
Chapter 5: Swear revenge


"Bang, bang, bang..."

In the dimly lit passage, two young people, one tall and one short, leaned against the wall face to face, the short one was holding an old mechanical watch, and the tall one frowned. The "bang" sound came from the iron door a few meters away, and from time to time there was a roar like a trapped beast.

"Handsome guy, there's still half a minute." The dwarf shook the mechanical watch in his hand, looking very proud.

"What's the rush?" The tall white short one gave a glance and shouted at the iron gate: "Damn it, be honest with you, or the uncle will wait for you to look good."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The answer to him was a rapid slamming of the door and a violent roar.

"Five, four, three, two, one, handsome guy, you lost."

"Time is up?"

The dwarf laughed and threw the mechanical watch over. The tall man took a look, unwillingly took out a pack of crumpled cigarettes and threw it to the short man.

"Damn it, made me lose a pack of cigarettes, uncle..."

Before he finished speaking, the taller closed his mouth, because the two of them entered the passage and were walking towards this side. Walking ahead was a middle-aged man with wrinkles on his face, and behind him was a young woman with healthy wheat-colored skin, beautiful brows, but a melancholy expression.

"Who's winning?"

The tall man narrowed his mouth and didn't answer the man's question, but his expression had already answered.

"Supper is almost ready, let's go up."

"Brother Li, he hasn't stopped for three days..."

"I have a sense of measure."

The man waved his hand, but the dwarf said nothing, and told the taller to leave with him.

After the two left, the man looked back at the woman who was following him, and then walked towards the iron gate. The woman didn't follow, it seemed that behind the iron door was a beast that could eat people.

Walking to the iron gate, the man reached out and knocked on the iron gate a few times. "Are you still alive?"

"Who are you, let me go out immediately, otherwise..." An unusually angry cry came from behind the door, and a man was locked inside.

"How about it? Three days and three nights, and you haven't calmed down yet. If you need more time, I can shut you down for another three days and three nights."

"Who are you guys anyway?"

The man shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "It doesn't matter who we are, but the point is, do you still know who you are?"

The person behind the door was silent and did not answer for a long time.

"If you calm down, we can have a good talk. Of course, if you feel that you can't sit down and talk to me calmly now, then come back in a few days."

"Open the door and let me out." The man didn't yell again, his words were calm.

"Don't play tricks, or you will regret it."

"Open the door!"

The man smiled faintly, held the door handle and turned it, then pushed open the iron door.

Before the iron gate was fully opened, a figure rushed out from inside, and a fist hit the man's head at an extremely fast speed at the same time.

The man did not evade, but threw a punch.

The punch didn't look fast, but the latter came first, hit the figure's chest, and blasted the figure out.

"It seems that you have not calmed down. I will see you again in a few days."

"Who are you? Do you know that assaulting a Union soldier is a capital crime!" The man curled up in the corner, his voice was obviously weaker, and he looked badly injured.

Behind the iron door is a small room with an area of less than five square meters, without windows, which is similar to a prison cell.

The man froze for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Laugh, laugh as soon as you can laugh now. I am an active federal soldier, and people from the military are looking for me, as long as you find this place, you guys..."

"This is what you mean?"

A piece of iron flew out of the man's hand and fell in front of the figure.

The man picked up the iron piece and took a look, then immediately turned over and got up, his movements were very flexible, not like an injured one.

"this is… "

"Let's take a look, I'm outside, come out to find me when I figure it out." The man turned and left without closing the iron door.

That is not an ordinary piece of iron, but an information storage device. The three characters "Judgment" are engraved on the front, and there is a laser seal on the activation switch, which requires the acceptor to open it with a fingerprint. The man hesitated and pressed his right thumb on the laser seal.

Four beams shot out, and a virtual screen appeared above the storage.


Sentenced object: Third-class garrison Yang Yi, soldier number 49940300779527 of the third theater garrison.

Sentenced crime: escaped.

Judgment basis: Federal Military Regulations Part 4, Chapter 78, Article 4238, Item 58.

Sentenced result: exile.

Sentence period: lifetime.

Place of sentence: Lava Star.

Effective time of the judgment: 4994th year of the Third Age...

Before he finished reading, the man shook a few times and almost fainted.

No one else, but Yang Yi.

This... how is this possible! ? Holding on to the wall, Yang Yi opened the verdict again and read it carefully when he was a little more clear-headed.

The laser seal has the seal of the Military Law Office of the Third Theater, which is definitely not forgery.

But... what the hell is going on! ? Yang Yi patted his head vigorously.

