
Chapter 35: Panicked


"Colonel, the propulsion power has reached 120%."

"Increase another five percent."


"Do as I say."

Lin Feng looked at the virtual screen in front of him blankly, holding the spherical energy transmitter tightly with his left hand, and inputting the energy of the original energy converter into the "Dark Shadow" spacecraft.

The "Dark Shadow" has an A-class primary energy converter, which requires external energy supply only in special circumstances.

Now is a special case.

On the virtual screen in front of Lin Feng, several huge tiankengs appeared on the surface of celestial body No. 4447828, which were collapsing inward.

After discovering the anomaly, Lin Feng immediately took Yang Yi away from the celestial body.

A gravitational singularity appeared inside the celestial body, and it evolved into a spatial singularity in a very short time, causing the space where the celestial body was located to be seriously distorted and transformed into a miniature black hole. What happened inside the celestial body? Lin Feng didn't know much, only knew that falling into a black hole would never rise above him.

You know, in the vast universe, there are only black holes where intelligent creatures have never set foot. Not to mention human beings, even the power of the seven top civilizations of the Galaxy Alliance cannot escape after falling into a black hole. In the entire universe, nothing can escape from a black hole.

When encountering a black hole, the only way to save your life is to stay outside the inevitable zone.

As long as it enters the inescapable area, even light will be sucked into the black hole.

Fortunately, Allen discovered the anomaly in time and issued an alarm. If it was a little later, it would be impossible for Lin Feng to leave the celestial body on the "Blazing Phoenix".

"Colonel, the propulsion power has reached 125%."

"What is the probability of escape now?"

"Less than one percent."

"continue… "

"Colonel, the thruster has been overloaded. It is too dangerous to continue to increase the propulsion power. The risk of failure of the thruster has reached 47%. If the thruster stops, we..."

"If we can't escape, we will still fall into a black hole." Lin Feng's face was pale, and his lips trembled slightly.

She is not afraid of death, but something more terrifying than death.

There is no concept of time in a black hole, a moment is eternity. Although no one knows the feeling of falling into a black hole, in theory, a person will not die after falling into a black hole, but will always be in the moment of falling into the black hole, that is, in a state of not being born or dying but never ending. Among. In theory, this moment will not end until the moment of the great destruction of the universe, that is, when the black hole disappears with the universe.

"Allen, open the jump channel."


"Yes, now, right now, right now."

"Colonel, the'Shadow' is still near the miniature black hole, the space is severely distorted, and the interference is very serious. I can't accurately calculate the exit of the jumping channel, that is..."

"Set near the home galaxy, after entering the jumping channel, activate the strong field shield, and use all the energy to strengthen the shield." Lin Fengchang exhaled, and said, "Even if the exit is inside a star, it is better than falling into a black hole. It's much better to be imprisoned forever."

Obviously, the latter sentence was not for Allen, but to cheer himself up.


"This is an order, execute it."

Alan is an artificial intelligence. Although he knows that Lin Feng's order is likely to cause the death of the personnel on the "Shadow", he can only execute the order.

Yang Yi, I have tried my best. Whether I can survive or not depends on luck.

A little light appeared, the jumping channel opened, and the "Shadow" got in. The light did not spread, as if being held by an invisible big hand, gathered near the celestial body that had collapsed into a small dot. The moment the "Dark Shadow" entered the jumping channel, the collapsed celestial body disappeared.

From the outside of the no-escape zone, the miniature black hole only exists for a moment from creation to destruction.

If you fall into a black hole, it is eternal.

At this time, jump inside the channel.

"Colonel, I have used 90% of the energy in the strong field shield, and 10% of the propulsion power is the minimum for flying out of the jumping channel."

"Yes, after flying out of the jumping channel, immediately use all the energy into the strong field shield."


Lin Feng exhaled and rubbed his forehead vigorously before getting up and leaving the cockpit.

At the beginning, it can be said to be a life of nine deaths. Although in the inescapable area of the black hole, the passage of time slows down, but before the black hole is formed, time does not stop. If Lin Feng made a decision later, the "Shadow" would fall into a black hole. Because she is in an inescapable area, she can't know when it's late. By the time she knows it, it will be too late, because the black hole has formed.

In the medical cabin, Yang Yi was lying quietly on the hospital bed.

The "Red Phoenix Battle Armor" has been removed, he is still wrapped in the energy barrier, his eyes closed tightly, his expression is very natural, and he looks like someone is now.


