
Chapter 220: out of expectation


The changes in Lin Feng were so obvious, not to mention Yang Yi, even Jackson and others could see it.

However, due to their own Primarch level, Jackson and the others can only feel that Lin Feng's Primarch level is above S level, but they don't know whether it is S level or has exceeded S level. Only Yang Yi saw it, and Lin Feng was now an SS-level original body.

"Jackson, organize everyone. Time is limited, so that everyone can master the corresponding combat skills in the shortest time."

Jackson recovered and immediately greeted the other officers and soldiers to the cave arranged by Mendozo. Combat skills are readily available, but it takes some time to master.

Obviously, Jackson regretted it a bit.

At the beginning, Yang Yi also asked Jackson to conduct intensive training, but Jackson felt that he was already a fighter, and the improvement was very limited, so there was no need for this. After seeing Lin Feng's changes, Jackson realized that he had missed an excellent opportunity to improve his own strength.

Unfortunately, regret is useless.

"How is it?" Yang Yi asked Lin Feng when Jackson left with the others.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and didn't say much. After all, Mendozo, Bella, and the elders of those unique tribes hadn't left yet.

Yang Yi didn't ask much, and took Lin Feng to the tree cave that Mendozo arranged for them.

At this time, Yang Yi was able to confirm that Lin Feng's original body was indeed SS rank, that is, he reached the rank of Earth Soul Warrior, and not only that.

Simply put, Yang Yi has a strange feeling, but he can't express it in words.

The main thing is that Yang Yi didn't understand the SS-class Primarch, and among the strong men he had encountered before, only Zhan Ruilin was an earth soul warrior. Although he had only met Zhan Ruilin once, Yang Yi had a very clear understanding that Earth Soul Warriors were far more powerful than Renkui Warriors. The problem was that Yang Yi was only concerned about Zhan Ruilin's powerful combat power at the time, and he was not very concerned about the SS-level primitives corresponding to the Earth Soul Warriors. Now, facing another powerful existence with an SS-class Primarch, Yang Yi could hardly make an accurate comparison. For Yang Yi, the most direct feeling Lin Feng gave him was that he was different, not comparable to Jackson and others.

"You feel it too?"

"What?" Yang Yi looked at Lin Feng without understanding. In Lin Feng's eyes, what Yang Yi saw was self-confidence, absolute self-confidence in his own abilities.

"Why, didn't you feel it?"

Yang Yi looked at Lin Feng carefully, then shook his head with a wry smile.

"Really didn't feel it?"

"Just tell me."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Have you forgotten that I am a natural combat body."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a look of surprise.

"Remember now?"

"What does it have to do?" Yang Yi returned to his senses and looked at Lin Feng carefully. Now, Yang Yi can be sure that the strange feeling Lin Feng gave him must be related to his natural combat body. Simply put, as the level of the original body increased, Lin Feng's natural combat body also awakened.

Next, what Lin Feng said confirmed Yang Yi's guess.

Although it is a natural battle body, it does not mean that you have the powerful capabilities of a battle body at birth. At a very young age, Lin Feng knew that only when the original body level was raised, the natural combat body she possessed would be awakened, and would be given a powerful combat power corresponding to the original body level. Simply put, the value of the natural battle body will only become apparent after the original body reaches the AAA level. Just like this, Lin Feng became the pilot of the "Agni Phoenix" only after he reached the tenth level of combat soldiers, that is, he had the basic conditions necessary to control the "Agni Phoenix". It was at this time that Lin Feng's natural combat body was only known to the outside world, and thus became one of the four geniuses in the third theater.

For Lin Feng, the natural combat body is both a talent and a restriction.

This is, while gaining the powerful combat power conferred by the natural battle body, Lin Feng's original body is also restricted, that is, it is more difficult to upgrade the original body level.

"Actually, this is nothing strange." Lin Feng smiled reluctantly, and said, "Whether it is an ordinary soldier or a natural combat body, it plays the role of storing the original energy. If we compare our bodies to their functions. To store the original energy container, then the natural battle body is only larger, and it is not essentially different from ordinary combat soldiers. Of course, a larger capacity means that it can carry more original energy, and it also means that it can carry more original energy. The original energy that can be used in time is more, so the natural combat body has much more combat power than ordinary combat soldiers. The problem is that this also means that it is more difficult to improve the level of the natural combat body, it takes more time, and it needs more. More effort."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, showing that he understood what Lin Feng meant.

"I didn't expect it to be able to achieve a breakthrough, but also to raise two levels at once."


