
Chapter 214: The ambush succeeded


After leaving the landing field, although he did not encounter much trouble, the pursuit did not go smoothly.

This is that the human soldiers who fled did not leave, but hid in the forest outside the landing field, sneaking on the Silicon Charm army that came out of the landing field.

From time to time, a few human soldiers came out to kill a few slack Silicon Charm warriors, and got into the forest before the other Silicon Charm warriors could react, and disappeared without a trace. Although the casualties were not very large each time, the five legions lost a large number of soldiers due to frequent sneak attacks by human soldiers. Even if they can fight, their combat effectiveness has been severely reduced, and morale has become a major problem.

If in the landing field, Aolong would not put those human soldiers in his eyes.

The problem is that outside the landing field, this is not the case.

The so-called "landing field" is actually the "Munro" using the geothermal energy absorbed from the Green Star stratum to create a site more suitable for the survival of silicon-based organisms. It is not wrong to say that the environment has been modified. In the landing field, because the temperature is as high as hundreds of degrees Celsius, and the ground temperature is even more than 1,000 degrees Celsius, even if it is a bit uncomfortable, the Silicon Magic Warrior can survive and carry out limited activities. However, outside the landing site, the temperature was only tens of degrees Celsius, and the ground temperature was not high. After leaving the landing field, the Simei fighters must rely on external energy to maintain their body temperature. As a result, all Silicon Charm fighters are carrying a marching backpack with an internal energy generator inside. If this heating device is damaged, the Simei Warrior will quickly lose its mobility and be killed within a few minutes.

Obviously, the marching backpack is very heavy, which increases the burden on the Silicon Charm fighters and is extremely vulnerable to damage.

In the sneak attacks launched by human soldiers, most of the Silicon Charm fighters who lost their lives were frozen to death due to damage to the internal energy generator and rapid decline in body temperature.

What's more terrible is that after the human soldiers have found the right way to deal with the Silicon Charm fighters, they don't even need to lean in to launch an attack from a distance. This is that those human soldiers equipped with long-range shooting weapons such as electromagnetic guns can fire hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters away. The soldiers' reaction speed is very fast, their eyesight is also very good, and they have almost no bullets. In addition, the flying speed of the bullet is above the speed of sound, so the Silicon Charm soldier only hears the gunshot after being shot, and cannot judge the attack by the gunshot, let alone evade in time after hearing the gunshot. In fact, the Silicon Magic soldiers who were killed in the attack were too late to do anything after hearing the gunshots.

The Silicon Charm fighters fought back, but it didn't make much sense.

Although Silicon Charm fighters also have long-range weapons in their hands, and some are powerful, the soldiers react too quickly and move faster. Even the best Silicon Charm fighters cannot effectively counterattack after discovering the enemy, and often the enemy has fled after discovering the enemy.

Such battles continued repeatedly, with Silicon Charm soldiers falling down continuously, and the morale of the legion began to decrease.

Obviously, for the Silicon Magic Army, this is a battle that cannot be fought at all. Although the enemy is very powerful, but there is no chance to fight back, how to fight? Silicon Magic Warriors are very brave, and they don’t lack the courage to fight to death, but they can’t just be beaten and not fight back, right

However, Aolong did not give an order to retreat.

Although he is not good at commanding battles, as a soldier who participated in the Fifth Greenwich War, Oron knows the tactics of mankind very well. Reason tells him that this battle will not have a good result at all. The correct way is to return to the landing field and wait for the enemy to come back again.

However, Aolong still insisted.

It’s very simple. He can clearly feel the human soldier who blasted through the hull of the "Meng Luo" with the imperial tactics of the hidden spirit race, and he can perceive that the soldier’s movement speed is very slow, and the original energy produced by him. The fluctuations are also very disordered, as if severely injured.

In fact, this has long been in Aolong's speculation.

"Indestructible and Immortal" is a unique combat skill of the Hidden Spirit Race Royal Family, unmatched in strength. Rumor has it that this kind of combat technique has nine levels in total, and in history, only the first emperor of the Hidden Spirit Race has cultivated to the ninth level, and when he tried to break through the ninth level, he exploded and died because of his ability to lose control. Thousands of years ago, in the Northern Alpha galaxy, the Heavenly Sage Emperor, who wiped out millions of Silicon Charm fighters on a planet in one fell swoop, only cultivated to the seventh level.

The key point is that faculty-level combat skills such as "Indestructible Immortality" require a lot of original energy when activated, so the requirements for cultivators are extremely high. Simply put, the cultivator is the carrier of the original energy. If the body is too fragile to withstand the huge pressure generated by the gathering of a large amount of original energy, then it will be killed when using combat skills. In other words, not everyone can practice "immortality and immortality."

Even if the human soldier mastered this combat technique, he might not have the strong physique needed to use this combat technique.

In order to get out of the "Munro", he could only let go.

