
Chapter 6: Face reality


"Brother, don't eat too much. You are hungry for three days, and eating too much at once is not easy to digest. There is no hospital in this place, and no one can help you when you fall ill."

Yang Yi didn't lift his head, still gobbled it up.

Brother Li glared at the dwarf, then winked at Aling who was sitting next to Yang Yi, and Aling calmly took away the big pottery bowl in front of Yang Yi.

"I haven't eaten enough yet, I..."

"Boy, do you think this is a relief station, you can eat if you want?" The tall man sitting opposite finally couldn't help it. He was still angry at losing a pack of cigarettes.

Yang Yi raised his head, only to realize that everyone was staring at him.

In addition to Big Brother Li, A Ling, short and tall, there is also a chubby middle-aged woman with a kind smile on her face at all times.

"Monkeys and handsome guys." Brother Li pointed to the short and tall ones, and then glanced at the middle-aged woman. "Fat sister, butler and chef. Okay, let's introduce yourself."

Yang Yi glanced at everyone. "You can call me A Yi, I am a Union soldier..."

Before Yang Yi finished speaking, the short and handsome boys laughed first, and even the fat wife couldn't help but laugh.

Brother Li shook his head and said: "We are all soldiers, without exception. Tell me, what kind of great deeds made you fall here?"

"I was wronged, I..."

Now, the dwarf and the handsome guy laughed louder, and leaned forward, as if what Yang Yi said was funny.

"I didn't lie, I..." Yang Yi was a little anxious. He was just a piece of clean white paper, spotless, and so pure that there was no stain.

"Yes, you were wronged, we were all wronged. The monkey only met the legion commander’s wife in private a few times, and happened to stay in the same room in the same hotel, and the legion commander happened to break in. Handsome guy. More innocent, received a few love letters, did what a man should do, because he didn’t know that the other party was the general’s daughter, so he didn’t take precautions and almost became a father. The fat sister’s situation is a bit special. Her son was seriously ill. , The army’s allowances were so small that they had to embezzle public funds. To be really innocent, I’m afraid there is only Aling. She just didn’t want to be a mistress for an old guy who was about the same age as her grandfather. Menopause." Brother Li paused for a while. "As for me, I am neither worse than them nor better than them. Everyone is in the same situation. No one will come here for no reason. Tell everyone, you are innocent?"

Yang Yi looked at everyone dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

"Of course, everyone has a secret. If you don't say it, no one will force it. When you figure it out and want to say it, we are your most loyal listeners." Brother Li smiled, his face changed immediately. "It's just that the handsome guy is right. This is not a relief station for the poor. No one is qualified to eat and drink for nothing. Starting tomorrow, you have to rely on your own hands to earn the living supplies that belong to you. "


Brother Li nodded and said: "The patrol spacecraft of the Military Law Department comes once a month. Depending on the situation, that is, the speed at which the waste is processed, it will drop food, fresh water, clothing and other survival materials, as well as the tools used to dispose of the waste. Progress cannot be completed. , We will go hungry. A Ling rescued you not because you were pitiful, let alone to raise a mouth, and we don’t have the ability. This is where we can get our own share of food through labor. We don’t care if you are framed or not, and we don’t care about your past. You just have to remember that if you want to live in this damn place, you have to treat yourself as an old scalper."

Yang Yi was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Brother Li didn't talk any more, got up and left the restaurant.

When Yang Yi came back to his senses, the monkey and the handsome boy had already left, and the fat sister was washing the dishes in the kitchen. Only A Ling was sitting next to him and staring at him.

"Are they all gone?"

"It was the same when I first came. It was worse than you. I didn't recover for half a month. I thought it was a dream and would soon wake up from a nightmare. If I hadn't taken care of my fat wife, I would have died. Brother Li is a good person. He said those things just to cheer you up as soon as possible."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and grinned reluctantly.

"Your room is in the third hole on the left side of the passage. Sheets and bedding are all ready." A Ling stood up and patted Yang Yi on the shoulder. "Don't think too much, thinking wildly will only drive you crazy. If you want to honor your vows, you have to survive first."

Yang Yimeng shuddered, and Ah Ling said this to his heart.

Only by living can we have revenge, and the dead can do nothing.

What's the use of blaming others? The real strong will never bow to suffering, but will only regard suffering as training to overcome and overcome the difficulties and obstacles encountered!

On the road to success, suffering is the test that must be passed to reach the end.

Only by overcoming suffering can you become a real strong person.

Yes, overcome suffering and become stronger!


As soon as this thought came out, Yang Yi suddenly became proud and slammed his fist on the table.

"Oh, be careful!"

Fat sister-in-law's exclamation awakened Yang Yi.

A Ling has already left, and the fat wife has also packed up the tableware and is about to leave.

