
Chapter 248: The battle was reversed


"If you want to die with me, you are not qualified!"

Kajia was angry. Although he knew that the elder of the unique clan might not surrender, Kajia did not expect that he would try to detonate his own power converter. It's just an A-level primitive energy converter. Even if it explodes, it won't threaten Kajia, but there are thousands of Silicon Charm fighters nearby. Even the most powerful armored warriors will be blown to pieces, and the energy released by the explosion Enough to destroy the entire settlement.

Out of anger, Kaka shot.

He had already given the elder of the Dumen Clan a chance, and he would never give a second chance.

Although like Dibabu, Kaga did not take the Silicon Charm fighters trained by the "Munro" seriously, but Dibab gave him several legions instead of asking him to give him tens of thousands of Silicon Charm fighters. Treat it as cannon fodder. In addition, the "Munro" has been unable to continue to train Simei fighters after being hit hard. If you want to occupy the Green Star, you need enough legions, and you also need to protect these ant-like Silicon Charm fighters.

No matter how powerful the warlord is, it is impossible to occupy a planet alone.

Candose's movements are fast, but Kaga's speed is even faster.

You know, Kajia is a top-level fighter with an S-level original power converter, and his combat power is comparable to that of a Renkui fighter, while Kantos is only slightly better than a fifth-level fighter at best. Not to mention the combat power conferred by the original energy converter, even the body's reaction speed, Candose is far inferior to Kaga. The unique man evolved from plants, and the nervous system's response speed is inherently very slow, so naturally it can't be compared with the top fighters.

In a blink of an eye, Kaga appeared in front of Cantos.

It’s just that Kajia’s speed is definitely not the fastest. There are also warlords and top warlords above the top warriors, and some of the powerful warriors are also above the top warriors. If it is a warrior with an SS-level original body, the reaction speed is naturally much faster than that of the top combatants.

Just when Kajia shot, Candos disappeared from him.

It had indeed disappeared. Kaga didn't blink or turn his gaze elsewhere. Kandos seemed to have turned into air and disappeared from him.

When Kaga discovered the abnormality and thought of backing up, a person appeared in front of him, still a woman.

The attack came very suddenly and very quickly. Although Kaga had noticed the abnormality and reacted, he hadn't had time to make any actions. Even if he moved his fingers, his neck was caught by the woman's hand, and the original armor on his body was no longer affected by it. He controls.

This is so fast!

Kaga lost his opinion and looked at the woman in front of him blankly. Kajia couldn't figure out that he was a top-notch fighter. Even if his opponent was a Renkui fighter, it was impossible to subdue him with one move, and it was even impossible to launch an attack without the slightest vigilance. Unless the opponent is a stronger existence than the Renkui warrior, such as the Earth Soul warrior. It was just that the woman in front of him was a human soldier, and Kajia knew that the Human Federation had only three real Earth Soul fighters, and they were all men. They were old men who had lived for more than a thousand years. The other party is a woman, or a woman who looks very young. In Kajia's memory, human beings do not have such a young earth soul warrior.

Who is she

It was Lin Feng who attacked Kaka.

It's no surprise that Kajia didn't know Lin Feng, because in the previous battle, before Kajia led the Silicon Charm army to the battlefield, Lin Feng had already left with Yang Yi. Kajia did not participate in the battle, nor did he see his opponent, so naturally he didn't know what the human soldiers looked like.

What shocked Kaga even more was that the woman not only attacked him, but also controlled his original energy.

In fact, Kajia concluded from this that the woman was not a Renkui warrior, but a stronger existence, because the ability of the Renkui warrior to control the original ability was comparable to that of the top generals. Therefore, only the existence of the Renkui warrior can force it. Capture the original power of the top warriors.

In shock, Kaga was also desperate.

Yes, it is despair.

If you encounter a Renkui warrior, even the most powerful Renkui warrior, Kajia is sure to escape, and will never fall to the point of being slaughtered.

However, if he encountered an Earth Soul Warrior, he wouldn't even have a chance to fight back.

You know, the Earth Soul Warrior is a powerful existence comparable to the top warlord, that is, a strong like Dibabu, and in front of Dibabu, Kajia is a tiny ant.

Falling into the hands of a powerful Earth Soul warrior, Kaga knew he was dead.

It was also at this time that Kantos reappeared, but a few tens of meters away, among those unique fighters, and there was also a human soldier who appeared with Kantos. It is indeed a human soldier, and it doesn't look tough, far inferior to Renkui fighters.

However, Kaga was surprised.

It is very simple. If it is normal, with the strength of Candos and that human soldier, the trajectory of Kaka can definitely be clearly seen. Although after the woman appeared, Kaga's attention was not on Kandos, but Kaga didn't see their movement at all. In other words, Kantos and the human soldier suddenly appeared tens of meters away, just as Kantos had suddenly disappeared.

