
Chapter 65: Don't be too polite


A beam of light fell from the roof and hit the shriveled body.

Upon closer inspection, both Yang Yi and Lin Feng were stunned.

It was not a person, but a corpse that had been completely air-dried, a dry corpse that was tightly wrapped in an energy barrier without decay.

A mummy!

"Even though Zhanlong made me swear before his death eight hundred years ago, I will live no matter what, until the day Lin Shuai finds us." A voice came from behind, and the two immediately turned around. A person fictionalized by the original energy was walking towards them, and it was Gong Baixu. "Although we have mastered the cloning technology, we can also store and transfer our consciousness through the neuron control system of the fighter plane, but without the war dragon, I have no motivation and courage to survive. I am not the kind to be strong enough to live alone here. Women in the world, in order to let him rest in peace, I swore an oath in front of him, but after a while, I followed him."


"Don't call it that, I'm just Gong Baixu's consciousness, and it's okay to say that it's an intelligent program."

Lin Feng and Yang Yi were stunned. After talking for so long, they were actually communicating with an intelligent program.

"My existence is only to honor the vows I made before. Anyway, you are more fortunate, at least you can rely on each other."

"Senior, how should we leave here?"

"I have no idea."

Yang Yi sighed secretly, Gong Baixu's answer was already in his expectation.

"It's just that since you can come here, you can also leave. It's just how to leave. I don't have an answer here. You have to go to the rock castle."

"Rock Fort?"

The original capable person nodded and said: "On the other side of the fortress, the enemy's base camp. The relevant information is stored in the two record light brains. I have uploaded it to the'Agni Phoenix'. You will take a closer look. In the beginning, we were trapped there."


The Ableman pressed his hand and stopped Lin Feng's words, and said: "The rock castle is the enemy's base camp, and at least three warlords are still alive. Maybe their situation is similar to ours. After all, silicon-based life has a life span. If you want to live forever. It takes too many resources to be old, and there are not enough resources here. If you are going to the rock fort, it is best to be prepared. The combat power of the Fire Phoenix is not enough to defeat the King of War."

Lin Feng gritted his teeth, this is indeed a problem.

"Of course, you come here, and I won't let you go home empty-handed."

"Senior, do you have a way to improve the combat power of the'Fire Phoenix'?" Yang Yi quickly asked.

"The Fire Phoenix is a masterpiece of the top master of the Hidden Spirit Race. We are only users and we don't have that ability, but I can improve her ability."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Lin Feng who was standing next to him.

"You are a natural combat body, and your talent is higher than that of Ouyang Qian. As long as you fully stimulate your talent, and then learn to drive the combat skills of the'Fire Phoenix', using my S-class primeval power converter, you will be able to The "Phoenix" has shown its combat power, at least not worse than Ouyang Qian of the year."

"The combat skills of piloting the Fire Phoenix?"

"The Fiery Phoenix is an SSS-class fighter. Its performance is second only to that of the Three Kings and Four Kings fighters. The combat power in the fully expanded state is very terrifying. To fully display the combat power, you must master the corresponding combat skills. In fact, This is also the key to the fact that only natural warfare bodies can fully master these fighters, because only natural warfare bodies can master these combat skills originating from the Hidden Spirit Race, which ordinary people simply cannot do."

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully, and from this he figured out a problem.

That is, even if Lin Xiaoting's neuron matching reached level B, and forcibly activated the prime energy converter, he could not bring the combat power of the "Agni Phoenix" to its limit. The reason was that Lin Xiaoting was a natural combat body, but he did not master the combat skills of piloting the "Fire Phoenix".

"I have already uploaded the combat skills to the'Fire Phoenix'. You have time to practice it. You are a natural combat body, and it will not be too difficult to master this set of combat skills. It's a pity that I am not the'Fire Phoenix'. The driver of, he just watched Ouyangqian and practiced it a few times. He did not have a deep understanding of this set of combat skills. There must be a lot of missing and deficiencies. Whether you can make it up depends on your good fortune."

"If you can go to the Hidden Spirit Race, can you make it up?" Yang Yi asked.

"Of course you can. These sets of combat skills originally came from the Hidden Spirit Race. It's just that it's not what it used to be, and the Heavenly Sage Emperor may not pass on combat skills to you."

Yang Yi nodded slightly without saying much.

"It's just that this is not enough." The Ableman glanced at Lin Feng and said, "The combat skills I have given you are just scraps. At most, they can only use 50% of the combat power of the Fire Phoenix. In addition, , The fighting power of the King of War is far above us, we had to join forces to win at the beginning. Even if your talents are extraordinary, you can push the combat power of the'Agni Phoenix' to the limit of the S-class fighter in a short period of time, it may not be The opponents of the three kings of war."