Yang Yi exerted his full force with that punch. The table was made of alloy. There was nothing fart. Instead, Yang Yi's fist was overwhelming, and he was pumping in pain.

Being stared at by the fat sister-in-law, Yang Yi gritted his teeth and resisted the pain without screaming.

After glaring at Yang Yi, the fat sister turned around and left.

Grandma's, I want to be stronger. Yang Yi rubbed his painful fist and left the restaurant dingy.

The room allocated to Yang Yi is not big, less than ten square meters, but some furniture is readily available. Although the sheets and bedding are old, they are very clean.

This night, Yang Yi didn't sleep well.

As long as he closes his eyes, some weird pictures will appear in front of him.

How is Zhong Lili

Did Lin Jia enter the escape capsule in time

Has the reinforcements arrived

Have the enemies who besieged the outpost been eliminated

Who signed the judgment

These questions tortured Yang Yi, and it wasn't until midnight that he fell asleep in unconsciousness.

At this time, dozens of light years away.

As the energy barrier fell, a strange-looking spacecraft slowly entered the military base built on the back of the asteroid. It was the spacecraft that arrived near post 7777 after the departure of the Third Fleet and found two pod escape capsules in the wreckage of the "Haji".

After the spacecraft entered, the energy barrier was raised and the entrance to the base disappeared.

In the base command center, when the soldier in the gray uniform came in, dozens of officers and soldiers immediately stood up and saluted, then turned and left in an orderly manner.

The soldier manipulated it on the console, and a projection of a figure appeared in front of him.

It was a thin man, but his face was pitch black, and he couldn't see his appearance.

"Lin handsome!"

"Have you noticed?" The voice came from the horn on the console, hoarse, low, and tinged with vicissitudes of life.

"The Third Fleet arrived before me, found an escape pod, and left."

"There is another survivor?"

"I checked. It was a third-class soldier named Yang Yi. The recruits who enlisted in the army this year were assigned to the field squad and were on the'Bun' when the incident happened."

"He is still alive?"

"Three days ago, the Third Fleet bypassed the Theater Command and signed a verdict in the name of the Theater Military Law Office, and the sentence was Yang Yi."

"What about the verdict?"

"Exile the Lava Star for life."

"That said, Du Wantu intends to use him at some point in the future."

"That's the case. If it's just for keeping secrets, Du Wantu's style of acting will kill people."

"Let him toss, if he stops one day and doesn't toss, that's a weird thing."

"What should I do with the two people I found?"

"who are they?"

"Captain Lin Jia and Corporal Zhong Lili of the Field Unit."

"Lin Jia?"

The soldier hesitated for a while, and said, "She is the granddaughter of General Lin Xiaoting, but a side branch. It has not been with General Lin Xiaoting for many years."

"Lin Xiaoting has more than 20 granddaughters, right?"


"Forget it, send someone to bring her over. Anyway, she is Lin Xiaoting's granddaughter."

"Understood. What about the other one?"

"Du Wantu certainly didn't know that there were two survivors, otherwise Yang Yi would not be exiled. Let her stay like this, when it will be useful in the future."


"This matter must not be leaked."

"Only I know, the people involved in the operation are not aware of the situation."

"Very well, I can rest assured that you do things."

"Thank you Lin Shuai for the compliment."

"That's it, contact me if you have new discoveries."


The portrait disappears and the communication ends.

The gray-clothed soldier didn't stay much, gave an order through the command system, and then left the command center.

In the hangar, a pod escape capsule was sent into a fast spacecraft, and the other was sent to the bottom of the base.

Inside these two rescue capsules, it was Lin Jia and Zhong Lili.

A few hours later, the fast spacecraft rushed out of the base and flew towards the home galaxy.

At this time, Lava Star ushered in a new day.

After being woken up by Brother Li with a basin of cold water, Yang Yi took five minutes to wash. Because he got up late, breakfast was over when he arrived at the restaurant.

Fortunately, Aling saved some bread for him.

"It seems that I slept well last night."

Yang Yi smiled and scratched his scalp awkwardly. He was originally nervous, even if something big happened, he would forget it all when he woke up.

"Brother Li said, I'll give you three days."


"Follow me to learn labor skills, and work alone three days later."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded. The bread in his hand is sweet and soft, but the reality is extremely cruel.

"Don't panic, just go out with me today. Your body hasn't fully recovered yet. It's not too late to get back to work when you have the strength."

"It's okay, I've got used to it."

A Ling looked at Yang Yi and shook her head with a smile.

"Let's go, I don't want to go hungry." Yang Yi picked up the last piece of bread, got up and walked outside.

Putting aside the burden of thinking, Yang Yi first thought that he had to feed himself and not become a burden to others, and other things were temporarily out of consideration.