
Chapter 266: Wanfu pointed out


Although the situation is not ideal, it is not as bad as Yang Yi had previously imagined.

Compared with not long ago, within the alliance, the voice of support for war mobilization has been much louder. It's not that more civilizations began to sympathize with the human federation, but the Green Star was attacked and billions of unique people were brutally poisoned. Many civilizations discovered that the Greenwich line of defense stationed by the human federation was not unbreakable. The Green Star is a hundred light-years away from the Greenwich meteorite belt, and the Dumen tribe has suffered an extinction. What about the next time

Obviously, this is a question worthy of serious consideration by every civilization.

It can be said that the battle that took place on the Green Star was tantamount to sounding a wake-up call for all civilizations in the Galactic Alliance, and it was tantamount to shattering the illusions of those civilizations who wished to stay out of the way.

You know, such a thing has never happened before.

In the past five Greenwich Wars, no matter how ferocious the invading army of the Silicon Magic Alliance was, and no matter how unfavorable the situation was, as long as the civilization of the Northern Fourth District, including the Human Federation, was still fighting, then the invading army of Silicon Magic was still fighting. It is difficult to pose a serious threat to the civilization of other star regions. Even at the beginning of the Fifth Greenwich War, when other civilizations were extinct, the invading army of the Silicon Magic Alliance began to march towards the central area of the Southern Alpha Galaxy. Because the Human Federation was not destroyed and was still fighting on the Beacon Star, the Silicon Magic Alliance The invading army did not go deep into the southern Alpha galaxy, and it did not pose a serious threat to other civilizations.

Obviously, the Greenwich Line is a firewall.

From the perspective of other civilizations, including the seven top civilizations, as long as the Greenwich Line of Defense is still in the hands of the Human Federation, they can sit back and relax.

In fact, the Hidden Spirits vigorously supported the Human Federation and helped the Human Federation grow its military power. It did not hope that the Human Federation could grow stronger, but that the Human Federation could hold the Greenwich Line of Defense, so that other civilizations could calmly complete the preparations for war.

To put it bluntly, as long as the Greenwich Line of Defense is still under the control of the Human Federation, the battle will not be bad. As for how much the Human Federation suffered in the war, as long as it is not destroyed by the Silicon Charm Alliance, and to be precise, as long as the Human Federation is not defeated before the other civilizations of the Galactic Alliance complete the war mobilization, then it is not considered by other civilizations, even if it is. The hidden spirits will not take it seriously.

Of course, other civilizations also believe that the Human Federation will do its best to defend the Greenwich meteorite belt.

The reason is simple. The home galaxy of the Human Federation is behind the Greenwich Meteorite Belt. If the Greenwich Line of Defense is breached by the enemy, the Human Federation will be the first to bear the brunt. Even without considering other civilizations in the alliance, the Human Federation will fight to the end for its own homeland.

In fact, this is also the main contradiction between the Human Federation and the Galactic Alliance.

Although for the Human Federation, defending the homeland and defending the Southern Alpha Galaxy are not contradictory, objectively speaking, even if the Human Federation has to fight desperately on the Greenwich Line for its homeland, as other civilizations that have obtained practical benefits, it should be The support and assistance provided by the human federation should at least make its due contribution in guarding the common direction, rather than trying to contain the human federation, and should not regard the efforts of the human federation for its core interests such as survival as its own. threat. If it is replaced by other civilizations, as long as it is in the position of the human federation, it will make the same efforts and will be deeply disappointed in the Galactic Alliance.

It's just that, also because of the existence of the Greenwich Line of Defense, the Human Federation cannot be separated from the Galactic Alliance.

Quite simply, the Human Federation is too weak. If there is no support from the Galactic Alliance, even if it is only during the war, the Human Federation is by no means an opponent of the Silicon Magic Alliance. What's more, apart from the Homeland Galaxy, the Human Federation has no second homeland.

It can be seen that the attitude of the Human Federation towards the Galactic Alliance is very complicated.

Although the government has never denied that the Human Federation is a member of the Galactic Alliance, nor has it slandered the Galactic Alliance, all those in power have no good impressions of the Galactic Alliance, and they know that the Human Federation and the Galactic Alliance are using each other. The Human Federation did not break away from the Galactic Alliance, and the Galactic Alliance did not expel the Human Federation. It is not that there are no contradictions, but there is value for mutual use.

Only now, this situation has undergone a subtle change.

The Green Star was attacked and the Dumen tribe was utterly destroyed. It was tantamount to announcing that the Greenwich line of defense stationed by the Federation of Mankind could no longer stop the enemies of the Silicon Magic Alliance. It also meant to tell other civilizations of the Galactic Alliance that the entire Southern Alpha galaxy was in the Silicon Magic Alliance Within the range of attack.

Obviously, just relying on the Human Federation to garrison the Greenwich line of defense cannot ensure that the Galactic Alliance is foolproof.

To put it bluntly, even if the Human Federation is not defeated and still guards the Greenwich Line, any civilization of the Galactic Alliance may become the next unique race.

