. Although peace has been maintained for millennia, as long as the evenly matched situation is broken, war will break out.

Dibabe knew more clearly that he hoped that the war would break out, not just him, but also many people, including warlords such as Kutum.

To put it bluntly, if the existence of the Warlord level wants to become stronger and surpass it in a short time, the only way is to fight.

Only through constant fighting can we improve our strength.

The result was the same as Dibabe had expected. Driven by ambition and violence, Kutum launched a war, creating a reason for him to enter the Green Star.

In fact, there is no reason to attack Green Star.

Don't forget, the Green Star guards the route of the Human Federation to the central area of the Southern Alpha Galaxy, and the Human Federation guards the northern gate of the Galactic Alliance. If you want to capture the Southern Alpha Galaxy, you must first defeat the Human Federation, and cutting off the life route of the Human Federation can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

It can be said that the early battle went smoothly.

According to Dibabe's arrangement, first, under the name of Green Star as the bridgehead to enter the Southern Alpha Galaxy, a comprehensive environmental transformation was carried out on Green Star and the Dumen tribe was destroyed. In this way, when Kutum led the army to attack the Greenwich line of defense, Dibab had already controlled the Green Star and also won the original crystal on the Green Star.

The problem is that the emergence of those human soldiers completely disrupted Dibab's deployment.

After the last spacecraft carrying the modified equipment was destroyed, Dibabu had no choice but to drive the Munro to Green Star.

As for the previous capture plan, it would naturally have to be revised.

There is a complete set of equipment for cultivating Silicon Charm fighters on the "Munro", but there is no equipment to transform the environment. The resources on the Green Star can be used to cultivate fighters, but the Green Star cannot be transformed. The result of this is that Dibab can only attack Green Star in the past.

Although it will definitely be able to capture Green Star in the end, it will take a lot of time.

What Dibabu lacks is actually time.

Leaving aside what the Dumen would do to kill the fish and burn the jade, as long as the news spreads, Dibabu will not even want to get the original crystal on the green star.

It can be said that Dibabu's plan before was centered on the rapid elimination of the Dumen tribe.

Obviously, this plan no longer works.

Although the resistance of the Dumen tribe after the landing of the "Mengluo" was minimal, there was only one decent counterattack, and it was not directly related to the Dumen tribe, but it was this counterattack that completely disrupted Dibab's deployment and quickly eliminated it. The purpose of the uncles fell through.

What Dibabu never expected was that among the humans who came to Green Star, there was a blue blood wolf!

Dibab has already guessed who this person is.

Although he has never seen Yang Yi, Dibab has already heard that Kutum found a blue blood wolf egg. For this reason, he sent troops to besiege the front post of the Human Federation, but was defeated by a small human soldier. Being able to capture wolf eggs, on the contrary, triggered a war with the human confederation. In fact, it was Kutum’s action that triggered the Sixth Greenwich War, which gave Dibabu a reason to attack Green Star.

It's just that that guy is not dead yet, which is not the same as the rumors.

As far as Dibabe knew before, although Kutum didn't get the wolf eggs, the human soldiers didn't end well either. Kutum had already killed them.

Obviously, the rumors are wrong.

Kutum was actually defeated by a human soldier, and he was just a small soldier, and he would definitely laugh generously if he passed it out. It's just that Dibabu couldn't be happy at all, because a person who can play Kutum between the palms of his hands, even a small soldier, should never be underestimated.

In addition, the family has proved with actions that it was not luck to deal with Kutum in the first place.

If the Green Star is just an ordinary planet, even if it is guarding strategic points, Dibab will stop there and lead the Silicon Charm army to retreat. The reason is very simple. If you can’t quickly take down the Green Star, redeploy the defense line, and wait until the Human Federation or other civilizations of the Galactic Alliance complete the war mobilization, the Silicon Magic army led by Dibab will hang alone behind the enemy and suffer from attacks from all sides. .

Obviously, Kutum and other warlords would never lend a helping hand.

The problem is that Green Star is not an ordinary planet.

More importantly, after the "Munro" has completed the geological survey of the Green Star, Dibab has been able to confirm that the rumors related to the original crystal are not false. There are indeed natural original crystals on the Green Star, but It has been mined long ago, and only the Dumen tribe can mined the original crystal on Green Star. In other words, the original crystal that Dibab was looking for was in the hands of the Dumen tribe, and it might have been used.

Retreat is not the best option, not even an option.

For Dibab, the only way at the moment is to move on, and strive to occupy the Green Star in the shortest time, eliminate all the unique people, and take away the original crystal controlled by the unique people. As long as you act in a timely manner, you can use the captured original crystal to increase your combat power before the other warlords get the news. As long as there is a strong enough combat power, let alone the King of War, even if it is the King of War, Dibab will not take it seriously. The King of War is not born. In the Silicon Charm Alliance, even the lowest fighters, as long as they have enough strength, are eligible to sit on the throne of the King of War. Between the King of War and the King of War, the only difference is strength. Dibab knew that those original crystals could make him the supreme war emperor.