
Chapter 27: meet by chance


Although he vowed to smash the body of the person who framed him, Yang Yi was not controlled by hatred.

Who is Du Wantu? The commander-in-chief of the Third Fleet is under one person and over ten thousand people in the third theater. Yang Yi is just an anonymous soldier. Even if he joins the special reconnaissance brigade and is promoted to a second lieutenant officer, he is only a dusty existence in front of Du Wantu.

To avenge this revenge requires not only strength, but also patience!

Du Wantu, ah, Du Wantu, even let you personally take action against me, this little soldier, you look down on me too much. Even if you are the commander of the Third Fleet, sooner or later, I will step on you, let you taste the taste of exile, let you understand the pain of being manipulated!

A cold feeling came from his hand, and Yang Yi looked down and found that Lin Feng was holding his hand.

"Captain..." Yang Yi calmed down and retracted his hand. Although it was cold, Lin Feng's hands were soft, as soft as boneless, and smooth.

It turns out that a woman's hands are so delicate. Yang Yi couldn't help laughing.

This is the first time he held a woman's hand. He used to fight with Zhong Lili in the field team. Although he often used hands and feet, he had never done such an intimate act.

"Don't think too much, it's useless to think about it. You have joined the special investigation team, you are a member of the special investigation team, and I will never let you be wronged." Lin Feng was just comforting Yang Yi. He didn't pay attention to Yang Yi's expression, let alone guess Yang Yi's thoughts.

When Lin Feng said so, Yang Yi immediately stared at her.

This should be the man who said it to the woman, how come it's the other way around, on the contrary, the man needs the protection of a woman

"I also believe that sooner or later, you will use your strength to seek justice for yourself. You have this potential. I think people have always been very accurate."

"Thank you, captain for your encouragement." Yang Yi put a smile away and said solemnly.

Lin Feng nodded. "It's not only me who can value you, but also Princess Signia. Adult hidden spirits have many superpowers that we can't understand. Princess Signia treats you as a friend and gives you the'source of life' to show you There is something extraordinary about him."

Yang Yi looked at Lin Feng in surprise, thinking that Lin Feng was making him happy.

In fact, Lin Feng's remarks were more for himself.

It is undeniable that Yang Yi has many shortcomings, such as being open-minded, straight eyes when he sees beautiful women, and he likes to take advantage of him. He also has a lot of advantages, other Lin Feng can't say it, a cheerful personality, a straightforward personality, and a strong affection and righteousness are enough. Perhaps it was this kind of advantage that made Princess Sijia admire him and gave him the "source of life" that symbolized his identity and status.

It's just that this kid is too dull.

Lin Feng couldn't help but looked at Yang Yi carefully. It was true. This stunned young man certainly didn't know that Princess Xijia had secretly expressed her heart to him.

"Captain, why are you staring at me?"

"Who is staring at you?" Lin Feng suddenly recovered, blushing and turning his head away.

"Just stare, if you think I'm handsome, look at me more, I don't have any problems. It is common for a handsome guy like me to be taken advantage of by beautiful women."

"you wanna die!"

Lin Feng kicked, but Yang Yi got up and jumped away.

At this time, a red light was lit in the cabin and an alarm sounded.

"Allen!?" Lin Feng glared at Yang Yi fiercely, meaning that he would settle accounts with you later.

"Colonel, has reached the vicinity of celestial body No. 4447828 and found an unknown spacecraft."

Allen did not appear, what was projected was the scene outside the spacecraft.

The celestial body No. 4447828 is not far away. There is a huge spacecraft above the celestial body, and it is this spacecraft that triggered the alarm.

"Enlarge the image to find out the origin of the spacecraft."

"It has been checked. This is a modified spacecraft. It has not been filed with the federal authorities or the military. It is suspected to be a pirate ship."

At this time, the image of the spacecraft has been enlarged.

"The bow, that mark, magnify ten times."

As the image zoomed in, Lin Feng frowned.

It is a black flag with a red skull and two crossed leg bones. It is a typical symbol of pirate ships in ancient times.


"Black Flag Pirate Legion." Lin Fengchang exhaled and said, "One of the top ten pirate legions, mainly active in the Greenwich meteorite belt, is headquartered on an asteroid, and the ten leaders, including the commander Roger, are all in the Federation. On the wanted list, Rogge is also on the league’s wanted list, ranking 487th."

"Why are they here?"

"Luo Family."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Rogge is from the Luo family?"

"Of course not. No matter how arrogant Luo Zhenyu is, he won't let his family members be pirates." Lin Feng glanced at Yang Yi, "Rogge is a Saxon and was an interstellar mercenary before he became a pirate. The Black Flag Pirate Legion is notorious. The crimes committed are countless. The Federal Army and the Theater Command have repeatedly launched clean-up operations, but they have not been able to achieve their full success. Therefore, we suspect that the Black Flag Pirate Legion has been secretly supported by a certain strength of the military. Only before that. The number one suspect was Du Wantu, but Luo Zhenyu unexpectedly. But this also explained a lot of doubts. The main force involved in the encirclement and suppression operations before was the security force, so Roger was allowed to escape."