This is no longer just a war between the Human Federation and the Silicon Magic Alliance, but a war between all civilizations and the Silicon Magic Alliance.

It's an illusion to think about staying out.

Obviously, for other civilizations in the Galactic Alliance, the top priority is to mobilize for war and resist the invasion from the Silicon Magic Alliance.

However, for the Human Federation, this may not be a good thing.

"According to the information we have received, many civilizations have decided to support the war proposal in the parliament, but it is mainly the civilization of Daqu in the north."

"It's just the northern region?"

Zhuang Shaowei nodded and said: "Although in the past five thousand years, we have never had an advantage in a war with the Silicon Magic Alliance, even in the last war, we only defeated the Silicon Magic Alliance. The offensive did not completely eliminate the Silicon Magic Alliance, or even eliminate the threat of the Silicon Magic Alliance. However, in the past five total wars, only the northern region has been invaded and attacked, and the other six regions have not been threatened. ."

"You mean..."

"Obviously, the civilizations of the other six regions still believe that the threat of the Silicon Magic Alliance is still very remote, and there is no reason to mobilize for war at this time."

Yang Yi frowned and didn't know what to say.

"Actually, this is understandable. As long as the Alliance Council passes a war resolution, all civilizations in the alliance must be mobilized for a full-scale war. For those civilizations that are far away from the battlefield and have never experienced the taste of war, now go to war. Mobilizing is tantamount to letting them give up everything, tantamount to letting them fight bloody battles for other civilizations. Obviously, no civilization will take the initiative to fight."

"The question is, if the northern region falls, the civilization of other regions will benefit?"

Zhuang Shaowei smiled reluctantly, and said: "Everyone understands the truth, the problem is that no one can say it clearly. In addition, the top level of civilization is the key."

Lin Feng sighed, of course she understood what Zhuang Shaowei meant.

For thousands of years, seven top civilizations have dominated the Galactic Alliance. No matter what it is, even if it is a major event related to the life and death of the Galactic Alliance, it must first reach an agreement among the seven top civilizations before it is proposed and voted by the Alliance Council.

Of course, after the seven top civilizations have reached a consensus, the voting of the Union Parliament is just a cutscene.

Obviously, the seven top civilizations must have differences on the issue of whether to mobilize for war, and they are serious differences that are difficult to resolve.

Under the control of the seven top civilizations, even if the civilizations of the northern region unite, they will not be able to allow the Alliance Council to pass a war resolution. Quite simply, the northern region is the one with the least number of members among the seven regions, and more than half of the more than 10,000 civilizations in the northern region are dependent on a certain top civilization. Apart from anything else, the Human Federation is no exception, at least the support and assistance of the Hidden Spirit Race is needed.

"According to your statement, the hope of the Union Parliament passing a war resolution is still very slim?"

"Almost zero."

Yang Yi sighed secretly and said: "In this case, we don't have to go to the Union Parliament tomorrow..."

"Must go." Zhuang Shaowei glanced at Yang Yi and said: "For us, the primary issue now is not to get the Alliance Council to pass a war resolution, but to get as much sympathy and support from civilization as possible and pass bilateral agreements Way to get assistance from other civilizations."

"Is it necessary?" Lin Feng asked.

"It's very necessary." Zhuang Shaowei nodded and said, "You don't know, now there are rumors outside that we deliberately let go of the Silicon Charm fleet that invaded Green Star, which led to the destruction of the Dumen Clan. Although this is groundless. , But because of the contradiction between us and the Dumen, many people believe it is true."

"It's nonsense."

"In this case, we really need to attend the Union Assembly." Lin Fengchao and Yang Yi looked over.

Yang Yi exhaled and controlled his emotions.

"Actually, you shouldn't have too heavy thoughts. You are fair and comfortable, and Mendozo and others will be with you." Zhuang Shaowei smiled reluctantly, and said, "What really needs to worry about is the Lei Ling clan and other top civilizations. , Just judging from the current situation, even if the Lei Ling clan is hostile to us, it may not be sold against us. After all, the human federation is over, and the Lei Ling clan will not get any benefit. More importantly, the sixth Greenwich The war has broken out, and there is no civilization, even the top civilization can’t stay out of it. No matter what resolution the Alliance Council passes, it is ultimately nothing more than to contain us and weaken us through war.”

"Is the Human Federation strong enough to be weakened?" Jackson muttered.

Zhuang Shaowei smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said, "What Leiling Clan fears is not the current human federation, but the future human federation."


"Although there are more than 100,000 civilizations in the Galactic Alliance, none of them has developed faster than us, nor is there a civilization like us. After five brutal wars, not only was it not finished, but developed in the flames of war. Strengthen. We are the biggest beneficiaries of the Fifth Greenwich War, so who can guarantee that when the Sixth Greenwich War ends, we will not be the biggest vested interests?"

When Zhuang Shaowei said so, everyone was silent, and this was the key.