
Chapter 22: The mystery of sacred objects


When Yang Yi arrived, Lin Feng was already a little impatient. The first sentence this guy said after entering the door almost knocked Lin Feng down.

"Captain, do you have anything to eat?"

"You didn't have dinner?" Lin Feng looked at Yang Yi speechlessly. She has transferred 10,000 merit points to Yang Yi. Although it is not too much, she can find a restaurant in the base to have a sumptuous dinner, and only one merit point is needed. He wouldn't even be reluctant to even a merit point, would he

"Captain, I just came here. I am unfamiliar with the place of life. Where should I go for dinner?" Yang Yi was innocent.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes. He could find the brigade headquarters office building and the brigade captain's office, but he didn't see the restaurants and restaurants on the roadside

Speechless to speechless, Lin Feng still turned on the phone and asked the secretary to prepare a dinner.

"The captain is the captain. The big problem is solved by calling and ordering."

Lin Feng couldn't wait to rush up to slap Yang Yi twice, to make him shut his mouth. Asking the secretary to prepare a dinner is a big deal

"Lao Guo and Lao Luo have already introduced you to the basic situation of the brigade, now let me talk about your thoughts." Lin Feng suppressed the anger that was raging in his heart, and calmly said: "If I were you, I would think about it. Make another choice, because this choice will determine your life."

"Isn't choosing a wife, is it so serious?"

"You..." Lin Feng finally couldn't help it. "You kid, be serious, get out of me without thinking about it, and come to me when you think about it."

"Captain, why are you angry?" Yang Yi had an afterthought, as if he didn't understand why Lin Feng was angry at him.

At this time, the secretary brought in the dinner, which was a boxed lunch.

"Captain, have you eaten? Then I'm not being polite." Yang Yi was really not polite, and he took up the lunch box and gobbled it up.

How do you know him in general? He is an extremely stingy bastard who comes from a slum on a colonial planet and has not even been admitted to a higher education institution. Competing with a jerk, isn’t that a jerk? Lin Feng suppressed his anger and kept a trace of reason, but his face was ugly.

In fact, Lin Feng is only eighteen years old. In terms of age, she is a few months younger than Yang Yi.

"Comfortable, it's been a long time since I had such a delicious meal."

"I am full?"

"It's only half full, can I still have one?"

Lin Feng almost lost his breath. "If you don't have enough to eat, let's talk about business first. There are three squadrons in the combat unit. Which squadron do you want to join?"

"To be honest, I haven't considered it yet. Can the captain give me some advice?"

"If you want to live a long life, join the tactical squadron. If you want to make your life more exciting, join the strategic squadron. If you want to die early, join the special squadron."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled and said: "The captain is the captain. He is brief and concise. A simple sentence can explain everything that Luo Luo hasn't said clearly."

"So, what is your choice?" Lin Feng didn't joking with Yang Yi.

"Let me think about it." Yang Yi buried his head and began to meditate.

It was this time that Lin Feng was waiting, and Yang Yi, in thought, completely let go of his vigilance.

The attack came very suddenly. When Yang Yi sensed the danger, the lightsaber in Lin Feng's hand had already pierced him, less than half a meter from the center of his eyebrows.

"Captain, what are you doing?"

In panic, Yang Yi kicked his feet hard, and his body flew upside down. At the same time, a layer of translucent energy armor appeared on his body.

"Not bad, I learned very fast. However, I can't survive by relying on this little trick."

"Thank you for the compliment, Captain. It's just that you want to test me, so you don't have to attack me?"

Yang Yi retreated fast, and Lin Feng rushed faster.

Retreating to the wall, Yang Yi has nowhere to go. Facing the lightsaber stabbed on the face, Yang Yi knew that the thin layer of energy armor could not stop the lightsaber, and immediately condensed an energy shield on his left arm and raised it in front of him. Yang Yi still had no idea whether he could block the stabbing lightsaber.

"Frankly explain, who sent you here?"

"Captain, what do you mean by this?"

Yang Yi knew that he couldn't stop it, so he gave up resistance and removed the energy armor and energy shield.

In the blink of an eye, the lightsaber stabbed his forehead and pierced his scalp, but did not continue to penetrate.

"You obviously don't know how to make energy armor, but now you do." Lin Feng stared at Yang Yi viciously. "Don't tell me, you have reservations when testing."

"of course not."

Lin Feng used a little strength in his hand, and the tip of the sword went deeper.

"When I tested it, I really didn't. I just learned it. There are relevant information about the basic application of the original energy converter in the database of the brigade." Yang Yi did not lie, it is precisely because it took some time to read these. Information, came to Lin Feng so late.

"You are only an H-level primitive body, and you have only an H-level primitive energy converter, but you have reached the level of a third-level war soldier."

"Is this weird?"

