
Chapter 45: Luo family conspiracy


In the next three days, Allen monitored Luo Zhankong's every move, and the risk of following Luo Chen was too great. Yang Yi and Lin Feng simply laid down their burdens and seriously played the role of male and female robbers. In addition to purchasing some materials and equipment needed by mercenary pirates, Lin Feng also sold a few pieces of trophies. Following Lin Feng around, Yang Yi not only mastered a lot of skills necessary for secret operations, but also felt like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

The Planet of the Planet is indeed prosperous, and the title of the largest black market in the human confederation is not an illusion.

Here, almost everything is available. Even the controlled military equipment is sold openly. It can be said that everything can be bought with money.

In Lin Feng's words, the current appearance of the planetary star is the result of inaction and deliberate indulgence in the Second War Zone.

Although it is called the "third", since the establishment of the Human Federation, the third theater of war has consistently ranked first among all major war zones in the past thousands of years. Especially during the Fifth Greenwich War, because Zhan Ruilin had a close relationship with the Hidden Spirits, the third theater was given special treatment. At the end of the war, the strength of the third theater was already the second theater and the first theater. Twice, Zhan Ruilin is in full swing.

The first theater and the second theater are secretly united, and they are barely equal to the third theater.

In order to fight against the third theater, the second theater tried every means to increase its combat power, and it was not difficult to understand that Falun Gong became what it is now.

In this regard, Yang Yi has a different view.

In his view, the root cause is not the confrontation and hostility of the three major war zones, but the fact that the human federation does not have a central government with absolute authority, and that the mercenaries in the war zones have self-respect and the warlords are separatist. If the federal authorities are strong enough, how can they be dominated by the war zone

Of course, this is also related to the environment in which the Human Federation is located.

In the face of powerful enemies on the opposite side of the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, for thousands of years, the Human Federation can only focus on military affairs and put military construction first. Taking population, resources, technology and other factors as the criteria, the human federation cannot support the existing military power at all. The federal authorities cannot afford huge military expenditures, and they can only let it go. Letting the war zone make a living on its own is tantamount to giving the war zone an opportunity to grow and develop. Space and soil.

In the final analysis, the Human Federation is too weak.

Lin Feng was surprised at Yang Yi's point of view. It's not that it's unbelievable, but it comes from an eighteen-year-old second lieutenant officer.

Lin Feng was also very pleased, even a little proud.

Yang Yi can have such a sharp gaze, which is equivalent to proving that Lin Feng's vision is also very unique.

Three days passed quickly.

Honest Auction House is the largest and oldest auction house in Pluto, and the leader of the Auction Association. Since it was launched more than 4,000 years ago, except for a few wars, the Honest Auction House has held an "Honest Covenant" auction every year. It can be said that this is the annual celebration of the planet Planet.

"The Integrity Auction House was founded by the Sauron family. Although this family has never been a general, it has a deep-rooted influence in the military. It is as famous as the Berne family in the first theater and the Tian family in the third theater. It is the strongest man in the human confederation. The commercial family is slightly better than the other two families."

"Business family?" Yang Yi frowned.

They are sitting in the last row of the auction hall. Those who entered the hall were ordinary people, and those invited VIPs were all in the private room upstairs.

"If a soldier is a fist, and industry, technology, resources, and finance are the body, then a businessman is the arm that connects the fist and the body." Lin Feng paused for a moment, and then said, "Can you use all the power in your body? Whether it can make the fists infinitely powerful, the arms play a decisive role. In the third theater, let alone the Luo family, the Du family, and the Lin family, even Marshal Zhan Ruilin has to give the Tian family a bit of face."

Yang Yi was stunned. According to Lin Feng, the Tian family was the number one family in the third theater.

"From now on, you will naturally understand."

The host of the auction was already on stage, and Lin Feng didn't waste any more words. For her, these are basic knowledge, she has heard and seen since she was a child, and has long been familiar with it. Yang Yi is a hillbilly from a colonial planet. It is not surprising that he has not heard of business families such as the Tian family.

"Dear guests, welcome to Honesty Auction House and participate in this year's "Honesty Covenant" auction."

The venue was very large. Although the host did not use amplifying equipment, he could still hear him sitting in the last row.

That guy has a power converter!

Yang Yi was very surprised and glanced at Lin Feng. Lin Feng just nodded and didn't say much.

"Presumably, everyone can't wait long ago and want to know the auction items tonight. It's just that you have to say what you should say, even if it is nonsense."

This sentence caused a roar of laughter and the atmosphere became lively.

Next, the host spent more than ten minutes introducing the history of the auction and thanked several families who helped organize the auction, as well as some important guests.

Inside, there are Luo Family and Luo Zhankong impressively.

Luo Zhankong didn't come to buy things, but to sell things

Suspicious clouds grew in Yang Yi's heart, and Lin Feng's expression was the same.

