
Chapter 336: Who is the enemy


When the Heavenly Sage Emperor left, Yang Yi wandered around for a while before going to the guest room arranged for them.

Lin Feng and the others have already arrived. They didn't pull it. When Yang Yi came back, Shen Chengwen and Jackson were talking about a strange flower.

"What do you think?"

After recounting the general situation, Yang Yi began to solicit opinions.

"It's too fake." Shen Chengwen smiled faintly, and said, "The Heavenly Sage Emperor knows the purpose of our coming here, and knows that we will not back down, and we have done such a hypocrisy. Obviously we are not at ease. What preparations are said, I am afraid it is for Killing us, we've lost everything ever since."

"If you think so, it would be ridiculously wrong."

Hearing this, everyone in the room looked at Yujiao.

"What, do you think I was wrong?"

"Speak straight if you have something to say, don't make a mistake." Lin Feng snorted coldly, she kept looking at Yujiao uncomfortable.

"The Heavenly Sage Emperor is indeed not well-intentioned, but it has not yet reached the point of killing us. I am afraid that someone else will deal with us secretly."

"You mean..."

"Actually, the Heavenly Sage Emperor has made it very clear. In the Hidden Spirit Clan Elders' Association, there must be many people who think that now is not the best time to participate in the war. From the perspective of the hidden spirit clan, this point of view is not wrong. Don’t forget, the Galactic Alliance has already rejected the war proposal. If the Hidden Spirits send troops alone, it is equivalent to shouldering responsibilities and obligations alone, and it is also equivalent to using huge losses and sacrifices to contribute to other civilizations. Will we do such a stupid thing instead of us? "Yu Jiao smiled faintly, and then said, "As for whether the human confederation is alive or dead, it is obviously not the first consideration for the elders. To put it bluntly, what if the human confederation is defeated? From the North Fourth District to here For ten thousand light years, there is no human federation, and there are other low-level civilizations in front. As for the invading army of the Silicon Magic Alliance, it may be the end of the battle when it hits the central area. For the hidden spirit race, it is best to stand still at this time. choose."

No one refuted, and the atmosphere sank.

"As for the Heavenly Sage Emperor, it just lacks the motivation to help us."

"What do you mean?" Yang Yi asked.

"Thousands of years ago, why did the Emperor Tiansheng actively advocate participating in the war?"

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, wondering why Yujiao brought up this matter.

"We all know that after the outbreak of the Fifth Greenwich War, only the Hidden Spirit Race actively participated in the war, and the Heavenly Sage Emperor was the main promoter. What we don’t know is that the Heavenly Sage Emperor is not for the Hidden Spirit Race, to be precise. At that time, it was difficult for the Hidden Spirit Race to actively participate in the war to obtain substantial benefits. Then, why is the Heavenly Sage Emperor so active, and why would the Hidden Spirit Race's elders support his war proposal?"

Everyone looked at Yujiao and waited for her to speak.

"Actually, it's very simple. The Heavenly Sage Emperor has just taken the throne and needs to be active."

"Are you kidding?" Shen Chengwen looked at Yujiao incredulously.

"Why, do you think I'm joking?" Yu Jiao glanced at Shen Cheng and said, "Of course, this is just a statement on the table, and the key is still the relationship between the Hidden Spirit Race and the Leiling Race."

When Yujiao said this, Shen Chengwen nodded thoughtfully.

"For the Hidden Spirit Race, the real enemy is not the Silicon Charm Alliance of the Northern Alpha Galaxy, but the Lei Ling Race in the central area and within easy reach. For thousands of years, the struggle between these two top civilizations It has never stopped, and it has affected the entire Galaxy Alliance.” Yu Jiao smiled faintly, and said, “Although the Hidden Spirit Race controls the largest and most complete intelligence network in the entire Galaxy Alliance, it is affected by its own strength, especially the hidden spirit. The influence of human traits has always been suppressed by the Lei Ling Clan, and has never surpassed the Lei Ling Clan. For the emperors of the Hidden Spirit Race, the first consideration is not the threat of the Silicon Charm Alliance, but to try to maintain a relationship with the Lei Ling Clan. The relative balance of power."

"The Heavenly Sage Emperor is no exception?"

Yu Jiao nodded and said: "At that time, the Heavenly Sage Emperor soon became king, and his strength and prestige were far inferior to the Wanluo Battle Emperor. More importantly, the Wanluo Battle Emperor had an extremely powerful Lao Tzu. But the father of the Heavenly Sage Emperor was very mediocre. When he was enthroned and proclaimed the emperor, the hidden spirit race was in a terrible situation. Not only was it far worse than the Leiling race, but even the other top civilizations could not match. If this is the case If it continues, the Hidden Spirit Race will soon fall. Even if it is still a top-level civilization, it will be difficult to maintain its core interests. Obviously, it is not only the Holy Emperor, but also the Presbyterians who are actively seeking change. The Fifth Greenwich War happened to be They created opportunities for change."

"You mean..."

"Facts have proven that the Hidden Spirits are the biggest winners of the Fifth Greenwich War, and there are two losers, in addition to the Silicon Charm Alliance, there is also the Lei Ling clan."

Yang Yi frowned, thinking about Yujiao's words seriously.