Lin Feng glanced at Yang Yi and said, "If it wasn't a natural combat body, I would be able to reach the S-level primitive body corresponding to the Renkui warrior before joining the special investigation team. According to grandpa, he was thirty-five years old. Only when I have a breakthrough. Even if my conditions are much better than him, I will not be able to achieve a breakthrough until I am about 30 years old. Of course, as long as I have an S-level original body and an S-level original energy converter, I will be able to The Phoenix's combat power is fully demonstrated. With the combat skills of the'Feng Wu Nine Heavens', it is certainly not inferior to the senior Ouyang Qian of the year. As for the breakthrough to the SS level, it is almost impossible to imagine. Let alone me, grandpa has not yet A breakthrough can be made."

"It seems that the unique people are indeed extraordinary." Yang Yi laughed and said, "Or, I will talk to Mendozo. After we defeated the enemy, please ask him to send some unique people to the home galaxy to help Our soldiers increase the level of the original body, so that Grandpa can also make a breakthrough."

"The premise is that you have to guard the green star."

Yang Yi narrowed his mouth, he just started talking casually.

"However, this is indeed a way. It will certainly greatly increase the military strength of the Human Federation in a short period of time, and it will be of great help to winning this war."

"These, wait until we fight back the enemy." Yang Yi sighed secretly, knowing that talking about these things now is too far ahead. Besides, if this incident spreads, even if the Green Star is guarded, top civilizations such as the Hidden Spirit Race will intervene to prevent the Dumen from providing help to the Human Federation, and may even take action against the Dumen and the Human Federation, even if It is to eradicate these two civilizations. The reason is simple. A powerful human federation is not only the cornerstone of the alliance against the Silicon Charm, but also a serious threat to the seven top civilizations. If, with the assistance of the Dumen clan, the Human Federation obtains one of the best military strengths in the Galactic Alliance, powerful existences such as the Wanluo Battle Emperor, the Heavenly Sage Emperor, and the Star Soul Empress will probably have trouble sleeping and eating. At that time, the Human Federation will face two powerful enemies.

In this regard, Yang Yi is almost certain.

Don't forget, the Human Federation encountered a similar situation thousands of years ago. At that time, just one person made the Human Federation a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh of the Silicon Charm Alliance and the Galaxy Alliance. If it is not just one person, but a group of people, a group of people with powerful combat capabilities, whether it is the Silicon Charm Alliance or the Galactic Alliance's top civilization can not tolerate the human federation, it must be eliminated quickly.

Lin Feng also sighed secretly, of course she understood what Yang Yi was worried about.

"It's a pity that I only have an S-level primal energy converter here, not an SS-level." Yang Yi squatted his mouth, took out an S-level primal energy converter and gave it to Lin Feng.

Due to time constraints, when Lin Feng and others were conducting intensive training, Mendozo gave the original energy converter made by Curtis to Yang Yi and let Yang Yi arrange it by himself. It must be admitted that Mendozo is very generous. Of course, Mendozo is useless with these original energy converters.

This original energy converter was specially left by Yang Yi for Lin Feng. Lin Feng was originally an AAA-level original body, so he can use the S-level original energy converter only by raising one level. Different from the S-class primary energy converter that was given to Jackson, which is provided for other people to use, Yang Yi modified the primary energy converter according to his own understanding. That is, he used some original crystals to strengthen the original energy converter. The output power of the energy converter. To put it simply, at a critical moment, the original crystal embedded in the core of the original energy converter can be directly controlled, and the output power can be increased ten times, or even hundreds of times, in a very short time. Although this overloaded state cannot be maintained for a long time, when encountering a fatal threat, it is often only necessary to gain a chance of escape by enhancing combat power in a very short period of time.

"Have you changed?"

Yang Yi nodded, explained briefly, and then said: "You are already an SS-level original body, and the natural battle body is inherently stronger than the ordinary original body, so it is not a big problem for you. Just, the original crystal It is limited and can only be used when there is no other choice."

"Understand, don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

"If I have a chance, I will go to Curtis and talk to the elders of the Independence Clan to see if they can create a higher-level power converter."

"Don't hold up too much hope."

Yang Yi grinned reluctantly and said, "I didn't have much hope. Curtis will definitely prepare some SS-level original energy converters if possible. Even Curtis can't do it, and the other elders definitely can't. Just. However, this is not a big problem. We have enough primitive crystals, and what we lack is the technology needed to make advanced primitive energy converters, and top civilizations like the Hidden Spirits must have mastered the relevant technology."

"Do you think the Hidden Spirit Race will help us?"

"Of course not, even if Princess Sijia is willing to help us, she may not have this ability. However, it is not completely hopeless."

"What do you mean?" Lin Feng looked at Yang Yi without understanding.

"As far as Curtis said, the original energy converters all come from the sacred artifacts, and the original crystals provided by the top civilization are actually natural products of the sacred artifacts, but the sacred artifacts can only produce the original crystals after reaching the S level. If this is the case, then the technology of making advanced power converters is related to the sacred artifacts. There is no way now, which does not mean that there will be no way in the future. When I reach the S-level, after the "source of life" becomes the S-level sacred artifact, maybe these It's not a problem."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment before he came to understand.