
Chapter 242: Mobilize propaganda


If you compare the vast universe to a vast ocean, then the green star is just a small drop of water, not even a drop of water. Although for the entire Southern Alpha galaxy, the green star is so small that it is not valued at all, it is a huge planet for the humans and unique people on it. Even for the larger silicon-based creatures, Green Star is a planet too big to be underestimated.

There are countless villages scattered scattered on this huge planet.

Because of the unique living habits of the unique people, there are no cities on the green star, and even man-made buildings are very rare. Some are only the settlements of the unique people, that is, those hidden in the dense forest and completely integrated with the natural environment. Villages that are difficult for outsiders to discover.

To say that it is "village" is actually just the habitual name of human beings.

For the singles, this is just a settlement, or to be precise, a settlement of ethnic groups.

For thousands of years, solitary people have been living in ethnic groups. According to tradition, male singles have to leave the place of birth after they reach adulthood, and spend years, even decades, completing their first journey in life, also in order to find a new home. Only when a new home is found and accepted and recognized by the local unique people, the trip will end. Many single males will settle here, become permanent residents of their new homes, and reproduce their own offspring after finding a spouse. That's why the backbone of the various ethnic groups of the Dumen tribe is women, not men. Although the power of the ethnic group is in the hands of men, it is the women of the same origin that determine the future of the ethnic group.

In fact, this way of survival of a female-dominated ethnic group is also the root of the unique culture of the Dumen ethnic group.

Simply put, there is an "old grandmother" in every single ethnic group, and these "old grandmothers" who have not left the ethnic group after birth are very stubborn and don't like to change, they also attach great importance to tradition, and even Tradition serves as the basis for maintaining the existence of ethnic groups. As a result, under the influence of these "old grandmothers", not only the women who inherited the tradition, but even the men who broke the tradition became stubborn and conservative.

It can be said that it is a miracle that a unique person can evolve into an intelligent creature.

You know, whether it's humans or other advanced civilizations, even the seven top civilizations, they all evolve in constant change and gain wisdom from them. Without change, there can be no evolution, and without evolution, there can be no wisdom and no intelligent creatures.

Of course, this also proves what the elder Curtis said, that is, the unique people rely on the natural crystals on the green star to evolve their wisdom. Without the original crystals, especially the supernatural phenomena produced by the original crystals, it is absolutely impossible for a unique person to become an intelligent creature.

This tradition is precisely the root cause of the unsuitable for fighting alone.

To put it more straightforwardly, the Dumen clan is a mess.

Although after several Greenwich Wars, especially the threat of genocide, the Dumen have made progress, such as the establishment of the Presbyterian Church, and the Presbyterian Church decides the important affairs of the whole tribe. It has the basic conditions of a modern country, and thus gained Accepted by the Galactic Alliance, but what the Presbyterian Church can decide is only a "national matter", and has no right to intervene in relations and small matters that affect every single person.

Take war mobilization as an example. Although Curtis had issued a mobilization order before Yang Yi and other human soldiers arrived, requiring all ethnic groups to send adult male singles to join the army according to the size of the population, it was not until the Simei army landed on Green Star and established There were also many ethnic groups who did not send people to join the legion. It is not that these ethnic groups do not have enough adult men, but that these ethnic groups do not take war seriously.

To put it harshly, most of the unique people are only concerned about the affairs of their own ethnic group, and are very indifferent to external affairs, even other ethnic groups.

If it weren’t for Curtis’s lofty prestige, he has provided great help to other elders, including providing a power converter that can enhance the vitality of the elders, so that these elders can only look after him and dare not neglect his orders. I’m afraid now. Dozens of legions will not exist. That is, the dozens of legions mobilized all came from the ethnic group where the elders belonged, and they were the largest ethnic group of the Dumen tribe.

It's just that, compared to the entire single family, the ethnic group of dozens of elders is only a small part of it.

Relying only on the unique people of these ethnic groups, obviously cannot defeat the powerful Simei Army.

For this reason, extensive and comprehensive war mobilization has become a top priority, and it has also become a problem facing Yang Yi and others.

"In fact, we have worked hard, but the effect is not obvious." Mendozo is also very depressed, after all, this is a less glorious thing. You must know that it was Green Star that was invaded, the one who was threatened with extinction, and that it was human soldiers who fought bloody battles with the enemy. Although dozens of unique people of ethnic groups mobilized and formed dozens of legions, more unique people remained indifferent.

Yang Yi nodded slightly, showing that he understood what Mendozo meant.

