
Chapter 47: Yuanjia has a narrow road


"You said, is this kid really stupid, or a fake stupid, because of his virtue, he is still a second lieutenant officer."

Yang Yi was still asleep, with a refreshing smile on the corner of his mouth, it looked like he was dreaming, and it was a sweet dream.

"What do you do with so many?" Throwing Yang Yi to the floor, another bodyguard said to his companion: "Staring at him, I'll go to the deputy chief."

"This pig won't wake up in two hours at the earliest. Is it necessary?"

"If you tell you to stare, just stare, what is it wordy? If something happens, you can take the responsibility?"

The bodyguard who was scolded was obviously very upset. After his companion went out, he kicked Yang Yi's butt before pulling Yang Yi up and throwing it on the chair.

Inside the cockpit of the spacecraft.

When the bodyguard arrived, Luo Chen was dealing with a top-secret letter that he had just received.

"Deputy Chief Minister, the person has been sent there, and can be interrogated at any time."

As if he hadn't heard it, Luo Chen ignored the bodyguard who had already walked behind him.

"Manager..." The bodyguard was a little nervous, thinking that he had said something wrong. The Luo family has one general manager, four general managers, and 27 deputy general managers. Although Luo Chen is only a deputy general manager, everyone with a little status is very vain, and he certainly doesn't like adding the word "deputy" in front of his title.

"I heard it," Luo Chen said without turning his head back, "I just received the news from home, I have to return as soon as possible. I have already contacted the Third Young Master, and he is in charge of the interrogation work. Go find him and ask. When you get to the "Hanbingxuehu", you are responsible for bringing Lin Feng back. As for the second lieutenant officer, just dispose of it casually. Clean your hands and feet and don't leave any handles. Your reward will be indispensable afterwards."

"Yes, I'm going to find the Third Young Master." Hearing "reward", the bodyguard was excited.

When the bodyguard went out, Luo Chen turned off the communication equipment. The news was sent just now. Something happened at home and he was asked to return as quickly as possible. The spacecraft was ready and parked in the spaceport. As for the aftermath of this operation, it was handed over to Luo Zhankong.

Luo Chen was a little puzzled, not knowing what happened at home. But it must be very important, otherwise he won't be called back.

Two minutes later, Luo Chen left the fast spacecraft sent by the Luo family.

When he was looking for the spacecraft sent to pick him up, the fast spacecraft left the spaceport of the planet and flew towards the home galaxy.

Because there are a large number of spacecraft going in and out of the planet at any time, for safety reasons, it must fly out one million kilometers before entering the jumping channel. This distance is also the jurisdiction of the planet. Only within this distance can it be managed by the local government of the planet, and the local laws of the planet are also applicable.

At this time, on the spacecraft, Yang Yi had already woke up.

It was not the bodyguard who awakened Yang Yi, but Alan, who was thousands of miles away.

"Rochen has left the spaceship and stayed in the spaceport. I followed your instructions and sent him a top-secret email signed by Luo Changsheng. However, it won't be long before he finds out that this is a scam. He is a level ten battle. Soldiers, and the secret assistance of the Sauron family, you have to hurry up."

"Where are you and the Shadow?" Yang Yi still asked by tapping on the chair.

"Behind the spacecraft, less than a thousand kilometers."

"I need a diagram of the internal structure of this spacecraft, as well as the distribution of personnel. The colonel is not with me, so you have to try to find her."

"when do you needit?"

"After I subdued the guard's bodyguard."

"The spacecraft is still within the jurisdiction of the planet, if..."

"It's now."

Yang Yi didn't talk about it anymore, because the bodyguard was walking towards him.

"Boy, what are you shaking? Death is approaching, and it's not honest yet." As he said, the bodyguard raised his leg and prepared to give Yang Yi two feet.

Obviously, Yang Yi did not give him a chance.

After waking up, Yang Yi felt a terrible pain in his butt and knew that he had been killed. Although he was not raped, but being kicked in the ass made Yang Yi very popular. This eyeless bodyguard took the initiative to die, Yang Yi naturally wouldn't be polite, and came to calculate the old and new accounts together.

Before the bodyguard could react, he found that his body had rotated one hundred and eighty degrees, and then he was horrified to discover that it was not the body but the head that was rotating.

The neck was twisted and the bodyguard died.

Holding the body of the bodyguard, Yang Yishun pulled out the pistol from the bodyguard's arms. It is a laser gun, military type, which can adjust the power of the laser beam.

It's not bad, much better than the large-caliber pistol that Yang Yi used to play as a pirate.

Only the Luo family can easily obtain military equipment.

After searching for an identification card, Yang Yi put down the body of the bodyguard and came to the door lightly.

"Allen?" Yang Yi asked after having dealt with the bodyguard.

"Second lieutenant, there are eight people on the spacecraft. Two of them are in the front cockpit, two are living in the middle, two are rushing to the tail compartment, and the last two are in the tail compartment. The signs disappeared."

"That's the enemy I killed, and the other person is me. Is there a weapon on the Shadow?"

"second lieutenant?"

