
Chapter 329: Peep the leopard in the tube


This is a huge space fortress that Yang Yi has never seen before.

Because it is stationed at the Greenwich Defense Line and also guards the North Fourth District, the space fortress is not a rare thing for mankind. In fact, the surveillance and reconnaissance post that Yang Yi initially served was a space fortress, but it was too small to be compared with a real space fortress.

Under normal circumstances, space fortresses are built on-site, such as transformation on the basis of satellites or asteroids. Only when conditions do not permit it, other methods, such as using abandoned warships, will be used for transformation. The main difference between the two types of space fortresses is in size. The former is larger in size, while the latter is only suitable for building small fortresses at the outpost level. On the long Greenwich line of defense, the Human Federation used these two methods to build thousands of space fortresses, but most of them are small frontier outposts. In order to guard some important colonial galaxies, the Human Federation has also built numerous space fortresses in the North Fourth Region in a modified way.

Fort Agadir is a newly constructed fortress, but its size is surprisingly large, comparable to an asteroid.

Such a masterpiece can only be done by the top civilization of the Hidden Spirit Race. If it is replaced by a human federation, I am afraid that it will not be possible to build such a space fortress even after exhausting its financial resources.

In fact, this is not only a fortress, but also an artificial celestial body, but also a separate world.

As the spacecraft slowly approached, Yang Yi could see clearly that there was a dense atmosphere on the fortress. Although it was not very high, it was enough to create a suitable environment. There are forests, rivers, lakes and hills on the surface of the fortress, but there are no tall mountains and vast oceans.

There is a huge planetary ring outside the fortress. Simply put, it is a ring-shaped object that surrounds the entire fortress along the equator and moves synchronously with the fortress. The spaceport is built on this planetary ring, and the space elevator connects the fortress to the planetary ring. Because the fortress is of the asteroid level, its own gravity is not very strong, so the planetary ring is not very high, about a thousand kilometers from the ground, it is not troublesome to go back and forth.

Of course, this thousand kilometers distance can accommodate a large number of ships.

When the "Tianjiao" arrived, there were countless spacecraft in the spaceport, and they were in order, without the slightest sign of confusion or confusion.

However, most of them are civilian and transportation spacecraft, and there are not many warships.

There is no warship of S-class or above!

"It's not surprising. The Hidden Spirit Race is not relying on battleships." Lin Feng saw Yang Yi's doubts and said in a low voice, "This is the central area, far from the Greenwich meteorite belt, and it's within a thousand light-years away. It is the jurisdiction of the Hidden Spirit Race, and other civilizations are far away. In addition, it is a peaceful time, and the Hidden Spirit Race does not need to keep too many battleships, especially the battleship that consumes a lot of daily maintenance."

Yang Yi glanced at Lin Feng and nodded slightly without saying much.

Under the guidance of the patrol ship ahead, the "Tianjiao" entered the spaceport.

At this time, Yang Yi noticed that the spaceport is protected by an energy barrier and has a strong magnetic field. The internal environment is no different from that of a fortress.

Obviously, this is not an ordinary military fortress.

Although according to Yujiao, the Agadir Fortress is the Hidden Spirits’ military base near the home planet and the home port of the Hidden Spirit’s space fleet, but the one-thousand-year peace and prosperity also affected the Hidden Spirits. Let the hidden spirits relax their guards, and let the hidden spirits forget about war.

Of course, this is also related to the location of the hidden spirit star.

You know, such a thing will definitely not exist in the Human Federation.

Although the peace event lasted for a thousand years, many people have learned the painful lessons of the previous Greenwich Wars, but the Human Federation is facing the Greenwich Defense Line, always facing invasion from the Silicon Charm Alliance, even in peacetime, it has to deal with the Northern Alpha Galaxy. Threat. In the past thousand years, the Human Federation has not relaxed its vigilance, at least the army has not relaxed its vigilance, and the soldiers stationed on the Greenwich Line have not relaxed its vigilance. In addition, the inheritance of thousands of years is not easy to change, so in the past thousand years, the human federation, at least the human legion, has not been abolished. Including the front post, all military bases have been maintained and strengthened. As for the conversion of military facilities to civilian use, it is absolutely impossible. Even high-ranking generals such as the chief of staff of the theater do not have the courage.

I am afraid that only the top civilization can do such a thing.

Of course, Yang Yi did not make any comments.

Although he didn't know the Hidden Spirit Clan well, Yang Yi knew very well that the experience of war in this powerful top civilization was far inferior to that of the human federation. In fact, in the past five thousand years, the hidden spirit race has never been devastated by war, even in the most tragic Fifth Greenwich War, not only the hidden spirit stars, even the colonial galaxies were not threatened. Except for the hidden warriors who participated in the battle, most of the hidden spirits have no idea what the war is about, nor can they have a deep understanding of the Silicon Magic Alliance. Perhaps in the eyes of most hidden spirits, war is just a matter of low-level civilizations such as the Human Federation, and has no direct relationship with them at all.