"What should we do now?"

"Certainly watch the changes." Lin Fengchang exhaled. "Alan, is there an image of the other side of the celestial body?"

"Hold on."

Not long after, a projection screen appeared in front of the two of them.

"Shadow" launched a hundred small detectors, because it uses quantum communication, so there is no need to worry about being discovered by pirate ships.

The pirates have landed on the celestial bodies, and there are still a lot of people.

"To zoom in on that tiankeng, we need a picture of the inside of the tiankeng."

"Colonel, the sinkhole is directly below the enemy ship. If the detector is brought close to take pictures, it may be spotted by the enemy ship."

Lin Feng's brows jumped a few times and said, "That's it. Can you describe the internal structure of the celestial body?"

"Not for the time being, but it can intercept the communication between the landing crew and the enemy ship."

"Okay, display the intercepted information in real time. In addition, perform a voiceprint recognition program to confirm the identity of the enemy. Roger is the number one target."

"Understand, deal with it now."

"Rogge will be here?" Yang Yi asked.

Lin Feng nodded, and said: "This matter is related to the'Frost Ice and Snow Tiger'. No loss is tolerated. Roger will definitely go out in person."

"If the Frost and Snow Tiger is in the celestial body, we..."

"Be patient." Lin Feng said with a cold smile, "Even so, they have to get the'Hanbingxuehu' out of the celestial body."

"The oriole is behind?"

Lin Feng nodded and pointed to the pirate ship. "This pirate ship is comparable to an A-class battleship. It can carry up to a thousand space fighters. It has very strong firepower. It may be on top of the A-class battleship. Wait, I will pilot the'Agni Phoenix' to turn away. The enemy plane attracts the enemy's attention. You have to take this opportunity to take the "Ice Tiger", or sneak into the enemy ship to catch Roger."

"Captain, I am not a driver."

"Don't worry, I can use the Fire Phoenix to remotely control the Cold Ice Snow Tiger, and the big deal is to drag the Cold Ice Snow Tiger back." Lin Feng glanced at Yang Yi, and said, "It's just, Cold Ice Snow Tiger. The number may not be here, so we have to ask Rogge to make it clear."

"Okay, I know what to do."

"Don't underestimate the enemy, Roger's strength will not be much worse than mine, far above you. I will get rid of the pirate army as soon as possible, and then rush to help you."

"So, all I have to do is find Rogge, and then drag him to wait for you to arrive?"

Lin Feng nodded, indicating that it was what he meant. "Okay, go get ready.'Red Phoenix Battle Armor' can increase your combat power by hundreds of times, even if you can't beat Roger, it can make you hold on for a while. Remember, delay time is the main reason. Don't Fight hard with Roger."

"Thank you, Captain for your concern."

"I don't care about you, but I have to keep Roger alive. The dead will not explain anything."

"You..." Yang Yi gritted his teeth and decided not to care about this little girl.

"Of course, you can't die. Before you find the'Hanbingxuehu' and honor your promise, you have to live well for me, and you can't lose a single vellus hair."

"Yes, please rest assured, Captain."

She still cares about me. It seems that my brother does have a feminine affinity, and he is very attractive everywhere. Yang Yi couldn't help being proud.

Proudly returning, Yang Yi went and brought the box containing the God of War's weapons.

At first, when Lin Feng said that, Yang Yi knew that this set of God of War weapons was called "Chifeng Armor", and by looking at the name, he knew it was Lin Feng's private possession.


"Alan, did you find out?"

"A suspicious target was found, which coincided with Rogge's 87%."

"Where?" Lin Fengchao, who was playing with the Chifeng Armor, nodded and asked him to get ready.

"The position of the suspicious target on the enemy ship has been marked with a red dot."

On the image, a red light spot appeared on the bridge of the pirate ship's head.

"Get ready for the "Fire Phoenix", analyze the tactics that the enemy may take after the exchange of fire, and plan a safe route to the enemy ship's bridge."


"Is there a problem?" Lin Feng got up, ready to go to the hangar where the "Fire Phoenix" was parked.

"The target's voiceprints are too low. It is recommended to use other methods to verify the target's identity."

"There is no time, and there is no other way to verify the identity of the target." Lin Feng rejected Allen's suggestion.

"Colonel, with the current situation, the probability of successfully arresting the target is less than 10%."

"I know, take action."

"Captain, look!"

Yang Yi suddenly yelled, and Lin Feng stopped and looked at the projection screen.

Dense cracks appeared on the surface of the celestial body, and a huge red earthworm rushed out of the sinkhole. The pirates on the ground are flying around like headless flies, and some of them have left the celestial body with individual aircraft. It's just that most pirates are not so lucky, some fell into the cracks, and some were swallowed by giant earthworms. Above the celestial body, the pirate ship began to fire on the giant earthworm.