
Chapter 346: Foreign privileges


As the spacecraft gradually approached, Yang Yi and others standing behind the porthole were already dumbfounded.

In front of the spacecraft was a beautiful planet reflecting light blue light, but what shocked Yang Yi and others was not that planet, but a ring of stars in the same orbit as that planet. The necklace is like an artificial world around stars, and that planet is the most dazzling pendant on this necklace. That is the hidden spirit star, and the huge star ring is a miracle created by the hidden spirit race.

At this time, Yang Yi knew that Signia was not a satellite of a hidden spirit star, but an asteroid with an orbit around the sun. To be precise, it was a planet that could change its orbit at will. At the beginning, Signia was indeed a satellite of the hidden spirit star, but after becoming a royal territory, its environment was completely transformed, with a huge ecosystem covering the entire planet, and it was able to change its orbit at will.

According to Amy's introduction, Signia is in an independent orbit around the sun most of the time, and only on certain days will it return to the satellite orbit around the hidden star. Doing so, in addition to maintaining the independent status of Signia, is also related to the defensive deployment of the entire star system. Although Signa Star is Amy's territory, it is also one of the main residences of the Royal Guard as a royal territory. Because the Royal Guard is responsible for the defense of the entire star system, Signia has military value and must adjust its orbit according to the deployment of the Royal Guard. If the Hidden Spirits are invaded, Sijia Star will also transform into a space fortress to guard the homeland.

In this regard, Yang Yi and others are not surprised.

Quite simply, there are also many satellites and asteroids in the home galaxy that have been fully transformed and can be used as space fortresses during wars.

However, the huge ring of stars really shocked Yang Yi and the others.

You know, before that, Yang Yi and others hadn't seen the stellar ring at all, and didn't even know the existence of the stellar ring.

Although for the human federation, the technology and resources required to make the star ring are still a huge threshold that cannot be passed, for almost all advanced civilizations, making the star ring is not a difficult task, as for the hidden spirit race. This is especially true for the top civilization of China.

The key is that this stellar ring of the Hidden Spirit Race can be invisible!

Obviously, this is not a technology that any civilization or even all top civilizations can master and possess.

Of course, this invisible stellar ring is not much different from other stellar rings in essence.

The main value of the stellar ring is to provide a broader living space.

Although, driven by the rapid changes in science and technology, especially the advancement of primordial energy technology, any civilization of the Galaxy Alliance, even low-level civilizations, can modify the environment of the planet to make it suitable for survival, but some Social factors will not change with scientific progress, such as attachment to homeland, and the impact of economic, trade, security, and cultural factors. The result of this is that almost all civilized native galaxies are overcrowded, while distant colonial galaxies have little interest. Take the Human Federation as an example. Everyone wants to settle in their home galaxy instead of staying in the colonized galaxy to fend for themselves.

The problem is that the capacity of any star system is limited, and there are very few planets suitable for the survival and reproduction of carbon-based life.

In response to this problem, the stellar ring came into being.

Although at the beginning, including the hidden spirits, the top civilization that took the lead in building the star ring was not to expand the living space, but was related to scientific research, that is, a large enough accelerator to orbit the star. But after technological progress, the added value of the stellar ring has been reflected.

The so-called stellar ring is actually an artificial ecosystem.

In this huge ring-shaped world, there are mountains, plains, lakes, oceans, forests and deserts, as well as indispensable cities. Because it faces the star, there is only day and no night in the star ring, and the light is very abundant. It can be said that the star ring has the most comfortable environment, it is simply heaven, a heaven created by advanced technology.

Of course, the same is true for the Hidden Spirit Race.

According to Amy's introduction, although the hidden spirit star is still the parent star of the hidden spirit family, after the completion of the same orbiting star ring, the hidden spirits moved away from the hidden spirit star in batches. Now, almost all the hidden spirits live in the ring of stars, and the hidden spirit star has become a forbidden place for the hidden spirits.

In addition, the hidden spirit star is also the domain of the hidden spirit clan imperial family and the domain of the heavenly emperor.

Although I haven't been there, I can imagine that there must be a bustling world, not to mention Yang Yi, it can open the eyes of all human beings.

However, Yang Yi's destination is not a stellar ring, but a hidden spirit star.

In fact, this is a very ordinary planet, the size of which is about the same size as the God Mother Star of the Weaver Clan.

This is not surprising. The Galactic Alliance, which escaped from the "destroying catastrophe" more than five thousand years ago, was very weak when it came to the Southern Alpha Galaxy, and even needed help from those kind-hearted indigenous civilizations. Therefore, When choosing a galaxy to settle in, many civilizations, including the Hidden Spirits, have no redundant choices at all. It would be nice to find a planet with a suitable environment.