As for preserving strong military strength, perhaps it is to maintain its top civilization status.

In addition, whether the military strength of the Hidden Spirit Race is strong remains to be discussed.

According to the relevant records of the Human United Gang, in the Fifth Greenwich War, the Hidden Spirits did not dispatch a fleet, but a group of powerful fighters led by the Heavenly Sage Emperor participated in several key battles. Until the end of the war, the Hidden Spirit Race did not participate in a frontal decisive battle, let alone become the main force on the battlefield. The explanation given by the federal authorities is that the hidden spirits are not a fighting race. Its main value is to provide critical, timely and accurate intelligence and conduct secret operations behind enemy lines. Therefore, the hidden spirits’ military strength is relatively weak, at least with Compared with other top civilizations, the military strength of the Hidden Spirit Race is not strong, especially when compared with the Lei Ling Race and the Star Weaver Race.

Of course, anyone who underestimates the Hidden Spirit Race will pay a huge price.

For the Hidden Spirit Race, the military strength is not warships and fleets at all, but people.

Although compared with the martial Lei Ling tribe and the Star Weaver tribe who are born to be warriors, the hidden spirit tribe’s combat power is not outstanding, but as a top civilization, and one of the first three top civilizations, the hidden spirit tribe has Its resources are unmatched by other civilizations, including the Human Federation, and it has the most advanced science and technology of the Galactic Alliance. Relying on these, the hidden spirit race has super combat power.

To put it simply, any hidden spirit person can become a warrior, and is a strong warrior.

In fact, in the past few Greenwich Wars, the performance of the Hidden Spirit Warriors on the battlefield was no worse than that of the Lei Ling and Star Weavers. In some special circumstances, the Hidden Spirit Warriors were even more powerful. It can be said that in many cases, a hidden spirit legion can control the outcome of a battle.

Relying on its powerful combat power, the Hidden Spirit Race does not need too many warships.

In fact, among the seven top civilizations, only the Lei Ling clan maintains a large-scale fleet, and none of the other six top civilizations have too many warships. This is still in the time of war, not to mention it in the time of peace. You must know that even the Lei Ling clan will seal most of the warships in peacetime, leaving only a small part of them, and they are mainly small warships. The sealed battleship will not be activated until the war breaks out.

Of course, relying on huge resources and advanced technology, the Hidden Spirit Race and other top civilizations can build a large number of warships in a short time. In the latter part of the Fifth Greenwich War, the Lei Ling Clan built 10,000 SSS-class warships in the strategic counterattack phase, which reversed the strength of the two sides in one fell swoop, completely losing the possibility of winning the war by the Silicon Magic Alliance, thereby forcing the Silicon Magic Alliance Sign an alliance under the city.

Even if the hidden spirits are not the Lei Ling clan, they can see the power of the top civilization.

In fact, if only to deal with the threats within the Galactic Alliance, including the Hidden Spirits, no top civilization needs to use the fleet. Most of the time, the attitude of the top civilization is the best and most valuable weapon. Only when fighting the Silicon Magic Alliance do you need to use warships and build a fleet. Obviously, there is no question of fighting the Silicon Magic Alliance during peacetime.

From another perspective, the current scene of the Agadirong Fortress is also a powerful expression of the Hidden Spirit Race.

If there is no strong strength, not enough self-confidence, and no absolute certainty, the Hidden Spirit Race will democratize the most important military fort near the home planet? If it were the human federation, let alone near the home galaxy, even in the distant Greenwich meteorite belt, it would definitely not use such an important military fortress for civilian use.

As the "Tianjiao" approached the dock, the patrol ship that led the way flew away.

"Let's go."

At Yang Yi's greeting, Shen Chengwen, Jackson and Yujiao followed, but it was not Yang Yi who led the team, but Lin Feng.

Although Yang Yi is the special envoy of the Human Federation and the others are entourage, they have not yet indicated their identity, and Lin Feng is the captain of the special investigation team. According to what the two had discussed before, they only revealed their identity after clarifying the position of the Hidden Spirit Race, and Lin Feng came forward to deal with it before that.

Of course, if Yang Yi didn't guess wrong, the Hidden Spirit Race would not embarrass them.

Because of the energy barrier protection, there is no need to wear protective clothing. The temperature on the dock is a bit cold, mainly because the invisible people are more suitable for colder environments.

When everyone got off the spaceship, someone was already waiting for them on the dock.

He is an official, but it may also be a soldier. The system of the Hidden Spirit Race is different from that of the human federation. The administrative officials also serve as the military commanders.

Obviously, this person is an administrative official here and an officer in the fortress.

Yang Yi noticed that the identity of this person will not be very high, and he does not look like a member of the royal family. Perhaps, the news of their arrival has not spread, or the Heavenly Sage Emperor has other attempts. It's just that no matter what happens next, Yang Yi and the others cannot retreat at this time.