
Chapter 265: Alliance capital


Central area, alliance star.

Strictly speaking, this is not a planet, but a huge man-made celestial body, to be precise, a planet that has been transformed beyond recognition.

In fact, the star system in which the Soyuz star is located is very ordinary.

According to relevant records, the Alliance Star is the first stop of the Galactic Alliance to the Southern Alpha Galaxy. All the intelligent civilizations that escaped from the "destroying catastrophe", including humans, came here first, and then set off from there, ahead of the South The various star systems of the Alpha Galaxy.

Just like this, after the end of the First Greenwich War, that is, when the Galactic Alliance was formally established, the Alliance Council made a decision to establish the Alliance headquarters here. Subsequently, seven top civilizations carried out a comprehensive transformation of the Alliance Star and its star system.

The current Alliance Star is a huge man-made celestial body.

Although the base planet is still there, the inside has been completely hollowed out, and there are dozens of huge circular ecosystems on the periphery. The headquarters and various branches of the Galaxy Alliance are not located on the Alliance Star, but are located in the outer ring ecosystem. Each circular ecosystem is an independent ecosystem with a complete infrastructure. On the contrary, the planet below is easily overlooked.

In addition, the main sequence stars in the star system have also been modified.

In the entire southern Alpha galaxy, the Soyuz star is the most densely populated planet, not one of them. Here, there are about 500 billion people, of which more than 90% live in the ring ecosystem, and less than 10 billion people live on Alliance Stars. It's just that the vast majority of residents live temporarily, that is, envoys from various civilizations. Obviously, the Human Federation is very small, and there are less than 10,000 humans settled on the Alliance Star.

In fact, this is no less.

According to the information provided by the Theater Command, before the Fifth Greenwich War, there were only 1,000 envoys sent by the Human Federation to the Alliance Star. Because he was promoted to the sixth-class civilization after the Fifth Greenwich War and was still the ruler of the North Fourth District, after the Fifth Greenwich War, the status of the Human Federation within the alliance was greatly improved and more rights were obtained. After becoming a participant in multiple executive agencies, the number of envoys has been increased from one thousand to ten thousand in order to deal with various foreign affairs. It was also at this time that the Human Federation officially entered the Union Star, that is, established its own consulate on the Union Star.

As a result, the Human Federation became the first sixth-class civilization to open a consulate on the Alliance Star.

You know, according to the relevant regulations of the alliance, only advanced civilizations, that is, civilizations above the third class, are eligible to set up diplomatic service points on the alliance stars. Low-level civilizations do not have such privileges. They can only rely on a certain high-level civilization or set up informal diplomatic institutions.

In name, this is a commendation for the great contribution made by the Federation of Mankind in the Fifth Greenwich War.

It’s just that everyone knows that the Human Federation’s privilege to enter the Alliance Star is related to its strong military strength and also to become the actual ruler of the North Fourth District.

In fact, the Human Federation was the first and currently the only sixth-class civilization to rule a star field.

Of course, compared with advanced civilizations, especially the seven top civilizations, the consulate of the Human Federation on the Alliance Star is simply pitiful.

The consulate of the Human Federation is opened in the fifth area, which is the fifth ring ecosystem surrounding the Alliance Star.

Like other civilized diplomatic institutions, the consulate of the Human Federation has its own small spaceport, and the environment in the area is also extremely suitable for human survival.

Although it is only a corner of the fifth district, it is still large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people living and working.

From the outside, the ring ecosystem is like a huge halo. Just when you get inside, you can't feel it at all. The annular ecosphere where the fifth zone is located has a diameter of more than 100,000 kilometers and a width of more than 100 kilometers. It relies on the centrifugal force of rotation to produce an effect similar to gravity. Standing in the ecosystem, as long as you don't look up at the Alliance Star in the distance, you will never realize that you are in the ring ecosystem.

When the "Shadow" landed on the platform, the three military officers who came to greet him had been waiting here for a long time.

They are Zhuang Shaowei, John Shaw, and Clark Martinez. Although they are all federal officials, affiliated to the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and appointed by the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs to serve as military attaches to the consulate, they still have another identity, that is, they They are all under the command of the theater command, but they are different theater commands. According to Yang Yi's knowledge, Zhuang Shaowei was personally selected by Lin Xiaoting.

Of course, the three military attaches standing side by side is also a portrayal of the internal structure of the human federation.

In the Human Federation, it is the military department that really holds the real power. To be precise, it is the military. Even in peacetime, the federal authorities are only administrative agencies that serve the military. In the military department, it is the three major war zones that have real power. Therefore, in all matters related to the military, only the three major war zones have the right to speak, and only the three major war zones have the right to make decisions. As a result, the military attaches of all federal agencies stationed abroad were recommended and appointed by the three major war zones.

