
Chapter 210: Forcibly break through


"Everyone is moving closer to me, Lin Feng, Lao Shen, come closer!"

When Yang Yi's greeting came, a dazzling light illuminated the surroundings. Lin Feng looked back, and immediately revealed an expression of shock.

The light comes from Yang Yi and is produced by the "source of life".

However, this is not the point.

This is the gesture of "all beings return to silence"!

Yang Yi is urging the "source of life" and is preparing to use the sixth level of the "immortal and immortal" combat technique "All beings return to silence", but Yang Yi does not have this ability at all!

Only Lin Feng knew that what Yang Yi obtained from Princess Sija was not only the "source of life", but also the eternal combat skill "immortality" never passed down by the Hidden Spirit family, and as far as Lin Feng knew, Yang Yi He is the first human being who has mastered "immortal eternal life" and can practice "immortal eternal life".

At the beginning, Yang Yi once wanted Lin Feng to also practice "immortality and immortality" so as to obtain strong combat power. For this reason, Yang Yi taught Lin Feng this unique combat technique. It's a pity that Lin Feng doesn't have the sacred tools of the Hidden Spirit Race, even if he remembers the key points of combat skills, he can't cultivate. Just like this, Lin Feng has some understanding of "immortality and immortality", at least he knows that this unique combat technique has a basic tactic in each of the nine realms.

The problem is that Yang Yi's current strength is very reluctant even to use the "instant eternity" of the third layer.

You must know that there are nine levels of immortality and immortality. Although each level is aimed at different tactics, there is no difference between high and low, but for beginners, the nine levels are different, that is, nine levels. The level of difficulty of the basic tactics of the higher realm ranges from low to high, and only with the corresponding combat power can you master the basic tactics of a higher realm. Yang Yi is only an eight-level original body, and the "source of life" controlled by him is only equivalent to an A-level original energy converter. Even if he has a unique physique, he can barely launch the basic tactics of the third level. Forcibly launching the basic tactics of the sixth level, beyond Yang Yi's capacity, will inevitably lead to very serious consequences.

"Old Shen, go back!"

Surprised to surprise, Lin Feng did not dare to delay.

In fact, she also knew that there was only this way if she wanted to get out of the siege at this time.

"All beings return to silence" is a tactic of reversing the original energy. Simply put, it is to absorb the energy in the surrounding environment, convert it into the original energy, and then absorb it by the sacred artifact. Because it is much more difficult to absorb the original energy with the sacred instrument than to release the original energy, and the sacred instrument is also used to convert other energies into the original energy, which has extremely high requirements on the user's ability to control the original energy, so even if it is a hidden spirit , You can only practice this kind of tactics after reaching the S-level combat body. The key to Yang Yi's ability to forcefully urge "all beings to return to silence" at this time is his superior control ability. Of course, it is also related to his special physique, that is, his body can absorb and store the original energy, thereby reducing the pressure on the sacred artifact.

Of course, "All Living Beings Return to Silence" is mainly used to deal with the enemies of the Silicon Magic Alliance, and it is extremely suitable for dealing with a large number of enemies.

Quite simply, absorbing the energy in the surrounding environment will inevitably lead to a decrease in the ambient temperature, which will cause fatal damage to ordinary silicon-based organisms. If this trick is used by a powerful soldier, its power is extremely amazing, if it is a super strong, then it can only be described as terror. Rumor has it that in the Fifth Greenwich War, the Heavenly Sage Emperor used a peace trick to wipe out millions of Silicon Charm fighters on a planet in a blink of an eye.

The problem is that Yang Yi is not a strong soldier, and his combat power is not even comparable to that of Renkui fighters.

When Lin Feng retreated, Shen Chengwen also retreated.

At this time, the dazzling light seemed to solidify, and the surrounding space was also solidified, and the place illuminated by the light began to solidify at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The light is just inducement, or a catalyst.

Through these rays of light, the surrounding energy, especially the energy on the spacecraft, is rushing towards Yang Yi and entering Yang Yi's body at an extremely fast speed.

If Yang Yi was a Renkui warrior, and let the "source of life" reach S grade, he would be able to absorb these energies.

However, he is not a Renkui warrior, and the "source of life" has not reached the S rank.

He cannot use the "source of life" to absorb all the converted original energy, so he can only store part of the original energy in his body, and his body obviously has a limit.

"What's going on?" Shen Chengwen was also dumbfounded at this time.

Lin Feng didn't answer, she didn't know how to answer.

In fact, Lin Feng had noticed before that the spaceship was a living being, and it was integrated with the Silicon Charm warriors who had been killed from all directions. Simply put, those Silicon Charm fighters can't be killed at all, the battle will continue, and eventually everyone will exhaust their strength.

To change this situation, the only way is to consolidate the hull, which is to absorb the energy of the spacecraft.

Obviously, Yang Yi's "all beings return to silence" is to consolidate the hull of the spacecraft.

The problem is that this spacecraft is really too big, and it has been connected to the green star, which is equivalent to a part of the green star, and what Yang Yi absorbs is the energy of the green star!

