
Chapter 244: The negotiations were fruitless


Candos, an ordinary place name, an inconspicuous place.

This can be said to be the village’s single-person settlement on a plain beside a lake. The center of the village is a huge tree. It is rumored to be a towering tree transformed after the death of the first elder of the ethnic group. There are many tall trees densely distributed around it. Trees, and the sea of grass that can't be seen at a glance. Thanks to the fertile soil and abundant water resources on the shore of the lake, there are about 100,000 people living here alone.

From the perspective of population size, this place is completely a city.

However, on Green Star, Duomen never engage in construction, and there are no buildings that should be in the city. Duomen all rely on the rich resources given by nature and live a self-sufficient life. As a matter of fact, ordinary singles are in the form of plants for most of their lives, especially females. If there is no natural disaster, it will leave the rooted soil only when it reproduces offspring. Of course, Green Star’s crust is very stable, geological disasters rarely occur, and the environment is very comfortable, and the rate of natural disasters is even lower. For thousands of years, for the vast majority of unique people, apart from prospering, nothing can make them leave their roots.

It's just that Cantos is not calm at all now.

The elders of the ethnic group signaled the assembly. The male members of the ethnic group are coming from all directions, and the female members are waking up from their deep sleep.

Because there are not only singles on the green star, but also many beasts, and the singles can only obtain water from the earth, and then obtain the energy needed for survival through photosynthesis, but they cannot obtain other necessary trace elements, which cannot be achieved without trace elements. Propagating offspring cannot improve IQ, so unique people need to hunt to expand their food sources and obtain trace elements that are precious even on Green Stars.

According to the tradition of the Dumen, hunting is the responsibility of men.

This is the case, even in normal times, most men are active outside and are responsible for providing food for their spouses, thereby reproducing their own offspring. Relatively speaking, women's life pressure is much lighter. Most women reproduce their offspring throughout their lives, that is, bred fruits in the form of plants.

Because they take on the main work and have a faster metabolism, men are very short-lived among ordinary uncles. Only elders like Mendozo can get a long lifespan through the original energy converter. Without the original energy converter, the lifespan of a male solitary man is only about one hundred years. Relatively speaking, the life expectancy of female singles is much longer, and some healthy female singles can live for more than a thousand years.

Of course, things have both pros and cons.

Although due to long-term work, the life span of male singles is not long, high-intensity work, especially fighting wild animals, has given male singles a stronger physique. In fact, the main criterion for female independent families in choosing a spouse is to see whether the other party has the ability to support themselves. In this way, only male singles who are strong enough to hunt for enough food can find a spouse.

In addition, in the fight with wild beasts, the male singles are also more militant.

This is exactly the case. Although women dominate the group of unique people, especially the oldest, that is, the "grandmother" has extremely high prestige, but the elders of all ethnic groups are men, because only men can Defend the ethnic group, protect the entire ethnic group.

This ethnic group is also known as "Kandos".

In fact, the place names on the Green Star are almost all named after the ethnic group, and the name of the ethnic group comes from the first elder who created the ethnic group.

As long as there is strong enough vitality, as long as enough offspring can be reproduced, an ethnic group can be created.

Thousands of years ago, when unique talents came to Green Star, it was still a barren planet. Apart from plants and numerous beasts, there were no intelligent creatures at all. Because of the unique natural environment, at that time, the unique people with a little ability could create their own ethnic groups. In fact, the history of all ethnic groups can be traced back more than three thousand years ago, and they all have the same ancestor.

Of course, that was thousands of years ago.

With the expansion of the Dumen clan, Green Star has long been overcrowded. Because there is not enough space, it is almost impossible to create a new ethnic group.

The elder of the Kantos tribe is also called Kantos, but he has no blood relationship with the first Kantos.

Under the big tree in the center, Cantos faced ten elders including Mendozo. It was the arrival of Mendozo and other elders that broke the tranquility here.

It took Mendozo some time to let Candos understand the situation outside.

Although the Dumen also have a language, the way of communication of the Dumen is very special, or the language of the Dumen is very special, that is, they express their meaning directly without too many modifiers. To put it simply, unique people mainly rely on spiritual communication, and language is only an auxiliary tool.

The unique way of communication is more direct, but efficiency is a problem.

A simple thing that can be said clearly in one sentence can be spent most of a day by a unique person, and may not be able to explain the matter clearly.

Of course, in the past, this was not a big problem.