On the hidden spirit star, 75% is the ocean.

Although it has a very comfortable environment, especially after the hidden spirits moved away, the natural environment of the hidden spirits has been fully restored, but relatively speaking, the vast ocean also makes the space for the hidden spirits to settle. Very limited. Even in its heyday, the total population of Hidden Spirit Star did not exceed 20 billion. Up to now, there are still not even 200,000 left on the hidden spirit star.

Of course, almost all members of the royal family.

In fact, the royal family itself is the largest family in the hidden spirit family, and therefore has the most powerful influence in the entire hidden spirit family.

In a sense, the royal family is the foundation of the royal family.

Among the three main forces of the hidden spirit clan, the royal clan has a unique corner. If the royal family and the royal family are regarded as a whole, then the hidden spirit race has only two forces. According to Amy, the royal family has been able to fight against the presbytery for thousands of years, and the support of the royal family has played a vital role. In other words, the royal family can rule the Hidden Spirit Race by relying on the royal family, because the royal family with nearly a million members is an extremely powerful force. Among other things, the members of the Royal Guard are all from the royal family, and they are all adult individuals. If it were not for the limited resources and the family rules that the royal family could not overcome, nearly a million royal family members would be able to obtain adulthood qualifications. If all these members of the royal family are armed, let alone the elders of the Hidden Spirit Race, even a high-level civilization cannot resist.

The royal family is the core of the royal family, and the royal family is the foundation of the royal family. Simply put, the authority of the royal family determines the fundamental interests of the royal family in the hidden spirits, and the power of the royal family directly affects the authority of the royal family. This kind of companionship has become the key to the imperial dominance of the hidden spirit star.

Contending with it is the Presbyterian Church.

If it is said that the royal family originated from the pioneers of the Hidden Spirit Race, and to be precise, it was the first emperor who led the Hidden Spirit Race to the Southern Alpha Galaxy, and took root here, then the Presbyterian Church is the one who followed the trailblazers in the Hidden Spirit Race. The descendants of the heroes who made significant contributions in the early days.

In the Hidden Spirit Race, the emperor gained supreme power and status through a powerful royal family, while the Presbyterian Church gained the strength to contend with the emperor by virtue of a large number of civilians. The emperor can mobilize the royal guards composed of members of the royal family, and the Presbyterians control the army with civilians at the core. Although the personal combat power of the Royal Guard is extremely strong, far above the Legion, the size of the Legion is much larger, with a force far exceeding the Royal Guard. More importantly, after thousands of years of evolution, the confrontation between the presbytery and the royal family is already the basic pattern of the hidden spirit race, that is, the basic form of power struggle. Therefore, the elders have more unbreakable control and control of the legion. That is, even if the Heavenly Sage Emperor wants to mobilize the army, he must obtain the support and consent of the Presbyterian Church.

In a sense, the Legion is the foundation of the elders' opposition to the royal family.

Of course, not all.

In fact, the Presbyterian Church is not the spokesperson of the common people, but the spokesperson of the privileged aristocracy. This has been the case since the day it was born. Obviously, the privileged aristocracy is still a minority among the hidden spirit race. For the vast majority of civilians, the royal family is still the ruler of the hidden spirit race, and the emperor still has irreplaceable importance. Of course, this is also directly related to the prestige established by successive emperors.

Affected by this, although the Presbyterian Church controls a large legion, it cannot replace the royal family and the royal family.

Although in the past thousands of years, especially when the influence of the royal family has diminished, the elders have repeatedly launched coups or similar actions to try to replace or ban the royal family, but they all ended in failure. After all, the royal family is in the minds of civilians. The status of is too high to be replaced at all.

Just like this, after the Heavenly Sage Emperor decided to send troops to fight, only the Royal Guard could be mobilized, not the powerful Hermit Legion.

Similarly, if you want the hidden spirits to send troops, you have to persuade the Presbyterian Church, and it is Yang Yi who is qualified to go to the Presbyterian Church, and to be precise, Yang Yi after passing the trial.

Here, it has something to do with the basic structure of the Presbyterian Church of the Yinling Tribe, and it is also related to the tradition of the Yinling Tribe.

In fact, this is also a privilege for foreigners.

To put it simply, after passing the trial, the foreign race gained not only the recognition of the hidden spirit race, but also the basic right to become an elder. Although he only became an honorary elder and did not vote for all, he still has all the basic rights to make speeches, express opinions, and claim rights and interests. If the immediate interests are involved, unless the title of honorary elder is abolished, or the fundamental interests of the hidden spirit race are violated, the elders will have to unconditionally support it.

Because this privilege is only for foreigners, the Heavenly Sage Emperor cannot help, Yang Yi must work hard by himself.

As for the origin of this tradition, Amy has said it and said it in great detail.