Obviously, the consequences are very serious.

A wounded soldier, no matter how powerful it is, it is not to be feared. Besides, if that soldier is really powerful, why should he escape

Now, it is definitely not the time to retreat!

Thinking of capturing that soldier, and learning about "immortality and immortality" through him, Aolong was extremely excited. You know, as long as you master the essence of this combat technique, you can find a way to deal with it. Then when you encounter the Heavenly Sage Emperor or the master of the Hidden Spirit Race Royal Family again, you won't even have the ability to resist. . In addition, Dibabe must be very interested in "immortality and immortality" and would like to master this combat technique.

Because of this, Aolong not only did not allow the Legion to retreat, but also constantly urged the Legion to speed up its advancement.

However, the huge casualties and the impact of the attack on morale still slowed the speed of the legion. Even though each legion was directly ordered by a warlord, and the five warlords were obedient to O'Long, they gave death orders to the Silicon Charm fighters below, and even executed a few Silicon Charm fighters who slack off the battle, but they did not Therefore, more Silicon Charm fighters were cheered up, and even had the opposite effect.

The Simei Warrior is not afraid of death, but doesn't know how to fight the enemy in the distance.

Aolong had no choice but to come to the front of the line and personally lead the army forward. In any case, he is one of the four generals under Dibabu. He has high prestige in the legion, and he has strong combat power. If he can kill a few sneak attacks by himself, it will definitely boost morale. , So that the shrinking Silicon Charm warriors become brave, thereby speeding up the advancement of the legion.

Whether in the Galaxy Alliance or the Silicon Charm Alliance, the commander’s example is an effective way to boost morale.

Don't forget, in the offensive and defensive battle of Beacon Star, it was because Xiao Wentian was always on the front line that the Human Legion resisted the attack of the Silicon Charm army.

In fact, in the subsequent "Peace Dawn" campaign, the warlord who guarded the "Kuhn-Barion Fortress" also boosted the morale of the defenders in the same way. It is a pity that the King of War who commanded the battle at that time died one after another, and failed to become a pillar like Xiao Wentian.

Aolong's actions had an immediate effect.

The Silicon Charm Legion began to accelerate, but even Aolong didn't know that the Silicon Charm Legion was moving towards a death trap.

Thousands of meters away, Shen Chengwen raised the energy gun in his hand. It's just that this gun fires not an energy beam, but a bullet.

After taking aim, Shen Chengwen turned around and said to Yang Yi: "Should you do it yourself?"

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and shook his head. It doesn't matter who fires the shot, it's just symbolic at best, and he doesn't care about it.

"It's a pity."


Shen Chengwen sighed and said, "If you know that Aolong will be in the forefront, you should plant a few powerful primordial bombs at the beginning. Even if you can't kill him, you can also let him peel off."

Yang Yi laughed bitterly, but didn't say much.

"Shen Squadron, the enemy has entered the ambush field." Lin Feng reminded Shen Chengwen.


Shen Cheng heard no more wordy, squeezed the trigger, and the energy gun made a crisp gunshot, which was precisely the sonic boom produced by the bullet after it accelerated.

This is a very special bullet. The body is composed of primordial energy and is controlled by Shen Chengwen. In the body, there is a little original crystal provided by Yang Yi. After hitting the target, the original energy constituting the projectile will explode due to loss of control, thereby detonating the original crystal inside. Because the density is much higher than the condensed original energy, the explosion of the original crystal is more powerful, enough to destroy a mountain the size of a spaceship.

Of course, this bullet is just a fuse.

In the ambush field, the soldiers who had attacked the Simei Legion used all the remaining small remote-controlled bombs, and they were all set to shock detonation mode. In other words, after Shen Chengwen exploded the bullets fired by the energy gun, those bombs would explode.

Although it is impossible to kill Aolong, it can certainly kill many Silicon Charm fighters.

Five legions, and more than 40,000 Silicon Charm fighters, after all entered the ambush field, will be able to come out alive, I am afraid that there will be less than a fraction.

In a blink of an eye, the bullet flew out several kilometers.

The explosion happened suddenly and violently.

Before the shock from the explosion spread along the ground, the ambush field was swallowed by the smoke from the explosion, and a huge fireball rose.

Although the Simei Warrior can withstand high temperatures, the temperature in the explosion area exceeded 10,000 degrees Celsius in an instant, even thousands of degrees Celsius at the edge of the ambush field. Such a high temperature can vaporize the rock in an instant, and it can easily kill the Silicon Charm warrior.

However, Aolong could not be injured yet.

Just as the fireball produced by the explosion rose, a ray of light rose from the ground, it was protected by the energy barrier, and there was no Oron injured in the explosion.

Both Yang Yi and Shen Chengwen were speechless, but this was what they expected.

At this moment, three rays of light flew out of the landing field and shot straight towards this side. Not the light, but the three powerful fighters.