
Chapter 282: Borderlands


The central region is the densest and most resource-rich place in the Southern Alpha Galaxy. In this region that only accounts for one-tenth of the southern Alpha galaxy, there are one-third of the southern Alpha galaxy and the central black hole that maintains the stable existence of the southern Alpha galaxy.

In fact, the entire Southern Alpha galaxy revolves around the central black hole with a period of about one billion years.

According to the natural evolution of the star system, about 12 billion years later, all stars in the Southern Alpha Galaxy will fall into the central black hole.

Of course, I didn't care about what happened 12 billion years later.

Here, the stars are very dense, and the distance between two adjacent star systems rarely exceeds five light-years, mostly between one light-year and three light-years. Because they are too close and the mutual influence is too strong, many stars have a lifespan of less than one billion years. It's just that for any intelligent civilization, one billion years is a very long time. You know, it took only five thousand years for the Galactic Alliance to come to the Southern Alpha Galaxy.

It is precisely because of the large number of stars and planets orbiting the stars that the central region has the most abundant resources in the entire Southern Alpha Galaxy. If you don't consider things a billion years later, this is also the most suitable place for the survival and development of intelligent civilization.

Of course, not all star systems are suitable for intelligent civilization to settle.

After five thousand years of development, the planets with rich resources and suitable environments in the central region have long been occupied by seven top civilizations. Even those planets with less resources and unsuitable environments have been occupied by later advanced civilizations. . Under predatory development, many planets have been abandoned due to exhaustion of resources or destruction of the environment, and have become unowned and unmanaged land.

There are countless such planets on the route from Alliance Star to Hidden Spirit Star.

The distance of 1,500 light-years is not too close. In the range of ten light-years on both sides of this route, there are nearly 10,000 star systems, large and small.

EJ77984 is one of them.

Because there are too many star systems to name every star, most star systems have only one official number. Only those star systems with settlers and development value will be named, and such star systems are only a handful of them.

Of course, those star systems that have been abandoned due to depletion of resources will also be forgotten, and what remains is the official number.

This is the case with the EJ77984 star system.

Five thousand years ago, before the Galactic Alliance came to the Southern Alpha Galaxy, this was the home of an industrialized indigenous civilization. Although this indigenous civilization has resisted desperately, the industrialized military force is simply not enough to resist the powerful galactic alliance. After the aboriginal civilization was destroyed, the hidden spirits occupied the star system and exploited the resources in the star system.

When it came to the Southern Alpha Galaxy, even the top civilization faced a shortage of resources. After occupying this star system, the Hidden Spirit Race did not make a long-term plan, but hoped to use the exploited resources to rapidly develop and grow and use it to wipe out the indigenous civilizations in other places. As a result, under the frenzied exploitation of the Hidden Spirit Race, the resources in this star system quickly depleted and quickly lost value.

Since then, the first Greenwich War broke out.

In order to defeat the powerful Silicon Charm Alliance, all the civilizations of the Galactic Alliance, including the Hidden Spirit Race, have tried their best, and the Hidden Spirit Race as the top civilization has played a mainstay role. That is, during the First Greenwich War, this star system was abandoned by the Hidden Spirits due to exhaustion of resources.

For thousands of years thereafter, it was a land of no owner.

Although in the Fifth Greenwich War, the Hidden Spirits once planned to donate the EJ77984 star system to other civilizations in exchange for the resources needed to expand their military power. After the rapid fall of the North Fourth District, the Hidden Spirits also considered setting up refugee camps here to accommodate the orphans of civilizations that were destroyed by the Simei army. As the Human Federation blocked the advancement of the Silicon Charm army on the Beacon Star, all these ideas were in vain. In the eyes of the Hidden Spirits, even an abandoned star system, because of its unique location, is of high value. As for the orphans of low-level civilizations that have suffered annihilation, they are not valued by the Hidden Spirits at all, and receiving refugees has to shoulder the responsibility of rebuilding them.

In other words, for more than four thousand years after the First Greenwich War, the EJ77984 star system was not settled.

Of course, it does not mean that there is no one here.

According to Jackson, more than a hundred years ago, when he was escorting a local tyrant to the Enlightened Star, he had been to this star system and met a group of pirates here. Because the stay was not very long, Jackson did not know the situation of these pirates. He only knew that there was a temporary base here, which mainly provided supplies for the pirates in the way, and some pirates traded in barter here.

If this temporary base is still there, there must be pirates coming in and going out, and the spaceship will be able to be found.

Jackson said very clearly, don't hold out too much hope. The EJ77984 star system is within the jurisdiction of the Hidden Spirits, and warships of the Hidden Spirits are often visited. Not to mention pirates, even other civilized legions dare not provoke the warships of the Hidden Spirit Race, let alone fight against the Hidden Spirit Race.