"What should I do then?" Lin Feng asked quickly. If there is no alternative, Gong Baixu would not say that.


Seeing the primordial man pointing towards him, Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a wry smile: "Senior, are you kidding me? I'm not a natural warrior, and..."

"Yes, you are not a natural battle body, but your talent is above all battle bodies."


"Although I am just an intelligent program, I have all the consciousness of Gong Baixu during his lifetime, and my understanding and control of the original energy are far above you. When I entered this room, I knew that you were not an ordinary person. Although I have never I have met someone like you, but you can be sure that you have a talent far more than anyone else, and you have mastered it and are still using this talent."

Yang Yi was silent, of course he knew what the original man was talking about.

"If you can drive another fighter, bring out the combat power of the fighter, and join forces with the'Fire Phoenix', defeating the three warlords will not be a problem."

"Senior, you look down on me too much."

"Humility is a good character, but if it is too modest, then it is pretending to be B."

Yang Yi rolled his eyes and didn't expect this smart program to know how to joke.

"Although the'Xiangyu Feilong' and the'Splitting Xuanwu' are intact, the best choice is the'Frost and Snow Tiger' to cooperate with the'Fire Phoenix'."

"Senior, the Frost and Snow Tiger has been damaged. We are here to find the life crystallization needed to repair the Frost and Snow Tiger."

"I know, you are very lucky."

"You haveā€¦ "

The original capable person smiled and nodded, and said, "I can repair the'Xiangyu Feilong' and the'Splitting Xuanwu', and I can also repair the'Frost and Snow Tiger'. You may not know that this place is the most indispensable. It is the crystallization of life. The grandchildren of the Silicon Charm Alliance have cultivated a large number of silicon beasts, many of which are silicon beasts above level 10. Although our situation has always been very dangerous, in the past hundreds of years, no level ten silicon beasts have been killed. There are 10,000 heads and 9,000 heads. Are you soldiers in the third theater, or modern pilots of two fighter planes, can be regarded as successors. If you find a way to leave here, come back and bring all the supplies in the warehouse. go."


"Not to you, but to the third theater, to Lin Shuai. It has been a thousand years, the Sixth Greenwich War is likely to break out at any time, and the materials collected by Zhanlong and I in these thousand years can come in handy. Of course, you can choose some of them and keep them as souvenirs."

"Then thank you senior." Yang Yi immediately agreed.

Lin Feng was a little speechless, but didn't object.

"Okay, leave the'Frosty Snow Tiger', you can go out first. One is already waiting outside, and he will bring you over tomorrow." The original man turned around and said, "You can do whatever you need Find number one, but don't walk around, let the mercenary named Jackson come with you tomorrow."

Gong Baixu issued an order to chase off the guests, and Yang Yi and Lin Feng were not so cheeky to stay.

After leaving the storage space and opening method for the "Frost and Snow Tiger", Yang Yi and Lin Feng returned to the metal plate and left the room with Jackson.

Outside, waiting is the officer who sent them over.

Obviously, the officer is "Number One".

These soldiers are all clones. Gong Baixu didn't treat them as human beings. There is no reason to name them. I am afraid that all soldiers have only one number.

No. One's attitude towards Yang Yi and them is not enthusiastic, nor indifferent, it is basically formal.

Not long after, the officer brought three people to the residence, a suite with a living room, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms and three bathrooms.

Although furnishings are not luxurious, they are spacious enough.

After mentioning that dinner would be delivered later, the officer left.

Yang Yi didn't hide it from Jackson, and roughly talked about what happened after seeing Gong Baixu, and also explained his identity to Lin Feng to Jackson.

It's just that Jackson doesn't seem to believe what Yang Yi said.

The main thing is that Yang Yi is only a second lieutenant officer of the Special Investigation Group, and Lin Feng is the captain, but Lin Feng listens to Yang Yi's instructions everywhere.

Fortunately, Jackson is not a fool.

Yang Yi's intimate relationship with Lin Feng made him guess a general idea, and he felt that Yang Yi's words had some credibility.

After all, a woman is a woman. When it comes to external affairs, the man in the family is usually the master. Even if Lin Feng is the high-ranking captain of the colonel, he is just a little woman in front of his own man. Listening to Yang Yi's instructions not only gives Yang Yi face, but also makes herself more like a good wife and mother.

Jackson is here, and of course he understands how husbands and wives get along.

When the officer brought the dinner, Yang Yi asked for two bottles of wine and kept No.1. There are some things that Yang Yi can't ask Gong Baixu directly, but there is nothing to worry about with this officer named "Number One". Besides, clones are also human beings, or men, and they can say anything after a few cups of soup.

Lin Feng didn't participate in the man's topic, and went to the bedroom to practice the combat skills Gong Bai Xu gave her.