
Chapter 328: Time has passed


After Yang Yi discussed with Yu Linglong, Shen Chengwen rushed over.

Although most of the officers and soldiers wanted to return immediately to participate in the battle to defend the homeland galaxy, everyone understood the current situation. After Shen Chengwen did ideological work, they all decided to stay and follow Yang Yi to the Enlightened Star. In addition, Shen Chengwen also brought home letters from officers and soldiers.

"Don't worry, after I go back, I will send someone to deliver these family letters to everyone's relatives." Yu Linglong solemnly took the portable optical brain handed by Shen Chengwen, and looked at Yang Yi again. After hesitating for a while, she said to Yang Yi: "Do you have anything you want me to take back?"

Yang Yi shook his head without saying much.

Seeing that Yang Yi was reluctant to say more, Yu Linglong didn't ask more. Although she knew that Yang Yi's grandfather lived on Bone Burying Star, she didn't know the relationship between his grandson and grandfather. Besides, Yang Yi is so good, his grandfather is definitely not far behind, even if he can't become the hero of saving the human confederation, there is definitely no problem in self-protection. In any case, it was Yang Jiaye and Sun's business, Yu Linglong was inconvenient to ask more.

After speaking, Yu Linglong returned to the "Tianyang" ship.

Subsequently, Yang Yi followed the memory teaching method and controlled the two sacred artifacts to merge the two areas into one. When Yang Yi separated the closed space from the three-dimensional universe, the "Tianjiao" and "Tianyang" simultaneously turned on the space jumping device. The confined space is transformed into space debris, and the two spacecraft can leave with the space jumping device they carried and return to the original location.

"Tianjiao" successfully completed the space jump, and the exit was near the star system where the pirate base was located.

However, this star system has collapsed into a black hole in the Big Bang. Because the mass is too small, it is difficult for this black hole to exist stably for a long time.

Fortunately, the exit is relatively far from the black hole, and the "Tianjiao" flew out of the space channel at the fastest speed, smoothly getting rid of the huge gravitational pull of the black hole.

"What should we do now?"

"Keep speed and heading." Yang Yi said to Allen who was controlling the spacecraft before turning to Lin Feng and saying, "Since we are out, let's say hello to the Heavenly Sage Emperor."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, expressing that he understood what Yang Yi meant, and then gave the order to Allen.

"Tianjiao" has got rid of the black hole's gravitational shackles, maintaining the speed of one-tenth the speed of light, and can quickly increase to two-fifths of the speed of light when encountering danger, even if it encounters the warship of the hidden spirit race, "Tianjiao" No. is also confident enough to escape.

In accordance with Lin Feng's order, Allen let the "Tianjiao" send a pilot signal.

When a spacecraft is killed in an interstellar voyage, or if it leaves the jumping course due to an accident, it will send a pilot signal for nearby spacecraft to discover. There are several quantum communicators on the "Tianjiao", and the signals sent out are not limited by the speed of light, and can be transmitted to a distant transit station in an instant. If there is no spacecraft nearby, the transfer station will send a rescue spacecraft after receiving the signal to help the distressed spacecraft.

The pilot signal is common throughout the Galactic Alliance, and rescue operations are in charge of the civilization where the transit station is located.

The "Tianjiao" is within the jurisdiction of the Yinling tribe, and the nearby route transit stations all belong to the Yinling tribe, so the Yinling tribe will receive the signal soon.

According to Yang Yi's judgment, the Hidden Spirit Race will not embarrass them at this time.

Although the Galactic Alliance Council rejected the war proposal, the facts cannot be denied that the Silicon Magic Alliance has launched an offensive and has broken through the Greenwich Line. The Human Federation has been attacked and many colonial galaxies have fallen. If the Galactic Alliance is still standing still, the home galaxy will soon fall, and the Northern Fourth District will fall into the hands of the Silicon Charm Alliance. At that time, regardless of whether the Galactic Alliance Council makes a war resolution, the fact that the war has broken out cannot be changed, and all the civilizations of the Galactic Alliance, including the seven top civilizations, do not want to get any benefits from it. Not to mention defeating the Silicon Magic Alliance, even if it is just regaining lost ground, it will be extremely difficult.

It can be said that the success or failure of the Human Federation determines the future of the Galactic Alliance.

Unless the Hidden Spirit Race and other seven top civilizations believe that they can defeat the Silicon Charm Alliance on their own strength, and can still win after losing the North Fourth District and losing the most important and only defensive barrier, they will draw troops at this time. Support the Human Federation.

Obviously, the Heavenly Sage Emperor had no reason to prevent the envoy of the Human Federation from going to the Enlightened Star.

Of course, Yang Yi also prepared for the worst.

If attacked, "Tianjiao" can escape by speed. Even if you can't escape, you can fight the enemy to die, at least let the personnel on the "Tianjiao" escape. As for envoys to the hidden spirit clan, going to the hidden spirit star to receive trials and other things, Yang Yi couldn't manage so much.

To put it bluntly, if something like this is really going to happen, the Hidden Spirit Race is not only no longer an ally of the Human Federation, but also an enemy of the Human Federation, and it is the number one enemy.

