
Chapter 24: Legendary fighter


"Wow! Captain, this is your private spaceship?"

"Don't talk nonsense, will you die?" Lin Feng wanted to kick Yang Yi down. "Alan?"

"Colonel, everything is normal for the spacecraft, ready to take off at any time."

"This big brother, are you the pilot of the spacecraft? Younger brother Yang Yi, fortunately..."

Lin Feng rolled his eyes weakly. "Allen is artificial intelligence, so save your energy."

"Second Lieutenant Yang Yi, welcome to the'Shadow', I am Alan." The handsome man appeared in front of Yang Yi, but it was just a virtual projection.

Yang Yi smiled reluctantly, very embarrassed, this time the embarrassment was serious.

"Sit down, fasten your seat belt. Allen, ready to take off."

"Yes, Colonel."

Lin Feng glanced at Yang Yi who was still looking around, and shook his head with a wry smile. He is a hillbilly who has never seen the world, and he will definitely make more fools in the future.

Soon, the "Shadow" flew out of the space fortress.

After flying smoothly for 10,000 kilometers, the "Shadow" entered the jumping channel.

"follow me."

Seeing Lin Feng got up and left, Yang Yi took off his seat belt and followed her out of the cockpit.

Space jump uses the wormhole principle. In theory, it does not take time to make a space jump, even from one end of the universe to the other. In fact, the jumping channel is still a three-dimensional space, and it takes time to pass through the jumping channel. Because the length of the jumping channel has nothing to do with the span of space, the only thing that determines the transit time is the speed of the spacecraft, that is, the propulsion power of the spacecraft.

The propulsion power of the spacecraft can be controlled, and the time to pass through the jump channel can be freely controlled.

Of course, no one wants to stay in the jumping channel unless it is absolutely necessary.

When he arrived at the combat situation center, Lin Feng called Alan out.

"Allen, mission briefing."

"Okay, Colonel."

Lin Feng sat down, she had already understood the task, and now it was for Yang Yi to understand the task.

Although I can't understand Yang Yi, this kid is not without his advantages, such as being refreshed and witty. After receiving a call from Lin Feng, he rushed over five minutes later, feelings still hadn't left the brigade command center. After Lin Feng mentioned that he needed a partner to perform the task, he didn't ask much, and immediately signed the task book. Even on board the "Shadow", there was no questioning, very disciplined.

Is he really stupid, or is his head not enough

Is there a difference between these two points

Lin Feng looked at Yang Yi and found that he couldn't see through this guy who was the same year as him.

Is Yang Yi stupid? Surely not stupid!

Although he didn't enter a higher education institution, it didn't mean he didn't pass the exam. He didn't take the entrance examination. In the colony planet, many young people like Yang Yi gave up the entrance examination for various reasons, such as poor family background, so that Yang Yi cannot be considered a fool.

Is he smart? Not necessarily.

If he is smart enough, after knowing that Amy is Princess Sija of the Hidden Spirit Race, he should hold this thigh and make full use of his relationship with Amy for his own benefits, such as applying for a relaxed, safe, and secure treatment. A privileged position to lead a comfortable and comfortable life.

From Lin Feng's perspective, he couldn't understand why Yang Yi came to the special investigation team and why he put himself in danger.

Although it is not counted as reading countless people, Lin Feng's eyes are always vicious.

This was the first time she couldn't see through a person's nature after coming to the special investigation team, and she was still a stunned young man who had just joined the special investigation team.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that I can't see through him.

When Lin Feng was thinking about this, Allen had already introduced the task.

"Colonel, our task is to find the missing'God's Footprint'?"

"This is a secondary mission." As Lin Feng waved his right hand, Allen disappeared.

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Lin Feng was about to name the main task of the mission.

"Although the'Footprint of the Gods' is a patrol ship, it is not performing daily patrol missions. It is just using this as a guise to deceive people."

"What's the meaning?"

"Three months ago, during the last daily patrol, the'God's Footprint' discovered a pirate ship in the Greenwich Meteor Belt that was severely damaged and abandoned. During the routine search, the'God's Footprint' The intelligence officer of the USS found a piece of information that was deleted but not completely erased in the light brain of the pirate ship, and took this piece of information back and gave it to the intelligence agency of the garrison."

Yang Yi's brow jumped a few times. The key was not the pirate ship, but the message.

The Greenwich Meteorite Belt is the ceasefire zone of the Galactic Alliance and the Silicon Magic Alliance, that is, the demilitarized zone. It belongs to the three-regardless zone and has become a must pass for pirate ships, smugglers and ferry ships. Because there is no interstellar route or even a complete starry sky map, illegal ships often crash in the Greenwich meteorite belt. It is obviously not unusual to find an abandoned pirate ship.

"The information is very incomplete, but the'Hanbingxuehu' was mentioned."

"What!?" Yang Yi almost jumped up.

"Now, do you know the importance of this mission?"

"Is it sure it's the Frost and Snow Tiger?" Yang Yi looked at Lin Feng in surprise, thinking that Lin Feng was lying to him.

