
Chapter 38: be honest and open


Seeing Lin Feng walking towards the cabin, Yang Yi's heart was rippling.

Is it possible that she plans to cook the uncooked rice for mature rice, and then show off with her family? Dedicating the first time in his life to a beautiful woman like Lin Feng, his brother's eighteen years of being like a jade is also worth it.

The two of them entered Lin Feng's cabin one after another, and Yang Yi's thoughts flashed in his mind without the slightest vigilance.

It wasn't until the cabin door was suddenly closed and a cold thing hit his neck that Yang Yi returned to reality.

The Flame Sword was held in Lin Feng's hand, and the sharp blade pressed against Yang Yi's neck. As long as he pulled it hard, he could cut off the arteries of the neck.

"Xiaofeng, don't be kidding, the flame sword is so sharp, it doesn't matter if it hurts me, if it hurts you..."

"Who is joking with you?" The power in Lin Feng's hand was a little bit stronger, and the Flame Sword was pressed down again, cutting through the skin on Yang Yi's neck.

"You..." Noting Lin Feng's eyes, Yang Yi realized that Lin Feng was not joking.

"Here is the two of us, as long as you tell me honestly, I will spare you not to die."

"Explain what?"

"Do you want me to remind you?" Lin Feng smiled coldly, and said, "What you seized from Rogge is an A-class primeval power converter. The output power is not high, but the strong field shield of the'Shadow' It’s increased to 185%. Don’t tell me, you are using that original energy converter."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and said, "You know that I still have a power converter, the'source of life' that Amy gave me. Is there any surprise?"

"You are only a H-level original body, and the'source of life' is also H-level, and the output power can't even match the A-level original energy converter."

"'The Source of Life' is not an ordinary power converter..."

"You're still lying!" Lin Feng became angry. "Although I am very grateful to you and want to be with you, if you hide everything from me, can our relationship last?"


"I don't want to force you." Lin Feng put down the flame sword. "If you really like me and want to be with me, you shouldn't hide anything. When you think about it, we'll talk about it."

Yang Yi sighed secretly, while Lin Feng had turned around, ready to go to the cockpit.

Is Lin Feng trustworthy

If there is no trust, no matter how close the relationship is, it is a mirage, and feelings are even more impossible to talk about. Even if there is, it is just mutual deception.

On the celestial body, she stayed for me. What she said during my coma. She gave up the chance to escape by flying the "Fire Phoenix" and resolutely stayed on the "Shadow" just to die with me. Also, she said her own affairs without reservation.

Yang Yi grabbed Lin Feng's arm, and he made a decision.

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Yang Yi.

"Xiaofeng, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't want to hurt you." Yang Yi exhaled and said, "What I'm going to say next, absolutely can't get out of this room."

Lin Feng's brows jumped a few times and said, "I have put Allen into a dormant state, and no one can hear him."

Yang Yi nodded, pulled Lin Feng to the bed, and then sat down.

Lin Feng did not sit down, but stood opposite Yang Yi.

"Remember what happened when we first met? Amy went to Lava Star to find a spacecraft called Hope."

Lin Feng was surprised secretly and looked at Yang Yi in disbelief.

"It was not her who found the "Hope", but me, and only me. I rushed to the beach where the "Hope" fell before her, and entered the "Hope"."

Next, Yang Yi recounted what happened in the "Hope", but didn't mention the very unreliable ancestor Yang Feng.

"You entered the'Hope' and have you been transformed?"

Yang Yi nodded, Lin Feng's surprised look didn't make him feel strange, because anyone would be extremely surprised when he heard such a thing.

"What transformation?"

"I don't know, at least until I went to the celestial body No. 4447828, I didn't have any anomalies. I didn't notice the anomaly until I met Rogge inside the celestial body and was stabbed by his God of War weapon during a duel with him." Yang Yi sighed, then said, "My body is a superconductor and will not be harmed by electric currents. After coming out of the celestial body and attacking the'Frost Snow Tiger', I fell into a coma. To be precise, my consciousness was imprisoned in my body. Inside. I heard what you said, and when I was looking for a way to get out of my body, I discovered that every cell in my body has some original energy. This is the result of being transformed on the'Hope'. "

Lin Feng looked at Yang Yi dumbfounded, feeling that he was listening to the fantasy world.

"Although I am not very sure whether this change is good or bad, one thing is certain, my actual combat power cannot be measured by the standards of combat soldiers. Yes, the combat power displayed is far above the level of the original body."

"Wait… "

Lin Feng brought a small resonant electronic magnifying glass and asked Yang Yi to put his hand on it.

Under the electronic magnifying glass, the situation inside the cell is unobstructed.

