
Chapter 343: Reference comments


After listening to the memory, Yang Yi couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Although he didn't witness it with his own eyes, Yang Yi can imagine how proud Xiao Wentian was when he came to the central area to challenge the strongest existence of the top civilization when he came to the central area to challenge the strongest existence of the top civilization. No one comes.


"Believe what I said now?" The memory smiled and shook his head, and said, "This is a trial of the Hidden Spirit Race. Initially, other civilizations were not considered at all. Besides, my purpose is not to get any benefits from it, but I want to know what kind of existence the 10,000-dimensional space is."

"Figured it out?"

The memory reluctantly smiled and said, "I don’t know more than you. I can only be sure that in the Southern Alpha Galaxy, there is only this 10,000-dimensional space. Although I have been in and came out of it unscathed, Wanwei There are countless subspaces in the space, and no one can enter the same subspace twice, so my understanding of 10,000-dimensional space is meaningless, and it is not for your reference."

"So, I can only figure it out by myself?"

"No matter what, you have to be fully prepared." Knowing that it couldn't convince Yang Yi, the memory didn't bother to make Yang Yi change his mind. "As an adult trial place for the hidden spirits, Wanwei Space probably existed before we came to the Southern Alpha Galaxy, just like the incarnation pool of the Star Weavers. Although I only went in once, it’s just me. According to the judgment, Wanwei Space will be affected by the tester, that is, it will be adjusted according to the strength of the tester. Of course, there is also a possibility that the Hidden Spirit Race has already mastered the Wanwei Space and can control and change it from the outside. The internal environment. This is just my guess, so no guarantee can be made."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, indicating that he understood the meaning of memory.

"That's all I can tell you, if nothing else..."

"Who should we trust?"

The memory was taken aback for a moment, and he looked at Yang Yi not quite clearly.

"Obviously, it won't be long before those top civilizations and advanced civilizations will send troops to the North Fourth District. Even if they don't directly support the human federation, they will also have an impact on the battle." Yang Yi paused for a while before saying, "Unsurprisingly. , The Hidden Spirits will publicly support the Human Federation at this time, and may also send reinforcements. In order to win over the Human Federation, the Lei Ling will never fall behind. There is no doubt that the Federal authorities will definitely use this in order to protect their own interests. Favorable situation, and the possibility of continuing to unite with the Hidden Spirit Race is the greatest, but the possibility of relying on the Lei Ling Race cannot be ruled out. However, the Hidden Spirit Race and the Lei Ling Race are to use the human federation, and they are not reliable allies at all. Other top-level civilizations and advanced civilizations have the same or similar problems. Then, for us, who is a reliable, trustworthy, and win-win ally through cooperation?"

"Obviously, you already have the answer."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help smiling bitterly. He said so much, except that he didn't mention the Star Weavers, so his choice was obvious.

"Since you raised this question, what I want to tell you is that no one can believe it."

"The Star Weaver Clan is no exception?"

The memory nodded, and said: "You have raised such a question. In fact, you have already shown that you do not believe, at least not fully believe in Alora and the Star Soul Queen. You have doubts and doubts in your heart, and you are more worried. Maybe there is still a glimmer of fantasy. It is a pity that it is just an illusion. Your worries and doubts exist, and they are likely to be facts. Don’t forget, the Star Weavers are also top civilizations."

"At least different from the Hidden Spirit Race and the Lei Ling Race."

"Do you think so?" The memory shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Even if you are right, the Star Weavers are different from the two top civilizations, and they won't be any better. It's not that I have knowledge of the top civilizations. Prejudice, but no one can deny that the interests of civilization are above all else. In other words, if there are no real and huge interests, why should the Star Weavers win the fire for the human federation?"

Yang Yi sighed and said: "I understand what you mean, but the human federation is really too weak. If you don't rely on it, I'm afraid..."

"Then use it."


The memory nodded slightly, and said, "Although this is not something you should consider, it is really valuable if you can think of it."


"If you need my opinion, I can only tell you, at least Alora is more sincere, did not evade the most critical issue, and did not cover up the true purpose of the Star Weavers. However, you must firmly remember that the Human Federation In the eyes of any top civilization, it is just a tool that can be used. In other words, if the human federation wants to develop and grow, it must rely on its own strength, instead of imagining that it can obtain everything by cooperating with a certain top civilization. In the past thousands of years Here, it has been proved countless times that no top civilization is sincerely helping the human confederation, and in the future there will never be a top civilization that will unreservedly and wholeheartedly support the human confederation."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

"Actually, you should feel lucky."