In fact, these military officers represent the interests of the three major war zones.

After some greetings, Xiao and Martinez left, and Yang Yi and others followed Zhuang Shaowei into the car and headed to the living quarters of the consulate.

The consulate is actually a large area and is divided according to functions.

The living area is at the other end of the consulate, the farthest from the spaceport. Although it is not convenient, it ensures the quality of life, and there is no need to worry about safety here.

It can be said that the Union Star is the safest place in the entire Southern Alpha Galaxy.

"Colonel, this is the information just sent by the theater command." Zhuang Shaowei didn't waste time, and his expression was stern. He didn't seem to think that Yang Yi's arrival was something to be happy about. "The Chief of Staff has specifically instructed me to explain the situation to you as soon as possible and help you prepare."

"Ready?" Lin Feng caught the small optical brain that Zhuang Shaowei handed over.

Zhuang Shaowei nodded, and said, "Tomorrow, the plenary meeting of the Alliance Assembly will be held. This is the first plenary meeting in 800 years."

"So, it's time for us to come?"

Zhuang Shaowei smiled reluctantly, and answered Yang Yi's question.

Yang Yi didn't take it seriously, he was just joking.

I'm afraid no one knows exactly how many members the Galactic Alliance has. Even the relevant information released by the Alliance authorities may not be accurate. But what is certain is that there are definitely no less than 100,000, perhaps as many as hundreds of thousands. Obviously, organizing so many civilizations is a very difficult task in itself. Even if each civilization sends only one representative to the Alliance Assembly and organizes all civilizations to hold a plenary meeting, it is very troublesome, if not impossible. For this reason, the Union Parliament established a standing committee, and the standing committee handles daily affairs. Although in theory, the Standing Committee is not the highest decision-making body of the Alliance Parliament, and major issues related to the fundamental interests of the Alliance must be voted by all members, the members of the Standing Committee are all high-level civilizations, and the low-level civilizations of the alliance often depend on a certain High-level civilization obeys the orders of high-level civilization in major affairs, so the Standing Committee has become the real power body of the Union Parliament. In the past thousands of years, there was only one thing that the Standing Committee could not make a decision.

This is whether or not to mobilize the whole alliance for war.

In fact, only when it is invaded by the Silicon Magic Alliance and deciding whether to start a war with the Silicon Magic Alliance, will the Alliance Assembly convene a plenary meeting.

Of course, after the war, there will be a symbolic plenary meeting.

The last plenary meeting was held after the end of the Fifth Greenwich War. In addition to promoting victory, it was to share the fruits of victory.

In fact, before coming to the consulate, Yang Yi noticed that there were too many spacecraft going in and out of Alliance Star.

Obviously, the plenary meeting is a major event for all members of the alliance, because the resolution passed at the plenary meeting is the collective resolution of the alliance. All civilizations, including the seven top civilizations, must abide by and implement it. It concerns the vital interests of all civilizations.

However, for the human federation, the alliance plenary meeting is not something to be happy about.

Quite simply, the two plenary meetings before this have seriously damaged the interests of the Human Federation.

More than a thousand years ago, shortly after the outbreak of the Fifth Greenwich War, the Galactic Union Council held a plenary meeting to decide whether to mobilize for a full-scale war. As a result, when the Lei Ling tribe and other top civilizations expressed their opposition, and the hidden spirit tribe abstained from voting, the Alliance Assembly rejected the initiative of the Human Federation, and dozens of civilizations that joined the Human Federation in the North Fourth District were attached. War proposal. Affected by this, the Galactic Alliance did not mobilize for war until fifty years later. Although the human confederation persisted until the day of victory, the dozens of civilizations that were attached at that time were all extinct, and the human confederation suffered heavy losses in the war.

After that, after the Fifth Greenwich War ended, at that plenary meeting, the reasonable demands of the Human Federation were almost completely rejected. Although with the support of the Hidden Spirit Race and the Human Federation is the only surviving civilization in the Northern Fourth District, the core interests have not been affected, but the multiple resolutions passed at that meeting are tantamount to putting on the Human Federation. shackles.

Among them, the most representative one is the ownership of Blue Star.

You must know that at that time, the Human Federation was the actual controller of the Blue Star, and the Alliance Council disregarded the facts and the great contributions made by the Human Federation in the war, and did not pay attention to the importance of the Blue Star to the Human Federation. Here, the Blue Star was forcibly assigned to the Dumen clan. It can be said that if it were not for the failure to regain its vitality and the lack of a leader like Xiao Wentian who could unify the Confederation, the Human Confederation would probably withdraw from the alliance because of these resolutions of the Alliance Council and even go to war with other civilizations.

So, what about this plenary meeting