"this is… "

"Your body has indeed been modified, and it is very thorough." Lin Fengchang exhaled and put away the electronic magnifying glass. "Although I have never seen anything like this before, it is certain that you are no longer human, at least different from others, and no one is similar to you."

"What's the meaning?"

"What gathers in the cell is indeed the original energy, but it does not come from the original energy converter, but is directly absorbed by the cell from the space of the universe."

Yang Yimeng was surprised and stood up suddenly.

"Simply put, every cell in your body is a miniature primordial energy converter that can directly absorb, convert and use primal energy."

"This... how is this possible. In this case, I won't become a time bomb?"

"It's not that serious." Lin Feng took Yang Yi's hand and made Yang Yi sit down. "This is your cell, controlled by you. Although you did not deliberately control it, your subconsciousness has been controlling these cells. Perhaps for this reason, your consciousness will be imprisoned in your body after you are in a coma. As long as you are controlled, There is no threat to the original energy in the cell, and you don’t have to be afraid."

Yang Yi looked at Lin Feng dumbfounded. What he felt was not fear, but shock.

Lin Fengchang exhaled and said, "Actually, I went to Lava Star at first, not to save you. At least when I rushed over, I didn't know that Princess Sija of the Hidden Spirit Race was also on Lava Star. My mission is the same as Amy. Find the spacecraft named "Hope"."

"What?" Yang Yi was even more surprised now.

"This is a task personally assigned by Marshal Zhan Ruilin. I will perform it alone, and only I know about it."

"So, do you know the origin of the "Hope"?"

"Lin Shuai didn't tell me, just let me find the'Hope' and take it back to him. If anyone knows, it's Lin Shuai himself."

"I have to ask him to be clear."

"A Yi, calm down."

When Lin Feng said so, Yang Yi exhaled, knowing that he was beginning to lose his temper.

"About the rumors of the'Hope', very few people know. I accidentally heard my grandfather mention it once when I was very young, and it was related to the past of human civilization."

"In the past?" Yang Yi frowned immediately. For the human beings of the third era, there is no past, because official historical materials have very few records of the first two epochs. Unofficial folk history refers to the first era as "prehistoric ancient times" and the second era as "The Wild and Dark Period." If anything is certain, there is only one point, that is, the birthplace of mankind is the earth of the solar system.

Because the Milky Way was destroyed in the "disaster of the world," it is impossible to find out the past of human civilization through archaeology.

"Perhaps, history is not as we know it."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then looked towards Lin Feng.

"The'Hope' comes from the solar system and was launched in the early days of the Second Age. There must be a lot of historical materials related to the First Era on it." Lin Fengchang exclaimed, "Lin Shuai asked me to find the'Hope'. Maybe it’s to find out our past."

"It's that simple?"

Lin Feng laughed bitterly. She thought so before, but after knowing the changes in Yang Yi, she couldn't believe it.

"However, you are right. History is not as we know it."

"A Yi..."

"What happened to me is proof. If our ancestors had mastered such advanced science and technology at the beginning of the Second Era ten thousand years ago to transform the human body into a primal energy converter, then in the Second Era, Human civilization is definitely not as backward as recorded in the official historical materials." Yang Yi glanced at Lin Feng and said, "Also, all official historical materials of the Federation come from other civilizations, mainly provided by the seven top civilizations of the Galactic Alliance. How credible is this history written by other civilizations?"

"This is just your guess." Lin Feng was surprised, but didn't refute it.

According to official federal historical records, humans were very backward and barbaric in the Second Age. Had it not been for the rescue of the seven top civilizations of the Alliance, mankind would have been destroyed together with the Milky Way in the "disaster of the world". Mankind can have today, thanks to the compassion and support of the seven top civilizations. This is also true. For five thousand years, the Human Federation has guarded the Greenwich Line of Defense and guarded the entire Southern Alpha Galaxy.

"Now it is speculation, but sooner or later it will be proved."

"A Yi..."

"Of course, it takes enough time, and we also need enough strength." Yang Yi shook Lin Feng's hand. "Relax, I have a sense of measure and will not mess around. Our current strength is not strong enough. If we act rashly, we may be killed without understanding what it is. This matter is very important, and we must not tell anyone, even if it is. The most trustworthy people, such as Marshal Zhan Ruilin."

"Lin Shuai..."

"He must know the origin of the'Hope', but he didn't tell you. Of course, this is also understandable. After all, you are just a soldier carrying out the order, and there is no need to explain it to you in detail. It's just that he is investigating Marshal Zhan Ruilin's Before the original intention, you must not tell him."

Lin Feng nodded, expressing that he understood what Yang Yi meant.