
Chapter 232: Lin Feng ran away


Yang Yi is also a man, not a god.

If everything was in Yang Yi's expectation, at least nine to nine, then the only thing he didn't expect was Dibab's true strength, or the strength of the top warlord. Although Yang Yi reacted in the first place, when he and Lin Feng crossed the battle line of the Simei Army, Dibab had already flown hundreds of kilometers. Even the seven top warlords were also with Yang Yi and Lin Feng. Dozens of kilometers ahead.

Obviously, not only Dibab, but also Kutum had reservations.

If he had known that the King of War was so powerful, Yang Yi would have been prepared when making plans, and now he would not be so passive.

In addition, Yang Yi is very self-blame.

In fact, he should have thought of this a long time ago.

You know, the battle power of the top warlord is equal to that of the Earth Soul Warriors, and the Earth Soul Warriors are far more powerful than the Renkui Warriors. Don't forget that there are only three Earth Soul Warriors in the entire Human Federation, and only Zhan Ruilin can be regarded as a real Earth Soul Warrior, and the other two are lacking. If the enemy is Zhan Ruilin, Yang Yi would not count on those few soldiers when making plans.

To put it bluntly, Yang Yi made the mistake of underestimating the enemy.

In Yang Yi's plan, all the things that happened before are foreshadowing, to drag Dibab, and let Justin and others destroy the enemy's spacecraft.

It can be said that this is the top priority.

Without being able to kill Dibab, the only way to force the enemy to withdraw from the Green Star is to destroy the spacecraft that is changing the environment of the Green Star.

To this end, Yang Yi even prepared himself for self-sacrifice.

Justin and the others did not disappoint Yang Yi. They not only entered the enemy's spacecraft with the assistance of Xiao Budian, but also successfully destroyed the original energy converter on the spacecraft, causing serious damage to the spacecraft. Even if the spacecraft is not completely destroyed, it is enough to delay the enemy's attack on Green Star.

The problem is that Yang Yi did not correctly measure Dibab's strength.

Now, catching up with Dibab is obviously impossible. Even if he catches up, he may not be able to join forces with those officers and soldiers to defeat Dibab.

In fact, at the speed of Yang Yi and the others, when they catch up, I am afraid that Dibab has already killed all the officers and soldiers.

what to do

"I'm going to hold Dibabu, you and Lao Shen seize the time to kill those top warriors." Before Yang Yi could think about it, Lin Feng said, "If there is no warrior, even if Dibabu is still alive, Unable to capture the Green Star in a short time. If he does not completely lose his sanity, he will be rescued when his top combatants are under siege. Anyway, this is the only way to hold Dibab."

"Yes, but you are not going to hold Dibab."

Lin Fengmeng was shocked, but before she could react, Yang Yi pushed her away for tens of meters with a palm, and then a blue light flashed, and Yang Yi disappeared from her eyes.

When Lin Feng suddenly understood, Shen Chengwen had already caught up.


Shen Chengwen could see clearly, it was a space channel created by Xiaodian at first, and Yang Yi pushed Lin Feng away, obviously not wanting Lin Feng to die.

In the distance, as the blue light flashed, Yang Yi appeared hundreds of kilometers away.

Even if Lin Feng and Shen Chengwen were both Renkui fighters, they couldn't fly hundreds of kilometers in the blink of an eye, not to mention there were seven top warriors in front of them.


Although it was only one word, it was enough to express Lin Feng's feelings at this time.


Shen Chengwen was not vague either. All they could do at this time was to kill, killing all the enemies in front of them.

Thinking of Yang Yi, who had resisted Dibabu regardless of his own safety, and of dozens of brothers who had followed him to fight on the battlefield, although he was facing seven top fighters, Shen Chengwen did not have the slightest fear, on the contrary, he was full of confidence. Against a strong enemy, if you fail to succeed, you will be benevolent.

Death on the battlefield is the dream destination of all soldiers.

Of course, Shen Chengwen's confidence comes from Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, who had entered a runaway state, was absolutely shocking. Even Shen Chengwen had to admit that in just three days, Lin Feng surpassed him and distanced himself. Unless a miracle occurs, Shen Chengwen will not be able to catch up with Lin Feng for the rest of his life.

You know, although the Renkui warrior is only one level worse than the Earth Soul warrior, there is an invisible but insurmountable gap between the two. For many warriors, this is still an obstacle that can't be crossed for a lifetime, not only because the SS-level primal energy converter is extremely rare, but also related to the level of the original body. In theory, with the exception of a few lucky people with extraordinary fate, only natural combat bodies can break through the S rank and obtain the SS rank original body, thus having the basis for promotion to the earth soul warrior. That's why Lin Feng could make a breakthrough. Shen Chengwen is not a natural combat body, and his fate is not extraordinary, and miracles may not happen in the future, so it is almost impossible to obtain the SS-level Primarch.

Although limited by the level of the original energy converter, Lin Feng is only a Renkui fighter, but thanks to the SS-level original body, two original energy converters, and the original crystal provided by Yang Yi to produce the S-level original energy converter The enhancement effect of, Lin Feng at this time is definitely the strongest Renkui warrior.

