
Chapter 29: The trapped beast is still fighting


This is a huge cave, almost ten kilometers in diameter. Because it is in the center of the celestial body, the gravity intensity in the cave is zero. The earth dragon occupies the center of the cave, suspended in the air. The bulging body is like an oversized balloon, and the giant earthworms that rush out of the ground are just the tentacles of the earth dragon. The body structure of the earth dragon is very similar to that of an octopus, and it is also a bit like a jellyfish. It is a low-level mollusk silicon-based animal.

Yang Yi did not rush into the cave, but hid near the exit of the passage, carefully observing the behemoth.

Although it is a low-level silicon beast, the earth dragon is the largest silicon beast Yang Yi has ever seen and heard of. The earth dragon in front of me must have a volume of more than one million cubic meters and a tonnage of millions of tons, which is equivalent to an A-class warship. Only large warships equipped with heavy firepower can pose a threat to it, and ordinary space fighters certainly cannot do anything about it. Perhaps even legendary fighters such as the "Agni Phoenix" can only sigh.

Fortunately, Earth Dragon has no brain and has a pitifully low IQ.

Yang Yi lay motionless on the ground, his body covered with phantom wings, whether he looked with his eyes or sniffed, he looked like a rock.

In fact, Earth Dragon does not have eyes, nose and ears. Its only sense is the "sixth sense". Each of its tentacles has a unique organ that can detect weak electromagnetic fields. Because any creature has a bioelectric field, it will be discovered by the earth dragon when it comes close.

With the protection of phantom wings, Yang Yi does not need to worry.

In addition to providing visual camouflage, in full coverage, the phantom wings can also shield Yang Yi's physiological electric field, so as long as he is lying on the ground and not moving, he will not be discovered by the earth dragon.

It doesn't seem to be right.

After observing for a while, Yang Yi found the problem.

The only value of the earth dragon's existence is to guard the animal den and protect the hatching beast eggs, but there are no beast eggs in this huge cave, none of them! As far as Yang Yi knows, in order to keep the beast eggs at a temperature suitable for incubation, the internal structure of the beast den is often very complicated, a bit like a honeycomb. Obviously, this cave is not much the same as the animal den. It is so empty that it is difficult to keep the temperature within a proper range.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi activated the temperature detector on the eagle's eye, and he was even more surprised when he saw the number displayed.

There is air in the cave, and the temperature is only 30 degrees Celsius.

This is too strange, isn't this a beast den!

You know, the temperature at which silicon beasts hatch will definitely not be lower than two thousand degrees Celsius. If this temperature is not reached, the silicide in the beast eggs will freeze, just like water freezes below the freezing point. In addition, the hatched eggs will release heat, causing the ambient temperature to rise. If there are hatching beast eggs in the cave, the temperature will not be so low, no two thousand degrees Celsius, there are 1,500 degrees Celsius.

Staring at the earth dragon entrenched in the center of the beast den, Yang Yi was suspicious.

If this is not a beast den and there are no hatching beast eggs, why is there an earth dragon, and it looks like an adult earth dragon.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the top of the head.

Those pirates!

Yang Yi resisted curiosity and did not look up.

The pirate was more than a hundred meters above him. If there was a pirate looking down, Yang Yi would be spotted by just moving.

"Don't panic, everyone, the earth dragon is seriously injured and dying."

Someone was yelling, and it sounded like the leader of a pirate.

Is this post really stupid or fake smart? Even if the earth dragon is seriously injured, it can easily crush a human being as small as an ant.

"All acted in accordance with the deployment. The first team was responsible for search and alert, the second team set up the retrograde guns, and the third team was ready for the action. Let me act and move faster."

These pirates even had retrograde guns, which seemed to have come prepared. Yang Yi looked towards Earth Dragon.

The earth dragon was indeed seriously injured, and it seemed to be dying.

The reverse gun is a heavy weapon widely used in the space battlefield. The damage principle is opposite to the original energy converter, which converts internal energy, electromagnetic energy, strong energy and other forms of energy into original energy, and then naturally dissipates it. In space, the power field shield used to deal with battleships is very effective, and it is definitely not a problem to deal with earth dragons. After the internal energy was sucked away, the earth dragon's body temperature suddenly dropped, and it was strange not to die.

Perhaps it had been bombarded by reverse primordial artillery before, and the earth dragon retracted into the celestial body after being injured and stopped attacking the pirates on the ground.

These guys hate it too much, and they used a reverse primordial cannon to deal with an earth dragon.

But, where did the pirates get the reverse gun

Because of the need to use the core of the original energy converter, the reverse original energy gun is a strategic weapon. Not only is it valuable, but it is also strictly controlled. It is purchased and managed by the military department and only provided to the military, and it must be applied by the theater command. , Even if you have money, you can’t buy it.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi turned sideways and looked up.

On a protruding platform obliquely above, dozens of pirates are setting up a small electromagnetic projectile gun, which is the launcher of the reverse original energy gun. An island that looks like a small boss is gesturing under his opponent, and there is a metal box made of special alloy at his feet.

