
Chapter 37: A two-year agreement


"... Three, two, one, the exit opens, and the space jump is completed."

The spacecraft shook violently, as if it had hit a meteorite. Lin Feng felt a little bit in his heart. If the exit was in outer space, this wouldn't be the case.

"The thruster starts, the output power is 100%, 110%..."

Lin Fengmeng recovered, Yang Yi had already begun to provide extra energy to the "Shadow". She did not hesitate and immediately began to send energy to the "Shadow".

"... One hundred and ninety percent, two hundred percent, the thruster has reached its maximum strength."

"Alan, the extra energy strengthens the shield."


Lin Feng stared at the temperature and pressure data on the main control interface.

The hull of the spacecraft has exceeded 2,000 degrees Celsius and is still rising sharply, and the pressure is one million atmospheres, which is also rising sharply.

Although you can't see the outside, these two sets of data show that the exit of the jumping channel is inside the star.

Only the interior of the star has such a high pressure.

"The strong field shield reaches one hundred and eighty-five percent."

How can this be! ? Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, feeling that he had misheard.

On the "Shadow", there are a total of three original power converters, only Lin Feng's is AAA, and the "Shadow" self-provided and Yang Yi's are both A-level. Theoretically, the rated output power of the AAA grade primary energy converter is one hundred times that of the same quality A grade primary energy converter. In other words, the energy that drives the "Dark Shadow" is mainly provided by Lin Feng, and Yang Yi and the "Dark Shadow" self-provided only account for a small part.

Even if Lin Feng fully drives the original energy converter, he can barely support the strong field shield when the output power of the propeller reaches 200%. It is impossible to reach 185%. Protection strength. So, where does the extra energy come from

No, it's not right!

Yang Yi has two original energy converters, in addition to the one captured from Rogna, there is also the "source of life".

Could it be that the extra energy comes from the "source of life"? Lin Feng was surprised again. If this is the case, the "source of life" is at least an AA-level primary energy converter, and it is of excellent quality, and the maximum output power is equivalent to an ordinary quality AAA-level primary energy converter.

How can this be!

The "source of life" is a sacred instrument, and its level is the same as the original body level of the user. "The Source of Life" has reached AA grade, could it be that Yang Yi is already an AA grade original body

A day ago, he was still an H-class Primarch.

No one can upgrade from an H-level original body to an AA-level original body within a day, not to mention humans, even the Heavenly Sage Emperor of the Hidden Spirit Race.

"Xiaofeng, what is the temperature and pressure?"

"A Yi..." Lin Fengchang exhaled and scanned the data in front of him. "Two thousand seven hundred degrees Celsius, still rising, the pressure is 2.3 million atmospheres."

"Alan, how long can you hold on?"

"If the temperature continues to rise, the Shadow can last for five seconds."

"What is the current speed?"

"It is less than one percent of the speed of light, and the acceleration is almost zero. In the current situation, the'Shadow' cannot break free from the gravitational restraint of the star before it burns down."

"Put down the heat shield."


"Yes, it will last a while longer."


"Xiaofeng, keep your eyes on it, don't get distracted."

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said, "The exit must be inside the star. It won't last long after putting down the heat shield. We have to prepare for the worst."

"Even if you just hold on for an extra second, it's a victory."

Lin Feng didn't say more, and Yang Yi was right.

The "Shadow" is accelerating, so if you hold on for an extra second, there will be more hope of breaking free from the star's gravity.

Although the shell of the "Dark Shadow" is made of special alloys, it can withstand a maximum temperature of 3,000 degrees Celsius. Above this temperature, the shell of the "Shadow" will melt. Without shell protection, the internal equipment of the "Dark Shadow" will instantly melt and vaporize. The heat shield takes away heat by vaporization to achieve the purpose of cooling, but it can only exist for ten seconds in a high temperature environment above 3,000 degrees Celsius.

How is this going! ? Lin Feng has been staring at the temperature data.

"A Yi?"

"Hold on for a while."

"The temperature did not continue to rise."


"It is 3,300 degrees Celsius now, and it has not risen anymore. The pressure has also stabilized, and it has not continued to increase." Lin Feng paused for a while. "A Yi, we were rescued, we succeeded."

"Xiaofeng, I haven't studied for a few days, and I speak lingua franca."

"You..." Lin Feng almost didn't pick it up, and Yang Yi's words were too ugly. "The exit is inside the star, but not in the star's core, but in the star's atmosphere. As long as the temperature and pressure remain stable, the'Shadow' can break out of the star's atmosphere."


"The colonel's analysis is reasonable, but the spacecraft's external sensors are inside the strong field shield, and the temperature and pressure data outside the shield cannot be obtained."

"Speak lingua franca."

"Unable to prove the colonel's analysis."