Just like this, what is set here is just a temporary base, and the pirates here only stay for a short time. As for the guys who run this temporary base, they are ready to escape at any time. It can be said that as long as there is a little bit of trouble, they will run away.

Of course, this is why Yang Yi insisted on going to the EJ77984 star system.

It's very simple. If those guys want to escape, they must need a spacecraft, and it must be good enough, at least a spacecraft that can fly fast enough.

Obviously, this is exactly what Yang Yi they need now.

After flying out of the jumping channel, the "Shadow" began to slow down.

Now, the "Shadow" is a small pirate ship, Yang Yi and the others are pirates, and the experienced Jackson has become the leader of the pirates.

In the entire southern Alpha galaxy, there are many pirates like this with only one pirate ship and dozens of members.

According to Jackson's arrangement, they came here for three purposes, one is to supplement supplies, the other is to sell goods, and the third is to obtain information. In fact, most of the smaller pirate regiments will go to a certain base only under such circumstances, and they usually sail in space. It is not wrong to say that they are wandering. The reason is simple, the small pirate army is not capable enough, if it stays in a certain place for a long time, it is easy to be targeted by others. Although pirates have unwritten rules and seldom kill each other, driven by profit, it is not uncommon for black people to eat black people. All pirates know that if you don't have enough strength, don't swagger through the market. If you are targeted by other people, it may be a disaster.

In order to avoid being noticed, the "Shadow" did not directly enter the EJ77984 star system.

Soon, the "Shadow" came to the periphery of the star system. In front of it was a meteorite belt consisting of billions of meteorites around the star.

The EJ77984 star system originally had two solid planets, but five thousand years ago, when it was attacked by the Galactic Alliance, the indigenous civilization blew up the outer planet in an attempt to deal with the invading enemy. The meteorite belt in front of the "Shadow" is the product of this planet's collapse.

"Wait, unless you are attacked, don't act rashly." Jackson told Yang Yi and others.

Yang Yi nodded, expressing that he understood what Jackson meant.

The temporary base is located on the planet behind the meteorite belt. If it is still there, the pirates operating here will deploy patrol ships in the meteorite belt.

In fact, the meteorite belt is a natural line of defense.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this meteorite belt that the pirates chose the EJ77984 star system and established a temporary base here. As long as some detectors are deployed in the meteorite belt, the pirates in the temporary base can escape in time even if they are attacked by the warships of the Hidden Spirit Race. Without this meteorite belt, I am afraid that it would be discovered by the pirates in the temporary base after the warships of the Hidden Spirit race appeared in the orbit of the planet.

Under Jackson's control, the "Shadow" got into the meteorite belt.

In fact, the meteorite belt is not crowded. Although billions of meteorites were formed after the planet collapsed, the space surrounding the star is huge enough. These meteorites are not crowded together, but scattered scattered, the distance between large meteorites is more than a thousand kilometers.

Of course, in the vast universe, this can be regarded as very dense.

Although these meteorites cannot prevent the passage of warships, they can pose a threat to warships, so that warships cannot open space channels here, nor can they directly enter the meteorite belt through space channels. In addition, the large number of meteorites that are still moving at high speeds produce spatial fluctuations, and the distance between the meteorite belt and the star is not very far, so there is a great risk of opening a space channel inside the meteorite belt.

That's why even the warships of the Hidden Spirit Race can only pass through the meteorite belt in a normal way.

Under Jackson's control, the "Shadow" flew slowly.

Of course, this is only relatively speaking, the speed of the "Shadow" is still as high as hundreds of kilometers per second. Decrease speed, not because you are afraid of hitting a meteorite, but because you don't want to cause misunderstanding. If the temporary base is still there, and the pirates there are closely monitoring the "Shadow" entering the meteorite belt, then the rapid flight may be regarded as a manifestation of malice. Flying slowly can at least show that there is no malice.

At the same time, the detector on the "Shadow" is also closely monitoring the surroundings, and the captured images are displayed in the cockpit.

"what is that?"

"A spaceship." Justin answered Lin Feng's question. "Don't worry, it's a scrapped spacecraft. I'm afraid it has been docked there for thousands of years."

Lin Feng exhaled and calmed down.

Indeed, the spacecraft that was docked next to the meteorite about a thousand kilometers away was very old. There was a huge hole in the hull, and there was no energy fluctuations and no signs of life. In addition, the style of the spacecraft is very old, which is obviously different from the current spacecraft.

However, there is more than one spaceship near the "Shadow".