
Chapter 40: Prospective grandson-in-law


There was no words on the way. A few hours later, the "Steel Ambition" reached the Yanhuang Star where the headquarters of the Third Theater Command was located.

This is a planet, not a man-made celestial body like the headquarters of the special reconnaissance team.

Compared with the solar system, home galaxies have similarities, such as the main sequence stars are all yellow dwarfs; there are also differences, such as four in the life zone, with geomagnetic field, atmosphere and liquid water, the environment is suitable for human settlement planet. Yanhuang Star is one of these four planets.

Five thousand years ago, the survivors who escaped from the galaxy in the "disaster of the world" followed the seven top civilizations to the southern Alpha galaxy after experiencing thousands of years of wandering known as the "Journey of Atonement". In order to have a place to survive, the leader of human survivors, that is, the "pioneers", reached an agreement with the seven top civilizations, on the condition that they alone assume the defensive responsibility of the Greenwich meteorite belt, in exchange for the No. The right to choose. Although in the following five thousand years, the Human Federation paid an extremely heavy price for guarding the Greenwich meteorite belt, the gains were equally huge. The Home Galaxy is the one with the best environment, the most resources, and the best location among the 10 million star systems in the North Fourth Region. In addition, the Human Federation acquired a hundred colonial galaxies at its inception.

"It's the first time to come to the Homeland Galaxy?"

Yang Yi nodded, did not deny his ignorance, nor felt embarrassed, because the inhabitants of the homeland galaxy accounted for only one percent of the human federation. Among the population of ninety-nine percent of the population of colonized planets, the vast majority have never left the planet where they were born in their entire lives, and even a very small number have been to the home galaxy. Without this series of adventures, Yang Yi might take decades to obtain the right to settle in the homeland galaxy.

"Yanhuang Star is one of the four major terrestrial planets in the home galaxy, ranking second in size and second in permanent population."

"the first is… "

"Federation Star." Lin Fengchao pointed at a distance, and there was a bright spot of light over there. "Besides Federation Star and Yanhuang Star, the other two terrestrial planets are Olympus Star and Free Star, which are the headquarters of the Second Theater Command and the First Theater Command. It’s just that you can’t see them now. They are in the main sequence. On the other side of the star. In addition to these four terrestrial planets, there are six satellites that are suitable for human settlements. They are the locations of the other six theater headquarters."

"Why the headquarters of the first, second, and third theaters are on the planet, while the headquarters of the other six theaters are on the satellites."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, looking at Yang Yi in surprise.

"Sorry, I never passed my history grades. I dozed off most of the history class."

"You are so embarrassed."

Yang Yi narrowed his mouth, feeling nothing to be embarrassed about.

"During the'Journey of Atonement', the surviving humans escaped the galaxy. There were three main teams at that time. One of them was mainly the Huaxia tribe, and the other two were mainly Saxons and emerging people. The first three pioneers were From these three races. When the Federation was created, there were only four terrestrial planets in the homeland galaxy for humans to live in. Because there were different experiences and different cultures in the thousand-year-old "Journey of Atonement", so three The pioneers decided to divide and conquer. The largest and best-environmental terrestrial planet is the federal territory and is managed by the federal authorities. The other three planets are determined by the three pioneers by lottery." For Yang Yiye After making up for the lack of historical knowledge, Lin Feng asked with disbelief: "You don't even have the most basic historical knowledge, do you?"

Yang Yi laughed bitterly, he was suffering.

"That said, the pioneer of our Huaxia clan is really lucky." Being stared at by Lin Feng, Yang Yi quickly changed the subject.

"It's not just luck. Among the three survivors' teams, the Huaxia clan is the largest."

"What about the six satellites?"

"This, it's a long story." Lin Feng smiled and said, "I recommend a few books for you. If you have time, you can borrow them."

Yang Yi rolled his eyes. What he hates most in his life is reading books, especially history books.

"You guys are talking vigorously, what are you talking about?"

The sudden words made Yang Yi dispel the idea of continuing to ask questions.

It was Lin Liexun, Lin Feng's seventh uncle who came.

"Uncle Qi, you laughed at me again." Lin Liexun hadn't spoken yet, but just a look in his eyes. Lin Feng didn't confess to himself. With that twisted look, no one could see her thoughts.

"Why did I laugh at you?" Lin Liexun smiled and looked at Yang Yi.

"Good General Lin." Yang Yi immediately stood up and saluted. Even if Lin Liexun is not Lin Feng's seventh uncle, he is also a major general of the headquarters, whose identity and status make Yang Yi hard to come by.

"I just finished reading the action report. Your performance is very good. Your captain praised you."

Yang Yi blinked and didn't quite understand why Lin Liexun had to talk around the circle.

"This is an AAA-level mission. According to the regulations, one million merit points can be obtained after completion. Although you did not find the'God's Footprint', you brought the'Frost Snow Tiger' back, but it was seriously damaged. I'm afraid It takes a lot of resources to repair." Lin Liexun glanced at Lin Feng before saying: "After considering various factors, the Theater Command decided to give awards based on a limited task."

