
Chapter 260: Full speed ahead


In normal times, ten minutes is only a short period of time. Only now, it seems very long.

When the "Shadow" shook violently, Lin Feng realized that less than five minutes had passed.


"Colonel, detected space distortion caused by unknown energy fluctuations."


"Inside the spacecraft."

Lin Feng was shocked and immediately stood up.


"What did you find?"

"It's Yang Yi, Captain Yang Yi."

"What!?" Lin Feng was surprised again, feeling that he had heard it wrong.

When Mendozo proposed to let the "Shadow" pass through the center of the green star and accelerate the impact of the big explosion before the formation of the primordial black hole, Lin Fengyou After a glimmer of fantasy, I thought that I might encounter Yang Yi while passing through the geocentric space and rescue Yang Yi. However, things backfired. When the "Shadow" entered the terrain space, the original energies had already gathered together, and an explosion occurred immediately. Let alone rescue Yang Yi, in that few tenths of a second, it is impossible to find Yang Yi. In fact, even if he finds Yang Yi, Lin Feng can't do much. It is impossible for Yang Yi to board the "Shadow".

After the "Shadow" left Green Star, Lin Feng had not had time to think about it.

In fact, Lin Feng knew very well that even if Yang Yi was still alive, he had already left the geocentric space of Green Star through the space channel opened by Xiaodian.

As for where Yang Yi is now, Lin Feng has no idea.

Of course, he did not hold out much hope.

Although Xiaobudian is a blue blood wolf, not a space jumping device, when opening the space passage, Xiaobudian also has to calculate the exit of the passage. Of course, it is by instinct, not by light brain. When it is severely disturbed by the strong gravitational field caused by the space distortion, the small mistake will definitely be affected, and it may not be possible to open the exit of the space channel in the correct place.

Obviously, the probability of Xiao Budian opening the outlet of the space channel inside the "Dark Shadow" is almost zero.

You must know that the "Shadow" is flying at a very fast speed, and it is not exquisite and motionless. Not to mention that Xiaodudian is just a cub, even an adult blue blood wolf may not be able to control it with such precision. As long as there is a slight deviation, Yang Yi and Xiao Budian will collide with the "Shadow" when they come out of the space channel. Even if Yang Yi is a soldier with a unique physique, he will be crushed to pieces.

Lin Feng couldn't believe it at all, and felt that the optical brain was malfunctioning.

In such a harsh environment, it is normal for the optical brain to malfunction. Although Allen has high intelligence, as a program, if there is a problem with the optical brain, it will also make mistakes. Perhaps what Allen detected was only the spatial fluctuations produced by the primordial black hole.

At this time, the cockpit door opened.

Lin Feng was dumbfounded at the sight of the person who walked in.

Alan made no mistakes, it was Yang Yi, and there was a little bit crawling on his shoulders.

How can this be!

"Take it."

Before Lin Feng could speak, Yang Yi walked over and handed an item to her hand.

"I don't have time to explain now, so hurry up and use this thing."

Lin Fengmeng came back to his senses and found that what Yang Yi gave her was a primary energy converter, and it was the SS-level primary energy converter she needed now.

How can Yang Yi have an SS-level original energy converter!

"Alan, I'll be in charge now."


Although Yang Yi is only a captain officer and belongs to the special squadron directly led by Lin Feng, this operation is fully commanded by Yang Yi, so in theory, Yang Yi is the highest commander. As long as Lin Feng doesn't object, Allen will faithfully execute the order issued by Yang Yi.

"Without my order, no space jump is allowed. Now, all energy is input into the propulsion system."


Yang Yi looked at Lin Feng and asked Lin Feng to use the original energy converter.

Lin Feng didn't talk about it anymore, and immediately activated the SS-level original energy converter. Although I don’t know where Yang Yi got this primordial energy converter, the top priority is to escape from the gravitational field of the primordial black hole. As long as you can escape alive, it's not too late to ask Yang Yi.

The next discovery made Lin Feng even more shocked.

This is not only an SS-level original energy converter that makes her a real Earth Soul Warrior, but also the quality is very good, which can be regarded as excellent. This quality of SS-class primordial energy converter, not to mention the human federation, is rare even in the entire Southern Alpha galaxy. It can be said that top civilizations such as the Hidden Spirits do not have many superb quality SS-level original energy converters. It's not that it can't be made, but the cost is too high. As far as Lin Feng knows, only one of every 10,000 Primal Energy Converters can achieve perfection, and there are not many SS-level Primal Energy Converters in the entire Galaxy Alliance. In any place, an excellent quality SS-level original energy converter is invaluable.

Obviously, the origin of this SS-level original energy converter must be extraordinary.

