
Chapter 247: It's too late to regret


Kandos was not afraid of death, he believed that the same would be true of the unique fighters who fought alongside him.

Although there is an extremely long life span, especially for the elders who have the original energy converter, life is like a reincarnation for the unique, and death is not the end, but a new beginning. All the unique people believe that after death, they will return to the embrace of Mother Earth, and will be reborn in the form of seeds one day in the future, starting a new journey. It is also true that the unique person takes life and death very lightly.

At this time, there were fewer than fifty unique fighters surrounding Kantos.

Outside them are thousands of armored warriors, and beyond, there are more Silicon Charm fighters. They have tried their best and have exhausted all their energy. They also killed a lot of enemies. The solidified magma on the ground is the best evidence, but there are too many enemies, too many for them to kill. Not to mention that only Candos has the original power converter, even if the unique fighters around him are all combat soldiers, they are not the opponents of so many Silicon Charm fighters. They had a chance to escape, they could have left alive, but they didn't. This is not just courage, but also a responsibility, to the compatriots in the ethnic group, to the relatives who get along day and night.

"Wait, you guys seize the opportunity to kill out."


"Listen to me." Kantos glanced at the unique fighters around him and said, "You have done your best, and all the women and children who can be evacuated have left. There will be sacrifices, even if only one soldier is sacrificed. Superfluous. Hold on, I will make a passage for you."

"No, we won't go, we..."

"If you want to make your lives more meaningful, if you want to do something for me, you have to listen to my orders. No matter how many people there are, even if there is only one, go to Mendozo immediately after escaping. Join the Independence Legion and continue to fight the enemy. This is my last request to you, and also an exhortation to you. Green Star is our home, the home of all the unique people. I have missed it once, and I don’t want you to make the same mistake. Only by uniting, the unique can hope to defeat the strong enemy, and also hope to keep our only home. If you want to do something for me, then do it according to my instructions."


Hearing what Cantos said, dozens of unique fighters were very excited.

"It's not that easy to want to go!"

The words that came suddenly shocked Kantos and the one-man fighter.

The encirclement of the armored war was separated, and an enemy shrouded in the original armor came out.


"No, you are not his opponents!"

The two closest fighters rushed up, and when Kantos discovered the anomaly and issued a warning, it was too late.

The two unique fighters could not get close to the enemy at all, and were shot to death more than ten meters apart.

The other unique fighters were all shocked. They didn't see clearly how the enemy did it, but Kandos saw it clearly.

That is not an ordinary Silicon Charm fighter, but a master of the general level.

Obviously, for a war fighter who has the original energy converter and can control and use the original energy, killing two unique fighters is as simple as pinching two ants.

That guy just moved his fingers, and the shots of raw energy killed two unique fighters.

Fast as lightning, without any hesitation.

This is a master!

Although there is not much actual combat experience and no previous combat experience, Candose made a correct judgment through the opponent's control and use of the means of attacking. The opponent is not only a warrior, but also a powerful warrior, that is, a top warrior.

However, Candos did not despair.

In fact, it is not a shame for Cantos to feel desperate at this time. He is just an ordinary elder, with only an A-level primordial energy converter, and affected by the physique and combat experience of a unique person, his combat power is not comparable to the eighth-level soldiers of human beings, and is equivalent to the fifth-level soldiers , At best, it's only slightly stronger. To deal with ordinary Silicon Charm fighters, Candos is still able to catch it. But facing a master of the general level, and a top-level general, his combat power seems very pitiful. Not to mention Cantos, even Mendozo was unable to deal with it alone when he encountered top-level fighters, and he was not an opponent of top-level fighters at all.

Cantos not only did not despair, but also saw a glimmer of hope.

This powerful warlord must be the supreme commander of the Silicon Charm Legion. Even if he can't defeat him, let alone kill him, as long as he can hold him, he can gain a chance to escape for the unique fighters under him. If it can pose a threat to him, it may be possible to force the Simei Army to retreat.

Of course, Candos did not expect to be able to kill a top fighter.

After experiencing the battle with the Silicon Charm Warriors, Cantos has clearly realized that in the face of these powerful enemies, who are simply born for battle, the unique man is really too weak. Not to mention ordinary unique fighters, even Candose, it is difficult to easily kill the powerful Silicon Charm fighters. For example, when encountering an armored mad war, Candos needs a lot of effort to kill one.

