
Chapter 63: Innate combat body


Although being dragged by Yang Yi, Lin Feng still walked out.

"It's you?"

"Yes, it's me."

During the words, the surrounding primordial energies began to gather in front of Lin Feng, gradually condensing into an adult form, but his appearance was vague, and he could not tell whether it was a male or a female.

Although he was very worried about Lin Feng, Yang Yi did not step forward.

The opponent can use the original mimicry, and the strength is definitely not comparable to Yang Yi and others. Only Renkui fighters have this ability. Even Lin Feng, the most powerful of the three, is definitely not an opponent of Renkui fighters. In the battle against the planet, Lin Feng's helplessness with Luochen was a direct proof.

"Are you a soldier in the Third War Zone of the Human Federation?"

"Yes, I am Colonel Lin Feng of the Special Investigation Team." Lin Feng did not lie, nor was it necessary.

"Special Investigation Team, Lin Feng?" The opponent didn't seem to have heard of these two terms.

"The Special Reconnaissance Brigade is a direct unit of the theater headquarters. It is only under the orders of the theater commander, Marshal Zhan Ruilin, and is usually responsible to the theater chief of staff Lin Xiaoting.

"Lin Shuai is still alive?"

Lin Feng was taken aback for a while, the other party said "Lin Shuai" instead of "Marshal Zhan Ruilin".

The one who calls Zhan Ruilin "Lin Shuai" is not a cron, or a confidant.

"You are… "

"answer my question."

The other party's tone suddenly became excited, and Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and said: "Yes, Lin Shuai is still alive, but in a state of hibernation for a long time."


"Lin Shuai is 1,500 years old, if..."

"What did you say?"

Lin Feng was surprised secretly and suddenly realized something.

"You said Lin Shuai is 1,500 years old? So, it is about 5,000 years in the Third Age?"

"It's 4994 in the Third Age."

"A thousand years, more than a thousand years have passed. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. Lin Shuai unexpectedly, no, he must be waiting for us, he must be..."

The other party suddenly said to himself, making Lin Feng a little at a loss.

"... Lin Shuai, we have let you down and made you wait..."

"...After a few thousand years of time, I knew this before, so why bother..."

Yang Yi leaned forward, and Lin Feng shook his head at him to tell him not to mess around.

"You are the driver of the'Fire Phoenix', that is to say, Ouyang... she already..."

Lin Fengmeng was startled and said, "Are you Senior Yan Zhanlong?"

Yang Yi was shocked when he heard Lin Feng's words, because Lin Feng had mentioned to him before that the driver of the "Xiangyu Feilong" was Yan Zhanlong.

"Millennium, millennium!" The other party didn't seem to hear Lin Feng's words, and saw the primordial man wave his hand and an invisible force attacked Yang Yi. Before Yang Yi could react at all, one of his objects flew out, and it was the space storage used to store the "Ice Snow Tiger".

"A Yi, don't!"

Although Yang Yi wanted to resist, he did not have the ability to resist. That invisible force is like a giant hand, holding him tightly, making him unable to move.

"It's really the'Hard Ice Snow Tiger', I didn't expect that even Zhong Zhen had left."

"Senior Yan Zhanlong..."

"Haha... I have waited for thousands of years, and it turned out to be such a result."


The person's emotions were obviously out of control, and the strength to hold Yang Yi became stronger and stronger. Although Yang Yi was not crushed, he could not hold on for long.

"Fine, fine, at least I can see you, the thousand years of torment has finally come to fruition."

Seeing Yang Yi's complexion turned purple, Lin Feng was about to do something, but the original capable person suddenly disappeared. The huge force disappeared, and Yang Yi collapsed to the floor.

"A Yi, are you okay?" Lin Feng rushed to Yang Yi's side.

Yang Yi shook his head and got up from the floor.

In a blink of an eye, the original energy in the room disappeared without a trace. Yang Yi's previous guess was not wrong, these were originally used to hide items in the room.

In front of the three of them, there were two fighters, one green and one black.

"'Xiangyu Feilong' and'Split Earth Xuanwu'!" Lin Feng recognized it at a glance. "This... is this true, A Yi, am I dazzled?"

Although he had already guessed, Lin Feng still couldn't believe his eyes when he saw these two legendary fighters.

Yang Yi was also surprised, but was mentally prepared when Lin Feng mentioned "Yan Zhanlong".

"You two come here, and the Saxon stays."

The voice came from behind the fighter plane. Yang Yi and Lin Feng were taken aback for a moment, and at the same time they glanced at Jackson. Jackson narrowed his mouth and took two steps back wisely.

"It's not Yan Zhanlong, it's Gong Baixu." Lin Feng muffled to remind Yang Yi.

Yang Yi had already guessed it, because it was a woman who started talking, and the driver of the "Splitting Xuanwu" was a woman named Gong Baixu.

Going around the two fighters, seeing the chair behind the fighters and the person sitting on the chair, both of them were stunned.

She was indeed a woman, but she was very old and looked like a shriveled corpse.

