
Chapter 326: The problem lies


After discussing with Shen Chengwen, Yang Yi went to find Yu Linglong again and inquired in detail.

After Yang Yi and the others left, the Human Federation proceeded to mobilize war step by step. No one thought that the Silicon Magic army would advance so fast, and no one would have thought that the seemingly indestructible Greenwich Defense Line would be breached. When all this happened After that, it was too late to wake up.

How the Greenwich Line of Defense was breached, Yu Linglong is not very clear.

In her words, when the news spread, several colonial galaxies near the Greenwich Meteorite Belt had fallen, and the route from the Greenwich Line to the home galaxy was also blocked. Including the third theater, several theaters were deployed in The garrison on the Greenwich line lost contact with the rear. At present, the horror spreads like a plague, and the residents of various colonial galaxies flock to their home galaxies.

As you can imagine, turmoil broke out everywhere.

Fortunately, the situation has not lost control.

Although the war mobilization has not yet been fully launched, the nine theaters have established mobile units based on mobilized reserve soldiers, and most of them are stationed in the home galaxy. These newly formed troops did not play a role in the battle to defend the Greenwich Line, but they played a vital role in maintaining order. It is with these forces that the situation of the Human Federation has not lost control.

In addition, the federal authorities have also contributed.

In just one day, those federal officials with full bureaucracy passed the "War Resolution", and then the Federal Parliament passed the proposal to enter a state of war. In other words, the federal authorities handed over power to the military headquarters, and the first order under the military headquarters was to conduct wartime control. Immediately afterwards, the mobile units sent from various theaters reached the colonial galaxy that had not yet been occupied, and began a strategic evacuation. With the assistance of mobile forces, residents of various colonial galaxies went to their home galaxies one after another, and a large number of adults joined the army in accordance with the orders issued by the military. By the time Yu Linglong left Burial Star, full-scale war mobilization had been launched everywhere, and thousands of adults had put on military uniforms.

Of course, it's not just people who are mobilized.

Including Yujia, all private enterprises in the federal territory have to obey the military ministry’s dispatch and arrangements, and all cargo ships are conscripted by the military ministry.

However, it will take some time to complete the war mobilization.

Because the standing forces are limited, and the main forces of the various theaters are deployed on the Greenwich Defense Line. After the defense line is divided by the enemy, these forces are equal to loss. Therefore, while mobilizing for war, each theater begins to shrink the defense area and start to deploy new defense lines. .

Simply put, the Human Federation gave up the Greenwich Line of Defense.

The problem is that the home galaxy is too close to the Greenwich meteorite belt.

It can be said that the human federation has nowhere to go.

For thousands of years, in the past few wars, the Greenwich Line was both the first and last line of defense of the Human Federation.

To be straightforward, there is nowhere to defend between the Greenwich meteorite belt and the home galaxy.

Abandoning the Greenwich Line of Defense, the human legion can only retreat to the home galaxy, and the next battle is to defend the home galaxy.

Obviously, there is not much time left for the Human Federation.

Although the surrounding colonial galaxies blocked the advancement of the Silicon Charm army, and the Silicon Charm army only broke through the Greenwich Line, and did not completely occupy the Greenwich Line, let alone eliminate all the garrisons on the line, it would have to leave enough troops to wipe out The Greenwich Line of Defense eliminates worries, so the forces that can be used to attack, especially the homeland galaxy, will be very limited. But for the Human Federation, it is clear that it cannot pin its hopes on the enemy. Because there is almost no defense, as long as there are enough troops, the Silicon Charm army may appear outside the home galaxy at any time, so the human federation is facing a dangerous situation of lasting battle.

When Yu Linglong left Bone Burying Star, the home galaxy had already been attacked.

Although in her words, the Silicon Magic fleet that attacked the Home Galaxy was not very powerful, and was stopped by the combined fleet of the three major war zones before approaching the Home Galaxy, and was eventually defeated, but as the Silicon Magic army wiped out the Greenwich defense line Sooner or later, it will be a matter of capturing the neighboring colonial galaxy and marching into the home galaxy. Because the previous war preparations were not in place, it was difficult for the Human Federation to defend nearby colonial galaxies.

In fact, the homeland galaxy has been surrounded.

Just like this, Yu Linglong launched the "Tianyang" and came here by accident.

"In addition, I also received news. The federal authorities and the military have issued warnings to all civilizations in the northern region, and in accordance with the relevant regulations of the alliance, request these civilizations to send troops to support. Of course, there is no result, I am afraid that no one can say for sure. , After all, there are not many advanced civilizations in the northern region. As for the expectation of the Galactic Alliance to send troops, it is even more out of reach. What we can count on now is that we can hold on for a longer period of time."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, showing that he understood Yu Linglong's meaning.