"General Lin, what does'limited completion of tasks' mean?" Yang Yi really didn't understand.

"Thank you Seventh Uncle." Lin Feng was very clever, and immediately agreed.

"You girl, you've been clever since you were a kid. Before you got married, she turned her elbow away. If you marry someone in the future, I'm afraid you won't know Uncle Qi." Lin Liexun laughed and patted Lin Feng's head a few times. Down, it seemed that Lin Feng was a little girl who would never be big.

"Uncle Qi will always be my best Uncle Seven, let alone married, even if you become a grandmother, you are also my Uncle Seven."

Lin Liexun laughed and didn't say a word, but Lin Feng's remarks obviously made him very useful to him in such a beautiful manner.

Yang Yi didn't talk too much. Lin Liexun was Lin Feng's seventh uncle and loved Lin Feng very much. Lin Feng was the main executor of this mission and would never treat Lin Feng wrongly.

"Uncle Qi, the army's award is one thing, didn't you say it?"

"Me?" Lin Liexun was taken aback, and said with a smile, "Uncle Qi will definitely give you a big gift when you get married. As for now, it's not my turn."

"Uncle Seven..."

"Want to show, go to the old man."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately closed his mouth. It can be seen that she is very afraid of Lin Xiaoting.

"Okay, go and prepare. It's coming soon, and the old man gave instructions to see you."

"grandfather… "

"Don't worry, the old man is very happy."

Lin Feng nodded, saying nothing more.

Lin Liexun didn't talk any more nonsense, nodded to Yang Yi and turned away.

This uncle Qi is good, but a little serious, maybe just pretending to be in front of juniors. Yang Yi made considerable comments on Lin Liexun.

"A Yi, don't worry, grandpa won't embarrass us."

Don't worry about it. What should I worry about? Yang Yi didn't say this sentence, but nodded in agreement to make Lin Feng feel at ease.

Obviously, Lin Feng was very worried.

Although it is a great achievement to retrieve the "Frost and Snow Tiger" that has been lost for a thousand years, let alone a little recognition, even if it is received and commended by Marshal Zhan Ruilin in person, it is a matter of course. In addition, the "Hard Ice and Snow Tiger" is in the hands of the Special Reconnaissance Brigade, and the number one beneficiary is Lin Xiaoting. Before that, Lin Feng mentioned to Yang Yi that she will take this opportunity to showdown, and the big deal is to let Yang Yi do neuron matching.

Yang Yi did not object, this was indeed an opportunity, but now it seems that Lin Feng is not very sure.

Half an hour later, the "Iron Ambition" arrived at the spaceport of the Theater Command.

The spaceport is built on the synchronous orbit of the Yanhuang Star, which can allow thousands of warships to dock at the same time. It is tens of thousands of kilometers from the ground and has an orbital elevator directly to the headquarters.

"Xiaofeng, how long have you not seen the old man?"

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't quite understand why Lin Liexun asked this question.

"Two years?"

Lin Feng nodded. The last time I saw Lin Xiaoting was before the neuron matching two years ago.

"I know, you have prejudices against the old man. Don't say no. I was just like you when you were at your age. I thought the old man took care of everything and was very annoying." Lin Liexun laughed and said, "Actually, the old man cares about you. , Of all the granddaughters, you are the one he likes the most."

"It's not good." Lin Feng muttered.

"Anyway, the old man is your grandfather."

"Uncle Seven..."

"You are dissatisfied with the old man. To put it bluntly, you think he doesn't care about your personal wishes. But on the other hand, have you considered his difficulties?"

When Lin Liexun said so, Lin Feng was silent.

"If there were other choices, who would treat the most beloved granddaughter’s life event as a trifle? Back then, I said it. After the marriage was promised, it was the old man who regretted the last thing. Otherwise, two years ago, in you When the public swears, he will not come forward to witness."

"Uncle Qi, these things have passed." Lin Fengchao and Yang Yi looked over.

Lin Liexun smiled faintly and said, "You can figure it out. As long as you can find a man who can take care of your life, Uncle Qi will be the first to bless you."

"Thank you Uncle Seven."

Lin Liexun nodded slightly, pretending to glance at Yang Yi casually.

Yang Yi didn't interrupt, and his expression was as calm as ever. When Lin Liexun talked about this topic at this time, he made it clear that it was meant for Yang Yi.

Not long after, the elevator reached the ground.

"Go, the old man is waiting for you."

Lin Feng nodded, then glanced at Yang Yi, who was standing behind Lin Liexun, and then got on the military vehicle that came to pick her up.

Yang Yi did not follow, but followed Lin Liexun and got into another military vehicle. In the elevator, Lin Liexun said that after meeting Lin Feng, General Lin Xiaoting would meet Yang Yi. This is also the basic rule. Lin Feng's first identity is the captain of the special reconnaissance team, and Yang Yi is just a recruit in the special reconnaissance team. "Lin Xiaoting's granddaughter" is only Lin Feng's second identity, and the prospective grandson-in-law of Yang Yi, who hasn't even written his character, has to stand aside.