When he woke up, he was already in this room. He didn't know what happened when he was in a coma. He only remembered that when he returned to the post, the "Bun" was attacked, its steering thruster was destroyed by the enemy plane, and the spacecraft lost control. He took Zhong Lili to the escape capsule according to Lin Jia's instructions and put Zhong Lili into a pod. Escape cabin, set up the automatic ejection program, and then get into another pod escape cabin.

According to the procedure, after setting up the route to the neighboring post, the ejection procedure will start automatically to eject the pod-type escape pod. Because the flight speed of the escape capsule is very slow and the neighboring outposts are far away, the escape personnel will be injected with sleeping pills, and then the hibernation device will be activated to allow the escape personnel to enter the hibernation state, survive the long interstellar flight, and arrive at the destination alive or Rescued by a passing spacecraft.

Yang Yi remembers clearly that before he fell asleep, the pod escape pod he was in had been ejected out.

What happened after this

"Everyone is the same when they come here, but your reaction is bigger."

Yang Yi raised his head and found that the man who punched him flying was standing at the door.

"You broke the record that a handsome guy has maintained for five years, but it's a lot worse than the highest record I set."


"The time to stay here." The man glanced at the room where Yang Yi was.

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment. This was a confinement room.

"Do you think you are dreaming? However, I am awake from the dream now." The man threw a box to Liu Xian. "Come on, I will take you back to the real world."

It is a set of gathered protective clothing, which can be activated by pressing on the chest and pressing the switch.

Yang Yi gritted his teeth and followed the man's pace.

"She is A Ling, she found you and brought you back." When passing by the woman, the man introduced. "My last name is Li, you can call me Lao Li or Brother Li."

"Are you the prison guard here?"

"There are no prison guards here, I just came here earlier than the others. Okay, there is an exit in front, so I don't want to be roasted into coke, so I quickly put on protective clothing."

In front is a rusty airtight door.

The man put on protective clothing, and the woman named Aling also put on protective clothing. Yang Yi didn't dare to hesitate and put on protective clothing immediately.

The airtight door opened, and a fiery wave of air surged in. Although wearing protective clothing, I can't feel the temperature of the air wave, but it is certainly not low, I am afraid it is above 1,000 degrees Celsius.

"Don't run around outside. If you get lost, no one can save you."

Yang Yi nodded, but was still out of breath.

Although there has never been a lava star before, no one in the human federation does not know this planet called the "fire hell".

Before the Fifth Greenwich War, the "Lava Star" was called "The Star of Bliss". The ocean coverage rate was as high as 85 percent, and the environment was beautiful. It is a pity that at the beginning of the Fifth Greenwich War, the human federation was retreating steadily. In order to preserve the homeland galaxy, it had to give up all colonized planets. After being occupied by the Silicon Magic Alliance, the "Elysium Star" has undergone a complete and complete environmental transformation. The ocean has completely disappeared. Except for a few islands, the surface of the planet is covered by magma. Because all water resources have been lost, there is no development value anymore, so after the Human Federation regained the lost land, it did not make environmental improvements. Since then, the "Elysium Star" has become the "Lava Star", and it has also become the largest waste disposal site in the Human Federation.

Simply put, the current Lava Star is a waste incineration plant.

What Yang Yi didn't know was that this was still a place for criminals to be exiled.

Behind the airtight door is a straight upward passage with an elevator.

A few minutes later, after rising about 500 meters, the three of them came to a huge cave.

The entrance of the cave is red, and outside is the ground world of the lava star.

Yang Yi trembled and walked towards the entrance of the cave. A Ling wanted to follow, but Big Brother Li grabbed her and shook his head at her, telling her not to go. The reality is cruel, but everyone who comes here has to take this step. Only by facing reality bravely can we survive in this place worse than hell.

When he reached the entrance of the cave, Yang Yi stopped, holding on to the rock wall, panting heavily.

The sky outside was crimson, the ground was full of red-burning spaceship wreckage, scorching wind raged at will, and fire was everywhere.

The name "Fire Hell" is well-deserved.

This is reality, not a dream!

Yang Yi wanted to take off his protective clothing and use his feelings to judge whether it was a reality or a dream, but the only trace of reason dispelled this stupid thought.

Who, who framed me!

An unnamed anger rose up, instantly filling Yang Yi's entire brain, and it burned blazingly.

"Who is it, who is it!?" Yang Yi raised his head and yelled at the scarlet sky. "I, Yang Yi, swear by the life of a loved one, no matter who you are, even if you are a high-ranking general, even if you are an emperor, I want you to survive."

In the cave, Aling looked worried, as if she was afraid that Yang Yi would be killed by those words.

A smile appeared on Brother Li's face. In order to survive in this ghost place, not only the steel-like will and the cockroach-like vitality, but also the motivation to live. Hatred may make people go astray, but it allows people to overcome adversity and survive tenaciously.