Don't forget, most of the time, the only person has nothing to do and doesn't care about time so much.

Only now, communication efficiency is clearly a problem.

"Elder Candos, I hope you can understand that we have no choice." Mendozo was obviously impatient, and said in the lingua franca of the Galactic Alliance, "The enemy has landed on the Green Star, and has also established a landing field and cultivated it. Millions of fighters. If we do nothing, even if we don’t do our best, the enemy will conquer the entire Green Star in a short period of time, destroy the Green Star’s environment, and destroy the home of the unique man."

Mendozo was very anxious, but Candos looked indifferent.

"Now, you have to make a decision." I probably know that no matter how much it is nonsense, Mendozo will not be wordy anymore. "The Green Star is the home of all the unique people, and the only home. Although Candose has not been invaded, and your people have not been threatened by war, the unique people of Candose must contribute to defending their homeland. The Grand Elder Curtis has already ordered all ethnic groups to mobilize for war."

"So, where is the great elder?" Candos finally said.

Mendozo was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Elder Candos, do you doubt the order of the Grand Elder?"

"Of course not, I just want to know, now that the enemy has landed on Green Star, and all the unique people have to contribute to defending their homeland, where is the Great Elder?"

"The Great Elder is doing a very important thing, if..."

"whats the matter?"

Mendozo gritted his teeth and said, "Elder Candos, if you want to know what the Grand Elder is doing, after you order to mobilize and let your adult male singles join the legion, I will take you to meet Great Elder, let the Great Elder tell you himself."


"Elder Candos, I have always respected you. I believe you will focus on the overall situation and make the right decision at the critical moment. Now is..."

"If Candos is threatened, I will mobilize all the male members and let them take up arms to defend their homes." Candos looked up and down Mendozo and said, "It's just that Candos has not been attacked now. Threats. You ask me to mobilize and let the men of Candose take up arms to fight an enemy that I have never seen before. I can't do it unless I ask Curtis to come to me and tell me personally."

Mendozo was speechless and helpless.

Although he was very upset, Mendozo knew that this was a unique man.

In fact, Candos is not a special case, but represents all the unique people. To put it more directly, it is the attitude of "it doesn't matter to hang up high."

It's all for this purpose, and it's no use going on.

Mendozo no longer entangled with Cantos, got up to say goodbye, and left with the other elders.

Of course, Mendozo knows very well that Candos is not aware of the situation, but does not want to participate in the battle prematurely. To be precise, he does not want to hand over the male members of the Candos tribe to the Presbyterian Church.

In fact, after Mendozo and the others arrived, Cantos issued an assembly order.

When Mendozo and the others were leaving, the male members of the Candos tribe were returning one after another. Although Kantos did not issue a mobilization order, and the Kantos ethnic group did not have enough weapons to arm all male members, the threat of the enemy did exist, and no one could deny it. Even if Kantos didn't want to go into battle so quickly, he wouldn't let go of it. He was willing to issue an assembly order, which was already very good.

Seeing Yang Yi, Mendozo didn't conceal it, and told the result of his negotiation with Candose.

"Obviously, he has felt the threat, but he doesn't want to send soldiers to fight for the time being. Simply put, he still has a little illusion." Mendozo narrowed his mouth and said, "Not only about the outcome of this war, but also There are enemies. Perhaps, in his opinion, the threat from the Silicon Magic Alliance is not as serious as I said. This is understandable, after all, Green Star has never been invaded by the Silicon Magic Alliance."

Yang Yi sighed secretly without saying much.

Because it is a human, and the relationship between the Dumen and the Human Federation is not very good, so under Mendozo's persuasion, Yang Yi did not go with him to see Kandos.

In fact, this result has long been expected by Yang Yi.

According to Mendozo, the elders of any ethnic group can know what is happening in any corner of the green star through the forests all over the green star, that is, the intertwined trees. Even if Kantos was far away from the battlefield, Elder Kantos must have known the battle that took place on the other side of the landing field. In fact, as long as he knows what the landing field looks like now, Elder Candos has no reason to refuse to participate in the war.

As Mendozo said, he just had a glimmer of illusions about the enemy.

"What should we do now?"

"Be patient." Yang Yi glanced at Mendozo and said, "Whether you want to participate in the war or whether you will be involved in this war is not up to Candos to decide."

Mendozo sighed secretly and said nothing. Now there is nothing else to do except wait patiently.