"The garrison did not inform us about this matter, and also made the information classified as AAA classified and stored in an internal optical brain. If it weren't for the disappearance of the "God's Footprint", the military information sorting system would take all of it. The information related to the'God's Footprint' is included in the operational intelligence catalog, so that the troops who took over the task can read it, and it is impossible for me to know what happened three months ago." Lin Feng smiled coldly, and said, "Guardian. The troops deliberately concealed it, and there was no other reasonable explanation except for the "Hanbingxuehu"."

"For a fighter plane, do you hesitate to turn your face with the special reconnaissance team?"

"That's not just a fighter plane." Lin Feng sighed and said, "The Frost Ice Tiger and the Blazing Phoenix were originally a pair."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Lin Feng without understanding.

Lin Feng has become accustomed to Yang Yi's ignorance and can only explain it with words.

In the Fifth Greenwich War, the situation at the beginning of the war was extremely unfavorable for the Galactic Alliance because of negligence and failure to prepare for the war. In the Silicon Charm Alliance’s raid, dozens of civilizations adjacent to the Greenwich Meteorite Belt were almost completely extinct, and only the Human Federation, which retreated in time to its home galaxy, stabilized its position. It was also the bloody battle of the Human Federation that the Galactic Alliance gained a respite.

In the most difficult period, the Human Federation received the full support of the Hidden Spirit Race.

In addition to providing intelligence and assassinating the generals of the Silicon Charm Alliance, the Hidden Spirits also built four fighters for the Human Federation, namely the "Xiangyu Flying Dragon", the "Split Xuanwu", the "Ice Snow Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix". . Because Marshal Zhan Ruilin, the commander of the third theater, had a close relationship with the Yinling imperial family, all four fighters were in the third theater. In the subsequent full-scale counterattack, the third theater relied on these four fighters to overpower the other eight war zones, becoming the mainstay of the human federation, and also served as the vanguard in the subsequent full-scale counterattack. In the "Peace Dawn" campaign, these four fighters joined forces to kill thousands of warriors from the Silicon Magic Alliance, and captured the frontier fortresses stationed by hundreds of warlords, and approached the local galaxies of the Silicon Magic Alliance, forcing them to still have troops. The superior Silicon Magic Alliance signed an armistice agreement.

This battle established the fame of Marshal Zhan Ruilin and made the four fighters famous all over the world.

It was also during this battle that the "Xiangyu Feilong" and the "Splitting Xuanwu" were bombarded into the shattered space by the Silicon Charm Alliance's broken air artillery, and their whereabouts have been unknown since then. Although not hit by the smashing artillery, the "Frost Ice and Snow Tiger" was attacked by several warlords while covering the "Fire Phoenix" and crashed into the fortress of the Silicon Charm Alliance. The King of War guarding the fortress then blew himself up collectively, and the "Ice Snow Tiger" has since disappeared.

"The Broken Space is a semi-enclosed jumping channel. Even if the'Xiangyu Feilong' and the'Split Earth Xuanwu' are still there, they may be teleported to the end of the universe. The'Frost and Snow Tiger' is different. If it is not blown to pieces, It must be near the Greenwich meteorite belt."

Yang Yi nodded and said, "You start to say that the'Frost Ice and Snow Tiger' and the'Fire Phoenix' are a pair?"

"These four fighters, in pairs, and the two fighters work together to achieve ten times the combat power of any one. If they are combined in two, they will display a thousand times the combat power of any one. If you play solo. Fighting, the combat power of any fighter is about the same as that of the top fighters of the Silicon Charm Alliance. Together, it is equivalent to the king of war, or even more than the king of war. Otherwise, it is impossible to kill thousands of fighters in the battle of "Peace Dawn". General, defeat a hundred warlords." Lin Fengchang exhaled, and said, "At the time of design, the'Frost Ice Tiger' and the'Agni Phoenix' were a pair. In theory, as long as the neuron is matched successfully, anyone can drive. These two fighters. In fact, the "Hanbingxuehu" is best driven by men, while the "Fire Phoenix" is the opposite. In fact, the first pilot of the two fighters is like this."

"There are still requirements for gender!?"

Lin Feng smiled faintly, and said: "The Yinling people advocate nature, take life as the foundation, and attach great importance to gender and the relationship between the sexes. The genetic similarity between humans and the Yinling people reaches 99%. In addition, as far as ours I know, the first pilots of the Frost and Snow Tiger and the Agni Phoenix are a couple. If I guess correctly, the two have the same mind, and only then can the combat power of the two fighters be maximized."

"Since the Fire Phoenix is here with us, what use is it for the security forces to get the Ice Snow Tiger?"

Lin Feng sighed, and said: "If the'Hard Ice Snow Tiger' falls into the hands of the security forces, General Luo Zhenyu will have a reason to take over the special reconnaissance team."

"This… "

"At that time, General Lin Xiaoting can only compromise."


"In order to compete with Du Wantu, there is no other choice."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and his expression became solemn.

"Yang Yi, promise me one thing."


Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said, "In any case, we must not let the'Hanbingxuehu' fall into the hands of the security forces, even if it is destroyed."

This time, Yang Yi was even more surprised.