
Chapter 28: Go deep into the celestial body


The silicon beast that suddenly appeared, killed those pirates by surprise. Although the pirate ship immediately opened fire on the silicon beast, the distant water could not save the near fire. Suddenly, the pirates who landed on the celestial body died, wounded, and fled. Several pirates managed to escape from the giant mouth of the silicon beast, but were hit by the gunfire of the pirate ship. The celestial body was in a mess, no one noticed, a small transparent spacecraft had quietly approached.

"Captain, it's now."

"Received, open the cabin in five seconds. Yang Yi..."

"I'm here."

"Be careful, don't do it recklessly."

"Don't worry, I will be lucky, and there will be nothing wrong."

The bottom hatch of the "Dark Shadow" opened, and Yang Yi immediately jumped out.

The gravitational field of the celestial body is very weak, and the falling speed is very slow. In order not to be discovered by the pirates, Yang Yi chose the landing site on the backlit side of the celestial body, dozens of kilometers away from the sinkhole where the pirates gather. For Yang Yi, who put on the "Red Phoenix Armor", this distance is not too far.

Jumping out of the cabin, Yang Yi activated the attachment of the Chifeng Armor, a pair of multifunctional flying wings.

The Red Phoenix Battle Armor is a standard four-piece War God weapon. The weapon is called the "flaming sword", the armor is called "burning feather shirt", the helmet is called "eagle eyes", and the accessories are called "phantom wings". Weapons, armors, and helmets are not significantly different from other Ares weapons. The focus is on "Phantom Wings." This is a pair of multi-functional flying wings, the essence of the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Armor, and the key to the difference between the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Armor and other war gods.

The phantom wings are attached to the burning feather shirt, and their basic function is the ability to fly. On the ground, the phantom wings shrink to the wearer's back and lower limbs and transform into an exoskeleton assist system, allowing the wearer to run faster, jump farther, and increase weight. The most peculiar thing is that the phantom wings spread out, and when attached to the wearer, it becomes a camouflage suit that changes with the environment, producing an excellent camouflage effect.

After falling for a kilometer, Yang Yi activated the propulsion system of the Chifeng Armor.

Phantom wings can only provide flight capabilities in the atmosphere, and on small celestial bodies without an atmosphere, they have to rely on the jet propulsion system on the burning feather jacket.

On the celestial bodies, there are already more than one giant earthworm that has washed up on the ground, but countless.

It is the "earth dragon", a wild silicon beast that exists to dig animal dens and guard cubs. In the past few Greenwich Wars, the Silicon Magic Alliance frequently used domesticated earth dragons to attack the military bases built by the Human Federation on celestial bodies, causing extremely heavy losses.

Earth dragons do not have wisdom, they act entirely by instinct, and will indiscriminately attack all creatures near the beast den.

Without air obstruction, Yang Yi's flying speed is amazing. It took less than half a minute to fly dozens of kilometers to the sinkhole under the pirate ship.

The pirates gathered here, except for a few lucky ones who escaped, all got into the belly of the earth dragon. Under the fierce fire from the pirate ship, the earth dragon retracted into the ground. The surface is full of holes drilled by earth dragons, cobweb-like cracks, and hot magma.

"Yang Yi, be careful, a large group of pirates are above you, preparing to land on the celestial body."

"I see, I will go in now and wait for my news." Yang Yi glanced back and then controlled the Chifeng Armor to fly towards the Tiankeng.

"Be careful." Lin Feng exhorted again.

He rushed into the tiankeng, and suddenly it was completely dark in front of him. Yang Yi immediately activated the visual enhancement function of the falcon's eyes, and the surrounding area suddenly became bright.

The earth dragon has retreated into the celestial body and appears to have been seriously injured under the bombardment of the pirate ship.

Flying down several hundred meters, Yang Yi noticed that there were many holes around, and the size was about the same as the body of the earth dragon, and some holes still had magma, that is, the blood of the earth dragon.


"I'm here."

"Did you see it?" Yang Yi paused for a while. There is a camera on the "Eagle Eye", so Lin Feng can see the scene in front of Yang Yi. "The earth dragon guarding this beast den must be huge. I'm afraid it has been here for a long time. It's almost at the bottom of the pit, help me find a shortcut."

"Wait a minute, Allen is analyzing."

"Better hurry up. Those damn pirates have entered the sinkhole and will soon find me."

"Don't worry, it's useless to worry."

Yang Yi stopped. He was less than a hundred meters from the bottom of the sinkhole. The pirates who had come off the pirate ship had entered the sinkhole, a few hundred meters above his head.

Fortunately, these pirates are very cautious, and the downward speed is not very fast.

"Yang Yi?"

"I'm here."

"At three o'clock, counting the fourth hole from bottom to top, do you see it?"

Yang Yi looked to the right. "See, the hole where the magma has solidified?"

"Yes, that's it. According to the results of Allen's analysis, that hole is a shortcut to enter the tiankeng, but it is impossible to make an assessment of the potential risks. Be careful."


