
Chapter 229: Like a fish in water


Although it was only a warlord and three warriors, it played a decisive role.

The key is that no single soldier can fight Dibabu, not even the power of one. In front of a strong man of Dibabu's level, let alone a warrior, it is difficult for them to gain a foothold, let alone contend with, even the chief soldiers like Shen Chengwen and Jackson.

It can be said that Dibab turned the tide of the battle on his own.

Not long after, the Simei Army stabilized the front and launched a counterattack.

Faced with the overwhelmingly powerful King of War, the Dean Army began to retreat. It was a retreat, not a retreat, and there was no collapse.

It must be admitted that Jackson is indeed an excellent commander.

Although he joined the Special Investigation Brigade not long ago, his qualifications are far from comparable to those of old fritters like Shen Chengwen, but before joining the Special Investigation Brigade, Jackson was the commander of the mercenary legion, and his "Warrior Corps" is not small in size. The mercenary world can be regarded as a small celebrity. Obviously, Jackson must have commanded large-scale battles. He has experience in this area and knows how to effectively mobilize the Legion to fight.

Of course, this is also related to the plan made by Yang Yi.

Sending out the unique army is part of Yang Yi's plan.

Although he did not expect that the Independence Army would fight so hard, in Yang Yi's plan, it was the attack of the Independence Army to circumvent Dibab’s deployment, forcing Dibab to let go and let Dibab to put his energy on the battlefield. To make it impossible to use his formidable combat power to other places. According to Yang Yi's plan, the Independence Army only needs to launch a decent attack and advance to the vicinity of the landing field. If you encounter the Silicon Charm Legion, create some pressure on the Silicon Charm Legion. If not, take a corner of the landing field and assume a counter-offensive posture. No matter what happens, as long as Dibabe wants to capture Green Star, he has to divert his attention at this time.

Of course, the actual situation is even more ideal than Yang Yi expected.

A single fighter is not only brave, but also good in combat effectiveness. Obviously, let alone Yang Yi, everyone present has to re-evaluate the one-man.

Yang Yi believes that after experiencing this battle, I am afraid that no one will think that unique people are not good at fighting.

Perhaps the one-man is just not so combative.

Like other wise civilizations, in the face of powerful enemies, at the critical moment of life and death, the unique person will also take up arms and fight the enemy bravely.

Under Jackson's command and the assistance of many elders, the Independence Legion steadily withdrew from the landing field.

This is a necessary retreat, and it is in Yang Yi's plan.

The reason is simple. The temperature in the landing field is as high as hundreds of degrees Celsius. Only soldiers who can make energy barriers to protect themselves can fight alone, while ordinary single fighters have to act under the protection of the strong field barrier. Although every single soldier wears protective clothing that can isolate high temperatures, no one can protect the clothing from being damaged in battle. If you leave the protection of the strong field barrier, the unique fighter will be easily killed by the enemy.

Supporting the strong field barrier are the elders who are fighting with the Independent Legion.

It is also true that these powerful elders who have S-level primordial power converters are enough to compete with the warriors, and the powerful elders did not go into the battle. It is to let the unique fighters with much weaker combat power rush to the front.

Only by leaving the landing field, these elders no longer need to support the strong field barrier, and can enter the battle.

Of course, after Dibab took the generals to fight, it was impossible for the Independence Legion to sweep the landing field, and naturally there was no reason to continue fighting in the landing field.

However, the battle did not end.

After exiting the landing field, the Dean Army did not retreat.

At the same time, the heavy artillery deployed in the rear began to show off.

Although the original artillery shells are not a great threat to Dibab and the generals, they can effectively kill the Simei fighters, and they are mass destruction.

Facing the overwhelming primordial cannonballs, the Silicon Charm Army could only stop its advance.

"Old Shen, it's time for you to play."

Shen Cheng didn't hear much about it, and immediately rushed to the Dedicated Legion.

According to Yang Yi's arrangement, it was Jackson who was still commanding the Independence Army on the front line to withstand the counterattack of the Silicon Charm Army. Shen Chengwen had other tasks.

This is, leading a unit composed entirely of elders, specializing in finding and killing enemy warriors.

Not the top fighters, but those who are scattered in the legion and directly command the battle of the legion, and try to seize the power converters that these fighters have.

Although these ordinary warlords have ordinary power converters, the highest level is A, and the unique clan has enough power converters that do not need to be seized from the enemy, but a power converter is equal to a battle. Will, and Dibabe apparently does not have the ability to make the original energy converter. In other words, to seize a power converter from the enemy means that Dibabu has one less combatant.

If the Silicon Charm Warrior is the flesh and blood of the Silicon Charm Army, then the warlord is the soul of the Silicon Charm Army.

Without the direct command of the generals, any Silicon Charm Legion cannot fight in a coordinated manner, and cannot compete with the Unique Legion.