It's a small reverse gun!

There must be ghosts in the military, otherwise it is impossible for pirates to obtain such advanced weapons.

Because of the need to convert energy into primary energy, reverse-type primary energy guns are one of the few weapons that fire cannonballs. The so-called cannonballs are actually the improved primary energy converter core, which absorbs the energy of the target after hitting the target. And convert the absorbed energy into original energy.

The shells are contained in that metal box.

The power of large retrograde guns is amazing. One shell can destroy the strong field shield of a battleship. Some destruction-class super retro cannons can even smash a planet in one shot. Because of its huge size and the astonishing size of the shells used, the large retrograde guns can only be mounted on battleships. After being disassembled, the small reverse gun can be carried by individual soldiers. It is much less powerful, but it can be used in a wider range. For example, it can deal with tanks and mechas in ground combat, and it can also deal with strong fortresses. Because it is easy to carry and is equally destructive, the military has stricter controls on small retrograde guns. They are usually sealed in warehouses and issued to troops only during combat.

It’s not surprising that the pirate ship has a large retrograde gun, but these pirates have a small retrograde gun that is strictly controlled, which is a big problem.

what to do

The pirate moves very fast, and it is not difficult to assemble the electromagnetic projectile gun. In theory, three people can complete it in five minutes.


A violent roar came, and Yang Yi immediately looked back.

The earth dragon came alive, to be precise, it was a dying struggle. Hundreds of thousands of tentacles gush out from the earth dragon body, rushing overwhelmingly towards the pirates gathered near the exit of the passage.

In the face of the earth dragon's attack, no one can calm down.

Pirates are humans, and there are cowards who are afraid of death.

"Don't get together and disperse immediately. As a group of three, focus the fire on the ends of the antennae. The earth dragon is dying, now give it the final blow."

This time, Yang Yi saw the pirate giving orders, wearing a silver-white protective suit.

In an instant, the gunshots were loud.

If the earth dragon is not injured, the electromagnetic guns, radiation guns and other light weapons carried by the pirates are simply decorations, because these weapons produce damage effects by transporting energy, and kinetic energy, electromagnetic energy, radiation and other energy will be transformed into the earth dragon after being applied to the earth dragon. Internal energy is high temperature, and Earth Dragon is not afraid of high temperature. However, this earth dragon was seriously injured, and the flesh and blood that made up the body became rigid because of solidification. Hit by the high-speed projectiles fired by the electromagnetic gun, those tentacles began to disintegrate and split into pieces of different sizes. Under the irradiation of the radiation gun, these fragments melted again and turned into a pool of blood, consuming the last remaining vitality of the earth dragon.

The earth dragon's body shrank sharply, and some necrotic flesh was peeled off from its body.

How is this going

Seeing the energy source in the Earth Dragon, Yang Yi couldn't believe his eyes and thought he had read it wrong, but the data given by Eagle Eye was absolutely correct.

It is indeed an energy source, and what it releases is internal energy.

A large amount of internal energy generates a high temperature zone near the energy source, hundreds of degrees Celsius!

There is only one kind of energy source that can continuously release energy, the primary energy converter.

Earth Dragon is just a low-level silicon beast, how can there be a primitive energy converter in the body

Also, if this energy source is controlled by the earth dragon and is a part of the earth dragon's body, the earth dragon's body temperature will not be lowered, and it will not suffer severe damage.

This energy source does not belong to the earth dragon, but the protection object of the earth dragon!

"Ice Tiger"

It's not right. The "Hanbingxuehu" is a space fighter, similar to the "Anihu Phoenix", but the "Anihu Phoenix" does not have a power converter.

No matter what it is, it must be very important, otherwise the pirates would not be so desperate.

The Earth Dragon was still fighting back desperately, and the pirates who had gathered together began to scatter around under the command of the boss to avoid being too concentrated by the Earth Dragon.

Three pirates ran towards the exit of the passage where Yang Yi was located, but one of them was very unfortunate. It was only tens of meters away and hit by a tentacles. His body was pierced and he couldn't die anymore. The remaining two did not stop. When they ran to the entrance of the cave, the pirate behind slipped and was swept away by a tentacles.


The last pirate picked up the electromagnetic gun and yelled loudly while firing at the leaping tentacles.

This guy must have been scared, and yelled to embolden himself.

The pirates all around were concentrating on dealing with the earth dragon's attack, no one paid attention to this side, and no one cared about the life and death of a single companion.

Pirates are desperadoes, all they care about is their own lives.

It's now!

Yang Yi stood up quietly, drew out the flame sword, and quietly touched the pirate who was facing him with an electromagnetic gun and shooting frantically.

The flame sword is made of a special memory alloy, which can not only be strengthened by the electric energy output by the original energy converter, but also can be controlled by the user to change its shape. This type of combat weapon is most suitable for close assassination. It is not only deadly, but also silent, unlike the sound of an electromagnetic gun.