How dare Yang Yi hesitate, the pirate who was exploring the road ahead was less than two hundred meters away from him. Although the camouflage effect of the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Armor is excellent, it cannot achieve visual invisibility like the "magic cloak", but it blends into the background and can still be seen by close observation.

Drilling into the hole, Yang Yi fell to the ground.

Walking on the ground, the camouflage effect of the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Armor is more ideal.

"Yang Yi?" Lin Feng's voice came through his ears again.

"I'm here."

"The pirate entered a hole above. Allen is trying to map the internal structure of the celestial body, but it will take some time."

"Alright, contact me again."

"One hundred and twenty pirates who came down from the pirate ship were very powerful, more than half of them reached the level of combat soldiers, and the leader was a level eight combat soldier.

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "So, you have to pray for me so that I don't touch them, or I will die."

"It's not too late for you to return now."

"Captain, why do you think those pirates have to go deep into the celestial body? Knowing that the celestial body is a beast den, and the earth dragon guarding the beast den is still alive, did they have their heads in the water, or they suddenly repented and wanted to live in a limited life? Do something meaningful?" Yang Yi smiled coldly, and then said, "Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I lean towards the tiger mountains. It only means that there are things they are looking for in the celestial bodies, and they are what we are looking for."

"I understand, it's just too dangerous."

"If you can't beat me, I will escape. Then, don't push me down."

"Who do you think of me? No matter how great the danger, I will not leave alone. Even if we die, we will die together."

"Captain, you mean..."

"Turn left ahead, look good on the road, don't think about it."

Yang Yi laughed and stopped joking with Lin Feng.

The hole is large, more than ten meters in diameter, more than enough for one person to pass through. Under Lin Feng's guidance, Yang Yi walked forward for more than ten minutes without any risk. Maybe it was his luck. Apart from encountering a few pieces of ground dragon's skin and flesh, he had no other encounters along the way.

"Yang Yi?"

"I'm here."

"The internal structure of the celestial body has been drawn, but it is incomplete and has no core parts."


Lin Fengchang exhaled and said, "According to Allen’s analysis, there is a very strong field in the center of the celestial body, which shields all foreign objects including neutrinos, so the neutrino scanner cannot be used to detect the core of the celestial body. Along the current passage, you will reach the core of the celestial body about five hundred meters further forward. Once you enter the core of the celestial body, communication will be interrupted. It is not too late for you to return.

"Go forward five hundred meters?"


Yang Yi glanced forward and said, "Where are the pirates?"

"Above you, there is about a kilometer from the core area of the celestial body. They also slowed down their forward speed and probably discovered a strong field in the core area of the celestial body."

"No return?"

"Not yet."

"If they return, please tell me." Yang Yichang exhaled and said, "Also, be prepared to respond. I don't want to bury these bastards on the island."

"Yang Yi..."

"Captain, I have already decided."

"Actually, you don't have to work so hard." Lin Feng's voice trembled a little. "Even if the'Hanbingxuehu' is here and found by those pirates, the worst result is only to sacrifice my own happiness. In any case, the return of the'Hanbingxuehu' will be great for the Third Theater and the Federation forces It’s good. I’m too selfish. If you have two shortcomings because of this, I will never forgive myself in this life."

"Captain, are you sure those pirates are from the Luo family?"

"them… "

"If they are not, are you planning to marry a pirate, such as Roger?" Yang Yi laughed and said, "That's true, even if you return to the base alive, you will be scolded alive by the brothers of the brigade, Guo and Lao Luo might cut me off. To tell the truth, I would rather fight the earth dragons and pirates than be looked down upon by my brothers, and I don’t want the special investigative team to be ashamed of it."

Lin Feng was silent, not knowing what to say.

"You also said that the return of the Frost and Snow Tiger can improve the combat effectiveness of the third theater. Soldiers are born for honor, so we must not let the Frost and Snow Tiger fall into the hands of the pirates and be used by the pirates for evil. Captain, if I were you, I would now enter the "Fire Phoenix"."

"Understood, I will start the'Fire Phoenix' immediately, and wait for your news." Lin Feng calmed down.

"I'm almost there, the communication is temporarily terminated, waiting for my news."

"Yang Yi..."

"Any thing else?"

"You must live well. If you have a long and short life, I will drive the "Fire Phoenix" to crash the celestial body and come down to be with you.

"Stupid. A good person like me will definitely go to heaven after death. You are not sure. Even if you don't go to hell, you can't go to heaven. Can you be with me?"

"you… "

"That's it, the call is over."

"Yang Yi..."

All that came from the headset was a rustle of electric current, and Yang Yi had already turned off the communication equipment.

Two lines of tears poured out from the eyes. Although Yang Yi's words were ugly, but they were full of care. Lin Feng knew that Yang Yi cared about her, and she was not allowed to do stupid things.

After sitting for a while, Lin Feng wiped off the tears on his face and went to the hangar where the "Fire Phoenix" was parked.