
Chapter 224: Puzzled


Although it is only a few, it is indeed the original crystal, and it is of high quality, which is an extremely rare treasure.

Dibab is the king of war, and naturally knows that even that little original crystal is enough to make several S-class primordial energy converters, which are priceless in the northern and southern Alpha galaxies.

You know, the common warlord of the Silicon Charm Alliance has nothing more than an S-class primary energy converter.

That is to say, an S-class primordial energy converter corresponds to a warlord, and a warlord is equivalent to a force. In addition, the canonization of the King of War is the privilege of the King of War and a symbol of status. Even if Dibab is one of the eight war kings, he doesn't have this right, he can only canonize warriors.

"Do you think I will believe your words?" Dibab controlled his emotions and did not show it.

"Why don't you believe it?"

"I know who you are and that you own the sacred artifact of the Hidden Spirit Race. Don't tell me, you don't know that the original crystal is the product of the sacred artifact."

When Dibab said so, Yang Yi was not surprised, but laughed.

"Dibab, if you say this, I have to wonder if you are one of the eight kings of the Silicon Magic Alliance."

"you… "

"Yes, the sacred artifact can produce the original crystal, but as the oldest warlord in the Silicon Charm Alliance, you should know that only the S-level sacred artifact can produce the original crystal. It is also true that I do have a hidden spirit. The sacred artifact of the clan, but do you think that the sacred artifact I have is S-level?" Yang Yi smiled coldly and said, "If what I have is an S-level sacred artifact, do I still need to talk nonsense with you here?"

Dibab's face twitched a few times, and Yang Yi did not say nonsense.

You should know that the sacred artifact is different from the ordinary original energy converter, and there is no fixed grade, but it is determined by the user's original body level. If Yang Yi possesses an S-level sacred artifact, he is the S-level original body, that is, a warrior who owns the sacred artifact. Obviously, the combat power of a warrior who possesses a sacred weapon is definitely not lower than that of the warlord. It must surpass the warlord, and can even match the top warlord like Dibabu.

Obviously, if Yang Yi had such a strong combat power, that would not be the case now.

"Dibab, I won't talk nonsense with you. As long as you let him go, I will follow you. As for whether you can get the secrets of the Green Star from me, it depends on your ability." Yang Yi closed his smile and said Dibabe said before speaking, "If you think you can catch me alive, just do it. But, I have to tell you clearly, only I know where the original crystals are hidden, and only I know how to obtain them. Of course. , If I want to, I can destroy those original crystals at any time. Although for us, this is also a huge loss that is irreversible, but it is better than falling into the hands of the enemy. If doomed, I have no choice, you too Don't think of anything."

"you… "

"Make a decision, let go, or just shoot and break."

Dibab was silent, or hesitated.

Reason told him that Yang Yi did not lie. The original crystal that Yang Yi started to throw came from the green star, and the original crystal on the green star has been collected by a unique person, hidden in a very secret place, maybe a Space debris, and Yang Yi knows how to get into that space debris.

However, Dibab did not believe that the unique man had given the original crystals to Yang Yi.

The reason is also very simple. As a human being, after arriving at the original crystal, Yang Yi has no reason to stay and fight for a unique man and a powerful warlord. In Dibabe's view, Yang Yi and the others came to Green Star, in fact, for the original crystal. After getting what you want, the wisest choice is to leave immediately. Besides, with the original crystals and the sacred artifacts of the hidden spirit race, as long as there is enough time, Yang Yi can become the most powerful existence in the galaxy alliance and even the entire universe. In Dibabe's view, Yang Yi has no reason to stay and fight for the unique man. Dibab concluded from this that Yang Yi only knew the existence of the original crystals, but did not obtain those original crystals.

Of course, a unique person will not give the most precious wealth to a human being.

Don't forget, the relationship between the Dumen and the Human Federation is not harmonious.

Perhaps this is his nonsense

Dibab had such doubts, but he did not dare to take a chance. The reason is very simple. Even if Yang Yi is talking nonsense, he must know where the original crystal of Green Star is hidden. More importantly, those unique people who master the original crystal may not compromise. If Yang Yi these human soldiers fail, the hope of the Dumen tribe will be shattered. In the end, as Yang Yi said, the unique person will destroy Dibabu's hope.

Obviously, even if Yang Yi didn't grasp the original crystals, the information he knew was also very important.

However, there is one point, Dibab did not want to understand.

Why did the human soldiers who possessed the sacred artifacts of the Hidden Spirit Race and knew the original crystal hiding place take such a big risk for a companion

Don't talk about "comrade-in-arms friendship", Dibab couldn't understand it at all.