"Before the Fifth Greenwich War, the Hidden Spirit Race can be said to be insignificant, at least not among the seven top civilizations. After the war, the Hidden Spirit Race has become a powerful existence second only to the Lei Ling Race. Heavenly Sage Emperor has also become the strongest existence under Wanluo Battle Emperor."

"What about now?" Lin Feng brought the topic back.

"Obviously, it's not what it used to be." Yujiao smiled bitterly and shook her head, and said, "Obviously, whether it's the Heavenly Sage Emperor or the Presbyterian Church, there is no reason why the Yinling Race will intervene in the war prematurely."

"Wait..." Yang Yi pressed his hand and said, "According to you, the Star Soul Queen proposed to us to form an alliance. Is it related to this?"

"Although the reaction is a little slower, but as you can imagine, it's not too stupid."

Yang Yi rolled his eyes and was speechless to Yujiao.

"Thousands of years ago, the Star Weavers were the second most powerful civilization, similar to the hidden spirits of today, so they were very ambiguous in their attitudes to war, and therefore missed a thousand-year opportunity to surpass the Lei Ling. Although there is no evidence, but There is reason to believe that the current queen's ability to be in power is related to this."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, showing that he understood Yujiao's meaning.

It is related to the fundamental interests of civilization, whether it is the queen or the common people.

"Of course, if we can form an alliance with the Star Weaver Clan, it is definitely not a bad thing, at least one more choice. But for now, what we need to worry about is not the Emperor, but the Presbyterian Church.

"According to you, will the Heavenly Sage Emperor help us?"

"Why not?"

"Star Weaver Clan." Yang Yi glanced at Shen Chengwen and said, "The Hidden Spirit Clan has a powerful intelligence network and must know about my meeting with the Star Soul Queen, and even know the promise I made and the response of the federal authorities. Obviously, the elders did not take this seriously. After all, the federal authorities did not make a decision on the alliance with the Star Weavers. There are many internal oppositions. The Hidden Spirits are still our ally, so the elders have reason to believe. We will not fall back to the Star Weaver Race, at least not turning our faces with the Hidden Spirit Race at this time."

"The issue is… "

"The problem is that the elders do not understand me, but the Emperor of Heaven understands me." Yang Yi smiled faintly and said, "Let’s not talk about how much my position will have on the decision-making of the federal authorities. As a federal envoy, I’m here The encounter with the Hidden Spirit Star will inevitably have an impact on the relationship between the Human Federation and the Hidden Spirit Race. The Heavenly Sage Emperor knows very well that if I fall to the Star Soul Queen, it is more likely that the Human Federation will fall to the Star Weaver Race."

"The Human Federation is just a sixth-class low-level civilization."

"Do you think so?" Yang Yi glanced at Jackson and said, "Even in the current situation, the tendency of the human federation has a decisive influence. Yujiao has already said that a thousand years ago, the hidden spirit race passed Supporting the human federation gained its current status, while the Star Weavers lost this opportunity and thus fell to the third position. If it repeats itself, then the unlucky one must be the Hidden Spirit Race."

"But… "

"Obviously, the Heavenly Sage Emperor does not want this to happen, but the Presbyterian Church has no knowledge of this."

Jackson sighed secretly and didn't ask any more.

"The question now is, what should we do?"

"Watch the change."

Shen Chengwen was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Yujiao, and then at Yang Yi.

"Yujiao didn't talk nonsense. This is our only choice and the best choice. If our previous analysis is correct, then no matter how much resistance there is, the Heavenly Sage Emperor will try to get us to accept the trial, and will Find a way to let us pass the trial."

"If we pass the trial with his help, even if we fail to persuade the elders in the end, it will mean we owe a great favor. At that time, even if the human federation has taken refuge in the Star Weavers, it will not be possible to talk to the hidden spirits. The family turned their faces, and the basic interests of the hidden spirits were guaranteed." Yu Jiao narrowed her mouth and said, "One step back, as long as our relationship with the hidden spirits' royal family can be maintained, there will be a glimmer of hope. "

"In that case, we have to make full use of it.":

"I have already proposed to the Heavenly Sage Emperor to take other people to the trial. Although he has not yet agreed, he has not immediately refused."

Shen Chengwen was taken aback for a moment, and said, "You mean, he will agree?"

"I'm just a tenth-level soldier with limited strength. The hope of passing the trial alone is extremely slim. If he really wants me to pass the trial, he won't refuse." Yang Yi smiled faintly and said, "Wait until he does Reply, we will know whether the previous guess is correct."

"In this case, we have to prepare for the trial as soon as possible."

At this time, Lin Feng said: "In that case, you'd better go and talk to Princess Sijia. Although we cannot trust the Heavenly Emperor, there is no reason to doubt Princess Sijia. Even if the Heavenly Emperor does not intend to harm us, Nor can I go to the trial with slurred eyes."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, indicating that he understood Lin Feng's meaning, but did not immediately agree.

"This is not for you, but for all of us. After all, you are not alone in the trial."

"Okay, I'm looking for a chance to talk to Princess Sijia."

Yang Yi agreed and sighed secretly. Lin Feng knew the importance, but Yang Yi knew in his heart that Lin Feng was also testing his position by saying this.