It's just that what Kandos needs to do is not to kill the top combatant.

"Who are you?" Candos called several impulsive men, took a few steps forward, and blocked all the other unique fighters behind him.

"Why, you don't know who I am?" The other party spoke the language of a unique ethnic group, but it was very blunt.

Candos looked at the guy, and looked at him carefully.

"I am Kaga, one of the twelve top warriors under Dibabu. It is an honor for you to die in my hands. It is an honor for you to let me kill you personally and prove that you are a warrior worthy of admiration. Of course, let I'm very curious, what is the purpose of your desperate fight?" The guy who came was Kajia. He was attracted by the fierce battle here, and it was also related to the fluctuations in the original energy emitted by Kantos. "Obviously, with your abilities, you can escape before this. I believe that no Silicon Magic warrior can keep you. If you are to protect the women and children who are incompetent in the ethnic group. Then all of them will withdraw. After you leave, why do you continue to fight? Don’t say that you are not afraid of death, and don’t say that you are avenging your compatriots who died tragically. Your behavior makes me feel very strange."

"Stop talking nonsense, we will not surrender." A single soldier yelled.

Kaga glanced at the solo fighter, but didn't take him seriously. "Of course, I didn't expect your brains to surrender to me. It's just that, because I am curious about your abnormal behavior, I give you a chance, a chance to keep you alive."

"What opportunity?" Candos asked.

"Elder, don't believe him."

"The Silicon Magic Alliance never takes prisoners, he is lying to us."


The solo fighters around started talking verbally, and all of them were extremely excited.

Kandos pressed his hand, told the one-man soldier under him to shut his mouth, and then looked at Kaga.

"Surrender to me now, and I promise that you can live a long life. Although we don’t have a tradition of taking prisoners of war, we will leave some of our enemies’ lives in order to study the enemy. Maybe it’s so alive for other civilizations in the Galactic Alliance. It’s just suffering, but I know that a unique person doesn’t care how to live, because for a unique person, to live is to live. You can live both wonderfully and plainly."

Kajia is not wrong, this is the values of the one-man.

You should know that for thousands of years, many unique people have never left the place where they were born throughout their lives, and some have even been in the form of plants for most of their lives. As for the meaning of survival, at least for the vast majority of unique people, it is just to multiply offspring and pass on their own blood. If there is any pursuit, maybe it is just to find a fertile land and a spouse who is worthy of relying on for life.

"How about it, have you thought about it?" Kaga held out his hand.

His meaning is very clear, if Candos intends to surrender, he has to surrender the original energy converter.

After immersing himself in a moment of contemplation, Candos took out the original energy converter. Kaga showed a smug smile, as if he had just won a remarkable victory.

Of course, if Candos surrendered, it would indeed be a remarkable victory.

You know, in the past few thousand years, not only the Silicon Charm Alliance, but even the Galaxy Alliance, almost no fighters took the initiative to surrender to the enemy when they were still able to fight. Even if the unique person did not participate in the previous war, but letting a unique person, or the elder, surrender on the battlefield, even if it can't be said to be the last, it must be unprecedented. Obviously, in Cantos's view, this is something worth showing off.

In addition, being able to capture dozens of unique fighters, one of which is still an elder, is definitely a great contribution.

You know, the unique people have proved by their actions that the outside world does not know them. Obviously, if you want to learn more about unique people, the best way is to catch a few and go back and study them. It is best to be fighters. Of course, elders with original energy converters are great. As for ordinary unique people, especially Those women who are not capable of fighting have little research value at all, and they are not worth catching alive.

Kajia believed that as long as he could catch this elder alive, he would definitely be appreciated by Dibab.



Seeing Candos prepare to surrender, dozens of solo fighters shouted loudly.

Kandos pressed his hand, turned his head and glanced at the unique soldier behind him, and said calmly: "Remember what I said at the beginning, you all have to live well."

Although Candos's expression was calm, all the unique fighters behind him understood.

It was also at this time that the original energy converter in Candous's hand burst out with a dazzling light, which was the light energy that the original energy was converted into after it got out of control.

Kandos did not intend to surrender, but to die with Kaga, at least to make Kaga pay the price.