Before Yang Yi and the others arrived, Curtis not only issued a mobilization order, but also called a race meeting to clearly tell the elders of all races that aggressive enemies will occupy Green Star, destroy Green Star’s environment, and even completely destroy Green Star. Individuals must unite, and must go all out to defeat powerful enemies and keep their only home. Unfortunately, only a few dozen elders who served in the Presbyterian Church obeyed Curtis' orders.

"We need to strengthen publicity." Shen Chengwen said.

"We have already promoted it, and we have been promoting it." Mendozo sighed and said, "It's useless at all, even if you know that the enemy will destroy the environment where the unique people depend, those who are far away from the landing field and have not suffered the destruction of war. Still indifferent."

Shen Chengwen also sighed, not knowing what to say.

"Obviously, the previous propaganda method was wrong."

"What do you mean?" Mendozo looked at Yang Yi.

"If I am not mistaken, you have been propagating the brutality of the enemy, propagating the possible consequences of the Green Star being captured by the enemy."

Mendozo nodded slightly, indicating that it was what he meant.

Yang Yi smiled reluctantly and said, "So, who would believe it?"

"The enemy has landed on Green Star and has built a landing field. The facts are in front of us, as long as they are not blind..."

"Did they see it?"

Mendozo froze for a moment, and closed his mouth.

"Obviously, the unique people in other places understand the enemy from you, know how cruel the enemy is, not seeing it with your own eyes, let alone experiencing it with your own eyes. More importantly, in the past thousands of years, Green Star has not suffered They have never been invaded by war, and the Dumen have never participated in combat operations. At most they have only provided support and assistance to other civilized legions in the rear. To put it bluntly, let alone those who have never left before. The unique people in the place of birth, even you elders, have never been to the battlefield, and have never fought with the enemy." Yang Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said, "Don’t forget, before that, you have always thought that you have The war of the alliance has nothing to do with the Dumen, and it is because of this that they are hostile to mankind, thinking that mankind has caused war and destroyed peace.

Mendozo lowered his head, Yang Yi said the truth.

"Other unique people don't believe in propaganda, so is propaganda still useful?"

"What should I do then?" Mendozo asked directly.

"Change the way of propaganda."

Mendozo was stunned for a moment, and looked at Yang Yi without understanding.

"Don’t publicize how cruel the enemy is, don’t publicize what the Green Star will look like after being occupied by the enemy, and don’t publicize that the unique tribes will suffer annihilation. From now on, you must clearly tell those who are not on the battlefield, and don’t know. What kind of unique people war is. The unique people can defeat the invading powerful enemies, defend the homeland of birth and growth, and continue to multiply their descendants on this land."

"This… "

"Simply put, it is to give other unique men the confidence to defeat powerful enemies. Of course, it is necessary to publicize the major victories and the powerful combat effectiveness of the unique army."

Mendozo was still extremely puzzled, as if he didn't believe that Yang Yi's method would work.

"Trust me."

Mendozo exhaled and said, "Okay, I will do the publicity in the way you said, hoping to have an effect."

Yang Yi smiled faintly, and said: "Not only do we need to publicize, we must also send people to various ethnic groups to open their eyes to those frogs at the bottom of the well who don't know how big the outside world is."

"What's the meaning?"

"Mendozuo, what do women of the Dumen ethnic group care about most when choosing a spouse?"

Mendozo was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why Yang Yi asked this question.

"Of course, if it's inconvenient..."

"Vitality." An elder next to him answered Yang Yi's question.

Yang Yi looked at the elder and asked him to clarify the words.

"Simply put, it is whether the body is strong, whether it is healthy enough, and whether it can enable women to produce seeds that can thrive."

"So, how do women of the Dumen ethnic group judge the vitality of men?"

"This… "

"Actually, it's almost the same as you humans." Mendozo grinned reluctantly, and said, "It mainly depends on the outside, that is, whether the male body is strong enough. Although it is not the same as in the past, but more than a thousand years ago, Only the strongest male can be accepted by the ethnic group. In fact, this is also the male of the Dumen ethnic group must leave the place of birth after adulthood, and wander outside for several years or even decades before they can find the root of their destination, because only experience Men who have overcome all difficulties and obstacles are strong enough to win the favor of women and be accepted by other ethnic groups. In addition, the long wandering is enough to eliminate weak men."

"That said, we have to let the soldiers in the army, especially the strong soldiers, show the charm of men to those short-sighted unique men."

Mendozo was surprised at first, but then he understood what Yang Yi meant.

This is indeed a way, and it is a good way.