
Chapter 257: cheer up


Using the space channel opened by Xiaodian, Lin Feng, Shen Chengwen and others left the geocentric space and returned to the landing site.

The battle was still going on, but the Independence Army did not arrive. After all, it was only a few hours before the Independence Army that had just been mobilized had no time to go to the battlefield.

After Lin Feng explained the situation to Jackson, the "Shadow" controlled by Allen flew over.

Although he was very worried about Yang Yi, Green Star was about to be destroyed, and Lin Feng did not stay because of Yang Yi, and Jackson couldn't say much.

However, not everyone is willing to take the "Shadow" to leave.

"Mendorzo, if you want to stay, I have no right to force you to leave. Anyway, Green Star is your home, a unique person." Lin Fengchang exhaled and said, "Just, I hope you can understand. It's easy to die, but it's hard to live strong."

Mendozo raised his head to look at Lin Feng, but did not speak.

"Although we don’t know what happened before, Elder Curtis did not directly detonate the original energy, but controlled it, delaying the time of the original energy explosion. It must be for us, with you, and for the only person. , Give the whole Dumen a hope." Lin Feng sighed secretly and said, "Of course, whether Yang Yi can leave Green Star alive or not, his promise is our promise. As long as we are still alive, then one day in the future, certain It will rebirth the Dumen and create a new home for the new Dumen. However, we need the help of the Dumen, and only you can unite the surviving Dumen."

"But… "

"Do you think that Elder Curtis wants you to stay and be martyred?"

When Lin Feng said so, Mendozo closed his mouth.

In fact, Curtis had already explained that if disasters cannot be avoided, Mendozo would have to follow Yang Yi and the others to leave Green Star, and assist Yang Yi and the others in fighting the enemy until the Dumen rebirth. It is also true that Mendozo has always followed Yang Yi and assisted Yang Yi to form an independent army. However, before this, Mendozo did not expect that the disaster would come so quickly, let alone Curtis would die.

Obviously, Curtis's death hit Mendozo too much.

It can also be said that this change came too abruptly.

You know, before that, including Mendozo, almost all the elders of the Dumen tribe believed that with the assistance of Yang Yi and other human soldiers, and the Dumen tribe completed the full-scale war mobilization, defeated the invading Simei army and It's not a problem, all it takes is time. In other words, everyone believes that victory is coming, as long as they continue to fight, they can defeat the enemy and defend the homeland of the Dumen.

As for failure, even if no one denies it, no one will admit it.

Obviously, the actual situation is quite the opposite.

Curtis is dead, and Green Star is about to die. Even if there is a spacecraft, it will not be able to send away all the billions of unique people on the Green Star.

Besides, outside of Green Star, there are thousands of warships of the Silicon Magic Alliance.

Mendozo was stunned, a little at a loss.

Fortunately, Lin Feng reminded me.

Seeing that Mendozo had been persuaded, Lin Feng did not delay any longer, let Jackson continue to guard him, and then took Shen Chengwen and others on board the "Shadow".

The "Shadow" is just a small reconnaissance ship, not to mention taking away billions of unique people, not even the elders of the unique people.

Lin Feng knew very well that she must make a choice.

Of course, this is not the most serious problem.

"Colonel, the route has been planned, and the probability of a breakthrough is less than one in ten thousand."

"Ready to start."

"Colonel..." Although Allen is only an artificial intelligence and has no emotions, after Lin Feng gave the order, he still showed concern.

"Follow my orders. Bring up the route map, mark the enemy ship information on the route map, and update it in time."


Actually, Lin Feng didn't understand Allen's meaning.

When she and Shen Chengwen arrived at the control center of the "Shadow", Allen had already displayed the route map and marked the locations of all enemy ships.

Just look at it and you can understand why Allen is worried.

In the periphery of Green Star, thousands of warships of the Silicon Magic Alliance are densely distributed.

Although Dibab had given up the action to capture the original crystal and left Green Star, the Silicon Charm fleet that followed him did not retreat.

Of course, it was not that Dibabe wanted to ruin the fleet, but that it was too late to allow the fleet to retreat.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible for so many warships to be withdrawn at the same time.

From another point of view, in order to keep secrets, Dibab may not give an order to retreat. The reason is very simple. It was the Silicon Charm Army that landed on Green Star that suffered the loss, while the Silicon Charm fleet that blocked Green Star was unscathed and could continue to fight and continue to send landing troops to Green Star. The Silicon Magic army has not lost its combat capability, nor is it unable to continue to attack Green Star, and Dibab's order to withdraw at this time will only arouse suspicion. In addition, in the past five thousand years, the Silicon Magic Alliance has never taken the initiative to withdraw its troops when it has an advantage. In fact, even in a disadvantaged situation, the Silicon Magic army rarely retreats, often fighting until the last person, or even annihilating the entire army.

