
Chapter 58: Remnants of war


When Yang Yi came out of the bathroom, Lin Feng cast a look at him. The two did not say much, and went to the cockpit together.

"Silent" is a fast spaceship, about the same size as "Shadow", because Yang Yi and Lin Feng are male and female robbers, so Jackson only arranged a cabin for them. While Yang Yi was taking a bath, Lin Feng contacted Allen and asked Allen to activate the "Shadow" and follow the "Silent". This is done for insurance, after all, no one knows what will happen next.

When the two arrived in the cockpit, Jackson, Stevenson, and Krall had been waiting for a long time.

"In another half an hour, after leaving the chaotic star field, Silence will make a space jump." When Yang Yi and Lin Feng approached, Jackson activated the projector on the console and called up a starry sky map. "This is our destination, the fifty-first restricted zone."

Yang Yi hadn't heard of it, but noticed Lin Feng's look and immediately realized that it was not a good place to go.

"The place of confusion?" Stevenson frowned, as if he thought he had heard it wrong.

"Everyone is already in the same boat, I will no longer keep and conceal it." Jackson exhaled, and his expression became extremely solemn when he sat down. "About half a year ago, a trekking spaceship strayed into the place of confusion and found a war remnant. After inquiring about the news, that is, about a month ago, I led the mercenary group to the place of confusion. Although the war remnants were found. , But only I escaped alive."

"Escape?" Krall immediately showed a calm expression.

Jackson is an eighth-level soldier. Although the size of the warrior mercenary group is not too large, it is absolutely powerful. There are many soldiers above the fifth level, and the deputy commander is a seventh-level soldier. What kind of danger would wipe out the Warriors' mercenary group and force Jackson to escape alone

"The place of chaos is set as a restricted zone, mainly because of the chaos of time and space inside. Not to mention the warriors, even the Renkui fighters, if they accidentally get lost in it, their lives will be in danger." Lin Feng briefly explained. , It sounds like an excuse for Jackson, but it's actually explaining the situation to Yang Yi. "Captain Jackson, I'm not pouring cold water. If you want us to follow you to the place of confusion, you have to tell us the purpose."

"Two purposes." Jackson glanced at Lin Feng, then his gaze swept over the other three. "The first is to look for the missing persons. As Ms. Merlin said, the place of confusion is just a disorder of time and space. Although a month has passed, I believe they are still alive."

"One million Commonwealth Coins is not worth our risk in a place of confusion." Stevenson was obviously not satisfied.

"Of course, this is only a secondary purpose." Jackson grinned reluctantly, and said, "The main purpose is to explore the ruins and find the treasures inside."

When he heard this, Stevenson looked better.

"Are you sure there are treasures in the ruins?" Krall asked.

"It is a relic of the Fifth Greenwich War, and it is closely related to the emergence of the Land of Disorder."

When Jackson said so, the expressions of Stevenson and Krall immediately became gloomy, but the two did not ask any more questions.

"What's the relationship?" Yang Yi couldn't help but ask.

"As we all know, the place of chaos did not appear until the end of the Fifth Greenwich War. The root cause of the chaos of time and space is a large number of space debris that moves disorderly. If you accidentally enter a certain space debris, you will be trapped in it." Jackson looked at it. Gave Yang Yi a glance. "For thousands of years, no one has known the reason why the Land of Chaos appeared. I also took the team into the Land of Chaos a month ago and found out the ruins."

Yang Yi still wanted to ask a question, but Lin Feng quietly tugged him.

"Kuhn-Barion Fortress."

"What!?" Stevenson almost jumped up, and Krall also looked at Jackson in shock, not believing what Jackson said.

Lin Feng's expression was not so exaggerated, but her heart was overwhelming.

Yang Yi is also extremely calm, because in the Human Federation, "Kuhn-Barion Fortress" is written in the history book and is a compulsory course for elementary schools.

"Kuhn-Barion" is the lingua franca of the Silicon Charm Alliance, meaning "The Cavern of Stars". This fortress is the final battle of the Fifth Greenwich War, the battlefield of the Battle of the Dawn of Peace. In the Silicon Magic Alliance, this battle is called the "Kuhn-Barion Battle".

In this battle that forced the Silicon Magic Alliance to sign an armistice agreement, the human federation has shown its strength, and the third theater of war is the most prosperous. Four legendary fighters, including the "Fire Phoenix", also became famous in this battle. It is a pity that the "Xiangyu Feilong" and the "Splitting Xuanwu" were bombarded by the shattered space artillery and fell into the shattered space. Since then, there is no news. "Kuhn-Barion Fortress" also buried hundreds of warlords before the end of the battle. Because of the loss of this fortress, the outer defense line of the Northern Alpha Galaxy was penetrated, which meant that the door was opened wide, so the Silicon Magic Alliance was forced to accept the armistice proposed by the Galactic Alliance, and the Fifth Greenwich War ended.