Could it be that…

Lin Feng suddenly thought that this SS-class primordial power converter was likely to come from Curtis, who had already died, because in the whole family, only Curtis possessed the SS-class primordial power converter. , All you have is the S-class primary energy converter.

Curtis is dead, and Yang Yi's usual practice will definitely not waste an SS-level original energy converter.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng didn't hesitate anymore.

Although it is already an SS-level original body, and has two primary energy converters, one of which is modified by Yang Yi with the original crystal, the only S-level original energy converter, but because there is no SS-level original energy converter, Lin Feng has not been able to fully display the abilities of the SS-class Primarch. To put it more directly, Lin Feng wasn't an Earth Soul Warrior before he obtained the SS Grade Primal Energy Converter.

Of course, even if he had an SS-level original energy converter, Lin Feng would not be regarded as a true earth soul fighter.

It's very simple. Only after mastering the combat skills of the corresponding level and being able to display the powerful combat power of the Earth Soul Warrior can you be called an Earth Soul Warrior. If you don't master the combat skills of the corresponding level, you can't fully display the value of the SS-level original body and the SS-level original energy converter, and you can't be regarded as an earth soul fighter. The original body, the original energy converter and the combat skills are indispensable, and the combat skills of the earth soul warrior level are even more difficult to find.

Fortunately, what is needed now is not to let Lin Feng display the combat power of the Earth Soul Warrior, but to let her make full use of this SS-level original energy converter.

In fact, only Lin Feng can make use of this SS-level original energy converter.

Although Yang Yi has a unique physique, he is limited by the original body level, even if he can activate a higher level of the original energy converter, he will not be able to fully display its effectiveness. As for Shen Chengwen, Jackson and others, they were restricted by the original body level and could not even activate the higher-level original energy converter. Only Lin Feng is an SS-level original body, and only she is the one who can fully display the effectiveness of this SS-level original energy converter.

It can be said that Lin Feng has become the key point.

However, it was not only Lin Feng who decided the result, but also the "Shadow".

"Captain, the propulsion system has reached 100% output power."

"Continue to increase the propulsion power."


"Display the information about the propulsion system, and do as I tell you."

Allen didn't say much, and displayed relevant information in the projection area in front of Yang Yi.

Whether the "Shadow" can withstand so much original energy is also the key.

Although at the time of design, the "Shadow" used the most advanced technology of the human confederation, and some technologies even came from advanced civilizations. It can be said that it is the most advanced reconnaissance ship of the human confederation. Take the propulsion system as an example. In order to obtain unparalleled acceleration performance, the "Shadow" propulsion system can withstand the original energy generated by the S-class original energy converter at full power output, and convert these original energy into propulsion power. However, the "Shadow" is only a small reconnaissance ship, and even with advanced technology, it cannot be compared with a large warship. More importantly, the "Shadow" propulsion system has a limit, and it will be scrapped after breaking through this limit.

In fact, before Yang Yi returned, the propulsion system of the "Shadow" had reached its limit.

You know, there are several soldiers on the "Shadow", and there are more soldiers. Everyone is providing the original energy for the "Shadow" propulsion system, even if the original energy input to the propulsion system is not as good as an Earth Soul fighter, it far exceeds the "Shadow" design maximum propulsion power.

The propulsion system did not fail, just because there was great redundancy.

Only now, as Lin Feng drives the SS-level primary energy converter, the primary energy input to the propulsion system quickly breaks through the maximum redundancy of the design.

Continue to provide the original energy, and the propulsion system will collapse.

However, this is not an issue that needs to be considered now.

The "Shadow" sails in space without the resistance generated when flying in the atmosphere. The only thing that needs to be overcome is the strong gravitational force caused by the space distortion produced by the primordial black hole. Simply put, as long as the strong gravitational force is overcome, the speed of the "Shadow" will not decrease.

What needs to be done now is to escape the gravitational field of the primordial black hole.

As for things after the collapse of the propulsion system, such as how to slow down the "Shadow" after escaping from the gravitational field, there is no need to consider for the time being.

"Captain, the propulsion system has reached 125%..."

"Know, wait for my order."

Yang Yi is very clear that if the propulsion system is paralyzed, the "Shadow" will be finished, and no one will be able to escape from the original black hole.

Fortunately, the "Shadow" began to accelerate.

Driven strongly by the SS-class prime energy converter, the propulsion system of the "Shadow" reached 150% of the designed output power.

As long as it is accelerating, there is hope to escape the gravitational field of the primordial black hole.

As time passed, Yang Yi didn't let Allen input more original energy into the propulsion system. As long as it is accelerating, everything is easy to say. If the propulsion system is paralyzed, all efforts will be in vain. Obviously, at this time, it is not worth taking too much risk in order to escape earlier.