How can this be!

While having this question, Kaga suddenly understood.

That human soldier is not ordinary, nor is it weak. He is Yang Yi. In the past thousand years, to be precise, after the Fifth Greenwich War, Dibabe was the first one to experience failure. Human combat soldiers, a human combat soldier with only eight levels of combat power, but with infinite possibilities.

Although he has never seen Yang Yi, Kajia knows who Yang Yi is and how good Yang Yi is.

In Kajia's surprised eyes, more human soldiers appeared, as well as a large number of independent clan elders. In the face of these tough opponents, the Silicon Charm fighters around them didn't even have the ability to resist, let alone fighting. It was still a unilateral slaughter, but it was the Silicon Charm fighters who were slaughtered.

Not long after, thousands of Simei fighters nearby were all killed.

In the distance, there was a violent explosion.

Although he didn't see it, Kaga knew that it was the spaceship that brought them there that exploded. Although he left some Silicon Charm warriors to guard the spacecraft, when he was attacked by human soldiers and the elders of the Independent Clan, the Silicon Charm warriors were just cannon fodder to die.

The battle is still going on, and Kaka's vitality is declining.

As the original energy from his body was taken away, Kaga's body temperature began to drop. Although he is a top fighter and a top fighter trained by Dibabu, in essence, Kaga is still a silicon-based creature. Like other silicon-based creatures, his vitality weakens as his body temperature drops. As long as the body temperature drops below the melting point of blood, which is magma, Kaga will die completely because of blood clotting.

The warlord will die, even the top warrior.

Kajia's vision became blurred. Although he desperately wanted to seize control of the original energy, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't perceive the original energy in his body, or even control the original energy converter in his body. That woman was too strong, so strong that Kaga was completely desperate.

That is, his whole body became stiff, and when Kajia felt that he was about to die, the human soldier came over.

Kajia did not see clearly, but knew that it was the human soldier named Yang Yi.

At the same time, Kaga's body temperature stabilized. Although it did not rise, but did not continue to fall, Kajia did not immediately stop breathing.

He is still alive, but only alive.

It is not Lin Feng who keeps Kajia alive, but Yang Yi.

"Is this necessary?" Lin Feng didn't want to capture prisoners, even if he was a top-tier general.

"Leave him a life first. If it is of no value, it will not be too late to deal with it."

When Yang Yi said so, Lin Feng said nothing more.

Although Kajia is a top-tier warrior, Dibab has proved by his actions that in his eyes, the top-tier warrior is nothing at all. Obviously, it is impossible for Yang Yi to use this top fighter to threaten Dibab. Lin Feng felt that there was no need to keep this top fighter. Besides, the Silicon Charm army led by this guy attacked Kantos, and executing him in front of Kantos's unique fighters would definitely win some good impressions.

However, Yang Yi thinks this top fighter is useful, and Lin Feng can't say much.

At this point, the battle has ended.

Following Yang Yi, apart from the human soldiers led by Shen Chengwen and Jackson, there were only dozens of independent clan elders including Mendozo.

Although there are not too many manpower, it is still more than enough to deal with the Silicon Charm fighters of several legions.

Yang Yi didn’t let Mendozo bring the Independence Legion. One was to preserve his strength, and the other was to facilitate actions. Moreover, letting the elders of the Independence Clan take action personally, so that those groups that have not yet mobilized would know that, as long as they have enough courage, The unique man also has strong combat power.

Of course, it seems that the effect is pretty good now.

When Mendozo and several elders arrived, Cantos had regained his vitality.

In the beginning, it was not Lin Feng who rescued him, but Yang Yi, which was a small thing to be precise. Fortunately, Cantos did not lose his life.

You know, when Yang Yi shot, Candos had already planned to die with Kajia. If you change to someone else, you will definitely not be able to control Candos's original energy converter. Because Yang Yi's ability to control the original energy is higher than that of others, only Yang Yi can control Candos's original energy converter.

Fortunately, Yang Yi did not come too late.

According to the situation at the time, even if Yang Yi and the others were a few seconds late, even if Kajia could subdue Kantos, it might not be able to prevent the original energy converter from exploding.

An A-level primordial energy converter exploded on the ground, enough to kill all creatures within a radius of nearly 100 kilometers.

In order to be sure, Yang Yi seized Candos's original energy converter.

Without the original energy converter, Candos is just an ordinary unique person, and a unique person who has lived for more than a thousand years and is about to reach the end of his life. Although it was only a few minutes, Candos looked like a thousand years old, and he didn't seem to be a superior elder at all.