Obviously, there are not enough warriors, even if they have trained millions of Silicon Charm fighters, Dibabe can't capture Green Star.

It can be said that this is Yang Yi's purpose.

Although Dibabu could destroy the Green Star on his own, Dibabu would definitely not do such a stupid thing until he captured the original crystal. In order to win the original crystal, Dibab will find ways to force the unique man to submit. The most effective and direct way is to capture the green star.

Without enough warriors, what did Dibabu use to capture Green Star

History has proven countless times that in a total war, even a powerful presence at the level of the emperor is not invincible, and it is even more impossible to win the war on its own.

Although it is difficult to defeat Dibab, it is not a big problem to get rid of those ordinary warriors.

"Is it better now?"

Yang Yi smiled reluctantly, without saying much.

Lin Feng sighed secretly, and didn't ask any more.

Although she has strong combat power, Lin Feng did not enter the battle because she wanted to stay to protect Yang Yi and take Yang Yi away from the battlefield when necessary.

In order to deal with Dibab, Yang Yi almost lost his life.

At the beginning, Yang Yi did not use the "source of life" to absorb Dibabu's original energy. The "source of life" is now only A grade. Even if it can be reversed, the speed of absorbing the original energy is very slow. Yang Yi's ability to persevere depends on his special physique and uses his body to absorb Dibabu's original energy.

Obviously, Dibab did not know this.

If Dibab knew, he would not let go at the beginning, because when Lin Feng shot, Yang Yi had already reached his limit. Dibab just needs to hold on for a while and release his original energy at a faster speed, and Yang Yi's body will be crushed, and even if he does not die, he will lose his resistance.

In fact, it was exactly the same, Lin Feng suddenly attacked Dibab at that time.

Although he saved his life, Yang Yi was in a terrible state at this time. The main thing is that the original energy in his body is too much, almost reaching the limit of endurance. Even if every cell in Yang Yi's body is a miniature primary energy converter that can absorb and convert primary energy, when the primary energy exceeds the limit, it takes enough time to absorb it. During this period, Yang Yi was basically unable to do anything.

To put it simply, Yang Yi at this time is a huge and full of primary energy storage.

Before absorbing and converting the original energy from Dibabu, Yang Yi stayed honestly, watching Jackson and others fight with the enemy.

Because Yang Yi couldn't fight, and he didn't even have the ability to defend himself, Lin Feng didn't take part in the battle.

Of course, at this time, there is no need for Lin Feng to act.

After exiting the landing field, the Independent Legion stabilized the battle line. Although under the command of Dibab and many generals, the Silicon Magic Army launched a massive offensive, but after leaving the landing field, the Silicon Magic Army faced the same problem, that is, the environment outside the landing field was too harsh and not suitable for Silicon Magic fighters. . As a result, the combat effectiveness of the Simei Army was greatly affected, and the offensive was not as powerful as before.

As a result, the edge of the landing field became a natural boundary.

Both sides have a defensive advantage, and there are difficult problems to solve when attacking, and the battle has thus entered a stalemate.

Of course, the battle is not over.

In fact, this situation is even more advantageous to the Dedicated Legion.

Quite simply, those heavy artillery deployed in the rear have been firing, continuously causing casualties to the Silicon Charm Army. While destroying the Silicon Charm fighters, they are also hitting the morale of other Silicon Charm fighters. Because of the lack of heavy weapons, it is difficult for the Silicon Magic Army to counterattack effectively.

It can be said that if the battle situation is deadlocked, the Silicon Magic Army can only be passively beaten.

It is not that there is no way to deal with it, but it is difficult to work for a while.

As long as the scope of the landing field continues to be expanded, that is, the extension of the landing field can force the Independence Army to retreat, and it will be able to eliminate the threat to the Silicon Charm Army. The problem is that even Dibab could not extend the landing field outward, and must rely on that spacecraft.

Obviously, even if Dibab returned to the spacecraft, it would be difficult to immediately expand the landing field outward.

In addition, the small-scale battle, that is, the battle between the strong, did not end.

Under the leadership of Shen Chengwen, the team composed of elders attacked everywhere, in addition to constantly killing the enemy's generals, it also played a harassing role.

Of course, the effect of combating the enemy's morale is also very satisfactory.

You know, strong warriors are not opponents of the enemy, what about ordinary Silicon Charm fighters

At this time, Shen Chengwen's value was reflected. Don't forget, he is the squadron leader of the special reconnaissance squadron, not only has a strong combat power, but also has a wealth of practical experience, especially special operations experience. Although the soldiers who followed him were not soldiers of the strategic squadron, the combat power of the elders of the Independent Clan was only stronger than the soldiers, not worse than the soldiers. Leading these powerful elders to fight against the enemy, Shen Chengwen is like a fish in water.

Obviously, for Dibab, this battle is a disaster!