
Chapter 268: Union Parliament


The Alliance Council is the highest authority of the Galactic Alliance, and the parliament venue located in the center of the Alliance Star is also magnificent.

Rumor has it that this huge venue capable of accommodating millions of people was built by the founders of the Galactic Alliance, the first emperors of the Lei Ling, Hidden Spirit, and Star Weavers. The entire venue is surrounded by a powerful energy barrier. Anyone who enters the venue will be suppressed, unable to use their original energy, that is, they lose all their combat power and cannot use force in the venue. This powerful energy barrier also has the ability to protect itself. After being attacked by an external attack, it will automatically isolate itself from the external space and become a space debris, protecting the people in the venue from harm. If you encounter an irresistible attack, the original energy that forms the energy barrier will explode. Although this will kill everyone in the venue and even destroy the Alliance Star, it will also prevent the enemy from obtaining the top secrets of the Galactic Alliance.

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked in a low voice when he noticed Yang Yi frowned.

Yang Yi glanced around, then shook his head, indicating that there was nothing wrong.

Lin Feng was very puzzled, but she had already arrived outside the venue, and there were many representatives of other civilizations queuing nearby. She was about to enter the venue, so she didn't ask much.

According to regulations, no matter who they are, they must undergo a security check before entering the venue.

Although the energy barrier that protects the venue has a strong suppression ability, so that people entering the venue cannot use the original energy, the energy barrier cannot suppress non-primitive weapons. If someone brings some powerful weapons into the venue, such as an anti-matter bomb, it can also kill the people in the venue.

Responsible for security is the garrison of the Alliance Star.

This unit does not belong to any civilization, and directly subordinates to the Alliance Star Military and Political Management Committee, and this committee does not belong to any civilization.

Legend has it that after the establishment of the Galactic Alliance, the Lei Ling, Hidden Spirit and Star Weavers almost broke out in a civil war over the management of the Alliance Star. Quite simply, the three top civilizations all believe that if they are controlled by other civilizations, they will lose their influence on the alliance. For the Galactic Alliance, which has just arrived in the Southern Alpha Galaxy and has not yet established a foothold, if a civil war breaks out at this time, the consequences will be unimaginable. You know, in the early days of the establishment of the Galactic Alliance, the indigenous civilization of the Southern Alpha Galaxy was still very powerful. In order to avoid civil war due to differences in power, the three founders of the Galactic Alliance reached an agreement to form a special organization to manage the Alliance Stars.

Of course, this institution has to be mastered by three top civilizations.

At the beginning, the Alliance Star Military and Political Management Committee had only three members, namely, the Lei Ling tribe, the hidden spirit tribe, and the Star Weaver tribe each sent one elder to serve as a committee member. Any matter related to the alliance star was negotiated and decided by the three elders. Others Civilization can only obey unconditionally.

After the end of the First Greenwich War, this situation changed.

The main thing is that the Lei Ling, Hidden Spirit and Star Weavers are no longer dominant, and the status of the other four top civilizations has been recognized and affirmed.

In order to avoid the fall of power, the Lei Ling, the Hidden Spirit and the Star Weaver are opening up the management committees to the other four top civilizations, namely the Bingyu, Kunyang, Extreme Realm, and Wild Orcs, while expanding the committee’s scale. The four newly promoted top civilizations each received a seat, while the original three top civilizations added one seat. In addition, a separate chairperson seat was established, with the elders of the Lei Ling, the Hidden Spirit and the Star Weaver taking turns. Serve. In other words, the number of seats on the management committee is increased to eleven, and any major resolution requires the support of a majority, that is, the support of the six elders. Obviously, the power of the management committee is still in the hands of the three top civilizations, but any two top civilizations together cannot pass any resolutions. At least three top civilizations are needed.

Since then, after several Greenwich Wars, the scale of the committee has continued to expand, and more and more advanced civilizations have gained the power to manage the Alliance Stars. Only one thing has not changed, that is, in the committee, the seven top civilizations occupy the majority of seats, and any major matter needs the support of the seven top civilizations to pass the committee and become the official decree of the alliance star.

Of course, the Military and Political Committee is only responsible for managing and maintaining the order of the Alliance Stars, and has no other privileges.

For the Military and Political Committee, the main force to maintain the order of the Alliance Stars is the garrison force.

The scale of the Alliance Star Guard Force is not large, but its strength should not be underestimated. To put it more straightforwardly, any officer or soldier of the garrison has a combat strength of no less than tenth rank, and an officer's combat strength is even higher than that of a Renkui soldier. Any officer or soldier can dominate one side.

Not to mention low-level civilizations such as the Human Federation, even high-level civilizations dare not make trouble on the hidden spirit star.

You know, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the alliance, no matter who it is, as long as he commits a crime on the alliance star, even if he escapes the alliance star by chance, as long as he is wanted and hunted down by the security forces, all civilizations in the alliance must unconditionally assist and cooperate. The security forces arrested the fugitive. If you refuse to cooperate, or harbour a beg, it is tantamount to betrayal, that is, the alliance's public enemy, and is hit by the alliance with all its strength.