"I'm afraid, I'm not so lucky this time."

When Shen Chengwen said so, everyone looked at him.

"Don't say that the current human federation does not have a commander like Marshal Xiao Wentian, even if it does, I am afraid it will not be able to return to heaven." Shen Chengwen sighed and said, "The point is that the current human legion is not the human legion of a thousand years ago. , The peace lasted for too long, so too many people forget the threat, and also let too many people relax their vigilance. Perhaps until now, there are still many people who do not believe that war has broken out.

"Indeed." Jackson also sighed. "Even if the war mobilization is completed, the Human Legion may not be able to stop the Silicon Charm army."

"What do you mean?" Yang Yi asked Jackson.

"If there are not enough and advanced enough weapons and equipment, it will be useless to mobilize more soldiers."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then his brows were locked together.

Obviously, Jackson said it.

The real problem is not that the enemy is too strong, but that the peace has lasted too long.

In the past thousands of years, there have been five Greenwich wars. To be precise, five full-scale wars have erupted in less than four thousand years, with an interval of about five hundred years and never more than one thousand years. Because threats have always existed and there has never been real peace, for thousands of years, the human federation has always been preparing for war, even in peacetime, the human federation has been in a semi-war state.

The problem is that after the Fifth Greenwich War, peace and prosperity lasted for a thousand years!

Although the Human Federation was promoted to the sixth-class civilization and became the master of the North Fourth District, and its military strength has been improved, in contrast, the jurisdiction of the Human Federation has suddenly increased by hundreds of times. As a result, the Human Federation, etc. used ten times the original force to guard a hundred times the jurisdiction.

More importantly, the Human Federation has taken over the important task of guarding the entire Greenwich Line.

This means that the density of forces in the Human Federal Jurisdiction has dropped to one-tenth of that before the Fifth Greenwich War, and the density of forces on the Greenwich Line has also dropped by two-thirds. Not to mention the nine marshals such as Zhan Ruilin, even the little soldier Yang Yi can see the problem.

In fact, this has also been a problem facing all Union soldiers for thousands of years.

Of course, for thousands of years, the Human Federation has made unremitting efforts to solve this problem.

Initially, people pin their hopes on the Galactic Alliance, hoping to get more support from the Galactic Alliance, even if it is only moral support. To put it more straightforwardly, as long as the Galactic Alliance Council relaxes its control over the Human Federation, even as a special case, granting the Human Federation the privilege of expanding its military strength and allowing the Human Federation to have more standing forces, this issue can be fundamentally resolved. .

The human confederation does not lack soldiers, but the power to expand the size of the army.

It is a pity that amid the opposition of more than half of the congressmen, the reasonable request made by the Human Federation was rejected by the Galactic Union Assembly.

After that, the Human Federation turned to the Hidden Spirit Race for help.

If the size of the army cannot be expanded, then improving the combat effectiveness of the army becomes the only option, and improving the combat effectiveness requires sufficiently advanced weapons and equipment, as well as corresponding science and technology.

At that time, many people believed that the Hidden Spirits would help the Human Federation.

The Hidden Spirits indeed agreed to the request of the Human Federation and provided some advanced technologies, but the combat effectiveness of the Human Legion has not been greatly improved.

The point is that what the Hidden Spirit Race provides is not the most advanced technology, nor is it the technology most needed by the human confederation.

After the path of expanding military strength is blocked, the human federation can only take second place and make a fuss about military deployment, that is, to improve the efficiency of the use of military power.

It can be said that this is the cause of all this at present.

In order to make full and effective use of the limited military power, the Human Federation had to adopt a theater system, dividing its jurisdiction into nine regions, each stationed by nine theaters. Although these areas are under the unified management of the federal authorities, in wartime, the nine theaters have extremely high independence. Similarly, the Greenwich Defense Line, which was originally one piece, was also divided into nine sections, and each of the nine theaters sent troops to garrison. This involves more problems, such as the nine theaters having independent logistics support systems and the infrastructure required to maintain this system. The most terrible thing is that the nine theaters are split in the same way. Not to mention in peacetime, it may be difficult to coordinate in wartime.

Because the federal authorities determine the military budgets for the nine theaters based on the deployment of troops on the Greenwich Defense Line, almost all the standing troops in the nine theaters are deployed on the Greenwich Defense Line in peacetime, and only a very small number of troops remain behind to serve as reserves. Team.

This means that the Greenwich Line of Defense is everything for the Human Federation.

To put it more straightforwardly, if the Greenwich line of defense falls, the home galaxy will be directly exposed to the enemy, and the human federation can only fight back.

Although many people understand that this kind of forward deployment of troops has a very serious problem, no one raises objections to the general trend.

When the problem is exposed, it is obviously too late to think of a solution.