Although I haven't told anyone else, Yang Yi had already thought about it. If you can reach the Hidden Spirit Star smoothly, regardless of whether the Heavenly Sage Emperor is persuaded to send troops, the matter will pass, and there is no need to rectify it deeply. If you fail to reach the Yinling Star smoothly, even if you lose your life, the Yinling Race will have to pay the price of blood.

Yang Yi believes that other people have the same ideas as him.

For thousands of years, the Human Federation has been stationed in the North Fourth District to guard the Greenwich Line. Although it has gained a lot of benefits from it, it has also paid a huge price. In the previous five Greenwich Wars, the Federation of Humans rushed forward and sacrificed countless soldiers, and the civilians who suffered from the war were even more numerous. Obviously, the contribution of the Human Federation to the Galactic Alliance far exceeds the benefits obtained.

If the Hidden Spirits betrayed the promises made in those years and put the Human Federation to death, then there would be no point in continuing to stay in the Galactic Alliance.

Thinking of these, Yang Yi couldn't calm down.

In fact, this is not what Yang Yi feels alone.

It can be said that everyone in the Human Federation is resentful of the unfair treatment received, especially those that happened after the Fifth Greenwich War.

"There is a signal."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yang Yi came back to his senses.

Allen has displayed the received signals, there are four in total, and they are nearby, approaching the "Tianjiao" side.

"It's a battleship of the Hidden Spirit Race."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, the response signal did come from the battleship, and the only battleship that appeared here could be the hidden spirit race.

"Do you want to slow down?"

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, now is not the time to slow down.

Not long after, four battleships appeared at the same time. They were indeed the battleships of the Hidden Spirits, but they were not capital ships, but patrol ships that often cruise around every day.

In fact, in peacetime, the most common is not capital ships, but much smaller patrol ships.

Although the value of patrol ships in wars is not great, let alone performing combat missions, even if it is a little weak to escort the transport fleet, in peacetime, patrol ships are of great value. The main point is that the daily use and maintenance costs of patrol ships are lower, and the weapons they are equipped with are sufficient to deal with general threats, such as combating pirates. In addition, the speed of the patrol ship is very fast, and it is handy when chasing pirate ships and smuggling ships. If capital ships are used to perform daily patrol tasks, it will not only consume more resources, but also affect the combat readiness of the fleet. If a war breaks out suddenly and the fleet fails to complete its combat readiness, the consequences are hard to imagine.

The four patrol ships are not very threatening.

Although "Tianjiao" is only a civilian spacecraft, it is equipped with a powerful military-grade protective cover and can be directly driven by combat troops. Even if you can't beat the four patrol ships, escape is not a problem. Besides, the "Tianjiao" did not slow down after the appearance of the four patrol ships.

Four patrol ships chased up and sent out signals for the "Tianjiao" to be inspected by the ship.

Lin Feng did not give an order to Allen, but let Yang Yi make the decision.

"Show our identity." Yang Yi didn't think much, he began to ask Alan to send a pilot signal, that is, to lure the warships of the hidden spirit race.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, you will know immediately.

Of course, including Yang Yi, everyone on the "Tianjiao" is ready for battle to deal with possible attacks at any time.

After Allen issued the "Tianjiao" identity information, the four patrol ships approached immediately.

Two ships were on the left and right sides of the "Tianjiao", one accelerated and flew forward, and the other accompanied a little further away.

This is a standard escort lineup, but it can also be said to be an escort lineup.

At this time, the patrol ship leading the team in front sent a message to let the "Tianjiao" follow it to the nearest space fortress.

Then, the entrance to the space jump channel appeared in front.

"Keep up, but don't let your guard down."

Accompanied by four patrol ships, "Tianjiao" entered the jumping channel.

In just a blink of an eye, the "Tianjiao" arrived at the other end of the universe, to be precise a thousand light years away, with a small planetary star space fortress in front of it.

The speed was so fast that Yang Yi and others were very surprised.

Obviously, the space technology of the Hidden Spirits far exceeds that of the human federation, and even if they make a jump of thousands of light years, they can also control the internal dimensions of the passage.

As for that fortress, it surpassed the strongest space fortress of the Human Federation in terms of size.

"Agadir Fortress!"

"What?" Yang Yi looked at Yujiao.

"We are already outside the Yinling Star. That is the Agadir Fortress." Yujiao exhaled and said, "I've seen this fortress for the first time, but I've heard it mentioned earlier. The Fortress of Agadir is the barrier of the Hidden Spirit Star and the resident of the main force of the Hidden Spirit Race. Of course, let alone foreigners, even the Hidden Spirit Race's spacecraft are not allowed to approach, as long as they are found, they will be destroyed."

Lin Feng's brows jumped a few times and said, "It seems that our guess is not wrong."

"I can't make a conclusion yet." Yang Yi nodded slightly and said, "It's just that this is the territory of the Hidden Spirit Race. Everyone is calm and forgets everything before. We are here to fight for support, not to look for it. It's troublesome, don't be arrogant."