Rumor has it that because of the opposition to the armistice, Zhan Ruilin had a fight with representatives of the seven top civilizations, and his relationship with the Hidden Spirits was also affected.

"Captain Jackson, are you kidding me?" Yang Yi broke the silence and said, "Everyone knows that the Kuhn-Barion Fortress was blown to pieces during the Battle of Peace Dawn. Even if it was not blown up, It should be in the Northern Alpha galaxy, it is impossible to appear in the Greenwich meteorite belt."

"This is what I saw with my own eyes." Jackson glanced at everyone and said, "If it weren't for the Kuhn-Barion Fortress, would I take all the people on an adventure?"

Yang Yi closed his mouth, and if he said anything, he was suspicion of Jackson.

However, Lin Feng, Stevenson and Krall still looked at Jackson suspiciously.

"Look at it for yourself." Jackson didn't waste any more saliva and called up a few photos from Guangmin. "I photographed this in a place of confusion, and I have never shown it to anyone. Stevenson, Claire, you have served in the military for decades, and you should know the value of these photos."

It is indeed a relic, and it is extremely large, it is simply an asteroid.

After watching carefully for a while, Stevenson and Krall nodded slightly. Lin Feng winked at Yang Yi and told Yang Yi not to talk too much.

"It is indeed'Kohn-Barion Fortress', which is similar to what we have seen in the military database before." Stevenson exhaled and said to Jackson, "The problem is that this fortress has long been Destroyed, why is it in the place of chaos, and..."

"This is not a problem that we need to figure out." Jackson grinned reluctantly and said, "Now, what do you think of this action?"

Stevenson exchanged glances with Krall, and neither of them said much.

Jackson nodded slightly and looked at Yang Yi and Lin Feng.

Yang Yi narrowed his mouth and said nothing. Although I don't know why the fortress appeared in the place of confusion, it is certain that there must be treasures in the fortress, which is a very valuable item to be precise. You should know that in the "Peace Dawn" campaign thousands of years ago, hundreds of warlords and thousands of generals were stationed in the fort against the army of the human federation. Although before the fall, the last batch of warlords trapped in the fortress detonated the power converters, but no one knows whether all warlords blew themselves up, and it is not certain whether all the power converters have been blown up. If not, even if only one survives, it is invaluable. The original converter of the King of War is at least S-level, and even SS-level is not uncommon. In the Human Federation, an S-class primordial energy converter can cause a bloody storm, and an SS-class primordial energy converter is an unmeasurable treasure. Even if it's just the A-level original energy converter used by the warlord, it has full value.

In fact, this is exactly why Jackson ventured to a place of chaos.

Yang Yi had long discovered that the reason why Jackson was still an eighth-level soldier was not restricted by the original body, but used an A-level original energy converter. If you can get an AA-level or higher power converter, Jackson's combat power can be immediately improved.

For a mercenary who is always risking his life, the temptation to improve combat power is too great.

As for Stevenson and Krall, they also partnered with Jackson in order to obtain a higher level of original energy converter and strengthen their own combat capabilities.

Of course, if it is indeed the "Kuhn-Barion Fortress", there must be the life crystallization that Yang Yi needs.

It is rumored that in the "Peace Dawn" campaign, more than a dozen top warlords appeared, and their vehicles, that is, domesticated silicon beasts, died with them. The silicon beast that was domesticated by the warlord and accompanied the warlord on the battle is at least level ten, and it must have life crystallization. If the corpses of these silicon beasts were in the fortress, their life crystals would definitely remain in the fortress, and the quality would definitely be much better than the horseshoe crab king Jing that Luo family used as bait.

"If there is no problem, go and make preparations. It is estimated that you will arrive at the place of chaos in four hours, and then we will discuss the specific arrangements for the action."

When Jackson said so, the four left the cockpit one after another.

"How about it?"

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and pointed to the pin on her chest. It is a miniature camera, and the images taken by it have been sent to Allen through the quantum communication device. Knowing that the destination is the place of confusion, Allen can control the "Shadow" alone to rush over, without following the "Silent".

Yang Yi didn't ask much, "Silent" is Jackson's spacecraft, and the ghost knows whether there is monitoring equipment.

Not long after, the two returned to the cabin.

"My dear, are you tired? Go take a hot bath and I will massage you."

Yang Yi looked at Lin Feng in surprise and felt that Lin Feng's head was flooded.

"Come on, I promise to make you comfortable."

Does she feel that this act is too good for her, and now she has time to do what should be done, so as not to regret it? Sudden thoughts made Yang Yi's mouth dry, and a little airy.

Yang Yi did not refuse, and took off his coat when he followed Lin Feng to the bathroom.

Lin Feng is so proactive, is he still shy as a big man