To put it bluntly, Lin Feng who broke out with all his strength was definitely better than his opponent at the same level.

What are the seven top warriors

If Lin Feng desperately fights with the enemy regardless of the consequences, even Dibab will be afraid.

Of course, as a man, or an elder, Shen Chengwen would not let Lin Feng charge in front, at least he would not hide behind him.

Lin Feng's sudden eruption also made the seven top fighters in front of him feel threatened.

In addition, seven top fighters also noticed the blue light.

More importantly, they tried their best to catch up with Dibabu, let alone shorten the distance with Dibabu, and it would not make much sense to continue following Dibabu.

After feeling the powerful threat from his own, the seven top warriors stopped at the same time.

It was discovered that it was two human soldiers who were chasing. Even if the two soldiers were very powerful, they were both human-queen fighters. Among them, the woman forced Dibab to back down, and the seven top-level soldiers did not panic. In any case, they are the toughest fighters under Dibabu. They all have S-level original energy converters, and they have lived for hundreds of thousands of years. They are not inferior to Renkui fighters, or even slightly stronger.

Besides, seven out of two, what else is there to be afraid of

Obviously, these seven top fighters are more arrogant than Dibabe.

For the time being, whether Lin Feng and Shen Chengwen's combat power were stronger, it was just this desperate posture that suppressed the seven top generals.

For Yang Yi, Lin Feng and Shen Chengwen will desperately.

So, why are the seven top warriors desperate to fight with them

When the strength of the two sides is between the two, it is the momentum, or determination, that determines the victory or defeat of the battle, and it is not wrong to say that it is fighting spirit.

In addition, in a duel of a master of the Renkui warrior level, victory or defeat is often within a single thought.

"Those who stand in my way, die!"

Lin Feng, who was furious, exploded with astonishing combat power, and changes that made Shen Chengwen stunned.

This is that the original energy shot from her body is no longer pure white, but gorgeous red, crimson like blood.

"Die them all!"

Lin Feng had already killed him. How could Shen Chengwen hesitate, and immediately attacked the oncoming warrior.

Shen Chengwen didn't know that at this time, Lin Feng was not using the combat skills obtained from the information database of the special investigation team, but the combat skills from Gong Baixu, that is, the "Fengwu Nine Heavens" who drove the "Fire Phoenix". ". According to Gong Baixu, this set of combat skills is also suitable for drivers to use alone. As long as there is sufficient combat power, the driver can directly drive the "Fengwu Nine Heavens" without using fighter planes as a carrier.

Before Lin Feng, he did not have enough combat power to directly drive the "Fengwu Nine Heavens" and had to rely on the "Fire Phoenix".

Lin Feng now has an SS-level original body and an S-level original energy converter. Even if he can't let "Feng Wu Nine Heavens" exert the strongest power, it is enough to drive.

More importantly, the "Fengwu Nine Heavens" originated from the Hidden Spirit Race, and was specially created for them by the Heavenly Sage Emperor based on the natural combat bodies of the four pilots.

In other words, there is a connection between "Fengwu Nine Heavens" and "Indestructible Eternal Life".

Although not comparable to "immortality and immortality", at best it can only be regarded as a simplified version of "immortality and immortality", but Lin Feng is a natural combat body, which can greatly strengthen the "Feng Wu Nine Heavens" and make it play Amazing combat power, even more so in the runaway state.

If "Indestructible and Immortal" is a skill of a quasi-knowledge level, then the "Nine Heavens of Phoenix Dance" performed by a natural combat body is a quasi-knowledge level.

In addition, "Fengwu Nine Heavens" and "Indestructible Eternal Life" have a similarity, that is, the power that can be exerted is proportional to the combat power of the user.

Lin Feng's "Fengwu Nine Heavens" spurred by the fighting power of top-ranked fighters is definitely not a war general that can match, even a top warrior.

When hitting the warlord who was blocking the front, the red light emitted by Lin Feng became extremely bright.

Even Shen Chengwen didn't dare to look directly at this time.

Fortunately, this is just a moment of effort.

After the dazzling red light flashed past, Lin Feng returned to normal, and the top combatant in front of her also disappeared in smoke.

It really disappeared, not disappeared.

In Lin Feng's hand, there was an extra S-class primordial energy converter, and the previous owner of this primordial energy converter, that is, the top warlord, had been completely vaporized.

A top-level general who was comparable to a Renkui warrior was unable to stop Lin Feng's move.

Just a trick!

Shen Chengwen was shocked, but he did not miss this extremely precious opportunity, because the other warriors were also shocked, including the warrior who stood in front of Shen Chengwen.

"Give it to me, die!"

With a violent sound, the original long sword in Shen Chengwen's hand pierced the body of the top warrior, and then exploded, exploding the top warrior to pieces.

Of course, Shen Chengwen didn't destroy the prime power converter of that top combatant.

No matter where it is, the S-class primordial energy converter is a treasure that can not be met, and an S-class primordial energy converter is equal to a powerful warrior.

Just one face-to-face, two top warriors were killed.

Although maintaining a five-to-two advantage, the remaining five top-tier generals have been scared, let alone desperate, they don't even have the courage to fight.