"Colonel, I have done three checks. Except for the weak bioelectric field, there are no other signs of physical activity." Allen paused for a while, then said, "If you think it is necessary, I can try again, maybe Lieutenant Yang Yi woke up."

"No, I want to stay alone for a while."

"Colonel, Lieutenant Yang Yi is still alive, but..."

"Let me stay alone for a while."

Allen didn't say much, and disappeared from Lin Feng.

It is just a program composed of 0 and 1. Although it has low-level intelligence, it can't understand Lin Feng's mentality and feelings at this time.

Yang Yi is indeed alive, at least physically, he is not dead yet, but can he still wake up

"Yang Yi, if you can hear it, wake up quickly." Lin Feng held Yang Yi's hand. Although she was separated from the energy barrier, she clearly felt that Yang Yi's hand was very thick. "We are in the jumping channel and don't know where the exit is. If we are inside the star, at the moment'Shadow' rushes out of the jumping channel, we will die. This spacecraft cannot withstand the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius inside the star. "

"I have a lot to say to you, don't let me down, you must wake up."

"You saved me, you killed that guy, you fulfilled your promise, and you completed the impossible task. I believe you will never let me down."

"I need you more than ever. Without you, I don't know how to face what will happen next."

"Yang Yi, I'm so scared, I'm so scared. Please, wake up quickly."

Lin Feng muttered softly. She believed that after hearing these words, Yang Yi would wake up and face the coming danger with her.

Yang Yi did hear it, but couldn't answer.

In fact, after Lin Feng drove the "Fire Phoenix" to chase the pirate ship, Yang Yi entered a half-conscious state under the influence of a strong electric current. After the severe pain of slashing flesh and bones, Yang Yi woke up and found himself in a dark space surrounded by dense spots of light. Just like standing under the stars at night, the light spots are like the stars in the night sky, only denser.

Lin Feng's voice came from all directions, echoing constantly, very empty.

"Lin Feng, where are you?"

After opening his mouth and shouting, Yang Yi realized that this was just a thought that appeared in his consciousness.

Damn, where is this

Yang Yi was a little panicked and started to run in one direction. After a while, he stopped, because no matter how far he ran, it was like stepping in place, the dense spots of light still surrounding him. Lin Feng's voice still came from all directions, without a clear direction.

I have provoked someone, and I have fallen into this field!

Yang Yi was very unwilling and felt very wronged.

No, don't be controlled by emotions, calm down, calm down and think about what is going on.

Pain, yes, it is the kind of pain that is deep-fried by a knife. At that time, the energy was all in oneself, as if all the cells in the body were...

Body... Am I in my body!

With this thought, Yang Yi was shocked.

Before fainting, Yang Yi concentrated all his energy on himself to resist the severe pain caused by the strong current, and after waking up, he was in this ghost place.

No, this is your own body, how could it be a ghost place

What are those light spots, are they the cells that make up the body

If a light spot is a cell, what am I now

Also, the cells have become so huge, how small is my consciousness

Thinking that it's useless, you have to find a way to get out of here first.

How to leave

Calm down, damn it, calm down and think about it.

Yang Yi eliminated distractions and focused on the nearby light spots. If it is because of paying attention to oneself that leads to consciousness entering the body and being imprisoned in the body, then paying attention to the cells that make up the body may be able to find a way to leave this imprisoned space.

Inside the medical cabin, Lin Feng was still whispering.

Although Yang Yi remained motionless and did not react at all, Lin Feng did not give up. She believes that as long as she persists, Yang Yi can be awakened.

Until Allen appeared in front of her.

"Alan, I said, don't bother me."

"Colonel, the'Shadow' is about to leave the jumping channel."

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Allen.

"According to your order, the exit is set up in the homeland galaxy, but it is disturbed by space disturbances. I cannot determine the exact location of the exit. The deviation is one astronomical unit."

"What is the probability of falling into a star?"

"Less than one ten thousandth."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said, "What is the probability of appearing inside large celestial bodies such as planets?"

"It's about one millionth, but..."

"Just what?"

Allen hesitated for a while, and then said: “Because large celestial bodies such as stars and planets will cause space distortion and adsorption, which will cause the exits of the jumping channels that appear nearby to deviate from their original positions, so the probability calculated according to the commonly used model is not Inaccurate."

"How big is the error?"

"Unable to judge."

Lin Feng's brows twitched a few times: "What's your suggestion?"

"Be prepared for the worst." Allen paused again before saying, "Colonel, I think you should enter the Fire Phoenix immediately."

Lin Feng understood, and looked at Yang Yi who was lying on the hospital bed.