At this time, Lin Feng thought of a way. "Alan, what is the current acceleration of the spacecraft?"


"What is the rate of change?"

"It has increased by 0.03G in fifteen seconds, and the acceleration is increasing."

"The rate of change of acceleration is measured in real time, combined with the mathematical model of the gravitational field of the main sequence star of the home galaxy, and the position of the spacecraft is analyzed."

"Understand, it's working."

"Xiaofeng, you are quite smart, you actually thought of this way."

"Are you complimenting me or hurting me?" Lin Feng didn't realize that, under the influence of Yang Yi, she became able to speak well.

"Of course I praise you, Yang Yi's woman, it's a strange thing to not be smart."

"Who is your woman?"

"Xiaofeng, we are so affectionate..."

"Are you the driver of the Frost and Snow Tiger? Don’t blame me for not reminding you. I’m the same. As long as you can be the driver of the Frost and Snow Tiger, even if it’s just a neuron C-level match, I will immediately. To marry you, not only do you don’t want you to offer a dowry gift, but also a heavy dowry."

"Xiaofeng, why bother."

"If you don't have confidence in yourself, put down the idea of pursuing me sooner. Although Lin Feng is not a big deal, my man must be a top man."

Yang Yi was silent and did not answer the call immediately.

He won't be really scared, will he? Lin Feng regrets a bit, she said so deadly, just wanting to inspire Yang Yi and set a goal for Yang Yi.

"Yang Yi..."

"It seems that I am quite discerning."

Yang Yi suddenly came out, making Lin Feng a little bit unable to touch Bei.

"The first woman I have pursued in eighteen years is so arrogant."

"A Yi..."

"If it's easy to catch it, then it's meaningless. Besides, a woman who can match me is definitely a woman with a high vision."

"You..." Lin Feng suddenly understood, and Yang Yi walked her in.

"Okay, I'll show it to you. On the day I became the driver of the'Hard Ice and Snow Tiger', I will come to propose a marriage, and then I will see what you say."

"A Yi..." Lin Feng shivered slightly.

"It's just that you have to promise me. Unless someone becomes the driver of the'Ice Tiger' before me, you can't be tempted by other men."

"Are you not confident in yourself?"

"of course not."

"I promise you, but so do you."

"Does this still need to be said?"

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Besides, you have to hurry up."

"What's the meaning?"

"Two years later, when I am 20 years old, if I fail to achieve neuron level B matching with the'Agni Phoenix', it may be replaced."


"This is the rule set by my grandfather, because if you are over twenty, you will never be able to achieve higher achievements."

"What kind of breaking the rules, is your grandpa's head flooded?"

"You are not allowed to say that to him." Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Without the identity of the captain, I am no different from the rest of the Lin family."

"In other words, your vows will be automatically invalidated. In order to protect the interests of the family, Lin's parents will arrange for you a right marriage?"

Lin Feng didn't say a word, but Yang Yi was right.

Lin Feng's current detached status has nothing to do with Lin Xiaoting's granddaughter. Lin Xiaoting has 27 granddaughters, of which 13 are granddaughters of his own family. Lin Feng's status all came from the "Fire Phoenix". After losing the "Fire Phoenix", she was no different from the twelve cousins. In large families like the Lin family, political marriages for the benefit of the family are very common. It can even be said that marriage is the manifestation of the value of female members. By marrying other giants, your status in the family can be guaranteed. If you marry Yang Yi, who has no background, no backing, and no power, it is tantamount to self-defeating the future.

Although Lin Feng didn't care about his future, Lin Xiaoting would definitely not agree to this marriage.

"Two years is not too short, I will always support you."

"A Yi..."

"Trust me."

"It's not that simple, you don't even know, I..."

"Colonel, the result of the calculation has come out." Allen interrupted Lin Feng at an untimely moment. "Your judgment is correct. The'Shadow' is indeed in the star's atmosphere. In the previous minute, the acceleration has increased by 0.2G, and the shell temperature has reached 2,700 degrees Celsius, and the pressure has dropped to 150. One hundred thousand atmospheres. At the current speed, the "Shadow" will fly out of the stellar atmosphere in five minutes."

"Understood, we will go to the cockpit later." Lin Feng opened the hatch of the "Agni Phoenix".

"Colonel, the communication equipment is still working, and it is expected to be out of the interference zone in three minutes. Do you need to contact the brigade command?"

"Not for the time being. Will the'Magic Cloak' still work?"

"The'magic cloak' is slightly damaged, but it can still work, achieving visible light and infrared invisibility."

"After leaving the stellar atmosphere, immediately activate the'magic cloak' and interrupt all communications. No signal can be sent without my order."


When Lin Feng got off the "Fire Phoenix", Yang Yi rushed over.

Looking at Yang Yi, Lin Feng didn't say much, and asked him to leave the cabin.