"If it's only the level of a second-level combat soldier, I wouldn't be surprised. In the past few hundred years, several talented ancestors have created such miracles. But no one can use H as the original H. The first-level original energy converter passed the third-level combat strength test." Lin Feng smiled coldly and said, "If you can't give a sufficient reason to convince me, you have to die here."

Yang Yi saw it, and Lin Feng didn't joking with him, as long as he said a wrong sentence, blood would be splashed on the spot.

"Don't lie, I know you better than your mother."

"Do you know my mother? I have lived for eighteen years and have never seen her."

"Shut up! Do you think I'm joking with you?"

Yang Yi immediately closed his mouth and did not resist at all, and it was useless to resist. Lin Feng was a tenth-level soldier, and it was easy to kill him.

After a moment of silence, Lin Feng said, "Are you dumb?"

"Captain, you told me to shut up, you..."

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you now."

"Don't, I haven't lived enough yet." Yang Yi was completely speechless. As the saying goes, a woman's mind will change when it is in June. There is no sign at all.

"Frankly explain, who sent you here and what is the purpose?"

"Captain, how do you tell me to explain?" Yang Yi sighed and said, "You know me so well, don't you know my past?"

Lin Fengxiu glared, and his murderous aura became more vigorous.

"This is what you're talking about?" Yang Yi didn't dare to joke about his life, and quickly showed the original energy converter that Amy gave him.

"this is… "

"Amy gave it to me, called the'source of life'."

Lin Fengmeng was startled and looked at Yang Yi in disbelief.

"Amy is Princess Sija of the Hidden Spirit Race. Her things are definitely top quality. I think my extraordinary performance in the test may be related to this power converter."

"This is the'source of life'?"

"It's like a fake replacement." Noting Lin Feng's surprised look, Yang Yi was taken aback and said, "Why, this original energy converter is very famous?"

"You... Princess Signia actually gave you the'source of life'. It's a delicacy to feed the pigs and violent things!"

"Captain, I'm a human, OK? Besides, I saved her, how can I say..."

"Shut up!"

Yang Yi narrowed his mouth, knowing that it was best not to offend Lin Feng at this time.

"Do you know the origin of this original energy converter?"

Yang Yi shook his head, he really didn't know.

"It is the secret treasure of the Hidden Spirit Race, one of the sixty-three original energy converters generated directly from the'Procore of Life', and has been held by the Hidden Spirit Race Royal Family for thousands of years. Princess Sija is the Hidden Spirit The prostitute of the Sage Emperor of the Clan, the'source of life' is her status symbol in the royal family."

"This... Isn't this too expensive?"

"You are really a pig head."

Yang Yi looked at Lin Feng unclearly.

Lin Feng exhaled, put away the lightsaber, and the murderous aura disappeared without a trace.

"Captain, can you elaborate on it?"

Lin Feng glanced at Yang Yi, stepped back and sat down on the sofa, and pointed to the opposite sofa. Yang Yi went over and sat down very witty.

In fact, Lin Feng didn't really want to kill Yang Yi, just to figure out the reason why Yang Yi played supernormally.

"The Source of Life" explained all the doubts in Lin Feng's heart.


"You should know that the Galactic Alliance has seven top civilizations, and the Hidden Spirit Race is one of them. Although the military strength of the Human Federation can be comparable to the first-class civilization, its overall strength is only the sixth-class. Compared with the seven top civilizations The human federation is as small as the ants at the feet of an elephant.” Lin Fengchang exclaimed, “The reason why the seven top civilizations can dominate the entire galaxy alliance is not directly related to their strength, but because they have pronuclei.”


"Whether it is a human federation or other civilizations, the original energy converters they have are directly and indirectly derived from the pronucleus of the seven top civilizations. The original energy converters directly generated by the pronucleus, such as the'source of life', are called 'Sacred Artifacts'. The ones made by the technology obtained from the pronucleus, which are indirectly derived from the pronucleus, are called'primal energy converters', such as the original energy converters I use. Although the sacred instruments are functionally different from There is no obvious difference between the original energy converter, but the sacred artifacts are spiritual and not everyone can control. There is a legend that has been passed down for thousands of years in the seven top civilizations, and each sacred artifact has a true owner. People will recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, and they will no longer be controlled by others. It's just that for thousands of years, no such people have appeared outside of the seven top civilizations."

Yang Yi was surprised secretly. If Lin Feng was right, the gift Amy gave him would be too expensive.

Lin Feng looked at Yang Yi and let out a sigh, and said, "Princess Xijia gave you the'Source of Life', showing that you are the true master of the'Source of Life'."

"This... is it possible?"

"Why is it impossible?"

Yang Yi gritted his teeth and said: "According to what you said, the'source of life' must be extraordinary. Why is it only equivalent to an H-level primary energy converter

Lin Feng laughed, looking at Yang Yi's eyes, as if looking at an idiot who didn't know anything.