The memory faintly smiled, and said: "Compared with a thousand years ago, the human confederation is now more powerful, even if there is no commander like me, it can still hold on for a period of time. By the same token, those top civilizations have relaxed their vigilance and have not taken the human The Federation regards it as a potential threat, but it feels that it can be used. As long as you have a good sense and make full use of the current favorable situation, many problems can be easily resolved."

"The issue is… "

"A commander, right?"

Yang Yi nodded, indicating that it was what he meant.

"Young man, when facing a strong enemy, you are very confident. Why don't you have much confidence on this issue?"


"Obviously, you are underestimating yourself." The memory pressed his hand and stopped Yang Yi, and said, "Actually, this is the reason why I did not oppose you to accept the trial. Although few people know that I am The first human to pass the trial, but almost everyone knows that Zhan Ruilin won the support of the Hidden Spirit Race after passing the trial, and thus became the most powerful existence of the human federation, at least among them. One. So, when everyone knows that after a thousand years, another human has passed the trial of the hidden spirit race, what will happen? Obviously, no matter what the person’s past and what status he is now, he has enough qualifications to sit. On the throne of commander-in-chief. In fact, Zhan Ruilin was just one of my subordinates. Even if he had outstanding merits, he would not be known until he passed the trial."

"However, I am only eighteen years old. Even if I have the strength, I have no prestige or experience."

"Prestige is created by strength. You think you have strength, but if you do nothing, you can gain prestige and make people admire?"

"This… "

"As for experience, there are more things to experience, so naturally." The memory smiled faintly and said, "Actually, before going to the Beacon Star, I didn't have the slightest experience in warfare, let alone commanding hundreds of legions. Besides, as long as you are strong enough, there will naturally be able people to come and take refuge. As a commander in command, what you need is not commanding ability, not even personal strength, but the ability to know people and make good use. Of course, if you have strong strength, if you It would be great to have the ability to command thousands of troops in battle."

Yang Yi was speechless, but had to admit that the memory made a good point.

"Young people, have confidence in yourself. The fact that you can see me and be able to have the present is enough to prove that you have the basic qualities to become a commander in chief."


The memory shook his head with a smile, and said, "If not, the descendants of the Yu family will not find you, let alone take you to my confined space, right?"

"This… "

"You can doubt yourself, but don't doubt the Yu Family. Don't forget, Yu Tingxuan is the first General Marshal, and the Yu Family has been able to cross the human Confederation for thousands of years. Not only has it not been defeated in several wars, it has become more and more. Strong, surely superior, and the chosen partner will naturally not be bad." The memory paused for a while, and then said, "Actually, Yujia is the only partner worthy of your trust and complete trust. ."

Yang Yi nodded, indicating that he understood the meaning of memory.

"Finally, and the most important piece of advice." The memory put up a finger and said after Yang Yi turned his gaze, "The object of your allegiance is the entire human civilization, everyone, not an institution. , Let alone someone, so it’s the same as it is."


"Okay, I've said everything that should be said. If you have other questions, I can't answer them, you have to find the answers yourself." The memory yawned and said, "I have been out long enough. Now, it's time to go to rest. Take a good rest and don't think about it. As the saying goes, there must be a road to the mountain and the boat to the bridge will be straight. I think when I was leading the army to the lighthouse star, but there was nothing. You are lucky enough. Not only do you have me to help this staff, but there are so many people around you. As expected, what you can achieve is definitely above me. Young man, the Yu family will not misunderstand people, nor do I Yes, and your grandfather will not."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment. Before he could recover, the memory disappeared from him and returned to the space storage where the sacred artifacts were stored.

After taking a few deep breaths, Yang Yi's mood gradually calmed down.

Although there are not many suggestions provided by the memory, it is also very precious to Yang Yi. Of course, Yang Yi did not expect much advice. Quite simply, this memory is not the one that Yang Yi encountered in the confined space, it is a copy memory to be precise. Although it has all the information in the memory, it is far less intelligent, so it can't provide much reference.