Of course, for thousands of years, no civilization has dared to challenge the Alliance Star Guard troops.

If it is just to maintain order, the garrison force is clearly at ease.

After waiting for a long time, Yang Yi and the others were discussed.

The security officers and soldiers in charge of the inspection paid special attention to Yang Yi, and they checked again, as if they felt that Yang Yi was different from the others.

It is true that Yang Yi is different from the others.

Of course, Yang Yi upholds a low-key principle.

Not to mention that Yang Yi is just a small soldier in the Human Federation, even if it is the existence of Zhan Ruilin's level, it is not a powerful role on the Alliance Star.

On the way here, Yang Yi discovered many powerful existences with strengths above the Earth Soul Warriors.

In fact, looking at the entire galaxy alliance, the existence of this level of Earth Soul Warrior is not at all powerful. The reason why Zhan Ruilin has a transcendent status is not because of his personal combat power, but because of the army he commanded and his outstanding contributions in the Fifth Greenwich War.

It can be said that in some advanced civilizations, the existence of the Earth Soul Warrior level is not unusual at all.

On Alliance Stars, even if there are not one million, there are at least hundreds of thousands of Earth Soul Warriors, and many of them are envoys of advanced civilizations.

Fortunately, Yang Yi's team is not shabby.

Don't forget, Lin Feng is already an Earth Soul Warrior. Although he had not obtained the corresponding combat skills and was temporarily unable to fully display the combat power of the Earth Soul Warriors, Lin Feng had already mastered the SS-level original energy converter, so he felt like a genuine Earth Soul Warrior.

When passing the inspection, the guard soldier also paid special attention to Lin Feng.

As for Shen Chengwen and Jackson, they were not taken seriously.

Obviously, on Alliance Stars, the existence of Renkui fighters is not worth mentioning.

The guard warriors paid special attention to Yang Yi, not to say how high Yang Yi's combat power was, but that Yang Yi possessed a sacred tool from the Hidden Spirit Race.

For these outstanding security fighters, seeing Yang Yi's secrets is not a problem at all.

Obviously, Yang Yi does not need to introduce himself.


Hearing Lin Feng's reminder, Yang Yi followed Lin Feng's gaze and looked over.

"It's a representative of the Leiling clan, it's best not to provoke them." Zhuang Shaowei reminded him next to him.

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment and looked at Zhuang Shaowei.

"The elder is the Lei Ling Clan's ambassador to the Alliance Star, and is also the Lei Ling Clan's plenipotentiary representative." Zhuang Shaowei paused for a while, then said, "The young man behind him is the prince of the Lei Ling Clan. I heard He made a special trip to Alliance Star to participate in the plenary meeting of the Alliance Council."


Zhuang Shaowei nodded and said, "Prince Toman."

Yang Yi was taken aback again, and then couldn't help but smile wryly.

"It seems that he is here for you." Shen Chengwen said a word next to him, clearly targeting Yang Yi.

Yang Yi didn't say much, but shook his head with a wry smile. Obviously, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Even if Yang Yi has a low-key duty, trouble will find him.

Zhuang Shaowei also laughed bitterly. The cruel words about Yang Yi and Princess Xijia of the Hidden Spirit Race, as well as the cruel words released by Prince Toman of the Leiling Race, have long been spread in the Galactic Alliance, and they are not a secret at all. In addition, the Human Federation had long announced that Yang Yi had gone to the Alliance Star to attend the plenary meeting. Obviously, it was not a coincidence that Prince Toman came to the Alliance Star, but a purposeful one, and he came to Yang Yi.

Thinking of Prince Toman, Yang Yi felt uncomfortable.

In fact, Yang Yi has never thought of a better relationship with Amy. He has always regarded Amy as a friend, at best he can be regarded as a confidant. Unexpectedly, when a prince of the Lei Ling clan was killed halfway, Yang Yi felt that he was very innocent, and he even gave out ruthless words to fight him.

"Let's make less trouble."


Looking back at Lin Feng, Yang Yi said with a bitter smile, "Do you think I'm afraid? That guy, the rank of Renkui warrior, if it weren't for the prince, no one would know him. It's just that so many people are staring at him. , There is no need to provoke right and wrong, more is worse than less."

Lin Feng was speechless, but didn't say much.

In fact, when he noticed Prince Toman, Lin Feng discovered that that guy was not as powerful as the rumors, at best was equal to the Renkui fighters. Although Yang Yi is only an eighth-level soldier, with the sacred artifacts of the Hidden Spirit Race and his unique special physique, he can deal with Renkui soldiers. It's just that Yang Yi is right, it's not the time to cause trouble, and there will never be a good end to trouble in the Alliance Star.

Soon, Yang Yi and his party passed the security inspection.

When entering the venue, Yang Yi slowed down, to be precise, Zhuang Shaowei controlled the speed of the aerostat. Although it is not here to visit and travel, Yang Yi feels that it is necessary to experience this sacred place, and there is no need to hurry.