In his opinion, even if Yang Yi is only an eighth-level soldier, because he possesses a sacred weapon that can be encountered and cannot be sought, he must have a lofty status in the human federation. There is no reason for a superior existence to take risks for a soldier, even a strong warrior.

With this suspicion, Dibabe became more cautious.

"Do you think you can escape?" Dibab did not immediately order the release. He always felt that there was a problem and wanted to figure out where the problem was.


"For me, it is easy to occupy Green Star. Even if I release him or even you now, unless you can escape from Green Star, the result will still be the same." Dibabe smiled coldly and said, " Obviously, you will not leave Green Star here."

"Yes, we really won't run away."

Dibabe was taken aback for a moment, and he looked at Yang Yi carefully.

"It's just different from what you think. We stay and fight, not to gain anything, but only in this way can we keep the life course of the human federation." Yang Yi also smiled coldly and said, "Dibab, don't I think that everyone is the same as you, and what you see is only the benefits. Of course, it is reasonable that you cannot understand, after all, we are not the same kind of people, and you are not even a human being, so naturally you cannot understand human thought. In addition, You are a high warlord, and I am just a soldier who obeys and executes orders. A soldier like me, there are thousands of human confederations. No one cares about my life or death, and no one treats me as a human being. To me For you, sacrifice is a normal thing, even if you die on a distant planet. Obviously that is not the case for you."

"you… "

"Think about it, do you think it's really necessary to fight me like a soldier?"

Dibab was silent, Yang Yi is a small soldier

Obviously, Dibabe didn't think so, but couldn't find a reason to refute it. More importantly, Yang Yi did not say nonsense. Even if he is not a small soldier, Dibab has no reason to fight him desperately. For Dibab, this is not the time to fight anyone desperately.

Dibab fell silent, and Yang Yi didn't say much.

In any case, even if it is the King of War, it takes some time to figure out the powerful relationship.

At this time, there is the landing field.

Dozens of Silicon Charms have already started and are advancing here.

Although he saw and felt the original energy fluctuations emitted by the four powerful beings, Yang Yi remained indifferent and didn't take it seriously.

This is Dibab's deployment, but it's nothing strange.

In fact, if Dibab did not make any deployment, Yang Yi would be surprised.

However, what made Yang Yi find it funny is that Dibabu not only used dozens of corps of Silicon Charm fighters, but also dispatched four top warriors.

Obviously, Dibabe took him too seriously.

However, this is a good thing, because it means that there are a lot less Simei Legions remaining in the landing field, and there are only four warlords guarding the spacecraft at most.

It must be admitted that Dibab is very shrewd and very good at calculating.

He brought three generals, enough to deal with Yang Yi, and the soldiers who followed Yang Yi to exchange hostages, even if Yang Yi was captured alive, he was sure. In addition, he took into account other circumstances, such as the Dean Army took the opportunity to launch an offensive. To this end, he asked four generals to command the Silicon Charm Corps, deploy defenses on the edge of the landing field, and prepare for battle with the Independence Corps. Also, he was not negligent, knowing that the foundation of the Silicon Magic army was the spaceship, so he left four warlords to guard the spaceship to deal with possible sneak attacks. To put it bluntly, Dibab made a three-handed preparation, and he only needs any one of the preparations to be successfully completed, and he will be invincible.

In terms of the distribution of forces, Dibab also calculated very accurately.

Four generals, enough to command dozens of legions. Don't forget, they are all top fighters under Dibabu, and each legion has an ordinary fighter. If one of these four warlords is like Oron, it may be able to command dozens of legions to fight.

As for guarding the spaceship, four top-tier warriors are enough.

However, this is an arrangement made by Dibab based on experience.

Obviously, experience may not be all right.

The key is that Dibab is based on the strength of the opponent, that is, Yang Yi and the strength shown in the previous two battles. According to Dibab's judgment, only Yang Yi is the real threat, and the other human soldiers are obviously not a big deal, let alone challenging him, they are not even qualified to challenge the top warriors under his men. Otherwise, Shen Chengwen would not have been captured in the previous battle.

Of course, Dibab's judgment was correct.

His twelve top-level generals possess the same combat power as Renkui fighters. Under Yang Yi, except for the captured Shen Chengwen, only Jackson is the Renkui fighter. The others are all soldiers, and the most powerful are also Only tenth-level soldiers, and there are only six in total.

It can be said that dozens of soldiers joined forces, and it is definitely not the opponent of the four top generals.

Unfortunately, Dibab made a low-level mistake. This is, he didn't look at the problem from a developmental perspective, and he didn't count how soldiers can improve their combat power through training.