Where is this acting

It is undeniable that the Luo family is wealthy, and any inventory item can attract looting. The problem is that there is no auction house in the third theater of jurisdiction, nor is there no underground black market. Why did the Luo family stay close and seek further distance and come to auction items from the Planeta 100 light-years away? In addition, the Luo family is the pillar of the third theater, and the Sauron family belongs to the second theater. The two sides have always been shocked by the river.

"Let's act on the occasion, don't act rashly."

Yang Yi nodded, showing that he understood what Lin Feng meant.

The situation is not quite the same as expected, and the snatch plan made before is not used. If there is no time to re-draw the plan, we can only go one step at a time.

At this time, the communicator in Yang Yi's hand rang.

That was the bidder of the auction house. A list of auction items appeared on it. King Horseshoe Crab appeared on the finale. The last auction was marked as equivalent exchange. This means that if you want to buy King Horseshoe Crab King Jing, you must first take out the exchange items, and the auction house will evaluate the value. After confirming that they are equivalent items, the auction house will transfer the item information submitted by all buyers to the seller, and finally The buyer makes a decision.

Yang Yi took out the Class E space storage Lin Liexun gave him and prepared to scan it with the quoter.

Lin Feng grabbed his hand and shook his head.

"Xiaofeng, no matter how valuable they are, these things are all things outside of the body. If you can't be with you, no matter how valuable things are to me, they are all dung."

"But… "

"This is just a quotation, not a direct transaction. It really doesn't work, I'll talk about it when I see the seller."

Lin Feng gritted his teeth before letting go.

Lin Feng was very moved by Yang Yi's sincerity, but Lin Feng felt uncomfortable at the thought of exchanging tokens given to them by the Seventh Uncle.

Ten minutes later, the host came on stage again, and the auction officially began.

The first lot is a colorful and crystal-clear "Rainbow Rough Stone", produced in the Northern Alpha Galaxy. It has no other purpose except for its beauty. Of course, for local tyrants who love to collect and have a lot of spare money in their purse, it is not a big deal to buy it as a private collection or give it to a certain beauty. After more than a dozen rounds of bidding, this "rainbow rough stone" was bought by a VIP sitting in a private room for one billion yuan.

The next few lots are the same. Except for the rare ones, they are beautiful and have no practical value.

The universe is so big, there are no surprises, and there is no shortage of money and stupid local tyrants. Someone actually spent one billion common coins to buy a piece of "rainbow rough stone", and in the bone buried star born in Yang Yi, a civilian's lifetime income was less than 10 million. Someone also spent 1.5 billion common coins to buy a rock beast skull that could only be placed in the study as a display and used as a show off capital. It is difficult for Yang Yi to understand, where are so many local tyrants in the world.

Fortunately, Lin Feng didn't value these extraneous things.

A few hours later, with the penultimate lot, a five-level God of War weapon named "Contemporary Knife" was photographed, and the host returned to the stage.

War God weapons above level 4 are extremely rare, even single items are very precious.

The key is that a lot of special materials are needed to make War God weapons above level 4, some of which are produced in the Northern Alpha Galaxy, but not in the Southern Alpha Galaxy. Just like this, in the special reconnaissance brigade, only the merit points can be exchanged to the God of War weapons below level 4.

Yang Yi wanted to buy the "Destroyer Knife", but the final transaction price was as high as 12 billion common coins.

Not to mention Yang Yi, even Lin Feng can't come up with so much money.

Although the Lin family is very influential in the Third War Zone, they are not rich and powerful, and Lin Feng is just a junior, and there is not much money at his disposal.

"Don't regret it, the'Soul Destroyer Knife' is just a single product, not very valuable."

Yang Yi nodded, showing that he understood what Lin Feng meant.

If it is not a single product, but a set, it is not something that can be bought with money. A set of five-level Ares weapons can be said to be priceless.

"Everyone, after a few hours, everyone must have bought what they want. Of course, even if you didn’t buy it, you don’t have to regret it, because tonight’s finale is only now starting. First of all, we have to thank you for sitting on the eighth. The two VIPs in the private room would not have been so much anticipated for tonight’s final sale without their support and support. Now, I’m honored to introduce you to the last lot tonight: King Horseshoe Crab."

As soon as the host’s words were over, a realistic three-dimensional projection image appeared on the auction stage.

However, Yang Yi and Lin Feng did not pay attention to the auction stage, but looked at the private room No. 8, and both looked surprised.

It was Luo Zhankong and Luo Chen sitting in the 8th private room.

The king of horseshoe crab was actually auctioned off by the Luo family!

How is this going!

Even if the Luo family's wealth is strong, it is nothing to take out a horseshoe crab king crystal, there is no need to be so violent, and there is no need to get the planet to auction.

Could it be said that Luo Zhankong eats inside and out, privately puts the things in the house out for auction, and Luo Chen fought with him

It is possible for Luo Zhankong to do this kind of betrayal of the family, but how could Luo Chen do it

This matter is certainly not simple.

The two looked at each other, then got up, preparing to leave the auction room.

Too weird, both of them have a bad premonition, thinking that this is a conspiracy against them.