In order to avoid suspicion, Dibab probably did not issue a retreat order.

Although this will ruin the entire Silicon Magic fleet, but for Dibab, the Silicon Magic fleet, like the Silicon Magic Army, is cannon fodder that can be sacrificed.

In fact, for Dibab, it only takes time to reorganize a fleet.

In addition, Dibab’s nest is north of the Northern Alpha Galaxy, far away from the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, and is not the main force invading the Southern Alpha Galaxy. In other words, in the next battle, Dibab is not the protagonist. Even if he needs his support, it is not his turn to be the main force.

Obviously, the loss of a fleet will not have a great impact on the Silicon Magic Alliance.

However, for Lin Feng and the others, this is a huge problem.

The existence of the Silicon Magic fleet is equivalent to blocking the passage from Green Star. Although the "Shadow" is the third theater of war, and even the most advanced reconnaissance ship of the entire human confederation, it is not indestructible, let alone invincible, but a reconnaissance ship with little combat effectiveness. Even if the "Shadow" has a "magic cloak" camouflage system, it was discovered by the Silicon Magic fleet before, and its basic characteristics have been mastered by the enemy, so it will definitely be discovered when it leaves Green Star. Obviously, for this tiny reconnaissance ship, even if there are dozens of soldiers on it, as long as it is exposed, it will be destroyed, and it will not be able to break through the blockade and interception of the Silicon Magic fleet.

In fact, only one S-class warship can kill the "Shadow".

Outside the Green Star, there are dozens of S-class warships.

No matter which direction the "Shadow" breaks through, it will encounter several S-class warships, and to be precise, enter the attack area of several S-class warships.

Can it break through smoothly

Looking at the route map, Lin Feng frowned.

Shen Chengwen didn't say a word either. Although he had much more combat experience than Lin Feng, he was only a soldier and rarely piloted warships in the past.

In fact, Shen Chengwen has almost no experience in driving warships.

"Otherwise, wait?"

"Can't wait." Lin Feng exhaled and said to Shen Chengwen, "Yang Yi is buying time for us. If we delay one more second, his survival rate will be one point lower. Besides, we don't know how long he can last. , An explosion may happen at any time, and we must leave Green Star immediately."

"only… "

"Prepare to fight, let everyone enter the fighting position." Lin Feng sighed with a bitter smile, and said, "Although there is only a one-tenth chance, but you can't just sit still. Even if you can't break through, you have to kill. It's better than staying here and waiting to die."

Shen Chengwen also sighed and said nothing more.

Now, I can only think so.

Although Shen Chengwen is very clear that no matter how many enemy ships are killed, it will not have any impact on the final result. That is, after the explosion, the enemy ships near the green star will fall into the primordial black hole. No one can escape, even if they don’t. After the "Shadow" breaks through, the Silicon Charm fleet will be over, but as a soldier, or an elite soldier of the special reconnaissance brigade, it is not Shen Chengwen's style to sit and wait for death.

In fact, for all soldiers, the battlefield is the most ideal destination.

It's no regret to be able to fight happily before death.

When Shen Chengwen was going to arrange tasks for his officers and soldiers, Jackson brought Mendozo over, and Justin and Buck who followed Jackson also went to their combat positions.

Mendozo's complexion improved a little, but he was still very depressed.

"Mendozuo, although it is not appropriate to say that, I hope you can cheer up." Lin Feng paused for a while, then said, "Outside, there are thousands of enemy ships. Whether it can break through is still unknown. If we die in battle, the ending will not change."

Mendozo was taken aback for a moment before he noticed the route map displayed on the top of the console.

"As long as you try your best, you will die without regret." Jackson said aside.

"Wait..." Mendozo said suddenly, as if thinking of something, "This route is too dangerous. I know a safer route."

Both Lin Feng and Jackson were taken aback, looking at Mendozo with disbelief.

You know, Allen has advanced intelligence. Although it is just a program, it processes information much faster and more comprehensively than the human brain.

"What route?" Jackson asked.

"Passing the green star."

Lin Feng and Jackson were taken aback again, and they seemed even more shocked.

To pass through the green star, one has to pass through the space in the center of the earth, where it is now full of primal energy, and an explosion may occur at any time. In order to avoid falling into the primordial black hole, it is necessary to stay as far away as possible from the center of the earth, rather than close to the center of the earth. In the eyes of Lin Feng and Jackson, the route Mendozo mentioned was not only unsafe, but also tantamount to death.

"As long as the speed is fast enough, the expansion effect of the original energy explosion can be used."

"You mean..."

"Colonel, Elder Mendozo is right. This method is feasible. Although the probability is still very low, it must be more than one in ten thousand."

Hearing Allen's words, Lin Feng's brows jumped a few times, and Jackson's expression became serious.