Not to mention that Yang Yi is only an eighth-level soldier, even if it is a human being warrior, or even an earth soul warrior, it is impossible to absorb all the energy of a planet on his own. If you do it forcibly, you will eventually explode and die because the absorbed energy exceeds your own capacity.

"Squadron Shen, get ready, wait for a shot with me."

Shen Chengwen nodded slightly, indicating that he understood Lin Feng's meaning.

Although he did not see that Yang Yi used the combat skills of the Hidden Spirit Race, the changes in the surrounding environment, especially the hull of the spacecraft began to solidify, had already reminded Shen Chengwen that Yang Yi was absorbing the energy of the spacecraft and would soon reach its limit. , They had to blast a hole in the hull of the spacecraft before that. Otherwise, not only will Yang Yi be finished, they will also be finished, and they will die very tragically.

However, Yang Yi did not give Shen Chengwen and Lin Feng a chance to make a move.

"Give me, break!"

With a violent sound, the dazzling light from Yang Yi's body condensed into a beam of light at a speed that was so fast that it was impossible to see it. It looked like Yang Yi had become a spear wrapped in light. Immediately afterwards, this beam of light shot from Yang Yi and directly penetrated the hull of the spacecraft.

Shen Chengwen was taken aback, but he reacted immediately.

"Retreat immediately, after I break off!"

Hearing Shen Chengwen's order, the soldiers around him also recovered from the shock, and flew toward the outside of the spacecraft along the channel made by the beam of light.



Lin Feng was equally shocked, but now there is no time for her to think about it. She grabbed Yang Yi's arm, and followed the soldiers and flew out of the spaceship.

Shen Chengwen stayed behind, but he didn't delay any time.

Yang Yi did not absorb much energy, and the spacecraft had been absorbing geothermal energy from the green star. After the light disappeared, the originally solidified hull had begun to melt. The passage created by Yang Yi is also slowly closing. Obviously, Shen Chengwen didn't want to stay and be the condiment in the dinner of the Simei Warriors.

When Shen Chengwen followed, the speed of the tunnel contraction accelerated.

Obviously, this was a passage that Yang Yi used to forcefully blast through the spacecraft. Although it blasted through the hull of the spacecraft, it did not have a serious impact on the spacecraft. More importantly, this spacecraft has extremely strong vitality, coupled with the geothermal energy that can be obtained from the green star, and the healing speed is extremely amazing.

After catching up with Lin Feng, who was carrying Yang Yi, Shen Cheng heard that he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately grabbed Yang Yi's other arm and urged to accelerate the flight with all his strength.

Until this time, Shen Chengwen showed the powerful strength of Renkui warriors.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Chengwen led Lin Feng and Yang Yi to catch up with the soldiers in front.

"Protect the captain!"

"Shen Squadron..."


Shen Chengwen pushed Lin Feng a bit, and while making Lin Feng speed up to rush out of the tunnel, his speed slowed down.

All this came so quickly, Lin Feng didn't react at all. When she realized that Shen Chengwen was about to make self-sacrifice, she had already rushed out of the spaceship.

When she looked back at the spaceship, the passage created by Yang Yi had been closed.

Also stunned were more than a dozen soldiers who rushed out with Lin Feng.

However, before everyone was sad, there was a violent explosion at the closed passageway, and a person rushed out of it. It was Shen Chengwen.

"Squadron leader!"

"Shen Squadron..."


Although everyone was surprised and happy, now is not the time to express their feelings. Don't forget, outside the spacecraft is the landing field of the Silicon Magic army.

This time, Shen Chengwen took the lead, leading twelve uninjured soldiers in front of him.

Lin Feng also wanted to step forward to kill the enemy, but Yang Yi was unconscious, and three soldiers were injured, so he could only stay behind and follow Shen Chengwen and others.

Of course, you have to pay attention to the enemies you are chasing.

At least when he smashed the spaceship, Lin Feng could see clearly that Aolong was not killed. If Aolong comes after him, I am afraid there will be a fierce battle.

In fact, being able to rush out of the spaceship is already a blessing in misfortune.

It wasn't until this time that Lin Feng realized that Yang Yi was no longer the same Yang Yi a few months ago. His current strength has far surpassed the original one.

This is, at the beginning, Yang Yi not only forcibly urged "All beings to silence" on the sixth level of "Indestructible Eternal Life" to make the hull of the spacecraft consolidate and necrotize, but also used the "Indestructible Eternal Life" second level of "Life, Kill and Seize". A passage leading to the outside world was smashed into the hull of the spacecraft. More importantly, Yang Yi clearly knew that he could not destroy the spacecraft with "all beings go to silence", so his purpose was to consolidate the hull of the spacecraft. To put it simply, the solidified hull of the spacecraft becomes harder and more brittle, just like glass, which is more likely to be penetrated by force. Obviously, Yang Yi is very clear about what he is doing, and he is also very aware of his own strength.

This is not only strength, but also experience and self-confidence, as well as composure and calmness.

In that environment, Yang Yi could still think of a way to break through so calmly, but this was enough to make his better soldiers comparable.