"The colonel should be locked in the cabin in the middle. I will save her now. After I rescued her, you control the'Shadow' to destroy the spaceship." Yang Yi did not talk to Alan, but directly issued an order. Order. "If possible, try to invade the light brain of the spacecraft and download all the information found on the'Shadow'. This is a premeditated kidnapping operation. We need evidence that can accuse the Luo family."

"Understand, I'm invading the light brain of the spacecraft."

"Staring at the personnel on the spaceship, tell me immediately if there is an abnormality."

"The two people going to the tail compartment are about to arrive."

Yang Yi took a deep breath and controlled the "source of life", forming a thin layer of energy armor on the body's surface. Those bodyguards are just ordinary people, equipped with ordinary weapons, and the energy armor is enough to cope. Although he didn't intend to let the enemy go, Yang Yi didn't act brutally.

Only Luo Chen stayed in the spaceport, indicating that Luo Zhankong was on the spaceship.

Catch him and make him pay for his previous actions. As for whether he could get some information out of his mouth, Yang Yi didn't hold much hope. Luo Chen is the person in charge of this kidnapping operation, and Luo Zhankong is just a cover. Second generation ancestors like him must know very little.

"Second Lieutenant, they have arrived, just outside the door."

Hearing Allen's reminder, Yang Yi squeezed the pistol, and then slammed the door open.


The gunfire sounded, and the bodyguard standing at the door fell in response. The laser hit the bodyguard's forehead and burned through the brain. The bodyguard could not die anymore.

Seeing the person standing behind the bodyguard, Yang Yi sneered.

It's really Yuan Jia Lu Zhai, that person is Luo Zhankong.

"You... You..." Luo Zhankong looked at Yang Yi dumbfounded, with an unbelievable and extremely fearful look, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Luo Family Third Young Master, don't you know me?"

Luo Zhankong regained his senses abruptly. Although his legs were still trembling, he still turned around, trying to escape from Yang Yi.

Obviously, this is impossible.

Yang Yi lifted his palm and fell, knocking Luo Zhankong unconscious.

"Second Lieutenant, he is still alive, his vital signs are stable, and his life will not be in danger for the time being."

"I know." Yang Yi dragged Luo Zhankong into the room and threw the body of the bodyguard in before closing the door. "I'm going to the colonel now."

"Second lieutenant, I have invaded the light brain of the spaceship. If necessary, I can take over the spaceship."

"take over?"

"Remote control."

Yang Yi's brows jumped a few times, and then he said: "So, can the power system of the spacecraft be overloaded, causing it to be blown up due to a failure of the power system?"

"This... should be fine."

"That's it. After I rescued the colonel, you overloaded the spacecraft's power system, and then let the Shadow come to pick us up."


It was Lin Feng who was locked in the cabin, guarded by a bodyguard. For Yang Yi, getting rid of the bodyguard and rescuing Lin Feng is a piece of cake. The problem is that the medicinal effect of "Broken Heart Mist" is too domineering, and Lin Feng is still in a coma. As a last resort, Yang Yi used the most primitive and barbaric method.


With a scream, Lin Feng woke up after being soaked.

"Yang Yi, what are you doing? You... Are you looking for death..."

"Calm down, we are kidnapped." Yang Yi is counting the items, that is, their personal items, including the two C-level space storage devices, there is no shortage.

The space storage is controlled by the wave of consciousness, and only the user can open it. Forcing it to open will cause irreversible damage.

Lin Fengmeng was taken aback for a moment before he came to his senses.

"However, I have killed those who kidnapped us, and I also caught Luo Zhankong and rescued you."

"You... Luo Zhankong did it?"

"He is just a puppet, and Luo Chen is the real murderer, but the main envoy must be Luo Changsheng or Luo Zhenyu. Wait, you can ask Luo Zhankong to find out."

"Where are we?"

"On one of Luo's spacecraft, I have already left the planet. The'Shadow' is nearby. Allen has already controlled the spacecraft's optical brain, and the power equipment will soon be overloaded and exploded, so we have to leave here as soon as possible. . If you have any questions, let’s go back to the "Shadow"."

Lin Feng nodded, and broke free of the rope that bound his hands.

Soon, the two returned to the tail compartment. Taking Luo Zhankong, who was still unconscious, the two went to the rescue cabin. After putting on protective clothing for Luo Zhankong, Yang Yi asked Allen to open the door of the rescue cabin.

The "Shadow" was a few kilometers away, in a semi-invisible state.

When the two left the spacecraft and flew towards the "Shadow", Allen gave instructions to the spacecraft's optical brain to overload the power equipment.

At this time, the Planetary Spaceport.

After finding the port manager to inquire, Luo Chen suddenly found out that he had been fooled because there was no fast spacecraft arranged for him.

Immediately afterwards, the dispatch and command center of the spaceport received news that a fast spacecraft that had just left the spaceport exploded 500,000 kilometers away. All personnel on the spacecraft were spared. According to the information sent back by the spacecraft before the explosion, The preliminary judgment is caused by overload of power equipment.

Luo Chen immediately realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately took action.