"For us humans, the only thing that cannot be defeated is time."

"You... Are you senior Gong Baixu?"

"Are you disappointed?"

Lin Feng took a long breath, not knowing what to say. She has seen photos of Gong Baixu. When she was young, Gong Baixu was a very beautiful woman and extremely sexy. She was nicknamed "White Rose" and was known as the number one dream lover in the minds of male soldiers in the Third War Zone.

The old woman in front of her was obviously unable to connect with Gong Baixu in the photo.

"Your name is Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"Unfortunately, the neuron matching between you and the'Fire Phoenix' only reached C level. If I guess right, this is the result of intensive training since childhood."

"Senior disappointed."

"It's not a disappointment. As a latecomer, being able to reach this level is already very good." Gong Baixu paused for a while before saying, "Obviously, you don't know. Including the'Agni Phoenix', this The four fighters are tailor-made for the four of us. You have talent and extraordinary talent."

When saying this, Gong Baixu looked at Lin Feng carefully and seemed to be able to see through Lin Feng.

"It's not wrong to say disappointment. You deliberately suppressed your talents so that your neuron matching with the'Fire Phoenix' could not be upgraded to B level. If you make full use of your talents, you can at least reach B level even without training. It is not impossible to reach A-level in the future."

Yang Yi was surprised secretly and took a peek at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was also surprised, as if he didn't understand Gong Baixu's meaning.

"Why, don't you know?"

"Senior, please give me some advice." Lin Feng was very frank, not as if it were pretending.

"It seems that you really don't know. This is also normal, and your parents must have not told you. You can't blame them. If you already knew it, you would definitely not be able to live to adulthood."

What does it mean? Yang Yi was even more surprised.

"Actually, you are a combat body."

"What!?" Yang Yi opened his mouth wide and looked at Gong Baixu in disbelief.

Lin Feng was even more shocked, and even forgot to ask questions.

"You are the second'fire fighting body' I have ever seen, and the other is Ouyang Qian."

"Ouyang... Senior Ouyang!?" Lin Feng recovered from the shock.

Ouyang Qian was the first driver of the "Fire Phoenix", nicknamed "Red Rose". Ouyang Qian is no worse than Gong Baixu in appearance. One is sexy and enchanting, the other is mellow and beautiful. In the third war zone at the time, the two were also called "sister flowers", and they were the dream lovers of all male soldiers.

"Actually, your talent is higher than Xiaoqian, but it's a pity..."

"Senior, I..."

"Xiaoqian is just a'fire fighting body', and you are a rarer'yan fighting body'." Gong Baixu paused for a while, and then said, "If I guessed correctly, you were born on your forehead. There was a birthmark, and it disappeared just before the age of six."

"You... how do you know?"

"The battle body has a natural imprint, like me, Xiaoqian, and the same as Zhanlong and A Zhen. The four of us are all natural battle bodies."

Lin Feng was dumbfounded, Yang Yi wanted to interrupt, but didn't know what to say.

"Your family didn't tell you, it was obviously to protect you and didn't want you to die. In the final analysis, this is directly related to us."

"Senior, you mean..."

"Before, I said that these four fighters are tailor-made for the four of us. Do you know why?"

Lin Feng shook her head. In fact, she had already guessed it.

"It's a long story."

Gong Baixu raised his shriveled right hand and waved it lightly. Two chairs made of original energy appeared in front of Yang Yi and Lin Feng.

"You are soldiers. You should know that at the beginning of the Fifth Greenwich War a thousand years ago, the human confederation was in an extremely dangerous situation. Although Xiao Wentian managed to turn the tide, he thwarted the invasion attempt of the Silicon Charm Alliance in the Battle of the Lighthouse Star, and stabilized it. The outer line of defense of the home galaxy, but during the twenty years we guarded the Beacon star, all the civilizations in the vicinity within a hundred light years were wiped out by the Silicon Charm Alliance." Gong Baixu sighed and said, "We guarded the line of defense, but After being left alone, the human confederation’s situation has not improved to the slightest. In addition, Xiao Wentian was martyred in the final battle, with thousands of dragons without a leader, and the human confederation’s situation is precarious."

"Fortunately, the hidden spirits participated in the war in time and provided us with..."

"Is it true?"

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and honestly closed his mouth.

"Yes, the Hidden Spirit Race did provide us with comprehensive support, including the four fighters, but its fundamental purpose was not to save human civilization. The Hidden Spirit Race was one of the top civilizations of the Galactic Alliance, and the Human Federation at that time was just one Seventh-class civilizations that are not influential. Hundreds of civilizations have been extinct before this, and many of them are high-level civilizations. Why didn't the Hidden Spirits come to the rescue in time?"

"What the senior said is, please ask senior to make it clear." Lin Feng brought the topic back.

Yang Yi narrowed his mouth, and was indeed a bit too much at first. The existence of "Kuhn-Barion Fortress" has proved that the history they know from textbooks and documents is very different from the real history. Gong Baixu was a witness to that period of history, and he clearly understood that period of history better than them.